
Interview – Simon March – Fantasy Premier League Winner

Our series of summer interviews kicks off with Simon March, aka “Dufflinks”, who was crowned the overall winner of the Fantasy Premier League (FPL) game last Sunday.

A long-standing member of the Fantasy Football Scout community, Simon clinched the title by 21 points, pipping fellow community member, “Jinswick”, who staged a dramatic late surge to push for the crown having finished in the top 6k in each of the final three Gameweeks.

Simon talks us through his highs, lows and the tactics used in a season that saw him replace Tom Fenley as the reigning FPL champion.

Congratulations on your victory. After going into the final day with a 34-point lead, did you really expect the final day to be as tense?

Thank you!

I expected it to be tense but probably not as tense as it eventually was. The rational part of me was thinking; “34 points is surely too much to make up in one Gameweek…” but the FPL manager in me knew that anything can happen, especially on the final day! So, even with a solid point buffer and having been number one for 14 weeks, I wasn’t taking anything for granted. There was always a fear that somebody could ‘Whigfield’ me. And they nearly did!

Where did you spend the final fateful hours? What kind of emotions were you going through as the matches unfolded?

The plan right up until Sunday had been to watch the final matches in the pub but, as it got closer and the tension grew, that felt like tempting fate. I ended up watching at home, glued to FFS and the live text and experiencing probably every emotion you could imagine! Looking back, I think if I’d gone through that in a crowded pub with a sketchy internet connection… I might actually have lost it! I’d love to say I was totally cool about the whole thing, but I wasn’t.

The next day was, of course, a different story and it was time to celebrate! Now also armed with “a lifetime supply of pub banter” as one friend described it!

What made you decide on drafting in Yannick Bolasie as your final transfer of the season? Did you even consider Theo Walcott as a threat?

That was actually one of the hardest transfers of the season. I had originally planned to bring Hazard back in but, with the “wisdom-teeth saga” ongoing, I decided instead to add some depth to my attack. I needed a nailed-on, low/mid-priced midfielder, on form and ideally playing at home. Bolasie ticked all those boxes and the fact that my nearest competitor had him was ultimately the clincher. In the end, I think Bolasie might have scored the least out of anyone I’d considered. However, his inclusion meant that I’d finally owned a player from each Premier League team over the season. So there was that.

Embarrassingly, since I know all too well what Walcott is capable of, he hadn’t registered with me as a major threat. After all, he hadn’t been starting and had shown no real FPL form. I should have known better.

The “danger men” in my mind were Hazard, Christian Benteke, Romelu Lukaku and Jamie Vardy. Looking back, Walcott was an inspired differential punt by both Jinswick and Stuart Greenacre, and one that very nearly paid off.

At what point did you begin to realise that the title could be at risk?

As soon as that first Walcott goal went in on four minutes I started to think; “Uh-oh…”. Then, all within the few minutes just before half time, Walcott completed his hat-trick. With Diego Costa and Marc Albrighton both also scoring for Jinswick and a Jeffrey Schlupp assist thrown in for good measure, I knew then that I was definitely in trouble. It was the nightmare scenario playing out in front of me. And there was still the second half to go.

Fortunately for me, things then started to swing back in my favour, with Wes Morgan fetching an unlikely assist, Charlie Austin scoring to wipe out Jinswick’s double Leicester clean sheet and then, finally, my captain Sergio Aguero scoring a late goal. That’s when I knew I’d probably won it. I don’t think anyone in the world celebrated that goal like I did.

You were sitting on top spot since Gameweek 24 – do you think that was an advantage? How did being out in front hinder or benefit your methods?

I think it probably seemed like more of an advantage than it actually was. There’s a perception that, if you have a decent lead, then you can just “play it safe” while others have to take risks to catch you. The latter part is true but, with a few Gameweeks to go, there are no real “safe” moves available. In fact, it feels like the advantage shifts to the chasers, if not individually then collectively. Chasing managers can differentiate their teams specifically against yours whereas it’s impossible for you to cover all the potentially explosive differentials featured among the 100-odd teams that could theoretically catch you in the run-in. You basically watch every match from behind the sofa.

All you can really do in that position is to try and minimise the risks where possible and hope that the most objectively “sensible” options pay off consistently enough. The longer your lead, the greater the risks people seem willing to take to catch you, so I assumed that there would be something to play for right up until the end. For that reason, I avoided the temptation to try and “kill it off” in the final weeks with one massive differential Captaincy punt or by going too heavy with my Wildcard for double Gameweek 34. I wasn’t looking to break any points records, I just wanted to make sure I was set up for the long-haul.

We noticed in the opening Gameweek, you left Gylfi Sigurdsson on the bench and watched him score 13 points. Do you remember that opening week? You surely could not have envisaged how things would pan out from that point?

Yes, I benched him for Bojan! I guess that goes to show that you can make costly mistakes and still recover from them. Traditionally I have a poor first Gameweek so I was just glad to get a respectable 65 points. And, for anyone who believes in omens, 65 was my exact average score over the season…

Did memories of that Sigurdsson bench haul guide your decision in Gameweek 20, when you played him over 18-point Harry Kane? It almost seems that the Swansea man was determined to break your season!

It was even worse than that, as in Gameweek 19, I’d played Kane ahead of Sigurdsson. Kane blanked and Sigurdsson scored a goal! It did feel like a conspiracy at the time…

I’d gone into that Christmas period thinking that “strength in depth” was the way to go with all the uncertainty that the fixture congestion creates. It ended up not paying off at all but it had worked at other unpredictable points in the season such as around international breaks when I received some valuable auto-sub points.

It’s painful to have points on the bench but, in my view, it’s still better than not having had that player at all. Though it rarely feels that way at the time.

You had as many United players as your beloved Chelsea over the season. You also backed Wayne Rooney with the captaincy in five of the first six Gameweeks – a soft spot for United? Are you sure you’re not Granville in disguise?

I was surprised to read that actually. I think United had a seemingly good run of fixtures to start the season and Rooney is, of course, a proven Fantasy asset so that was probably me “channelling my inner casual”. Looking back he didn’t do too badly for me.

I suppose it helps to underline how, if you want your FPL team to be successful, you have to check your real-world allegiances at the door.

One unique aspect of your campaign is that you seem determined not to take point hits for transfers. Presumably, that was a strict policy – can you explain that? Have you applied the same tactic in previous seasons?

Yes I’ve taken about four hits in all the six seasons I’ve been playing. I’m not totally against them, there are times when a hit is necessary or potentially advantageous such as when you need to get in a vital player immediately, can’t field a full team or around double Gameweeks. Some players seem to have a real skill around taking hits.

Personally, I find it very easy to talk myself out of taking point hits, so generally don’t go through with them even when I am considering one. A potential benefit of that mindset is that it forces me into a more measured approach to transfers, so I don’t suffer too many knee-jerk transfer disasters.

How did your Wildcard strategy differ this season? You played it very late in the season – do you think that proved pivotal to your victory?

I think this is the first time my Wildcard has made it past Gameweek 4. Historically my initial team selections have often been too imbalanced or inflexible to take advantage of form players or to adapt to shifts in fixture difficulty so Wildcarding early became a necessity. Other times I used it tactically to build team value.

This season my initial team was well-balanced and, with price-rises slower than in the past, I didn’t see an advantage in wildcarding early. Wherever possible, I banked my free transfers and, since I was doing quite well, I sometimes found myself struggling to even use those.

In the end, keeping the Wildcard did prove crucial not, as it turned out, because it was a massive points success when I used it in double Gameweek 34 (thanks Raheem…), but mainly because it forced many rivals to spend four, eight or even 12 points on hits to get a team that I was able get for free. It also helped me set my team up for the run-in, including the double Gameweek 37.

The best time to use your Wildcard is, of course, whenever you need it most, but I think there’s definitely an advantage to keeping it late.

You’ve had strong FPL campaigns before, finishing 3833 in 2012/13 but you then slipped to 114293 the season after. What were the factors that made the difference to your hike in rank this season?

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that there was a huge amount of luck involved. I think you need a certain degree in order to win this game.

In terms of what I did do, the key single principle I worked towards throughout the season was to maintain flexibility. In my initial selection I made sure that I chose players with a range of prices so that I could easily swap in any form players that emerged without the need for major surgery.

I carried over my free transfer wherever possible because you can make a far bigger difference to your team using two transfers compared to just one and I made transfers as late as possible to take into account as much team news as I could.

With the slower price rises, this was a more viable tactic this season, but I was still ready to trade team value for flexibility in most instances.

Finally, I kept both my Wildcards as late as possible which, as mentioned, allowed me to take advantage of double Gameweeks and set up my team for the run-in.

What was your best decision made over the course of season? And what was your worst? Were there any unsung heroes?

The worst was definitely the decision to bench Harry Kane in Gameweek 20. I can laugh about it now but it was so hard to take at the time that I think my girlfriend actually had to console me. Oh, and then there was Loic Remy…

I think all my best decisions involved keeping faith with players a little bit longer than their FPL form at the time perhaps merited. This was definitely true of Dusan Tadic ahead of his 23 points in Gameweek 8 and, later on in the season, of Alexis Sanchez, David Silva and even Aguero. It’s surprising how quickly these proven players can become differentials if you remain patient.

I think bringing in John Terry, who wasn’t very widely-owned at the time, for his three goals in four matches over Christmas was vital for climbing the rankings, as was getting onto the Kane and Charlie Austin bandwagons quickly. The Terry transfer was a classic FPL manager; “Well, he’s due…” selection!

I’ll also happily buy my new cult heroes Wes Morgan and Paul McShane pints should I ever run into them!

You’ve been contributing to the Fantasy Football Scout since 2011. How difficult was it to participate in the community while you were contesting for the top ranks?

Very difficult. I knew that some rivals were following my posts so getting a “Rate My Team” was obviously out of the question. I realised though that I couldn’t even offer views or advice without potentially giving away clues to my own plans. So I more or less went quiet for the last few weeks. I’m looking forward to getting involved again next season now I have nothing to hide and, hopefully, some good experience to share.

Like the previous winner, Tom Fenley, you were signed up as one of our members. Did you use any of the tools to guide your progress over the season?

Yes, definitely. I used the Season Ticker, Comparison Tool and Rate My Team in particular throughout the season and especially to guide my initial selection and Wildcards. The Comparison Tool is a great arbiter for choosing between players and the Rate My Team tool came in very handy when trying to identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of my team when compared to those of my rivals.

Unlike Tom, you watched very few live matches, why do you think this worked for you when, for Tom, watching matches proved so important to his win?

Yes, largely due to the time zone here in Singapore, which is seven-to-eight hours ahead of the UK, I saw maybe four live matches over the course of the season. If there is any advantage to this, then it’s that good performances in the real world don’t always translate into FPL points. I’ve often watched matches in the past and thought that a certain player looked good and transferred them in on that basis, only for them to do nothing except waste another transfer when I had to get them back out. Meanwhile, players that seem to barely touch the ball are somehow racking up the points.

There obviously are advantages to watching matches, though, but not being able to can force you to think about players differently and, perhaps, in terms closer to how FPL is scored. And adopting that mindset can definitely work to your favour.

How did being in a different timezone affect your season. Did you really sleep whilst matches were being played and tables calculated? Surely that must have been tortuous at times?

Early on, I slept through the evening kick-offs no problem but, towards the end, I would often wake up in the middle of the night knowing that a crucial match was going on and I’d have no choice but to check the scores. If I was lucky, the match was almost over but I remember for the recent Arsenal vs Swansea match, I was sat up in bed at about 3am following the live text from about 20 minutes in. So much was riding on that match that there was no chance of going back to sleep until it was over. It was ‘refresh… refresh… refresh’ for what seemed like an eternity.

The time difference did have some advantages though. The biggest, I think, was that, with prices changes happening at about 9:40am / 10:40am Singapore time, I usually had until the very last moment to make transfer decisions where price was a factor. A ‘Deadzone privilege’ perhaps!

Can you describe how your season has affected your relationship with friends and family? To what extent did your campaign take over your life?

My friends and family have been amazingly supportive throughout, I honestly can’t thank them enough. It was obviously never far from my thoughts but, towards the end, I think FPL started to take over their lives a bit too and they were kicking every ball along with me. Literally the first thing friends would ask me when I saw them would be; “How’s your Fantasy team doing?”.

I think my family knew my team about as well as I did as I’d often get random texts like; “Hazard penalty!” from them. A couple of friends told me that, at their workplaces, people I hadn’t even met were following my progress and cheering me on. It was the most humbling but surreal thing I think I’ll ever experience.

How do you approach next season? Do you still have Fantasy Football ambitions? Will you now consider some of the “money games”?

Right now I’m just thrilled to have won it and relieved that I can go back to following football like a normal person without constantly thinking things like; “Okay, well, I need Terry to score but Ivanovic to blank. How could that work…?”. Going forward, I’ll still try and be competitive with FPL but also have a bit more fun with it. And I’m looking forward to being able to discuss ideas and strategies with the FFS community again.

That said, there is still the league and cup double left to win….

Finally, do you have any shout-outs to any of the FFS or Fantasy Football Community?

I was honestly blown away by the huge level of support I received from the FFS community. Their reaction when I was climbing the ranks and when I finally won it was, again, truly humbling. I’m so, so grateful for it all. Thanks to all of them for this and for all their advice, this season and in seasons past.

Thanks to all those players who were in or around the top 10 over the last few weeks for making it such a great competition and well played to Jinswick especially for making me a nervous wreck with some legendary final Gameweek punts.

Of course, huge thanks to Mark, Jonty, Paul, Granville and the whole team of contributors at Fantasy Football Scout. I sincerely couldn’t have done it without this site and the excellent resources and community you’ve built.

Finally, I’d like to dedicate this win to the memory of Simon Humber aka “Absinthe”; a much-missed member of the FFS community who many will know passed away recently after a long and brave battle with cancer. A too-small gesture for a real champion.

J0E Podcaster and writer. Tweets stats and stuff via @FFScout_Joe Follow them on Twitter

890 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Numb
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Is Dufflinks really a longstanding member of the community? I've only become aware of the name recently but maybe I'm just not very observant.

    1. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      He is,I'm here 4 maybe 5 seasons and remember his grav from way back then

      1. Numb
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Just me then. Maybe he doesn't post too much, or not when I'm around anyway.

        1. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Hmm..Weird that you and Dufflinks never seem to be on at the same time..Is that your 3rd account MJ? 😉

    2. Ginkapo FPL
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      A lot of the long time members arent that active these days, they still pop in every so often to say hi, but circumstances change.

  2. JK - Cønt ⭐
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    OR 2 years ago


    OR this year



    1. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Illuminati confirmed.

    2. Holy See
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Your consistency is admirable Sir.

  3. Numb
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I've got nothing to back this up but I reckon, in order to have a chance of winning FPL, you have to have a very good start, i.e. Be in the top 100 pretty early on and then just stay there.

    1. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      generally i'm sure you are correct, but jinswick nearly put a fantasy fly into that ointment

  4. Non-template FPL is for Kin…
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    It's nice to have my grav back

    1. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I honestly hate when folk change their gravs

      1. Jafooli
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        And names, I become so confused 😛

        1. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          This,with age it takes me longer to adjust to change 🙂

          1. Jafooli
            • 12 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            Agreed Berbilly...

            1. Adam West - Team Serbia for…
              • 14 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              I thought he was Somalion ?

              1. Optimus.
                • 13 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                Only on Tuesday

              2. Licky
                • 12 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                No, no, Somalion is my alternate account.

              3. Jafooli
                • 12 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                I think Epic might be Bemba.....

        2. Adam West - Team Serbia for…
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Time to change my name and my grav 😉

      2. Licky
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I've done it several times, twice now other people have used one I at one stage had.

      3. Robben Mee Blind
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 10 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        A grav is for life, not just for Christmas (or cricket!)

      4. Holy See
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Wrecks my head.

        1. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago


          1. Holy See
            • 14 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago


  5. spiderm4tt
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Nice interview. Congratulations Simon on your win. Very impressed how easy you made the game look and how you kept it simple. Enjoy it! 🙂

    1. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Your 15 minutes of fame are up mate,jog on

      1. Optimus.
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


        1. Epic Fail
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Too scared to say it without the wink?

          1. Epic Fail
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 14 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago


            1. Jafooli
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              Both a couple of wusses......

              1. Jafooli
                • 12 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago


              2. spiderm4tt
                • 11 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                Yep that's just what I was thinking...

                1. spiderm4tt
                  • 11 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago


                  1. Optimus.
                    • 13 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago


          2. Optimus.
            • 13 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago


            1. spiderm4tt
              • 11 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago


    2. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      must be nice to sit back and watch?

  6. the axolotl
    • 13 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    how do you explain fantasy football to, say, your fairly elderly father in law, without, and here's the caveat, sounding like a total muppet?

    1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Tell him you make your transfers while doing the gardening or putting a shelf up.

    2. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      You explain only how FPL is the only true crucible in which legends are made, heroes are forged and saps like us find amusement with the Premier League.

    3. Jafooli
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Tell him it's like spot the ball for Generation Z.....

    4. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. the axolotl
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        it's bad enough he knows i'm a villa fan, so he already thinks i know nothing about football.

        1. Epic Fail
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago


    5. Robben Mee Blind
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Tell him you've cheated on his daughter, then anything you say after that will not alter his perceptions of you

    6. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Tell him its a game of goals,assists and clean sheets one which will suddenly give him an avid interest in a match between Stoke v Sunderland on a wet,windy night

    7. Ginkapo FPL
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Gambling without the cash loss.

      1. RoysCallerAnne
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        This. I quit gambling the day I started playing FPL.

  7. SuperDunny - Used to be goo…
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Good video of Maradona here just having a laugh in training. Music is a bit hit and miss but plenty of Diego class on show 🙂

    1. SuperDunny - Used to be goo…
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      The futsal game at the start against the old timers is a bit weird!

  8. Licky
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    What ever happened to Forca or Unreal?

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. Licky
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Forca Inter and Unreal (aka Paulo di Laernu). Some of the biggest trolls the sites ever seen.

    2. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      They ran off together and got married and are now are living happily ever after.

      1. Licky
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Sounds like your trying to cover for one or both of them. Who are you really Spectrum? 😉

        1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago


          1. Licky
            • 12 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago


    3. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Getting married here in Ireland this weekend I believe

    4. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      i kind of liked unreal tbh

      1. RoysCallerAnne
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Me too. Forca not so much.

    5. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I've not seen Breadbin either since I've come back from my... eh sabbatical...

      1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        He now goes by the name bread machine.

        1. Licky
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          I think the mods may be getting totalitarian on us... *awaits permaban* :O

          1. RoysCallerAnne
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 14 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            What happened to your season? Where you in a coma for 10 weeks?

            1. RoysCallerAnne
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 14 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago


              1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
                • 13 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                I don't follow?

                1. RoysCallerAnne
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 14 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  ? I mistakenly posted where instead of were.

                  1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
                    • 13 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    Ignore was for Licky not me 😀

            2. Licky
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              I lost interest, mainly due to Liverpool's season, it wasn't as fun looking forward to the weekend as it would when you could expect a performance where the team is really up for it.

              1. Licky
                • 12 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                I don't want to sound like I'm moaning, I usually just focused on us and tried to forget about it. 😛

                1. RoysCallerAnne
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 14 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  ah fair enough

                  1. Licky
                    • 12 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    It wasn't like I was doing too well either though! 😉

                2. Robben Mee Blind
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 10 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  @Licky - Sorry I didn't reply to your query re Doosra earlier mate- my phone died, but didn't really feel it was my place to post details about his health issues when I'm relatively new to the community

                  1. Licky
                    • 12 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    Ah no problem, I asked several months ago what the 42 was about, hadn't a breeze until recently, real shame about Doosra, hope he gets well soon, especially so he can enlighten us all about WHam while trying to shift bogey Hammers differentials on us! 😉

      2. Ginkapo FPL
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Cricket Gate.

        1. Licky
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Sounds intriguing, tell me more...

  9. Dr Dream
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    New Grav check....and the original Dr Winston (O'Boogie).

    1. Jafooli
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Preferred your old one Milanista.....

      1. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Oh...Why not Optimus?

    2. Holy See
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I don't hate it. Which is nice. I like to keep my standards low. Just ask my wife.

      1. John t penguin
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        WTF you changed your grab also
        I am no longer a believer

        1. John t penguin
          • 9 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Grab grav potato potatato

          1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
            • 13 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            Christina? Is that you?

            1. John t penguin
              • 9 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              Mr potato to you

  10. Parm
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Just been looking back at this season, I had two weeks where every player in my starting XI blanked apart from my West Brom defender(Wisdom & Dawson).


    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Nice FPL ID.

      1. Parm
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Deserves an extra 😎

  11. John t penguin
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    meanwhile in a village somewhere jinswick slowly crumples up his creatively scripted answer and casually tosses them into the waste bin sitting in the corner

    1. Jafooli
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Jinswick & JK are the same poster, right?

      1. John t penguin
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        We are all JK in a small way

        1. Licky
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Except for JK, because he's a highly advanced, highly intelligent AI.

          1. John t penguin
            • 9 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            Who forgot to get his decision chip put in

            1. RoysCallerAnne
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 14 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago


              1. RoysCallerAnne
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 14 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                Although we shouldn't laugh. He's feeling a bit sensitive these days and is thinking of quitting.

                1. John t penguin
                  • 9 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  Surely he would ask how the best way to quit
                  Sorry jk

                  1. RoysCallerAnne
                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                    • 14 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    lol naughty doggy 🙂

                2. Dr Dream
                  • 11 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  He's not is he ?

                  1. RoysCallerAnne
                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                    • 14 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    Yeah mentioned it quite a few times now.
                    I told him to stay and I even told him he was one of my favourite posters.
                    However that may have creeped him out and pushed him closer to the edge 🙂

                    1. Dr Dream
                      • 11 Years
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      I hope he doesn't, I really like JK.

                      1. John t penguin
                        • 9 Years
                        9 years, 3 months ago

                        I like jk also
                        Bang the dish were my favourite team

                    2. Captain Shirokov
                      • 12 Years
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      He'll stay, otherwise there'll be no one around to win all the FFS group tourneys 😎

    2. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      "creatively scripted answer", version 7163

  12. Captain Shirokov
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Numb and MJ are the same person, ahhhh

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I'm Numb and so is my wife.

      1. Licky
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


    2. John t penguin
      • 9 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I like to think mark and breadbin are one and the same. This is the whole reason mark created the site
      How else does BB get away with it

      1. Captain Shirokov
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        "Mark created the beast, now he's trying to tame it."

        It all makes sense.

        1. John t penguin
          • 9 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          His version of fight club

          1. Captain Shirokov
            • 12 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            That's deep

  13. Jay10
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Winning it is just impossible if you want to win it from day 1.

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      How does that work?

    2. Cheeseoid
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      But I wan't to win it from now!

      1. Jay10
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        You will never win it.

        1. Cheeseoid
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Are you a soothsayer?

          1. Jay10
            • 9 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            Predicting it using your attitude.

            1. Cheeseoid
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              If you are truly a soothsayer then predict the FA cup final result correctly and I will give up on this game!

              1. Jay10
                • 9 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                Arsenal 3-1 Aston Villa

                1. Jay10
                  • 9 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  Look at this..someone is surely sweating now.

      2. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Ha....he didn't think of that....

    3. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I'm sorry to say Jay, but I've read the tea leaves and they said I'm winning it net year, everyone else might as well not bother...

    4. bitm2007
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      The first few weeks, before everybody cottons onto the best differential are the most important of the season

  14. Holy See
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Gonna make sure I don't win FPL next year. Hate to have to be on a podcast.

    1. Jafooli
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


    2. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      When I win it I'm going to deny all knowledge of FFS and claim I'm a casual.

      1. Ginkapo FPL
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I've never logged onto FFS in my life. No idea how I have an account.

    3. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Be kind of cool to pull a mooney live on air with fpl winner emblazoned on your cheeks no?

      1. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


      2. Licky
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Why not get a tattoo 3 weeks beforehand saying FPL champion 2015/16 too?

        1. Dr Dream
          • 11 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Hehehe...good idea.

        2. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          A few teething problems here we appear to have lost Mark.
          That's ok let me show you my party piece

        3. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          They missed a trick not getting me on the scoutcast after I won the FA cup of tea. I've got PG tips tattooed on my ass.

    4. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      you need to start issuing fantasy football commandments 🙂 , whether you win FPL or not

    5. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      This 😀

  15. Cheeseoid
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Shame your comment history is dead prior to 30 days ago. I wonder what my initial even more ill informed comment on this site was. Probably some tedious RMT I guess

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      You might be able to Google it.

      1. Cheeseoid
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Maybe what was Cheeseoids first post on FFS might be in the FAQ's?

        1. Epic Fail
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          If not it should be.

      2. the axolotl
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        google searches tend to be a bit random while looking for old stuff, i've found

    2. Jafooli
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I remember it.

      You asked if N'gog was a good captain choice. I said yes.

      1. Cheeseoid
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Sounds like a good pick

    3. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      You used to be able to go back and check your 1st ever post until the servers wern't able to take it so they have to downgrade..I remember my 1st was a Rmt that was not nice on the eye and "Blue Teets"(yes I remember you 😉 ) took me down a strip or 2 🙂

      1. Optimus.
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I think it was Tosey who took me under his wing and formatted my Rmt correctly on my behalf to set me on my way 🙂

      2. Jafooli
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Blue Teets grav was like a drunk jolly medieval fella? All red nose and rosy checks?

        1. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          That's the one,the big bully 🙂

      3. In Like Flynn.
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        He enjoyed doing that in those days. Completely reformed character now.

        1. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          He's still on here? 😮

      4. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I remember you saying to me "my god is that your forwards" at the start of the season a couple of seasons back....

        Benteke Lukaku and Mirallas....


        1. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          I've never owned Benteke in my 6/7 season history 😉 🙂

          1. Dr Dream
            • 11 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            My team was excellent that year...It was a semi fixed team and avg 60 pts with no RVP....Happy days.

      5. RoysCallerAnne
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I think my first comment was about getting Maxi Rodriguez in. It was shot down. I went with the advice. I think he scored a hat trick the next day.
        Some things never change.

        1. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          I told you to (c) him v Fulham 😉

    4. Holy See
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I posted some awesome stuff when I started. Simply awesome.

      1. Cheeseoid
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Shame it is all gone. What happened?

        1. Licky
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          TotalFPL happened.

        2. In Like Flynn.
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago


        3. Holy See
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Servers weren't able to take it so they had to downgrade. Such a shame. Some glorious posts. Only glorious really 😉

      2. the axolotl
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        pretty sure most people were awestruck at how simple i was / am also

    5. Captain Shirokov
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      My username was my actual name when I started


      1. RoysCallerAnne
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I remember that.

        and the 8th OR.

        1. Captain Shirokov
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Aye, those were the days. How did a spudnugget like me ever get that high 😆

      2. John t penguin
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Mine still is

        1. Captain Shirokov
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Surely he has a pet name for you, or does he go around the house calling you "John Terry's Dog"?

          "Cmon John Terry's Dog, time for walkies"

          1. John t penguin
            • 9 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            He likes people to know things are his
            Just going for drive in john Terry's car
            Looking at time on john terrys watch
            Going to bed with Wayne bridg.. Eh john terrys wife

      3. Holy See
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Mine was quite close lool. Ah I was young, learning my way, open to new experiences, seeking knowledge & insight*
        *a worn out, dull, alcoholic in his mid to late 30s, unable to absorb anything except alcohol.

        1. Captain Shirokov
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Tee hee

          Think I was only 15/16, just a youngun

        2. RoysCallerAnne
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago


  16. John t penguin
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Wonder how many people when they found this site thought
    What a bunch of geeks and first few posts were trolling

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      My early grav used to be the troll face.

      1. Epic Fail
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        And I never would have chose the name EpicFail if I thought I was going to stay around.

        1. John t penguin
          • 9 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          One of my favs

          I didn't actually know what a troll was till i found here.
          This was first site I ever made a comment on

          1. John t penguin
            • 9 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            So really I was a virgin till I met all of you
            Not first person in my family to say that

          2. In Like Flynn.
            • Has Moderation Rights
            • 13 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            It's still the only one I have. 😕

        2. Cheeseoid
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Cheeseoid should really have one less e in it. I never envisaged posting more than a couple of times

          1. John t penguin
            • 9 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            Cheseoid or cheesoid

            1. Cheeseoid
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              Cheesoid apparently. It is far to late to change it now as I am a long way down this long and perilous path

              1. John t penguin
                • 9 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                Nothing wrong with dropping an E amongst friends
                Blow your whistle. Big box wee box

    2. Chris_White
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I still do tbh.

      1. Chris_White
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


    3. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Mine were a bit trolly, a bit abrasive to the zeitgeist of the community, its why I go by Licky now... :O

    4. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      i'd been playing ff for a couple of years before discovering this. i remember troiling through the bbc's seldom updated team news and reading lawro's predictions, and well that was it more or less. came 15k-20k ish first couple of seasons, i didn't do much better post discovery

      1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I was a lurker afraid to come out of the shadows for around 2 years at least

  17. Holy See
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Giles'n'Dunphy on RTE for my Irish friends and Optimus.

    1. RoysCallerAnne
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      v v v

      We're sad aulfellas now Holy 😀

    2. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      okee doke

      1. Adam West - Team Serbia for…
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        we will leave it there so 🙁

        1. Captain Shirokov
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Ah now Eamon, ah now

  18. RoysCallerAnne
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Ahhh, Johnny, Eamo and Liam paying tribute to Billo on the Late Late. RIP. Such great memories.

    1. Holy See
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. RoysCallerAnne
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I remember the lads in the studio with their Ireland hats on after the shootout at Italia 90.
        I had a Leaving Cert exam the next day and couldn't possibly get back to study.

        1. Jimmers
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Italia90 - we'll never see it's like again. And Bill was a huge part of it.

          RIP Bill

    2. Captain Shirokov
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Posted this link on here the other day, RIP Bill :')

  19. Dr Dream
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    My first team from when I first started posting on here.....All the Belgians in the prem and five others

    MIgnolet (4.0)

    Kompany Vermaelen Vertonghen (Baines 4.5)

    Hazard Dembele Fellaini (Michu Walcott)

    Benteke Lukaku Mirallas

    I allowed myself to play any of the "others" over the Belgians but never transferred any Belgians in or our...No RVP and did just as well as any RVP team.

    1. Holy See
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      A few years ago, there was a guy, his team was called "The A Team". Only had players whose name started with 'A'. Finished top 200k I think. Original & nutty. Kind of reminds me someone 😉

      1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        He is going to struggle when he gets to x

      2. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Excellent...we also used to have that bloke who wouldn't pick from the top six, remember him?...He did ok.

        1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          One of our players in the England CWC team had a list of players he had/has banned.

          1. Dr Dream
            • 11 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            Do you mean players he won't pick ?

    2. Robben Mee Blind
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I entered a team in The Mail FF last year that I decided would only have Belgian and French players in (don't ask why - I can't remember!). It did pretty well!

      1. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I love those kind of teams...The more novel the better, provided it's workable.

  20. Epic Fail
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Most entertaining (not best) players you have seen in the prem?


    1. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Djimi Traore fits the bill there too in that case! 😀

    2. Dr Dream
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      No doubt about it...and only for one game....Matt Le Tiss....

      1. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Oh hell....and Gazza, several times...

    3. Margarido
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


    4. Numb
      • 9 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Early Ronaldo was entertaining.

    5. Adam West - Team Serbia for…
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Zola , Jay-Jay Okocha

      1. Jay Jay Okocha
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


    6. Jimmers
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Tony Yeboah - a scorer of great goals

    7. RoysCallerAnne
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Zola, DiCanio, McManaman, LeTissier, Klinnsman, Pires,
      Royston Drenthe

    8. Holy See
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Le Tissier, Zola, Cantona, Gascoigne, Suarez, Ronaldo, Bale, Ginola, Berb, Bullard.

    9. Jaws
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Jay Jay Okocha

  21. John t penguin
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Jeez I just had a thought
    What if this isn't real and I just made you all up

    1. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Good going for a dog I'd say.

    2. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.

    3. Captain Shirokov
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Joke's on you cos I made all of YOU up!

      Ha ha ha ha, suckers

    4. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Oh it's real and I've had your ma 😉

      1. John t penguin
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        You just said you humped a dog

        1. Licky
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          He's still had your ma. 😉

        2. Optimus.
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          I knew she was a bitch

    5. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      john terry only owns cats, at least, that's what i understand based on what he seems to love

  22. Numb
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Guess the date of the WC RMT

    Huth, Simpson, Kelly
    Fabs, Walcott, VDV, Adam
    RVP (c), Odem, Tevez

    Begovic, Nani, Kolorav, Coleman

    1. Margarido
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. Numb
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


        1. Margarido
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago


          1. Numb
            • 9 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago


              1. Margarido
                • 12 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                wasnt far.

                1. Numb
                  • 9 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  Right season

    2. Leaf
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      A nice team

  23. Tomeister
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Who's better, Austin or ings?

    1. Numb
      • 9 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


    2. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      For a hit?

    3. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Austin for me

    4. Margarido
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


    5. Dr Dream
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


    6. Gooner97
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Different kind of style. But Austin

  24. d1sable
    • Has Moderation Rights
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Sup peeps, just watching Big 6. Its good!

    1. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Watched it with the kids a few months ago and thought it was ok 🙂

    2. Cheeseoid
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I would watch. I heard it was quite Japan influenced and I am a sucker for anime

      1. Epic Fail
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Akira is overrated: agree or disagree?

        1. Cheeseoid
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          I like Akira so disagree

          1. Epic Fail
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 14 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            Oh I like it too, I just think it's overrated. Puts widely acclaimed as the best anime of all time. Nowhere near it for me. Perfect Blue and Ninja Scroll are superior.

            1. Epic Fail
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 14 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              Its* widely...

            2. Cheeseoid
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              Well I have the DVD's of all of those but think Akira is the best of them

  25. Numb
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Can anyone make a 7 letter word starting with I from these letters?

    I T E R E Blank Blank

    Playing Scrabble. Cheers.

    1. SuperDunny - Used to be goo…
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Reunite... i assume blanks are whatever you want? I don't play scrabble 🙂

      1. RoysCallerAnne
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        or read posts properly 😉

    2. Forza
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Insert for 6

      1. Forza
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Inserts! 😯

        1. Forza
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 9 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          No, I am tooo drunk....

    3. RoysCallerAnne
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. Numb
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Boom! Thanks.

        1. RoysCallerAnne
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          NP clever clogs, so I am.

    4. d1sable
      • Has Moderation Rights
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. Numb
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Cheers. Didn't get a chance to try it.

    5. Cheeseoid
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. Cheeseoid
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


      2. Numb
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Don't think that's a word

        1. Cheeseoid
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          I checked before posting

          1. Numb
            • 9 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            OK, I take that back!

    6. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. Optimus.
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        * I retire

    7. Jay Jay Okocha
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      exciter, quieter

  26. Gooner97
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Relasing Gutierrez was horrible from Newcastle.
    Embarrassment of a club.

      1. Gooner97
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I wish Newcastle was relegated

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Maybe the way it was done, but I don't see any reason why they shouldn't release him.

    2. Optimus.
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago



      1. Gooner97
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


    3. the axolotl
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      no it wasn't. he's an incredibly rich footballer who is not that good anymore. why would you keep him?

    4. Cheeseoid
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Is Gutierrez really that bad now? Coming back from cancer has to take a little time

  27. Forza
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Tried to stay off FFS until July... Lasted longer than I expected 😆

      1. Epic Fail
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


  28. Licky
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago Check out the video in the second post. 😀

  29. Licky
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    "I'm not perfect, nobody is perfect..." Sepp Blatter, true Sepp, its just your so much more less perfect than even the worst of us.

    1. The Machine
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      He needs all the support he can get to get fifa outnof this sticky situation. Lets get behind him


      1. Licky
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago


  30. Cheeseoid
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    More scrabble please

    1. Licky
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      How about some Numberwang instead?

      1. Cheeseoid
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Excellent idea. That's Numberwang!