Pro Pundits

Stats or the Eye Test – Which is better for FPL?

Throughout history, there have been many examples of intense division; Roundheads versus Cavaliers, North versus South, Beatles versus Stones, Leave versus Remain, Laurel versus Yanny, the list goes on.

But few subjects will have inspired the kind of fierce debate than the question of which is better for making FPL decisions; Stats or the Eye Test.

Proponents of the Eye Test; the idea that you need to actually watch football to do well in FPL, or at least that it is beneficial, often view Stats aficionados as nerds and somewhat artificial football fans who would probably be playing Fantasy K-Pop as long as it involved a pivot table.

They are often heard saying things like “Do you even watch football?” in a pejorative tone towards huddles of Stats fans, nervously and nasally talking ‘xG’ in what they believed to be an FPL safe space. 

Supporters of Stats; the opinion that underlying statistical information provides as good if not better view of football for the purposes of making FPL decisions, view proponents of the Eye Test as knuckle-dragging luddites who probably own a Greggs rewards card and reminisce for the ‘glory days’ when watching Saint and Greavsie on a Sunday afternoon was enough FPL research to give you ‘that edge’.

Okay, so all of this is maybe a little hyperbolic for the purposes of creating dramatic tension and, in reality, we all probably sit at least a little across both camps, but the question does remain as to which is better for making FPL decisions; Stats or the Eye Test and this is the question I’m going to try and address here.

The Eye Test

You would think that watching football would be an obvious benefit when it comes to playing a game that involves making football-related decisions and, indeed, many of the best FPL players out there, and several FPL champions no less, credit their success to the amount of football they consume.

It’s true that watching football can offer a lot to your FPL game as it provides the viewer with a broader understanding of football tactics and strategy and how these function, interact or conflict in order to increase or decrease a player’s chances of scoring FPL points.

Much of this is often difficult to pick up in stats alone, an example perhaps being Leicester’s Jamie Vardy (£9.7m) and his famous goal-scoring runs of the past, which occurred despite him seemingly taking barely any shots on goal. 

The manner in which Leicester played, and Vardy’s own style of play, combined to create a scenario where heconsistently overperformed against his stats. Now, you could argue that Vardy is now regressing but, it remains true that, had you been going by underlying stats alone even this season, you mighthave missed out on a run of 14 goals in 12 games.

These statistical anomalies occur at both ends of the pitch. For example, in the past six Gameweeks, Liverpool have allowed more shots than Chelsea and Manchester City, yet they have conceded only a fraction of the goals. Indeed Liverpool have made more defensive errors than all but three other Premier League teams this season and yet they have by far the best defensive record. The fewest defensive errors conceded? Watford.

So, you might surmise from this that you can’t believe stats and you can only really trust your own eyes. But can you actually trust your own eyes? The inherent cognitive biases that can influence an FPL manager’s perspective have been discussed on this site before and they will, in all likelihood, distort our visual perceptions of a player’s performance.

For example, when sitting down to scout a player in a football match, ‘confirmation bias’, or our tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms our existing views or expectations, will almost inevitably come into play. 

If you’ve decided that you want a player, you will probably pay greater attention to the good things that the player does. If you’ve decided you don’t want a player, or it’s difficult for you to get them, you’ll probably focus more on the bad things, or dismiss the good things (like a hat-trick) as ‘unsustainable’.

Then there’s the question of the sample size for the Eye Test and ‘belief in the law of small numbers’ which is the biased belief that a small sample will be accurately representative of the larger picture.

Concluding that a player offers attacking threat and thus “passess the eye test” could, in fact, be credited to as little as one or two memorable instances in the match a person just watched, not to mention that it is just one match and that we have yet to factor in the opposition.

Anyone who has watched a football match and thought “Ooh, Luke Shaw is getting forward a lot…” and brought him in on that basis can probably attest to how misleading our perception can be.

The key problem with the Eye Test is the general uncertainty as to what is actually being tested and, even moreso, what it even takes to pass the test. It has no objective standard and, by any scientific measure, the ‘eye test’ would be considered about as reliable as the average office printer.


So are stats better? Stats do have some advantages over the Eye Test, in particular that they offer a scalable means of interpreting football matches. Stats can distill hours upon hours of football into easily-digestible and objective data, offering a consistent platform for making decisions.

Stats can offer insights that are effectively invisible to the naked eye and help FPL managers to identify undervalued assets, predict form and, indeed, over-performance in a consistent manner. Stats can boil seemingly impossible questions such as; ‘who is the better Liverpool asset; Sadio Mané (£12.2m) or Mohamed Salah (£12.8m)?’ into objective stats, and they can do it in seconds.

Of course, certain stats are better than others. I’ve spoken before in this column about the significance of opportunity over ability for predicting goal scoring form and others have highlighted the strong correlations between stats such as ‘big chances’ and ‘shots in the box’ and goal scoring returns.

Stats such as xG and xGC, while not quite perfect, offer an instructive basis for making predictions and, with the introduction of things such as player heat maps, stats are offering an ever more complete view of a football match.


Stats are also accessible. You don’t need to know your Lindeberg from your Lyapunov or your chi-squared from your psi-squared to make good use of statistical data. This site itself collects, distils and refines stats into many easily-usable forms and offers things like the Rate My Team tool which allows managers to just plug players in and let an algorithm do the rest. Stats in FPL have never been so plentiful, accessible or user-friendly as they currently are.

So, stats are better then? Well, not necessarily as many of the aforementioned challenges that problematise the Eye Test also apply here too. Anyone who has ever run two players through the Comparison Tool has probably experienced the tendency to cherry pick the stats that support the player who, deep down, they really wanted to get in the first place (confirmation bias again). 

Indeed, the value of stats are highly conditional; you need to be looking at the right stats, in the right volume and in the right context. For an example of how misleading stats can be, just look at any early season bandwagon and how they came to be thus. Typically they involve people making judgements on a player based on one or two matches with little consideration given to factors such as to the opposition, the player’s level of motivation, the possibility that they are an unknown quantity and thus harder to mark and, broadly, the conditions for sustainability of the form that they demonstrate.

Stats are also very easy to skew. Players who have exceptional games, sendings off, injuries, all these things and many more can disproportionately influence how player or team stats might appear. Despite the developments in xG, I’ve yet to see any stat that can reliably distinguish between a striker having an off day and a goalkeeper having a worldie as well as the Eye Test can, so we’re still some way, I think, to being able to fully and reliably ‘watch’ a match purely in the form of numbers, Matrix-style.

Football, I’d argue, is a much more challenging game to quantify statistically when compared to more linear, turn-based sports such as baseball (which has practically had its genome mapped it is so statistically rich) given the number of variables at play and, while it might seem like there are ‘too many’ stats in FPL, the lack of depth in those stats is actually a pretty big challenge to their utility. In FPL, we are almost always looking to make judgements on sample sizes that would be too small for any valid statistical test. In fact, it’s probably only when we get to this stage of the season where stats offer anything approaching reliability. So, when we talk about stats in FPL, we are really only ever talking about something that is directional and probably never conclusive.


A combination of both the Eye Test and Stats is the right way to go

Inevitably, there are advantages and disadvantages to both Stats and the Eye Test and both rely enormously on how we use them and the extent to which we can control the influence of our biases while doing so. Because neither the Eye Test nor Stats can tell the entire story individually, we have to conclude that it is the combination of both that is ideal. 

Having said that, I do think that it is significantly easier to remain objective when looking at stats versus a football match because stats tend to provoke far less emotion than the act of watching football does. I also think that we are moving towards a point of sophistication in stats where the marginal benefit of watching football versus just using stats will probably be quite small, possibly to the point where it may even be detrimental from an FPL-perspective.

What do I mean by this? Something people tend to find interesting about my FPL-winning season is that it came despite me watching almost no football at all that year (out of circumstance I stress, not because I don’t like watching football!).

The assumption is, generally, that this would be a huge disadvantage, however, I’ve come to believe that it may actually have been a big advantage. Because I wasn’t watching football, I was able to make all sorts of decisions that I’d normally struggle to make. I never worried about picking players playing against the team I support, I never picked a player because I wanted to feel more invested in a game I was watching and I never conflated what I wanted to happen with what was objectively more likely to happen.

Because I wasn’t watching, none of this really mattered.

Not watching football stripped much of the emotion and many of the biases from my decision process, leaving just the cold hard facts. I wouldn’t want to live like that forever, but I can’t deny that it probably helped that season.

It’s unlikely that many managers will stop watching football for the sake of their FPL team but we can become more conscious of the emotions and biases that might affect our use of the Eye Test, and indeed Stats, for making FPL decisions and seek to manage or compartmentalise these things.

If you use Stats, make sure you’re remaining objective and that you’re looking at the right stats, in a large enough quantity and in context. If you are an Eye Test aficionado, mentally separating the football that you watch for entertainment or team loyalty and the football you watch for research may improve your game. And if you are an Eye Test ‘purist’ who eschews stats entirely, you might want to consider giving them a shot or risk handing an ever growing and ever more accessible advantage to your opponents.

1,279 Comments Post a Comment
  1. goriuanx
    • 14 Years
    4 years, 7 months ago

    Does Jimenez have a knock? Seen it mentioned on here but can't find anything concrete and it seems like Nuno doesn't have a presser.

    1. Party time
        4 years, 7 months ago

        If true, He will shake the knock off. Not an issue

        1. The Knights Template
          • 10 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          He is Chuck Norris!

      • rnrd
        • 10 Years
        4 years, 7 months ago

        Flashscore live reported yesterday he was subbed off due to injury but none of the other live apps have mentioned any injury

      • Holmes
        • 10 Years
        4 years, 7 months ago

        One random poster here thought that he was limping yesterday. And you know the rest.

        1. Stormbringer22
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Panic spreads fast doesn't it...

      • Fulchester's New Centr…
        • 7 Years
        4 years, 7 months ago

        They say he is a machine.

      • The Polymath
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 8 Years
        4 years, 7 months ago

        This was a viral rumour started last night during the Europa Match. The person who made it didn't appear to be watching the match and decided to create some fake news.

        He was not injured but taken off around 75 minutes to be fresher for Sunday's match.

        1. Stormbringer22
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          This ^

        2. goriuanx
          • 14 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Many thanks.

        3. Party time
            4 years, 7 months ago


            I hereby demand that the dunsky's ffs account should be frozen as soon as possible

          • Dr. Mantis Toboggan
            • 8 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Cheers WAW - while you're here, would you have any doubts around bringing in either of Doherty/Boly for this weekend?
            Any rotation likely for either?

            1. The Polymath
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 8 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Nope, both should paly.

              1. Dr. Mantis Toboggan
                • 8 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Deadly, thanks for the reply

        4. Don Kloppeone
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          On literally one site it mentioned something about an injury - Flashscore.

          "The referee signals that it is time for a substitution and Pedro Neto (Wolves) is coming onto the pitch as Raul Jimenez cannot continue after picking up an injury."


          1. The Polymath
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 8 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Flashscore were watching a different match to me.

            1. The Polymath
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 8 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Pedro was always going to come on at some point.

            2. Don Kloppeone
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Exactly mate

      • Don Kloppeone
        • 7 Years
        4 years, 7 months ago

        Morning all. Decided to stick to original plan and do DCL > Jimi with my FT. Hopefully will pay off medium to long term even if DCL continues to do well!

        Am I G2G? Bench order ok?

        0FT 1.5itb
        TAA, VVD, Stevens
        Salah (C), KDB, Martial, Grealish
        Vardy, Jimi, Ings
        (McGovern) (Williams, Cantwell, Holgate)

        Next week will probably move on Holgate and Grealish.

        Cheers and GL - finall a new GW!

        1. Fulchester's New Centr…
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          That'll do Don, that'll do.

          1. Don Kloppeone
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Nice one mate! GL

        2. Dr. Mantis Toboggan
          • 8 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Definitely the move long term, but maybe don't watch Arsenal-Everton this week.

          Bench order looks g - best of luck!

          1. Don Kloppeone
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Haha yeh

            GL to you too Dr

      • Maddamotha
        • 7 Years
        4 years, 7 months ago

        Which one would you do? 1.8ITB 1FT

        A) Dendoncker > Traore
        B) Greenwood, Maddison > Jimenez, Traore -4
        C) Smth else?

        TAA, Robertson, Lund, Lascelles
        Salah, KDB, Martial, Maddison
        Vardy, Ings

        Button, Dendoncker, Greenwood, Soy

        1. The Knights Template
          • 10 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago


        2. RamaJama
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 11 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago


        3. Maddamotha
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          That didnt help lol

      • Pukki Blinders
        • 5 Years
        4 years, 7 months ago

        Vardy owners... are you keeping for the fixture turn?

        1. Party time
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Yes. Keeping until the season is over, most likely.

          • RAFA THE GAFFA
            • 8 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


          • RamaJama
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 11 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


          • shirtless
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Yes. Good to keep some money up front. Can easily switch in a big hitter if one becomes a must.

          • Dr. Mantis Toboggan
            • 8 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Yeah, should have sold ages ago but here we are

        2. Gudjohnsen
          • 7 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago


          A. Traoré to Cantwell
          B. Robertson to Van Dijk

          In order to have a playing keeper for gw28.

          1. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


          2. The Knights Template
            • 10 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


          3. RamaJama
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 11 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


            1. Gudjohnsen
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Thanks guys

        3. Mufc202020
          • 5 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Best 5m or under defender to bring in for GW 28?????

          1. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Stephens? Fernandez?

        4. MikeLowrey
          • 6 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          A) Maupay & Mahrez to Jimi & Barnes
          B) Maupay & Mahrez to Jimi & Traore
          C) any other move?

          2FT 0.2ITB

          TAA VVD Lundstram Lascelles
          Salah KDB Mahrez Martial
          Vardy Ings

          (Button Maupay Soyuncu Dendoncker)

          1. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Much prefer Barnes

        5. shirtless
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Just ran a RMT in the members area with Martial or Fernandes. It predicts 27 points for Martial over the next six, 19 from Fernandes. Good news is my wildcard team is 18 points better off than the old so I'll got with that.

          No closer to deciding, went with Martial and Fernandes has risen so now he's 0.2 more...

          1. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            What is good for Bruno should be good for Tony too.

          2. IRBOX ⚽
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            RMT is so inaccurate it is superfluous

            1. Fulchester's New Centr…
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Yep. The algorithim on another site (rhymes with Twix) is insisting I get in Alli.

          3. The Knights Template
            • 10 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Both are execrable

            1. IRBOX ⚽
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Harsh on Fernandes

          4. shirtless
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Agreed. It's good to play about with though. It liked my Abraham>Ings switch lol. So Tony and 0.2m spare, or Fernandes?? I sold Tony for Bergwijn, then my disastrous Son move. Should I go back, or start afresh with someone new?

        6. FortunesAlwaysHiding
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 11 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Is Sane worth bringing in for a draft league side guys?

          1. The Knights Template
            • 10 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


        7. Old Fashioned Parisian
          • 5 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Morning Chaps

          TAA Baldock Lunds (Tanganga)
          Grealish Salah KDB Fleck
          Firmino Kun Ings

          Thinking.. Kun for Jmi and Fleck for Martial -4

          Worth it?


          1. RamaJama
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 11 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


        8. sentz05
          • 8 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Who scores more this week Grealish or Traore?

          1. RamaJama
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 11 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


          2. InvertedWinger
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


          3. Dr. Mantis Toboggan
            • 8 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


        9. RamaJama
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 11 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Which option?

          A) Martial to Mane
          B) Lundy to Boly

          1. The Knights Template
            • 10 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


          2. IRBOX ⚽
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            B, but why don’t you have 3 Pool already?

            1. arndff_
              • 12 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              I don't have 3 LIV players too.

              Mane got injured & I sold him. Didn't want to commit to 2x LIV def, so I decided to keep my door opened and see what'll happen with Mane's injury.

              Currently I have an option to go for either Robbo/VVD or Mane but after Son's injury, I'm about to bring back Mane in one move.

              1. RamaJama
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 11 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Guilty in the same crime, hard to decide

        10. sentz05
          • 8 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Anyone know why Hayden didn't play 90 mins against Arsenal?

          1. The Knights Template
            • 10 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            Because he's $4.3m

          2. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            They changed shape to 4-4-2 last week - it didn't work so he "might" be back in.

        11. InvertedWinger
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          Who scores more THIS GAMEWEEK ONLY:
          A) Rico (bur), H. Barnes (MCI) , Jimenez (NOR)
          B) Boly (NOR), Martial (WAT), DCL (ars)

          1. The Knights Template
            • 10 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago

            They score the same

          2. Dr. Mantis Toboggan
            • 8 Years
            4 years, 7 months ago


        12. arndff_
          • 12 Years
          4 years, 7 months ago

          We all know that Salah is going to be the most captained player this GW but what do you guys think about giving the armband to Mane?

          1. Party time
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Mané is as likely to score as Salah. I even think Mané is more likely to score

            • The Knights Template
              • 10 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Why not?

            • DAZZ
              • 10 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              50/50 with Mane Salah at home against weak opposition, Milners back now, hope LFC don't get a pen when he's on the pitch

              1. Party time
                  4 years, 7 months ago


            • Weak Become Heros
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              What GW are we likely to hear concrete news around the blanks and DGWs please?

              1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Should have some idea before Gameweek 29 deadline.

                1. Weak Become Heros
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 6 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Thank you mate.

            • ‘Tis the Season
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Play Fleck, Maddy or Grealish ❓

              1. ‘Tis the Season
                • 6 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Sorry play two of...

              2. arndff_
                • 12 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                It'd be between Fleck & Grealish for me. Can't you play them both?

                1. arndff_
                  • 12 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Just seen your own reply. 🙂

              3. DAZZ
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Obviously Grealish, Saints look shaky at the back all of a sudden, and probably Fleck if im honest, Maddison is so underwhelming.

              4. Stormbringer22
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 5 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Fleck + Grealish

              5. ‘Tis the Season
                • 6 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Cheers chaps

            • Corgz Dark side of the Loon
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Bad idea or good idea.
              TAA, Son out for Mane and Sais -4 hit.....???

              1. arndff_
                • 12 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Not bad but awful.

                Just sell Son to someone.

              2. The Knights Template
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Very bad idea to lose taa.

              3. RAFA THE GAFFA
                • 8 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Mate, don’t drop Trent!!!!

              4. DAZZ
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                It's a daft idea losing the most essential player in the game, TAA. His returns since Christmas speak for themselves. And with the nice run of games coming up, his form isn't likely to slow down.

              5. dr. Phil
                • 11 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                just bonkers.

              6. Corgz Dark side of the Loon
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Guys. I love this site. Yes there are some real twats but 85% of the times you guys come through thank you ..
                Dr Phil.
                Top posters

              7. Jambot
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 13 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                I wouldn’t drop Trent but if you do it for Gomez you still get the pool cleans if that gets you Mane its not so bad you’re only losing trents attacking returns and any bonus that comes as a result to gain Manes attacking returns

            • aborg
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Martial, Barnes or Alli as a replacement for Son?

              1. The Knights Template
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Barnes has form and after this gw terrific fixtures. Cheap as chips and a speed demon.

              2. Fulchester's New Centr…
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Barnes and keep the change

            • Bonus magnet
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              do kdb-> martial?

              Robbo Lund Stephens
              salah(c) kdb fleck wilson
              auba ings firmino

              button lascelles dendo tanga

              1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Plenty of other things I'd do before that.

                1. Bonus magnet
                  • 7 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  such as?

            • FortunesAlwaysHiding
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Said nailed on for Wolves?

              1. The Knights Template
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago


            • Captain_Shirokov
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              TAA, Robbo, Saiss, Lund
              Salah(c), KdB, Grealish
              Vardy, Ings, Jimenez

              (Maddison, Dendoncker, Cathcart)

              A) Save FT
              B) Maddison to Traore, bench Lund

              1. The Knights Template
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago


            • diesel001
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Aguero going to start this GW?

              Got a big CL match and a cup final coming up.

              1. Stormbringer22
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 5 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                I think he starts but who knows

              2. The Knights Template
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Just ditch

            • Stormbringer22
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              Play 1:

              A) Soy v MCI(A)
              B) Holgate v ARS(A)

              1. The Knights Template
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago


              2. DAZZ
                • 10 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Tough. Probably Holgate. If Everton catch Arsenal on a bad day, could be a tight game, Arsenal aren't exactly clinical. Man City WILL score, Arsenal might not.

              3. Stormbringer22
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 5 Years
                4 years, 7 months ago

                Thanks both

            • DAZZ
              • 10 Years
              4 years, 7 months ago

              I remember weeks ago when Leicester were playing Villa in the first leg of the League Cup, and there were so many comparisons to Grealish and Maddison, who's the better player, who's going to go further, comparing stats ect. Grealish is head and shoulders above Maddison in my eyes, better player, much more dangerous, I'd take Grealish over Maddison any day of the week.

              Unpopular opinion: Maddison is overrated.

              1. Party time
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Yeah Grealish is better.

                  Maddison always slows down the tempo of the game. Sometimes that is needed but most times he makes incorrect decisions with the ball & too slow for my liking

                  If Tielemans played Maddison's role, I bet he does better

                • BNMC
                  • 4 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Would I call Maddison overrated? Probably not. But Grealish is by far and away the better player.

                • Fulchester's New Centr…
                  • 7 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Both need a shave and a haircut.

                • Baines on Toast...
                  • 14 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Maddison reminds me of David Bentley. Style over substance. Also seems to shoot on sight, looking for the headline grabbing goals more often than not. Grealish meanwhile seems like a cut above, very intelligent player.

                  1. DAZZ
                    • 10 Years
                    4 years, 7 months ago

                    I've been blown away by just how incredibly good Jack Grealish is this season. He has carried a poor Villa team on his own. He stands out week in week out.

                    1. Party time
                        4 years, 7 months ago

                        How he does not get injured with that socks on is beyond my imagination

                • sentz05
                  • 8 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Think i'm going with this with an eye on GW28 ...

                  Grealish and Martinelli out for Jimi and Hayden

                  1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                    • 7 Years
                    4 years, 7 months ago

                    Not controversial

                • theofficialMB180
                  • 7 Years
                  4 years, 7 months ago

                  Who's Spurs penalty taker now with Kane and Son out?

                  1. DAZZ
                    • 10 Years
                    4 years, 7 months ago

                    I imagine it will be Alli or Lucas

                  2. Stoic
                    • 7 Years
                    4 years, 7 months ago

                    Most probably Alli

                  3. Party time
                      4 years, 7 months ago

                      Bamidele Alli. "My body can no longer do what it used to as much"

                    • The Knights Template
                      • 10 Years
                      4 years, 7 months ago

                      Site says Alli

                  4. sentz05
                    • 8 Years
                    4 years, 7 months ago


                    A Salah
                    B KDB
                    C Jimi
                    D Auba

                    1. DAZZ
                      • 10 Years
                      4 years, 7 months ago

                      All over Salah this week. Monday night football, home to West Ham, televised game, cant wait.

                  5. The Dribbler
                    • 8 Years
                    4 years, 7 months ago

                    This may sound like a silly question but I honestly don't know who to bench: Fleck (home to BHA) or Vardy (home to MCI). What do you think guys?

                    1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                      • 7 Years
                      4 years, 7 months ago

                      Jamie - higher ceiling.

                      1. The Dribbler
                        • 8 Years
                        4 years, 7 months ago

                        Indeed, but who is more likely to score this gw do you think?

                        1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                          • 7 Years
                          4 years, 7 months ago

                          I'd go Jamie.
                          Otamendi to clumsily bundle over Barnes and Vardy to do the rocking baby celebration.

                          1. Party time
                              4 years, 7 months ago

                              No time for rocking baby celebration. Rocking baby celebration should have been a month ago! 😆

                              He will run towards the away stand & Shhh at them City fans instead

                      2. Party time
                          4 years, 7 months ago

                          Love that grav. Big SLJ fan. Start Vardy, he will score a penalty this weekend

                          1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                            • 7 Years
                            4 years, 7 months ago


                            1. Party time
                                4 years, 7 months ago

                                TeleParty 😉

                                1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                                  • 7 Years
                                  4 years, 7 months ago

                                  LOL. On good form Hakim.

                                  1. Party time
                                      4 years, 7 months ago


                              • The Dribbler
                                • 8 Years
                                4 years, 7 months ago

                                Hehe thanks. Yeah I currently have vardy on the bench and it doesn't look right. City seem to have tightened up since laporte came back but as you say, very is on pens which probably tips it in his favour...

                                1. Party time
                                    4 years, 7 months ago

                                    Exactly although fleck could return but Vardy is the ideal pick imo.

                                    In my opinion, It will hurt more if Vardy returns & fleck doesn't but you've fleck starting than vice versa. % ownership also a factor

                                  • Pipermaru
                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                    • 9 Years
                                    4 years, 7 months ago

                                    Maybe Laporte tightened them but don't think he will play at Leicester, I would play Vardy 100%.

                            2. The Bad Seed
                              • 6 Years
                              4 years, 7 months ago

                              Need help please. I rarely ask for RMTs

                              1) good to go?
                              2) any transfers you advise ahead of the blanks doubles?
                              3) Is the bench order reasonable for this week?

                              Robbo - VVD - Stephens - Boly
                              Mahrez - Salah - KDB
                              Ings - DCL - Auba

                              Lundy - Maddison - Cantwell - Button

                              1 FT remaining 0 In the bank. All chips intact

                              1. Fulchester's New Centr…
                                • 7 Years
                                4 years, 7 months ago

                                Looks good. Save. You'll need Pope for Hendo next week though.