
Interview – Simon March – Fantasy Premier League Winner

Our series of summer interviews kicks off with Simon March, aka “Dufflinks”, who was crowned the overall winner of the Fantasy Premier League (FPL) game last Sunday.

A long-standing member of the Fantasy Football Scout community, Simon clinched the title by 21 points, pipping fellow community member, “Jinswick”, who staged a dramatic late surge to push for the crown having finished in the top 6k in each of the final three Gameweeks.

Simon talks us through his highs, lows and the tactics used in a season that saw him replace Tom Fenley as the reigning FPL champion.

Congratulations on your victory. After going into the final day with a 34-point lead, did you really expect the final day to be as tense?

Thank you!

I expected it to be tense but probably not as tense as it eventually was. The rational part of me was thinking; “34 points is surely too much to make up in one Gameweek…” but the FPL manager in me knew that anything can happen, especially on the final day! So, even with a solid point buffer and having been number one for 14 weeks, I wasn’t taking anything for granted. There was always a fear that somebody could ‘Whigfield’ me. And they nearly did!

Where did you spend the final fateful hours? What kind of emotions were you going through as the matches unfolded?

The plan right up until Sunday had been to watch the final matches in the pub but, as it got closer and the tension grew, that felt like tempting fate. I ended up watching at home, glued to FFS and the live text and experiencing probably every emotion you could imagine! Looking back, I think if I’d gone through that in a crowded pub with a sketchy internet connection… I might actually have lost it! I’d love to say I was totally cool about the whole thing, but I wasn’t.

The next day was, of course, a different story and it was time to celebrate! Now also armed with “a lifetime supply of pub banter” as one friend described it!

What made you decide on drafting in Yannick Bolasie as your final transfer of the season? Did you even consider Theo Walcott as a threat?

That was actually one of the hardest transfers of the season. I had originally planned to bring Hazard back in but, with the “wisdom-teeth saga” ongoing, I decided instead to add some depth to my attack. I needed a nailed-on, low/mid-priced midfielder, on form and ideally playing at home. Bolasie ticked all those boxes and the fact that my nearest competitor had him was ultimately the clincher. In the end, I think Bolasie might have scored the least out of anyone I’d considered. However, his inclusion meant that I’d finally owned a player from each Premier League team over the season. So there was that.

Embarrassingly, since I know all too well what Walcott is capable of, he hadn’t registered with me as a major threat. After all, he hadn’t been starting and had shown no real FPL form. I should have known better.

The “danger men” in my mind were Hazard, Christian Benteke, Romelu Lukaku and Jamie Vardy. Looking back, Walcott was an inspired differential punt by both Jinswick and Stuart Greenacre, and one that very nearly paid off.

At what point did you begin to realise that the title could be at risk?

As soon as that first Walcott goal went in on four minutes I started to think; “Uh-oh…”. Then, all within the few minutes just before half time, Walcott completed his hat-trick. With Diego Costa and Marc Albrighton both also scoring for Jinswick and a Jeffrey Schlupp assist thrown in for good measure, I knew then that I was definitely in trouble. It was the nightmare scenario playing out in front of me. And there was still the second half to go.

Fortunately for me, things then started to swing back in my favour, with Wes Morgan fetching an unlikely assist, Charlie Austin scoring to wipe out Jinswick’s double Leicester clean sheet and then, finally, my captain Sergio Aguero scoring a late goal. That’s when I knew I’d probably won it. I don’t think anyone in the world celebrated that goal like I did.

You were sitting on top spot since Gameweek 24 – do you think that was an advantage? How did being out in front hinder or benefit your methods?

I think it probably seemed like more of an advantage than it actually was. There’s a perception that, if you have a decent lead, then you can just “play it safe” while others have to take risks to catch you. The latter part is true but, with a few Gameweeks to go, there are no real “safe” moves available. In fact, it feels like the advantage shifts to the chasers, if not individually then collectively. Chasing managers can differentiate their teams specifically against yours whereas it’s impossible for you to cover all the potentially explosive differentials featured among the 100-odd teams that could theoretically catch you in the run-in. You basically watch every match from behind the sofa.

All you can really do in that position is to try and minimise the risks where possible and hope that the most objectively “sensible” options pay off consistently enough. The longer your lead, the greater the risks people seem willing to take to catch you, so I assumed that there would be something to play for right up until the end. For that reason, I avoided the temptation to try and “kill it off” in the final weeks with one massive differential Captaincy punt or by going too heavy with my Wildcard for double Gameweek 34. I wasn’t looking to break any points records, I just wanted to make sure I was set up for the long-haul.

We noticed in the opening Gameweek, you left Gylfi Sigurdsson on the bench and watched him score 13 points. Do you remember that opening week? You surely could not have envisaged how things would pan out from that point?

Yes, I benched him for Bojan! I guess that goes to show that you can make costly mistakes and still recover from them. Traditionally I have a poor first Gameweek so I was just glad to get a respectable 65 points. And, for anyone who believes in omens, 65 was my exact average score over the season…

Did memories of that Sigurdsson bench haul guide your decision in Gameweek 20, when you played him over 18-point Harry Kane? It almost seems that the Swansea man was determined to break your season!

It was even worse than that, as in Gameweek 19, I’d played Kane ahead of Sigurdsson. Kane blanked and Sigurdsson scored a goal! It did feel like a conspiracy at the time…

I’d gone into that Christmas period thinking that “strength in depth” was the way to go with all the uncertainty that the fixture congestion creates. It ended up not paying off at all but it had worked at other unpredictable points in the season such as around international breaks when I received some valuable auto-sub points.

It’s painful to have points on the bench but, in my view, it’s still better than not having had that player at all. Though it rarely feels that way at the time.

You had as many United players as your beloved Chelsea over the season. You also backed Wayne Rooney with the captaincy in five of the first six Gameweeks – a soft spot for United? Are you sure you’re not Granville in disguise?

I was surprised to read that actually. I think United had a seemingly good run of fixtures to start the season and Rooney is, of course, a proven Fantasy asset so that was probably me “channelling my inner casual”. Looking back he didn’t do too badly for me.

I suppose it helps to underline how, if you want your FPL team to be successful, you have to check your real-world allegiances at the door.

One unique aspect of your campaign is that you seem determined not to take point hits for transfers. Presumably, that was a strict policy – can you explain that? Have you applied the same tactic in previous seasons?

Yes I’ve taken about four hits in all the six seasons I’ve been playing. I’m not totally against them, there are times when a hit is necessary or potentially advantageous such as when you need to get in a vital player immediately, can’t field a full team or around double Gameweeks. Some players seem to have a real skill around taking hits.

Personally, I find it very easy to talk myself out of taking point hits, so generally don’t go through with them even when I am considering one. A potential benefit of that mindset is that it forces me into a more measured approach to transfers, so I don’t suffer too many knee-jerk transfer disasters.

How did your Wildcard strategy differ this season? You played it very late in the season – do you think that proved pivotal to your victory?

I think this is the first time my Wildcard has made it past Gameweek 4. Historically my initial team selections have often been too imbalanced or inflexible to take advantage of form players or to adapt to shifts in fixture difficulty so Wildcarding early became a necessity. Other times I used it tactically to build team value.

This season my initial team was well-balanced and, with price-rises slower than in the past, I didn’t see an advantage in wildcarding early. Wherever possible, I banked my free transfers and, since I was doing quite well, I sometimes found myself struggling to even use those.

In the end, keeping the Wildcard did prove crucial not, as it turned out, because it was a massive points success when I used it in double Gameweek 34 (thanks Raheem…), but mainly because it forced many rivals to spend four, eight or even 12 points on hits to get a team that I was able get for free. It also helped me set my team up for the run-in, including the double Gameweek 37.

The best time to use your Wildcard is, of course, whenever you need it most, but I think there’s definitely an advantage to keeping it late.

You’ve had strong FPL campaigns before, finishing 3833 in 2012/13 but you then slipped to 114293 the season after. What were the factors that made the difference to your hike in rank this season?

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that there was a huge amount of luck involved. I think you need a certain degree in order to win this game.

In terms of what I did do, the key single principle I worked towards throughout the season was to maintain flexibility. In my initial selection I made sure that I chose players with a range of prices so that I could easily swap in any form players that emerged without the need for major surgery.

I carried over my free transfer wherever possible because you can make a far bigger difference to your team using two transfers compared to just one and I made transfers as late as possible to take into account as much team news as I could.

With the slower price rises, this was a more viable tactic this season, but I was still ready to trade team value for flexibility in most instances.

Finally, I kept both my Wildcards as late as possible which, as mentioned, allowed me to take advantage of double Gameweeks and set up my team for the run-in.

What was your best decision made over the course of season? And what was your worst? Were there any unsung heroes?

The worst was definitely the decision to bench Harry Kane in Gameweek 20. I can laugh about it now but it was so hard to take at the time that I think my girlfriend actually had to console me. Oh, and then there was Loic Remy…

I think all my best decisions involved keeping faith with players a little bit longer than their FPL form at the time perhaps merited. This was definitely true of Dusan Tadic ahead of his 23 points in Gameweek 8 and, later on in the season, of Alexis Sanchez, David Silva and even Aguero. It’s surprising how quickly these proven players can become differentials if you remain patient.

I think bringing in John Terry, who wasn’t very widely-owned at the time, for his three goals in four matches over Christmas was vital for climbing the rankings, as was getting onto the Kane and Charlie Austin bandwagons quickly. The Terry transfer was a classic FPL manager; “Well, he’s due…” selection!

I’ll also happily buy my new cult heroes Wes Morgan and Paul McShane pints should I ever run into them!

You’ve been contributing to the Fantasy Football Scout since 2011. How difficult was it to participate in the community while you were contesting for the top ranks?

Very difficult. I knew that some rivals were following my posts so getting a “Rate My Team” was obviously out of the question. I realised though that I couldn’t even offer views or advice without potentially giving away clues to my own plans. So I more or less went quiet for the last few weeks. I’m looking forward to getting involved again next season now I have nothing to hide and, hopefully, some good experience to share.

Like the previous winner, Tom Fenley, you were signed up as one of our members. Did you use any of the tools to guide your progress over the season?

Yes, definitely. I used the Season Ticker, Comparison Tool and Rate My Team in particular throughout the season and especially to guide my initial selection and Wildcards. The Comparison Tool is a great arbiter for choosing between players and the Rate My Team tool came in very handy when trying to identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of my team when compared to those of my rivals.

Unlike Tom, you watched very few live matches, why do you think this worked for you when, for Tom, watching matches proved so important to his win?

Yes, largely due to the time zone here in Singapore, which is seven-to-eight hours ahead of the UK, I saw maybe four live matches over the course of the season. If there is any advantage to this, then it’s that good performances in the real world don’t always translate into FPL points. I’ve often watched matches in the past and thought that a certain player looked good and transferred them in on that basis, only for them to do nothing except waste another transfer when I had to get them back out. Meanwhile, players that seem to barely touch the ball are somehow racking up the points.

There obviously are advantages to watching matches, though, but not being able to can force you to think about players differently and, perhaps, in terms closer to how FPL is scored. And adopting that mindset can definitely work to your favour.

How did being in a different timezone affect your season. Did you really sleep whilst matches were being played and tables calculated? Surely that must have been tortuous at times?

Early on, I slept through the evening kick-offs no problem but, towards the end, I would often wake up in the middle of the night knowing that a crucial match was going on and I’d have no choice but to check the scores. If I was lucky, the match was almost over but I remember for the recent Arsenal vs Swansea match, I was sat up in bed at about 3am following the live text from about 20 minutes in. So much was riding on that match that there was no chance of going back to sleep until it was over. It was ‘refresh… refresh… refresh’ for what seemed like an eternity.

The time difference did have some advantages though. The biggest, I think, was that, with prices changes happening at about 9:40am / 10:40am Singapore time, I usually had until the very last moment to make transfer decisions where price was a factor. A ‘Deadzone privilege’ perhaps!

Can you describe how your season has affected your relationship with friends and family? To what extent did your campaign take over your life?

My friends and family have been amazingly supportive throughout, I honestly can’t thank them enough. It was obviously never far from my thoughts but, towards the end, I think FPL started to take over their lives a bit too and they were kicking every ball along with me. Literally the first thing friends would ask me when I saw them would be; “How’s your Fantasy team doing?”.

I think my family knew my team about as well as I did as I’d often get random texts like; “Hazard penalty!” from them. A couple of friends told me that, at their workplaces, people I hadn’t even met were following my progress and cheering me on. It was the most humbling but surreal thing I think I’ll ever experience.

How do you approach next season? Do you still have Fantasy Football ambitions? Will you now consider some of the “money games”?

Right now I’m just thrilled to have won it and relieved that I can go back to following football like a normal person without constantly thinking things like; “Okay, well, I need Terry to score but Ivanovic to blank. How could that work…?”. Going forward, I’ll still try and be competitive with FPL but also have a bit more fun with it. And I’m looking forward to being able to discuss ideas and strategies with the FFS community again.

That said, there is still the league and cup double left to win….

Finally, do you have any shout-outs to any of the FFS or Fantasy Football Community?

I was honestly blown away by the huge level of support I received from the FFS community. Their reaction when I was climbing the ranks and when I finally won it was, again, truly humbling. I’m so, so grateful for it all. Thanks to all of them for this and for all their advice, this season and in seasons past.

Thanks to all those players who were in or around the top 10 over the last few weeks for making it such a great competition and well played to Jinswick especially for making me a nervous wreck with some legendary final Gameweek punts.

Of course, huge thanks to Mark, Jonty, Paul, Granville and the whole team of contributors at Fantasy Football Scout. I sincerely couldn’t have done it without this site and the excellent resources and community you’ve built.

Finally, I’d like to dedicate this win to the memory of Simon Humber aka “Absinthe”; a much-missed member of the FFS community who many will know passed away recently after a long and brave battle with cancer. A too-small gesture for a real champion.

J0E Podcaster and writer. Tweets stats and stuff via @FFScout_Joe Follow them on Twitter

890 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Jay_
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. Cheeseoid
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Finish on an easy one eh. Will leave it for someone else

        1. Jay_
            9 years, 3 months ago

            I thought this one was quite obscure, unless there is a more obvious one one missed
            Ps referees don't count 😉

            1. Cheeseoid
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              A manager now who is newly in a job soon to be out of a job?

              1. Jay_
                  9 years, 3 months ago


                • Jay_
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    😀 yep

                    1. Cheeseoid
                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                      • 12 Years
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      Leeds is a crap place to manage. Will not last 5 minutes.

            2. Zasa
              • 10 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              What's the gist Jay? Jay gist?

              1. Jay_
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  Is now a manager

                  1. Zasa
                    • 10 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    Has to be Use Rosler then, has to be.

              2. Stretford End
                • 11 Years
                9 years, 3 months ago

                Uve rosler

                1. Jay_
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    Well done mate although Cheesoid knew it

                    1. Cheeseoid
                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                      • 12 Years
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      He was a good player back when City used to be crap. but not as good as GK

                      1. Jay_
                          9 years, 3 months ago

                          GK one of my childhood playground heroes 😀

                          1. Stretford End
                            • 11 Years
                            9 years, 3 months ago

                            Class act

                      2. Stretford End
                        • 11 Years
                        9 years, 3 months ago

                        Tough onr

                2. Zasa
                  • 10 Years
                  9 years, 3 months ago

                  A string and his friends walk into a bar, and the string goes up to get a drink and the bartender says, "We don't serve strings here." So the string ties himself in a loop and does up the top of his head and then goes up to the bar, and the bartender goes, "Uh . . . are you a string?" And the string goes, "No, I'm a frayed knot."

                  1. Jay_
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      Lol 😀

                    • Cheeseoid
                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                      • 12 Years
                      9 years, 3 months ago


                      1. Zasa
                        • 10 Years
                        9 years, 3 months ago


                    • Get up ya bum
                      • 15 Years
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      love it 😀

                      1. Zasa
                        • 10 Years
                        9 years, 3 months ago

                        At least some here are into knitting jokes man

                        1. Get up ya bum
                          • 15 Years
                          9 years, 3 months ago

                          I'm not addicted to cocaine. I just like the way it smells.

                  2. Zasa
                    • 10 Years
                    9 years, 3 months ago

                    I wrote a screen play and gave it to a friend to read to get his opinion. He told me that its pretty good but i need to rewrite it. I said 'No way! I'll just make a copy.'

                    1. Cheeseoid
                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                      • 12 Years
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      Our very own Bill Hicks!

                      1. Zasa
                        • 10 Years
                        9 years, 3 months ago

                        All Mitch Hedberg man 😎

                  3. Jay_
                      9 years, 3 months ago

                      Looking for 2 x players here same initials both played for the same team
                      (Very hard) not expecting no one to get this ...


                      1. Cheeseoid
                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                        • 12 Years
                        9 years, 3 months ago

                        Were they playing at the same time as each other?

                        1. Jay_
                            9 years, 3 months ago

                            Yes at one point in the same team and starting XI

                            1. Cheeseoid
                              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                              • 12 Years
                              9 years, 3 months ago

                              I can think of a few SL's but cannot tie them together

                              1. Cheeseoid
                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                • 12 Years
                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                Seb Larsson and Stan Lazaridis?

                                1. Jay_
                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                    Stan Lazaradis is one !

                                    1. Cheeseoid
                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                      • 12 Years
                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                      Thought they might have been at Birmingham together

                                      1. Jay_
                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                          I think your right ! Larsson was on loan there on 06 when Lazaradis was there

                                        • Jay_
                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                            My other one was a Northern Irishman

                                            1. Cheeseoid
                                              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                              • 12 Years
                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                              Got to do some work I think there used to be a Shane Lowry somewhere

                                              1. Jay_
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  It was Steve Lomas, Zasa got it below

                                                  1. Cheeseoid
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago


                                2. Zasa
                                  • 10 Years
                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                  Samon Lobster
                                  Seaman Lamb

                                  1. Jay_
                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                      Sounds like a good idea for dinner tomorrow lol

                                      1. Piggs Boson
                                        • 13 Years
                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                        Seamen Lamb sounds unappealing to be honest.

                                        1. Jay_
                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                            Similar to a salt beef begel 😀

                                        2. Zasa
                                          • 10 Years
                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                          Can never go wrong with a Seaman's lamb 😉

                                          Actual guess is Sebastian Larsson and Seven Letcher?

                                          1. Jay_
                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                              I'm pretty sure that's in correct, clue is they were both midfielders although one could play full back too, can have nationalities if you want ?

                                              1. Zasa
                                                • 10 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                🙁 damn this is hard! Maybe age?

                                                1. Jay_
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Ages 41 and 42 played at same team between 97-99

                                                    1. Zasa
                                                      • 10 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Stan Lazaridis and Steve Lomas!

                                                      1. Jay_
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          Yes !

                                                          1. Zasa
                                                            • 10 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            Oh fuchs yeah man 😎 Just wanted to thank god for this.

                                                            1. Jay_
                                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                That was what I had in mind but I think Cheesoid came up with Larsson Lazaradis as well but unsure if they actually ever played on same pitch for same team together but well done anyway lads

                                                              • Zasa
                                                                • 10 Years
                                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                Aye, perhaps, not sure tbh. What I do know, is to never trust a cheese.

                                                              • Cheeseoid
                                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                                • 12 Years
                                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                They did not play together. Just looked it up lazaridis left on 30 June Larsson joined on 4th of Augus. Thanks for the vote of confidence Zasa Gabor

                                                              • Zasa
                                                                • 10 Years
                                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                I don't know who Zsa Gabor is, but I am offended!

                                            • Piggs Boson
                                              • 13 Years
                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                              Adam Johnson, Andy Johnson - England 😉

                                              1. Piggs Boson
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Oh, SL... time for bed.

                                          2. Captain Peacock
                                            • 10 Years
                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                            Can someone please explain to me why Sherwood is saying that Villa must sell Benteke if his release clause is met, whereas FSG just blatantly ignored it when Arsenal triggered Suarez's release clause?

                                            I also don't understand why Sherwood is throwing away leverage by revealing the existence and size of Benteke's release clause.

                                            1. Buck The Trent
                                              • 12 Years
                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                              Benteke release clause is 32 mil, while his market value is probably only around 20 mil ?

                                            2. Jay_
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                It seems like they want to sell, I wouldn't mind West Ham triggering that clause

                                                1. Captain Peacock
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Do they have 33 million to splurge on one player? Probably after the stadium move, but now?

                                                  1. Jay_
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      They've got around 30 to spend, I doubt they would spend it on one player with survival key but they've done it before so it wouldn't suprise me if they made a bid, but the whole thing is highly unlikely

                                                      1. money face bandwagon
                                                        • 10 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        sakho valencia pretty decent for epl survival imo.

                                                        1. Captain Peacock
                                                          • 10 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          They will need someone else who offers a different dynamic. Unless Andy Carroll surprisingly stays healthy for a season.

                                                2. TokyoRed 東京赤
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  I was going to reply that Suarez' clause was only for foreign clubs but looks like I'm wrong - they just ignored it. I imagine Suarez could have sued for breach of contract but didn't.


                                                  1. Captain Peacock
                                                    • 10 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    I think they should have received FA sanctions for pulling such an illegal move.

                                                    1. TokyoRed 東京赤
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      The FA probably want to avoid getting involved in contract disputes like the plague. Whether they should or not is a different story.

                                                      1. Get up ya bum
                                                        • 15 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        I don't think they should and don't think it is dodgy. The contract is between the player and the club. The release cause is put in the contract on the players behalf so he can force a move at a certain price. I'd imagine they were legally bound to inform Suarez the clause was met but then its up to him if he insists they accept as its hus contract. In this case it was obvious Barca were coming in. What's interesting is Barca bid way over the clause. That I don't get because anything over 50m and its up to suarez not liverpool

                                                        1. Get up ya bum
                                                          • 15 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          should have read the article first ignore me. Still if liverpool breach suarez's contract it's his choice to sue or not. Nothing to do with the fa or arsenal

                                                3. Saniul
                                                  • 11 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  I am totally confused about the release clause thing all the time, I think a player has a certain say and Suarez could have come if he wanted to come.

                                              • Zasa
                                                • 10 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                A man and a woman go on a game show, like a Password kind of game, and the guy has to draw a note card. On the note card is a word, and the woman has to ask questions to guess what the word is, and the guy can only answer yes or no. So the announcer's like, "Your time begins now!" And the guy picks up the note card and he's looking at the word on the note card, and he can't believe it because the word is horsec*ck. The guy's sweating and he's thinking, How is she going to guess this? How is this ever going to happen? The woman starts asking questions: "Um...I don't know where to begin. Is it something I could put in my mouth?" The guy's standing there unsure, and he's like thinking and he's like, "Yeah, technically, yes, it is something you could put in your mouth, yep." And the woman goes, "Um, it horsec*ck?"

                                                1. TorresMagic™
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • Has Moderation Rights
                                                  • 15 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                  1. Zasa
                                                    • 10 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    C'mon TM, it's worth it.

                                                2. Cheeseoid
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 12 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  that is pretty funny

                                                3. Get up ya bum
                                                  • 15 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                              • Saniul
                                                • 11 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Arsenal's biggest home win of the season: 5-0 against Villa.
                                                Arsenal's biggest away win of the season: 0-3 against Villa.

                                                I'm just afraid of the fact that too many signs point towards a win for us... and Benteke.

                                                1. Get up ya bum
                                                  • 15 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  doesn't make sense. Except the benteke bit he is scary

                                                2. Ryan
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • Has Moderation Rights
                                                  • 12 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  3 hours between posts. Not bad

                                              • Ruth_NZ
                                                • 9 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Shame about Atsu's loan being announced so soon.

                                                If it had been announced after the prices were set he might have come in around 5.0, just about feasible as a 5th mid (though 4.5 is ideal). As it is he'll probably be 5.5 or 6.0 again.

                                                He could do very well but I wouldn't want a Bournemouth player as 4th mid really.

                                                Very poorly treated by Everton, they won't be getting any loan players from Chelsea for a while. 😕

                                                1. Get up ya bum
                                                  • 15 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  how'd they treat him?

                                                  1. Desertbug
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Considering none of us were in the locker room, it's hard to say. Not every loan deal works out. He saw very little time and did very little with the time he did see. Don't exactly know why he didn't see more time; maybe Ruth has inside facts. All else is speculation.

                                                  2. Ruth_NZ
                                                    • 9 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Hardly played him after giving Chelsea assurances that they would.

                                                    Atsu was POTY at Vitesse in 2013-14, performed well at the World Cup and stood out at ACON. But couldn't get games at Everton with Mirallas, McGeady, Pienaar and later Lennon in front of him.

                                                    Martinez did what he thought was best for Everton of course but Chelsea want young, talented players to be starting plenty of games when out on loan, that's the whole point of it.

                                                    1. Wild Rover
                                                      • 14 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Chelsea are the problem. He will never play for them

                                                      1. Ruth_NZ
                                                        • 9 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        If I loan you $100 and you fail to pay the agreed interest are you going to say that it's my problem because I'll never need it?

                                                        Whether Atsu ever makes the Chelsea 1st team is irrelevant here.

                                                    2. Get up ya bum
                                                      • 15 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Of course they do. Sounds to me like ACON, injuries and inability to step up when he got his opportunities stopped him from breaking through. Not Everton's fault. Martinez actually had really good things to say about him. Can't believe I'm defending Everton, I feel dirty 😛

                                                      1. Desertbug
                                                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                        • 12 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        🙂 That's OK, I won't tell anybody.

                                                    3. Desertbug
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 12 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Past pedigree doesn't mean anything if you don't earn your time on the practice field and deliver when you get on the pitch. Assurances are not blanket guarantees. They are typically assurances that you will have a chance to earn playing time. If he wasn't doing the job, why would they play him ahead of their own players who they also need to keep happy? That doesn't make any sense unless one takes a stance that the only purpose of the recipient club is to serve the other club's greater needs. I wish he had produced too. Bottom line is that unless one thinks Martinez is some kind of fool and unable to judge the quality of a player, one has to assume that Atsu didn't quite make the grade. Regardless of how promising he may still be.

                                                      1. Get up ya bum
                                                        • 15 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        here's robertos take
                                                        sounds fair to me.
                                                        Sorry ruth but that's such a chelsea fan post

                                                        1. Ruth_NZ
                                                          • 9 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          "For one reason or another, we haven’t been able to give him that continuity that you need. But his attitude is terrific and I hope in the last two games, I hope he can finish the season strong with us because his playing time hasn’t been as big as we expected."

                                                          Basically what I said, Everton didn't give him a run of games.

                                                          What you may not know is that Chelsea refused the loan initially because they thought Everton wouldn't play him enough. Everton gave assurances and it went through. They then didn't fulfil their assurances. That's why they won't be getting another Chelsea player on loan anytime soon.

                                                          As for the comments below, they are irrelevant. If you want a talented player on loan from a big club you need to play them or at least give them a good opportunity. Fail to do that and you won't be getting more, simple.

                                                          1. Desertbug
                                                            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                            • 12 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            I guess we'll see.
                                                            They gave plenty of time to Lukaku, Deulofeu, Barry and Lennon when they were on loan, so that history might seem to say that there was a bit more to the picture.
                                                            Since neither of us are actually in the locker room or on the pitch, neither of us can be quite so absolute in our knowledge as we seem to be. A bit of humility in the extent of one's knowledge goes a long way.

                                                          2. Desertbug
                                                            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                            • 12 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            ...and maybe a bit abrasive to dismiss anybody's comments as "irrelevant"

                                                            1. Ruth_NZ
                                                              • 9 Years
                                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                                              ...except when they are. 😕

                                                              You are adopting the principle that "the player needs to earn his place". I believe that principle is irrelevant in these circumstances, when assurances have been given to the loaning club.

                                                              Chelsea didn't send Atsu to Everton to earn his place. They sent him there to play. He could have gone to a number of clubs - many wanted him - where he would have played regularly. If Everton didn't intend to make him 1st choice they shouldn't have given undertakings to Chelsea in the 1st place.

                                                              1. Desertbug
                                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                                • 12 Years
                                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                OK, I guess I'll butt out then, because you apparently heard the verbatim version of what "assurances" were given.

                                                                Maybe you have a transcript?

                                                                I hope he does well at his next stop. Honestly.
                                                                I wish it had gone better. Honestly.
                                                                To slander a club because one particular loan deal didn't work out when a large number of others quite recently have worked out well is a bit much. That's all I'm saying. Honestly.

                                                                Moving on....

                                                                1. Ruth_NZ
                                                                  • 9 Years
                                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                  "Everton have agreed a season loan with Chelsea for Christian Atsu after giving assurances that he would get regular first team chances. The 22-year-old Ghana international was also wanted by Sunderland and Swansea."


                                                                  1. Desertbug
                                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                                    • 12 Years
                                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                    An article in the Mail is hardly a transcript of the actual agreement between the two clubs.

                                                                  2. Ruth_NZ
                                                                    • 9 Years
                                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                    ...which of course I don't have, why would I?

                                                                    I know Chelsea declined the loan initially and I know Everton gave assurances about gametime (as was explained on Chelsea TV last August) in order to clinch it. I also know they didn't meet those assurances. And I have found you a press article to confirm that.

                                                                    I think that gives me reasonable grounds for my position, don't you?

                                                          3. Epic Fail
                                                            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                            • 14 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            His attitude may have been terrific, but he may have not been all that in training. No club should feel they are forced to play players just because of eps here they come from.

                                                            1. Epic Fail
                                                              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                              • 14 Years
                                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                                              *where they come from...

                                                            2. Ruth_NZ
                                                              • 9 Years
                                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                                              That's where I disagree here. They wanted him on loan, they gave assurances about gametime, they should have made him 1st choice and played him regularly at least for a run of 8-10 games.

                                                              If they weren't going to do that they shouldn't have given those assurances in the first place.

                                                              1. Epic Fail
                                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                                • 14 Years
                                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                You can have all the good intentions in the world, but if a player turns out to be crap when you get him why play him.

                                                                1. Ruth_NZ
                                                                  • 9 Years
                                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                  Because you have given assurances that you will do so. What is so hard to understand about that?

                                                                  In any case, Atsu is not crap. He performed very well at the World Cup and got rave reviews at ACON, right in the middle of his loan period. But Everton ignored that and brought Lennon in on loan, virtually guaranteeing thet Atsu wouldn't play.

                                                                  It might have suited them but it didn't suit Atsu or Chelsea. And that's why they won't be getting another Chelsea player on loan anytime soon.

                                                                  1. Epic Fail
                                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                                    • 14 Years
                                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                    I'm not literally saying he's crap, but you don't know how he performed in training.

                                                                    It is pretty simple really. They had plans to play him. When they got him they saw something in him which changed their plans. People and clubs change plans all the time.

                                                                    Have you never changed plans before?

                                                                  2. Ruth_NZ
                                                                    • 9 Years
                                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                    Sure. But if I have given assurances I stick to them, I'd be out of business if I didn't.

                                                2. The 12th Man
                                                  • 11 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  From the outside looking in it may look like that he was treated poorly but
                                                  I'm sorry no player can demand a first team place.
                                                  How can you make such assertions against Everton?
                                                  Were you at their training ground to see how trained?
                                                  He might not have fitted in after he had signed.

                                                  1. Get up ya bum
                                                    • 15 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Exactly. He goes there to earn playing time with his training and performances. Its up to the player to make the most of it

                                                3. Captain Peacock
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Yeah that's a pity. Who will be this year's Wisdom/Lukaku then? Maybe Wisdom himself.

                                                1. Ruth_NZ
                                                  • 9 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  The whole thing is an edifice of self-interest.

                                                  If the FA meant what they say they would withdraw from FIFA completely and govern the game in England independently. But that would mean no England international games and no PL teams in UEFA competitions. The clubs would go nuts and so would many fans.

                                                  The only conceivable option would be for UEFA to withdraw from FIFA and run the game in Europe independently. That could work and would really hurt FIFA because a World Cup without European teams would be meaningless and attract less sponsorship. But it would mean the break up of UEFA as some European countries (Russia for example) would leave UEFA and re-attach to FIFA.

                                                  In addition, UEFA is probably corrupt in the same way that FIFA is although not at the same extreme level. People in glass houses don't throw stones and all that - the UEFA administrators wouldn't want their own shady practises revealed. For example it would have been virtually impossible for Germany to have got the WC in 2006 without some "selective contributions" to voting members in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

                                                  Most everyone has something to hide + a mountain of self-interest + the $ generated by the status quo = no change. Only external intervention such as the USA indictments has a chance to pull down the house of cards but it won't be cleanly done even then.

                                                  1. The 12th Man
                                                    • 11 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Agree 100%

                                              • Nickofoz
                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                • 9 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Name the top scoring FPL player from each team (without loking of course :D)

                                                Man United
                                                West Brom
                                                West Ham

                                                I've removed the easier teams

                                                1. mipola
                                                  • 11 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                  1. Nickofoz
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 9 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Ulloa, Janmaat, Diouf, Siggy, Berhaino and Downing correct from that lot

                                                2. Get up ya bum
                                                  • 15 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                  not confident

                                                  1. Nickofoz
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 9 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Bolasie, Elmo, Ulloa, Diouf, Panti, Siggy, Berahino, Downing correct. Decent.

                                                    1. Get up ya bum
                                                      • 15 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      winning 😎

                                                3. Ruth_NZ
                                                  • 9 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  De Gea

                                                  1. Nickofoz
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 9 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Heaton, Jagielka, Ulloa, De Gea, Janmaat, Siggy, Berahino and Downing correct

                                                    1. Ruth_NZ
                                                      • 9 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Aww, just looked above. Elmo and Bolasie were in my mind too (but not on my list). 😕

                                                      Panti I should have known but Diouf I would never have got.

                                                      The Liverpool player must be Henderson then I guess.

                                                      1. Nickofoz
                                                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                        • 9 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        Yeah DIouf is tough.

                                                        Yep, Liverpool player is Hendo, marginally beat Sterling.

                                                4. Jafalad
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Fatty Charlie
                                                  The bloke that went to Citeh
                                                  Can't remember his name but he was about 5-6 mill in FPL

                                                  1. Nickofoz
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 9 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Ulloa, Berahino and the bloke that was 5-6 mill in FPL correct 😀

                                                  2. Jafalad
                                                    • 14 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Top scorer as in goals scored.

                                                    1. Nickofoz
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 9 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      "top scoring FPL player" 😛

                                                5. Joga Bonito®
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago



                                                  1. Nickofoz
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 9 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Jaanmat, Panti, Siggy, Bera correct out of those

                                                6. Lawrø
                                                  • 12 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                  1. Lawrø
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Not bad but some of those were awful guesses in hindsight... McAuley, Jedinak and Skrtel, what was I thinking!

                                                    1. Nickofoz
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 9 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Hahaha the McAuley was certainly questionable 😀

                                              • rickytoso
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago


                                                1. Nickofoz
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 9 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Jagielka, Ulloa, Jaanmat, Panti, Siggy, Bolasie, Downing all correct. You forgot a west brom player 😀

                                                1. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  I love the taste of spam in the morning.

                                                2. Get up ya bum
                                                  • 15 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  *loads shotgun

                                                3. Saint Steve-O (@EliteFPL)
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Excellent read

                                                4. Je suis le chat
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Those top 10k ownership stats were v useful - solid way of climbing the rankings. Wonder will anyone collate the top 100 hof ownership stats early in the season? The pity of all these resources is teams are getting v similar and risk averse people like myself are afraid to deviate for fear of tunbling down the rankings.

                                              • Get up ya bum
                                                • 15 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Ruthnz I am keen to see Van Ginkel if MVG can earn a spot. From what I've seen and read he looks quality.
                                                Thinking next season Zouma will keep Cahill on the bench a lot too ay?

                                                1. Get up ya bum
                                                  • 15 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Dyslexic much?

                                              • Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Which Villa will turn up today? Will it be the version that lost 6-1 to the Saints....

                                                The arse should win it regardless... So my predictions are either


                                                1. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Villa will win.

                                                  1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    That would be lovely....

                                                    Unfortunately I will have to listen to one of my brothers going on about how great they are and they should rename it the arsenal cup as they have won it two years in a row....

                                                    Come on tekkers

                                                2. Optimus.
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Nice name change #old School,only just noticed

                                                  1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Cheers... Think it is a nice tribute.

                                                    1. Optimus.
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      It is and it has a nice ring to it

                                                      1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                        • 13 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        Most have agreed... Ignoring the numpty that said it was crass

                                                3. Jafalad
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  3-1 Arse. Villa too kak at the back.

                                                4. QPR expects... glory!
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  4-0 Arsenal

                                              • Optimus.
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Which is the element known strongest to man?,Weetabix or Rise Krispies stuck to the side of the bowl overnight?

                                                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  The former... Most definitely

                                                  1. Optimus.
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    I honestly don't know why they don't substitute concrete for Weetabix when pouring foundations

                                                    1. QPR expects... glory!
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Come on now, All-Bran is much stronger! It's made of wood chip to start with and once milk is added and it dries it re-forms into something far stronger!

                                                      1. Optimus.
                                                        • 13 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        Nonsense,I've never seen All-Bran left on the side of the bowl overnigh

                                                        1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                          • 13 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          Are you giving us assurances?

                                                          1. Desertbug
                                                            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                            • 12 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            Assurances were made. I read them.

                                              • Ryan
                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                • Has Moderation Rights
                                                • 12 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Ruth NZ. Not sure if you saw it but I left a long reply on your hot topic re: Man United

                                              • Doosra - ☭DeclanMyGenius…
                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                • 14 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Abide with me ... 😀

                                                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Hello Doos, how is the recovery going?

                                                2. Desertbug
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 12 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                3. Jafalad
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  ..and pass the ketchup? 😉

                                              • QPR expects... glory!
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Morning all. FA Cup Final day!

                                                Against a slow defence and a high line is anyone here not banking on Walcott C FTW?

                                                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Don't think Wally will start myself..... Despite GW38 performance...

                                                  Hoping Sherwood changes his tactics a little as if he doesn't they unfortunately will struggle

                                                  1. QPR expects... glory!
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    I just think that Giroud has earned the spot on the bench with his nondescript performances in the last month.

                                                    I know people say he hasn't had the chances but part of that is his failure to get into positions to give other players the chance to get the ball to him in a scoring position. Walcott proved in one game that someone offering quickness tears slow defences apart.

                                                    Besides, even Wenger knows that Walcott being snubbed on Cup Final day a week after scoring a hat-trick from his favoured position and being the only player in form at that position would make it more likely he'll leave.

                                                    1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      I agree but GRU will start... 100%

                                                  2. HVT
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Like defending a little ?

                                                    1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Just a tad

                                                      1. HVT
                                                        • 13 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        You rate him?
                                                        I'm not sure tactics is his thing at all, it seems raw enthusiasm is his main attribute and I'm not sure that's enough at this level.

                                                        1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                          • 13 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          I actually quite like him and he seems to be pretty good at man management....

                                                          Not a top 6 club manger though

                                                          1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                            • 13 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            Tactically inept so far though... Hope he proves us wrong today

                                                          2. HVT
                                                            • 13 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            There's a refreshing honesty about him that I like but yea I don't think Chelsea will be calling soon,
                                                            Surely an option if Rodgers goes?

                                                            1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                              • 13 Years
                                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                                              He is probably tactically less inept than Brendan

                                                2. Jafalad
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  They could all score tbh.

                                                  1. Desertbug
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    I received assurances that, indeed, it is possible that they could all score. That makes it gospel.

                                                    1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      You're going to go out of business if you carry on

                                                      1. Desertbug
                                                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                        • 12 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        I can surely assure you with the most assured assurances available, that I have received assurances. It is assuredly possible that they could all score.

                                                        But not Atsu.

                                                        1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                          • 13 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          Are you sure?

                                                        2. HVT
                                                          • 13 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          God bless you!

                                                    2. HVT
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Was it hearsay or in the daily mail DB?

                                                      1. Desertbug
                                                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                        • 12 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        I believe it may have been on Chelsea TV.

                                                        But I can make no assurances regarding the provenance of said assurances, merely that the assurances assuredly exist.

                                                        1. HVT
                                                          • 13 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          To be content, horse people need only a horse, or, lacking that, someone else who loves horses with whom they can talk. It was always that way with my grandfather. He took me places just so we could see horses, be near them. We went to the circus and the rodeo at Madison Square Garden. We watched parades down Fifth Avenue. Finding a horse, real or imagined, was like finding a dab of magic potion that enlivened us both. Sometimes I'd tell my grandfather about all the horses in my eleborate dreams. He'd lean over, smile, and assure me that, one day, I'd have one for real. And if my grandfather, my Opa, told me something was going to come true, it always did.

                                                          1. Desertbug
                                                            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                            • 12 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago


                                                3. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Easy win for Villa. Bigger and better club.

                                              • Optimus.
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                I like Arsenal but for lol purposes I would love if Arsenal missed out on the FA Cup as well as the the 4th place trophy

                                                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                              • bitm2007
                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                • 10 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Interesting that Simon March left his transfers as late as possible. I thought that was one of my biggest failings, in my first season of FPL. Was planning to do my transfers earlier next season, to beat the enevitable price rises and falls, caused my short term form.

                                                1. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  There is no definite tactic. A different captaincy one gameweek could have been the difference between him and someone else winning and then everyone would be scrutinising the other guys tactics.

                                                  1. bitm2007
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 10 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Still planning to stick to my early transfer plan, I lagged well behind most of you in team value last season (102.6 peak).

                                                    1. Epic Fail
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 14 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Aye my TV this season was pathetic. Luckily it didn't really matter this season with all the cut pice guys doing the business, but we may not be so lucky next season.

                                                2. Je suis le chat
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  I'm doing the transfers early next season, better decision making on a Sun/Mon night than Sat at 11:20am. Amazed news on Haz training last Sat wasn't flagged on the site.

                                                  1. bitm2007
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 10 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Just got to make sure it's not to early. Transferred in Costa last season, before he had played his game in the current game week, he when off injured of course. Ended up wasting two FT's.

                                                    1. Epic Fail
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 14 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      This is definitely were luck comes into it. Sometimes you have no choice but to make an early transfer due to a price rise. The feeling when you miss a transfer by 0.1 and that player then goes on to get a haul is nauseating.

                                                      1. bitm2007
                                                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                        • 10 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        Yes, I played my winter wildcard to early for that reason.

                                                        1. Je suis le chat
                                                          • 10 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          Muggins here rage-wildcarded after Hart missed a match. Felt good! but prob cost me 100 points in the end through lost opportunities.

                                              • HVT
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Will we get Fpl points from the cup game?

                                                1. bitm2007
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  No, Premier league games only.

                                                  1. Optimus.
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Are you sure?

                                                    1. Desertbug
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 12 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago


                                                    2. bitm2007
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 10 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      The clue's in the name of the game. Will still be on the edge of my seat, as the Daily Mail game does include the cup final.

                                                  2. Epic Fail
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 14 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago


                                                    1. Desertbug
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 12 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Daily Mail

                                                      1. Epic Fail
                                                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                        • 14 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        Why are you still here. Aren't you out of business?

                                                        1. Desertbug
                                                          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                          • 12 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          Not out of business. The kids and wife would be rather sad about that. But definitely delirious. Should probably go to bed. 0124 here in the desert Southwest.

                                                          1. Billy Gilmore
                                                            • 12 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            Are you giving us assurances that you're actually going to bed?

                                                            1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                              • 13 Years
                                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                                              If he changes his mind... He will be going out of business... God forbid you change your mind in business matters...

                                                2. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  In TFF they play cup games as well.... Assume you mean Wally

                                                  1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Read wrong but you get my point

                                                    1. Optimus.
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Wow,a point for that?!

                                                      1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                        • 13 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        Captain is 2

                                                      2. Billy Gilmore
                                                        • 12 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago


                                                  2. bitm2007
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 10 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    That must be hard to plan for, with few clubs left in the latter rounds.

                                                    1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      Love TFF version... Yes it does make it a little tougher but I like the challenge... Plus if you get it right you have a few DGW's

                                                    2. Epic Fail
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 14 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      I ran out of transfers about 10 weeks ago.

                                                      1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                        • 13 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago

                                                        I've still got Guzan in goal the fecker...

                                                        1. Epic Fail
                                                          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                          • 14 Years
                                                          9 years, 3 months ago

                                                          What's your rank? Mine is currently 999 😎

                                                          Was top 100 before I foolishly ran out.

                                                          1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                            • 13 Years
                                                            9 years, 3 months ago

                                                            Got as high as 180... Then messed up big time by going for a few punts that ended up not playing.... School boy error in that game....

                                                            Currently somewhere about 1100, but should win my cash league and goal league so happy with that

                                                            1. Epic Fail
                                                              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                              • 14 Years
                                                              9 years, 3 months ago

                                                              Aye, it's definitely not the game to take punts on. That's one lesson I've learned. Nailed on players only.

                                                              At least you've won something then.

                                                              1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                                • 13 Years
                                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                Yeah also won the last manager of month award so looking at about 400 quid...

                                                                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                                  • 13 Years
                                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                                  Despite having only 9 players towards the end

                                                1. Optimus.
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                2. HVT
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Are you sure?

                                              • Non-template FPL is for Kin…
                                                • 11 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                Watch them all come crawling back today

                                                1. HVT
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                  1. Desertbug
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Ants go marching, not crawling....
                                                    Dave Matthews gave assurances to that matter

                                                    1. HVT
                                                      • 13 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      The antiquity and general acceptance of an opinion is not assurance of its truth.

                                                2. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                  1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago


                                              • Optimus.
                                                • 13 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                I used to dislike cranberry juice but now I actually like it

                                                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Are you sure?

                                                2. Optimus.
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Move over boring James Milner!

                                                  1. Optimus.
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    😆 😀

                                              • Colonel Shoe 肝池
                                                • 12 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                today i am a villain 😀 😀

                                                1. Optimus.
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  No caps?,you bad boy!

                                                  1. Colonel Shoe 肝池
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago


                                                2. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  What have you done?

                                                    1. Epic Fail
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 14 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago

                                                      He wasn't the first and won't be the last.

                                                      1. Optimus.
                                                        • 13 Years
                                                        9 years, 3 months ago


                                              • bitm2007
                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                • 10 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                When did you make most transfers ?

                                                A) Early (to beat the price rises and falls)
                                                B) Late (to take account of team news etc)

                                                1. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Mainly B.

                                                2. Numb
                                                  • 9 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Almost all, if not all, B

                                                3. Optimus.
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  B unless A and a 0.1 priced me out

                                                4. Colonel Shoe 肝池
                                                  • 12 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  nerfed market made A unnecessary this season

                                                  1. Optimus.
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    It's nerf or nothing

                                                5. money face bandwagon
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Whenever i feel like making transfers

                                                6. Ziro Becomes One
                                                  • 9 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Upto December A
                                                  After December B

                                                  1. bitm2007
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 10 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    I was the other way round, and my rank soared in the second half of the season.

                                                7. Nickofoz
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 9 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                8. Shearer & Sutton
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                              • Zombie
                                                • 11 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                after reading the last page and this, I don't know who is more bored - Optimus or Ryan

                                                  1. Epic Fail
                                                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                    • 14 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Wtf 😀

                                              • Numb
                                                • 9 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                I'm probably in the minority but I have little interest in the FA Cup Final. I'd like Villa to win but I probably won't even watch it to be honest. I used to love it as a youngster but it's not the same competition anymore.

                                                1. money face bandwagon
                                                  • 10 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Ur interest will change if fpl points are counted in fa cup

                                                  1. Numb
                                                    • 9 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    Actually, that's my only interest. I am 40 points ahead at the top of my TFF Minileague (decent money as well). I have no players in the cup final though and no transfers left but I know that the two chasers will have quite a few so hoping for a 1-0 Villa win!

                                                2. Epic Fail
                                                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                  • 14 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  You will watch.

                                                  1. Colonel Shoe 肝池
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    these are not the droids youre looking for

                                                3. Optimus.
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago


                                                4. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Explain the grav change Mr T

                                                  1. Colonel Shoe 肝池
                                                    • 12 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago

                                                    maybe he pities the foo

                                                    1. Epic Fail
                                                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                      • 14 Years
                                                      9 years, 3 months ago


                                              • FPL Maldini
                                                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                                                • 9 Years
                                                9 years, 3 months ago

                                                if you could captain anyone for today's game, who would it be? Think I would go Giroud for some reason

                                                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                  • 13 Years
                                                  9 years, 3 months ago

                                                  Sanchez easy

                                                  1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                                                    • 13 Years
                                                    9 years, 3 months ago


                                              • New article posted