
Eliteserien GW7 – O Captain! my Captain!

“O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,

While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;

How many times have you felt like this? Another week flies by, another Captain delivers you that sought-after prize of double points and they were already juicy enough to begin with. Suddenly an ‘alright’ gameweek turns into great one; red arrows shaking off their hue to reveal beautiful green undertones that thrust you up the rankings. Your Captain has steered the ship, yet again away from disaster, away from the rocks that threaten shipwrecking and into safe, open waters. There’s even a crowd of well-wishers gathering along the shoreline to cheer you on, recognising your valiant efforts and success.

But it’s not like that for everyone. Some of us have shipwrecked so many times we’re at the point of almost giving up and making do with a raft made out of flotsam and driftwood…

But O heart! heart! heart!

  O the bleeding drops of red,

    Where on the deck my Captain lies,

           Fallen cold and dead.”

Ah yes, that’s more like it. Walt Whitman’s poignant allegory about the death of Abraham Lincoln at the end of the American Civil War is of course beyond reproach, but it seems awfully relevant within the world of Fantasy Football.

All of my Captains to this point have brought me nothing but frustration. Alas, their bodies are too big to simply sweep under the carpet, or hide in the airing cupboard – they must be disposed of properly. And the only way I can do that is to understand why I chose them in the first place, then see what other options I had and how they compared. That’s exactly what I’ve done, and it’s exactly the point of this article.

I will, week by week, discuss my Captaincy picks, how they went wrong, what else I could’ve (should’ve done) and compare those outcomes. The aim of this analysis is not only to see how my points totals have been affected (how many points I’ve lost) it’s also to look at the logic behind those choices. I want to know if I made fundamentally horrendous choices or whether it’s nothing more than ‘Hindsight 101’ and it’s only become obvious now after the fact. (Home teams will be capitalised).


Leke James (12.0m) [molde fk vs AALESUNDS FK]

Before the season started I had it in my head that Torgeir Borven (11.3m) would continue his brilliant form into 2020. Then I heard rumours of his move to Rosenborg and the prospect of him taking the league by storm, or even being played by Odd seemed to diminish along with the thought of choosing him in my team. First mistake.

The three best forwards in the league last season – by quite some distance – were James, Borven and Ohikhuaeme Omoijuanfo (10.9m). Naturally as Borven was out of the picture it boiled down to who do I pick between James and Ohi. I sided with James as he was favourite to start and thus he was shifted into my team and duly captained.

Molde were huge favourites to win and likely to score multiple goals. James seemed like a perfectly sound choice for Gameweek 1 captaincy. He repaid with me a goal but also a red card after being booked twice. The fact that Borven scored a 93rd minute penalty for Odd in their game was the proverbial salt in the wound.

• GW1 Captain Score: 3pts

• Best GW1 Captain Score: 9pts (Niklas Sandberg, 7.6m)

• Points Lost: 6pts

Although I had better options in my team, I cannot fault the logic in choosing one of the most talented forwards in the league against a newly promoted side. This one goes down to horrible misfortune and shouldn’t be rued. To dwell or not to dwell? Decidedly not. (Sound Logic, Poor Points)


• Lars Jorgen Salvesen (8.5m) [STROMSGODSET TOPPFOTBAL vs odd bk]

Despite Bodo/Glimt finishing second to Molde last season, I avoided them completely as they suffered quite a few losses of their best players to bigger teams eager to snap up potential bargains. This is also a club that has only been in the top flight of Norwegian football five out of the last ten seasons, and before last season their highest finish was 9th. It was surely a fluke and it won’t happen again – look elsewhere. Mistake number 2.

I could have jumped from James to Borven and it would’ve have been perfectly fine to do so as he scored against Sandefjord. I chose not to as Odd lost that game – at home – and faced a much stronger side in Stromsgodset. I saw a home win and many goals, thus Salvesen not only walked into my team, but he was also given the ‘Kapteinens armbånd’ without much deliberation whatsoever. (Translation courtesy of

• GW2 Captain Score: 1pt

• Best GW2 Captain Score: 7pts (Niklas Sandberg)

• Points Lost: 6pts

Salvesen got a beastly 10pts against IK Start the week before, only to return almost empty-handed the following game. I had Sandberg as my vice-captain on the basis that pretty much every other player in my team had a tough game. I wasn’t expecting points to flow and saw him as a good back up as he was on penalty duty, scored the previous week and I viewed Bodo/Glimt as a team most sides would feel they could score one or two against.

You can see for yourself just how well that turned out. I’m not too sure I can say this was the best decision. I was perhaps too influenced by Salvesen’s 10pts haul against Start in making the move to bring him in and captain him. There were slim-pickings elsewhere and even though Sandberg scored well, I would’ve captained whoever I brought in as my forward over him. I remain ambivalent about this one. (Iffy Logic, Poor Points)


• Ohikhuaeme Omoijuanfo [IK START vs molde fk]

I was one of the few to Wildcard at this point, influenced mainly by the concern of heading into Gameweek 3 with potentially as few as 9 starting players and an ineffective bench. The decision to overhaul completely is up for debate, but overall I was happy to commit to using such a chip so early on as it would be the springboard from which I would start my season.

With 81pts won in ‘Runde 3’ (RD Rank 2,973) you’d think I’d be happy. Ohi was always seen as the one-week salve in this situation, taking full advantage of yet again another easy fixture in which one of the best players in the league could wreak havoc. Sigh. Molde won the game 3-2 with a rather fortuitous last-minute goal by rampaging centre-back Stian Gregersen (5.2m). The two other goals were also scored by defenders. Bigger sigh. If I was told by a time-traveller that Molde would score 3 goals in that game, it would’ve resulted in the calmest, most assured captaincy pick in the history of my ESN playing career. Ohi was always destined to be chosen.

• GW3 Captain Score: 2pt

• Best GW3 Captain Score: 14pts (Andreas Hanche-Olsen, 5.7m)

• Points Lost: 12pts

Sandberg and Daouda Bamba (9.2m) also scored well with 13pts and to be honest all three were good alternatives. Ironically my vice-captain was Gilbert Koomson (7.1m) who failed to join the party, gaining a poultry 2pts.

Another 12pts lost due to my Captain not turning up. I absolutely refuse to be frustrated with this choice. It was not a bad captaincy pick at all. In fact, I don’t see why I’d choose any of those other players over Ohi in that situation again. I’d do the exact same thing. It was not meant to be, that’s all. Unluckeeeee. (Perfectly Sound Logic, Poor Points)


• Lars Jorgen Salvesen [STROMSGODSET TOPPFOTBALL vs aalesunds fk]

Not much to be said about this one. I chose to ignore Borven yet again (also ignoring hat-trick against Valerenga) and for some reason found way back to Salvesen. There seems to be a pattern here – I am drawn more to fixture than form when it comes to not only transfers, but captaincy picks. This methodology ultimately seems to have been my downfall. Gameweek 4 was to be no different.

Salevesen had just two shots in the entire game and they were both blocked. He did create on big chance and played a key pass, but other than that he was largely anonymous. Borven on the other hand ran riot again, racking up 15pts against a shell-shocked IK Start.

The 6ft 1” Norwegian had hoodwinked me once more, pulling me away from the advances of the more diminutive figure of the Trondheim-bound Odd forward, only to lead to me into more ruination. Four gameweeks in and still without success. Where was MY Captain?

• GW4 Captain Score: 2pt

• Best GW4 Captain Score: 7pts (Jens Petter Hauge, 7.9m/Gilbert Koomson)

• Points Lost: 5pts

Koomson was never going to be trusted to outscore Salvesen as he had a much lower ceiling relative to their fixtures. Hauge was perhaps on paper a better alternative but in the end I thought Stromsgodset would run riot, leading to many, many points for their leading man. Once more, twas not to be and I was left licking the wounds of another self-inflicted injury.

Aware of Bodo/Glimt’s form, I did have both Hauge and Kasper Junker (8.8m) in my team but even so I refused to accept Salvesen was not going to outscore any of their assets. This defiance led to a meagre 2pts. On the bright side, Salvesen had DOUBLED his last score so there was that. I should’ve brought Borven in (that’s not Hindsight, I was planning to do it either that week or GW5) but I didn’t. Once again fixture difficulty swayed me into a poor decision. (So-so Logic, Poor Points).


Torgeir Borven (11.3m) [ROSENBORG BK vs valerenga fotball]

Finally, after weeks of waiting, I’d got my man. In his last two games he’d scored a ridiculous five goals and although Odd were up against Bodo/Glimt, I was confident of goals. Wanting to beat his inevitable price rise was also on my mind so as soon as ‘Gameweek 4’ concluded, I got rid of ‘Deadwood Salevesen’ and welcomed Herr Borven into my team. He was to be my Captain no matter what.

You cannot make it up. Borven’s move to Rosenborg was set to go through on 1st August, meaning he would remain an Odd player until then, even if it would mean Rosenborg would have to wait. Apparently they were unhappy to do this. His move to Trondheim was finalised less than 24 hours after he found himself in my team. Cue even bigger sigh.

His first game for Rosenborg would come too soon and he wasn’t even given half an hour to get a debut goal. I simply could not believe my luck. This was the guy I’d been monitoring for the last couple of gameweeks (as well as during pre-season) and when I had finally convinced myself I should take the leap, he finds himself sitting on the bench of Norway’s biggest club, my Fantasy armband tucked away in his pocket.

• GW5 Captain Score: 1pt

• Best GW5 Captain Score: 10pts (Gilbert Koomson/Kasper Junker/Andreas Hopmark 4.6m)

• Points Lost: 9pts

Obviously I was never going to captain Hopmark but Junker and Koomson were perfectly viable alternatives. My actual vice was Sandberg (vs ik start) which in itself, was not a bad choice (fixture-wise) but would have only yielded two more points.

It seems that choosing the right Captain is something I struggle with far more than is necessary. The right man eludes me still. I am the Cinderella of Fantasy Football, with no ‘glass armband’ in sight.

I should never have captained Borven as he had just moved to Rosenborg a day or two before. He wasn’t guaranteed a start (though I thought it likely) and Rosenborg are a team far from their best, playing insipid, uncreative football (more so at the time than now) making Borven a far worse choice than multiple other options. (Poor Logic, Poor Choice).


Veton Berisha (8.9m) [VIKING FK vs ik start]

Out with the old (and disgruntled) Bamba, and in with the new (and very much in-form) Veton Berisha. IK Start had faced 69 shots and conceded 13 goals prior to the visit of under-performing Viking. Going into this game Berisha had scored 2 goals and got 2 assists in his previous three games. Not ground-breaking form, more a solid foundation to build upon especially with such a favourable fixture.

Now. I’m sure you’re beginning to see the picture by now. Yeah, that whole ‘form plus fixture’ spiel I keep banging on about? Failed me again, didn’t it? I’m not the biggest Beatles fan in the world, so maybe it’s because whenever I think of Bodo/Glimt I imagine a big yellow submarine and on some psychological level I’m put off, but that’s clearly something I need to deal with.

I even mentioned in comments prior to the games that I thought Bodo/Glimt will deal with Brann more than comfortably but I didn’t envisage 5 goals and certainly didn’t think Junker would get ANOTHER hat-trick. I had confidence in my new signing to continue his good form against one of the weakest teams in the league.

• GW6 Captain Score: 2pt

• Best GW5 Captain Score: 17pts (Kasper Junker)

• Points Lost: 15pts

Another swing, another miss. Like, I didn’t just miss the ball, I threw the bat into a nearby lake then punched a swan for good luck. At this point I’m not just sighing, I’m staring out the window trying to figure out why the Fantasy Football gods are so upset with me to no avail.

This is one of my least questionable picks. I refuse to accept this was a bad pick. Because it wasn’t. Viking may be underperforming, and Bodo/Glimt might be cruising, but Berisha is a very good player, capable of bringing home plenty of bacon, and IK Start might as well be a pig lying on it’s side telling everyone in the nearby vicinity to come grab a slice or two.

Berisha blanked for the first time in three games against one of the worst teams in the league. This was bad timing more than anything. Another 15pts lost all the same. (Sound Logic, Poor Points).


After much beard twirling and enough sighing to convince anyone who wasn’t too sure that I am indeed British, I have arrived at my conclusion. At least three of my captain picks were based on sound logic, two could be debated either way and one was certainly a poor choice. With 50% of my choices being perfectly reasonable, I am understandably frustrated by not being rewarded with any points but find it hard to be annoyed as the logic was sound.

The two debatable choices could be easily argued either way, so while they weren’t the best choices I could’ve made, they certainly weren’t awful. There was only one captaincy pick I definitely shouldn’t have done – it still stings now – yet it only resulted in a loss of 8pts.

The point of this article is to empathise with all of you who have suffered from poor captaincy picks. It’s also to show exactly how damaging blanking Captains can be to your team. If I had made the correct decision each and every week for the last six gameweeks, I would have amassed another 53pts. That equates to 10,711 places. That is how powerful the captain chip is. It will either give you or take from you, thousands and thousands of places in the ranking system.

My rank should be higher than it is. But ultimately it is down to me and me alone to choose whose points I wish to double on a weekly basis. Good logic (based on whatever variable you wish to look at) is always a good reason to do anything. Fantasy Football is a multi-faceted game which means if you only look at one variable – you are already in trouble. This is exactly what has happened to, pretty much from before the season started.

If I had trusted my instincts and gone with Borven from the start, we’d be looking at a very different picture, the same way in which if I didn’t convince myself Bodo/Glimt were a bunch of charlatans I’d have had a much stronger squad from Day 1.

Captains are no reason to stop playing this game. You cannot and will not get it right all the time. Those who do seem to choose better than most are either luckier than you, or I’m sorry to say it, a bit smarter. I certainly feel as though I have been somewhat put in my place and humbled for the last few weeks. I am not the biggest fan of the captaincy option as it adds another element of luck-based scoring to the game, yet I can see the appeal. It’s a point of weekly discussion. It makes the games more interesting and it also gives us a reason to vent if we fail.

Those in the same boat as me (I’m hoping I’m not alone here – I’m not the best rower) do not panic or stress or get annoyed or stop playing the game. If like me you can surmise you were right to captain who you did at least 50% of the time – you have no reason to be annoyed if you missed points. The decision can be the right one even if it yields no gains. That’s the definition of unlucky. That’s all it is.

The law of averages dictates you will get it right at some point so keep that in mind and keep approaching each gameweek with sound logic but perhaps open your mind to other variables you have perhaps been blind to so far.

ReindeerHotdog ESF: Follow me on Twitter: @ReindeerHotdog

481 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Team Cruel
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    4 years, 2 months ago

    Not to wish injury on anyone but wouldn't mind if Hansen is out for a while. Lund 5.4 would be a cheap route into the RBK defence

    1. MTPockets
        4 years, 2 months ago

        Guess so. Otherwise I think RBK def is overpriced (outside maybe the next couple of games)

        1. ReindeerHotdog
          • 4 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Looking at how Rosenborg have done (perhaps the last two games skew this, maybe it gives us a more accurate insight - who knows) it doesn't look that way to me.

          They have the lowest goals against conversion rate in the league - just 8.33%. They've faced 72 shots of which 17 have been on target. That's lead to them conceding just 6 goals (best defence in the league). That's comparable to Mjondalen and Molde but better.

          It's not exhaustive but it does show that Rosenborg are capable of managing the shots against them they have to deal with.

          They have 3 of the highest scoring defenders in the game (3rd, 6th, 7th) and they are perhaps becoming more cohesive.

          I am aware those defenders cost more than those around them but looking at those other defenders I can't see much to suggest - bar a few of those - that they'll outscore them over the course of the season. Rosenborg are sound defensively. So if you want clean sheets they're the team to go to. I suppose one of the biggest things you're talking about is the attacking returns, or lack thereof in this case. I agree with you. There are certainly better options.

          Over the next few weeks - I can't look past a Rosenborg defender. Hedenstad is on free kicks (at least IFKs) and likes to whip a ball around the place. It's a shame Trondsen isn't listed as a defender as he would go straight in your team without question.

          My tactic is to bring in an RBK defender (Lund ideally if Hansen is out for a while) and run with that for at least the next few weeks then reassess.

          I know these stats aren't exhaustive, but they're an indicator at least as to how likely something is or isn't going to happen. It's probably a case of these Rosenborg defenders being just 0.5m too much to consider long term, unless Rosenborg can show us they mean business again. I personally think that will be the case.

          1. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            No denying that they’re a good defensive side. But the question is what you have to sacrifice elsewhere to be able to afford a RBK defender. For me it has to be my 7th attacker (7.5m mid) down to a 5m.

            Is Reginiussen + Saletros better value than Solheim/Nakkim + Koomson? Not for me, not at the moment at least

            1. ReindeerHotdog
              • 4 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              My current team:

              Kristiansen*, Hopmark, Sormo, Hanche, Daland
              Zinck, Hauge, Koomson, Zach, Edvardsen*
              Junker, Borven, Berisha*
              0.5 itb.

              *Klaesson, Kristiansen, Edvardsen, Berisha (0.5m itb)
              *Linde, Hedenstad, Hussain, Lauritsen (1.0m itb)

              They're the moves I'm thinking of long term. And, I don't even need to get rid of Edvardsen long term, I just want Hussain and Linde 100% for the DGW.
              Lauritsen will need to pay off but he's not even 6m and Berisha couldn't be any more of a waste of time.
              Definitely think Hedenstad offers me more value than Kristiansen especially as the latter was benched today.
              Short term there's no denying RBK offer good value defensively. They've had a few tough fixtures already and will, I predict, go from strength to strength even if they don't play brilliant, beautiful football. I certainly didn't have them down to win both their last games 3-0, but I wasn't surprised they didn't concede.

          2. MTPockets
              4 years, 2 months ago

              If money was no object I'd agree. I'm just not keen to pay 6-6.5m for a central defender in a league where results aresn't so predictable. Hedenstad has had his moments over the seasons, but that's generally when Helland isn't playing and hogging set pieces. However I may change my mind. Lund at 5.4m is a different value proposition.

          3. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Yeah they're overpriced. But after 7 games they’ve already faced all the other teams in the top 7. Excellent fixtures for the defense on the horizon

            In the next 8 games against all the bottom teams I fancy them to get at least 4-5 cleanies. Would be nice if there’s a cheap route there with so many seemingly opting to find funds for Reginiussen/Hedenstad.

            Hansen said this morning that he won't risk anything and won't play again until he’s completely ready. So seems like he's out for at the very least a couple of games. Hopefully some proper clarity before the deadline

            1. MTPockets
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Fair points, esp on fixtures. I hadn't noticed the top-7 thing

          4. Majestic Chanka
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Already got Regi and Hedenstad so decided not to triple up!

        2. J ⚒ Gimme ur Mané
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 10 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Bloody hell, one crazy week!

        3. Eytexi
          • 6 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Anyone got any idea for an estimated return date for Gregersen? On my bench again for GW8, contemplating holding if he's likely to be back for the DGW.

        4. Hotdogs for Tea
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Any one know what has happened to Amankwah at Staebek ? Vogt at 4 mill started the last few games and could be a good playing 3rd bencher ?

          1. Ramboros
            • 13 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Amankwah got a knee injury. Same situation as Pellegrino. Should be back soon, but nobody knows. Stabæk are notorious for not giving away much information.

            Vogt was ill for a short period, and during the current situation he was kept away from the team for obvious reasons. He has started every game he has been available.

            1. Hotdogs for Tea
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              thanks, it’s so tricky with the cheaper players

        5. El Puqi
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Wow, what a week!

          Took a risky -8 and it turned out to be one of the best moves I’ve ever made. Berisha, Sandberg & Berg out, in comes Hustad, Zach & Hauge.

          Decided to use the two captains chip. Zinck & Hauge were the chosen ones. 66 points. Mad.

          Overall 106 (-8) points and round rank of 9! Green arrow from about 1.1k to 174th.

          Have a good week of fantasy football lads!

          1. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            well done !

          2. Onz
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            🙂 well played. Once you hit the top 200 it is easier to stay there than it is to get there in the first place. Good luck and enjoy.
            I got a round rank of 2 last season and was at No 1 until about half way through the second half of the final match that week, the adrenaline rush was awesome.

            1. El Puqi
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Cheers lads!

              Let’s hope that’s the case. Never been up here. Chasing that top 100 now.

              I totally feel you haha! Never felt this good after Arsenal loss... Thank you ESN for that!

              Just need to stay focused now and make smart moves.

              1. FPL Bielsa
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Having a similar start to you, despite Junker captain fail I am ranked 19th overall, no idea how I’ve got there, just avoided Molde big boys and gone heavy in midfield, all chips in hand.

                Might need to start watching the Eurosport coverage more closely now. Also I’m top in England !

                1. El Puqi
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 5 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Well that’s just next level! Keep it up mate!

          3. ReindeerHotdog
            • 4 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Nice, nice.

            If I had chosen Junker over Hauge in my double captain I would've ended up with 115 (-4) = 111.

            What could've been! As it happened I got 100 (-4) = 96 so just behind you hah. 42 overall.

            That's thrown me up thousands of places. Hopefully can stay there.

            Felt good bringing in Zach and seeing him return like that. I get a feeling Rosenborg are going to push on now..

            Congrats on the rank. Should be able to stay up there hopefully.

            1. ReindeerHotdog
              • 4 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              I mean Hauge over Junker! Got it the wrong way round.

            2. El Puqi
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              I really hope I stay here.. And even push for top 100.

              Bad luck on captaincy again haha, but still a really good score. At least you got one captain right!

              We move!

              Ps. On triple Rosenborg atm so I really hope they can perform. Made a rage transfer on Saturday... Pedersen out and Valsvik in. Not proud of that but just need to move on. Probably doing Zachariassen & Hustad to Fridjonsson & Normann Hansen in the near future, if Frid secures that starting position.

              1. ReindeerHotdog
                • 4 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                My aim at the start of the season was to get in the top 3k. I know people say that isn't a great place, but it's top 10% and I'd take that for sure. Means I'm better than 90% of the people who play it.

                Even if there's like 6,000 dead teams come the end of the year - it's still a decent place to be. Anything higher than that and I'd be dead chuffed.

                I don't think Valsvik is a bad shout. Looks like he's got the place against Reg. I'm on the fence over bringing in Hedenstad. Just not sure if I'd be better off bringing in Kitolano. But I do want Rosenborg defence just not Reg. If only Trondsen was classed as a defender!!

                Looks like Rosenborg are on the up. Might not be playing great football but they're winning. I'm particularly interested in Odd. I'm writing an article about them tonight/tomorrow morning so watch out for that some time tomorrow evening.

                I think they have some players that could be incredible value and hopefully with the data I'm looking into, that could help us look towards a few of their assets. I'm predicting them to become a lot harder to beat over the next few weeks.

                You're nailing your transfers and all of that. Just keep going with what feels right. You're not clueless! Fridjonsson would be a good addition. He's started last two but it's hard to say. Haugen is a decent player and offers a different kind of approach up front. It's still not 100% certain that he continues to start in my opinion. I'd want to see a few more starts. 3 goals in last 2 games is great though. Hard to drop him but hey, I give up trying to predict who starts unless it's completely obvious they're nailed!

                1. El Puqi
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 5 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Top 3k would be good yeah. Altough after a start like this I’d be very disappointed.

                  I think Valsvik could be decent. With Hovland Rosenborg had no clean sheets but with Valsvik 3/4. Also, Reg is 34 so surely he won’t be playing every game.. I’d be cautious about Hedenstad. Someone said that their recently signed RB is now fit. Played for Bodo (I think) last year and really impressed. So I wouldn’t guarantee Hedenstad is absolutely nailed. Trondsen would be straight in my team...

                  Odd looks very interesting and I can’t wait for your deeper dive to their stats!

                  Tbh, I’ve made some surprisingly good moves hah! Now that I’m up here in the top 200 I thought about being more careful and that but I don’t think that’s my style or how I want to play Fantasy football. Finding the gems early is the salt of Fantasy, for me at least. (Not sure if you guys use that saying in England but you know.. ) Need to remember that hits are fine, even up here. Just be clever with them.

                  Fridjonsson is certainly an interesting option but like you said, we need to wait for few more rounds. Also that Normann Hansen lad looks very promising. Has already couple of goals, looks active in highlights and has created 3 big chances already but with no assists. Only 5.0.

                  1. Ramboros
                    • 13 Years
                    4 years, 2 months ago

                    Reitan was on loan at Glimt last year. I think he was mediocre and probably their worst starting player. He recently signed a contract extension while Hedenstad's contract is expiring. I think Hedenstad is the better player, but expect rotation.

                    1. ReindeerHotdog
                      • 4 Years
                      4 years, 2 months ago

                      I did mention in previous articles that Hedenstad is expected to rotate with Reitan - he mentioned it himself that it would be a thing.

                      Reitan has only just come back from injury and Hedenstad is probably Rosenborg's most in-form defender right now. Reginiussen hasn't done too much wrong but he's 34 and while the Norwegian league is a place where ageing players will get regular game time, it might well transpire that Hovland and Valsvik become the central partnership later on in the season. Not too sure it'll happen soon, but wouldn't be surprised if it does a bit later on.

                      I have just brought Hedenstad in as I'm very confident of him retaining his place for at least a few more gameweeks. Another option is that Trondsen (probably Rosenborg's best player this season) is pushed further up, thus freeing up the left back position. There has been talk that they might end up with Reitan on one side and Hedenstad on the other. As Trondsen usually gets quite far up the field anyway, it may not be too crazy to think this could happen. Obviously the number one thing getting in the way here is he's not a winger by any means, and would have to be deployed in the middle. Could happen. I'm not too sure.

                      Reitan coming back does offer more of a headache but I think it's a headache that may only become painful in a couple of weeks. And like you say, he was far from convincing last season.

                      It's certainly a "watch this space" kind of situation.

                      1. El Puqi
                        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                        • 5 Years
                        4 years, 2 months ago

                        Cheers for this. I think I’m still going to stay away fro. Hedenstad if there is a chance he’ll get rotated. Tbf it’s the same with Vaslvik but you know, that was a rage move with not much thinking behind it. Poor from me.

                        It certainly would be interesting to see if they play both. If I was the manager, I’d like a midfield three of Zach & Trondsen & maybe Lundemo. I personally don’t like Åsen at all. Trondsen feels a bit wasted as a left-back too. That Meling guy is leaving, right?

                        Clearly I need to be more careful with what I read... It’s their personal opinion so shouldn’t take it too seriously I guess. My bad.

                        1. ReindeerHotdog
                          • 4 Years
                          4 years, 2 months ago

                          Hedenstad is on a lot of free kicks. One of the best performing defenders in multiple categories. Back to back clean sheets.

                          I'd find it very surprising if he was dropped soon. Rotation will probably happen but would more than likely be in form of substitutions in my opinion.

                          We of course don't know what's happening behind closed doors but yeah, Rosenberg have struggled for consistency - slotting in an average player who's recently back from injury in place of one of their best players this season just doesn't seem likely.

                          Meling has already left, hah. Shame really as he offered a lot.

                          I'd just like to know who they want in their defence on a regular basis!

                          I understand the logic of bringing in Lund as he's 5.4 and Hansen is out. That's not a bad shout. I do have Zach and Borven as well as Hedenstad so can't stretch to 4 players. We shall see what happens.

                          1. ReindeerHotdog
                            • 4 Years
                            4 years, 2 months ago

                            When I say "one of the best" I mean he's up there for certain categories. Consistent/not way down the list. He's not exceptional compared to other defenders in other areas but he's having a good season overall.

                            I was torn between him and Kitolano (Molde) for the next few weeks but due to fixtures I think Hedenstad gets the nod.

                            Hussain looks brilliant value for a 7m midfielder. Probably someone I'll look to bring in over the next couple of weeks.

                    2. El Puqi
                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                      • 5 Years
                      4 years, 2 months ago

                      Oh, thanks for the corrective. I didn’t really have clue, just ”heard” a rumour.

            3. FPL Bielsa
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Mainly down to your help, got Koomson in a few weeks ago from your tip and Zachariessen this week from your tip.

              Think i'll roll in this week if no injuries so will be looking for your next tip week after !

              1. El Puqi
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 5 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Not sure who you mean but cheers anyways! (RH I know but I’d just like to feel good about myself) 😉 Always here to help if possible. You’ve clearly done something good by yourself as you’re higher than either of us, haha!

                1. ReindeerHotdog
                  • 4 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago


                  Recommending Koomson and Zachariassen are certainly things I've got right this season. (Zach in last week or so).

                  Captaincy not so much, yeah!

                  Captaincy is going to be biggest variable now.

          4. Sebinhooooo
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Nice one!

            1. El Puqi
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Cheers! I’m coming for you tho, not far behind! 😉

              1. Sebinhooooo
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                That’s what I’m afraid of being this high, constantly looking over my shoulder

                1. Sebinhooooo
                  • 7 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  I’m Trying to play it safe as possible, being as most teams this high have similar template teams with high owned players, getting the right captaincy will be a huge differential as to whether I can maintain it. Junker last week made me lose a lot of ground just for not captaining him

        6. Hotdogs for Tea
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          could some kind eliteseriener please remind when the potential double game week will be and the teams involved?

          many thanks

          1. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Molde-Start is confirmed for GW12 so that’s a dgw for both those teams

            1. Hotdogs for Tea
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              cheers fella 🙂

          2. Knekke Brød
            • 11 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            btw. Why do they have a DGW?

            1. Team Cruel
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Molde CL qualifiers

        7. juicewagz
          • 8 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          What to do with this team? 1FT, 2.6ITB

          De Gea, Button
          Doherty, Saiss, Van Dijk, Aurier, Lascelles
          KDB, Foden, Martial, Pulisic, Alli
          Kane, Greenwood, Jimenez

        8. juicewagz
          • 8 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          2.6ITB. 1FT

          Alli + Kane > Ings and Sterling (-4) ?

          De Gea, Button
          Doherty, Saiss, Van Dijk, Aurier, Lascelles
          KDB, Foden, Martial, Pulisic, Alli
          Kane, Greenwood, Jimenez

          1. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            no BG?

            1. ReindeerHotdog
              • 4 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              I am constantly perplexed as to how these people end up posting FPL in our articles. And especially with such booooooooring comments too.

              RMT/"What to do" questions. No analytical substance whatsoever. Feel sorry for the people who put in all that effort writing the articles that get ignored just so people can basically ask "tell me what to do."

              1. El Puqi
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 5 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                So weird...

                I understand the RMT’s in pre-season but those ”what to do” questions are just dumb. Just give me some options and I’ll tell you which I like best but I’m not going to put my time in your team or make the decisions for you as I’m not the manager...

                Always good to get some other opinios but come on.

              2. Hotdogs for Tea
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                the click on the last comment that has been posted thinking it takes them to the most recent FPL article ... problem is the last comment is sometimes from here 😉

        9. Team Cruel
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Hansen out until September.

          Lund 5.4 nailed and my Klaesson replacement this week.

          1. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            good shout, great fixtures too

        10. Knekke Brød
          • 11 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          RH, what's going on with your Allsvenskan team? 🙂

          1. ReindeerHotdog
            • 4 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Oh I just saw this. I have been finding it quite difficult to keep up with. Number of reasons for that unfortunately. But I'll give you the breakdown:

            GW3: 48pts (4,011)
            GW4: 51pts (10,284)
            GW5: 50pts (7,051)
            GW6: 49pts (7,306)
            GW7: 44pts (6,031)

            Pretty consistently up there in the points because of what was recommended to me. I haven't made too many changes. Obviously my OR isn't great because of joining late and just throwing the team together quite haphazardly. But I do check in on it some times.

            Would be interesting to see how it pans out over the course of the season! Yourself?

            1. Knekke Brød
              • 11 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              GW1: 69 (3,619)
              GW2: 41 (18,159)
              GW3: 52 (2,412)
              GW4: 56 (6,925)
              GW5: 53 (4,558)
              GW6: 57 (2,261)
              GW7: 37 (16,934)

              Since GW3 my OR is between 1,5k and 3k. It's much harder to get higher there compared with Eliteserien because it feels like everybody has the same midfield (Haksa, Thern, Kaca, Tanko, AC) and there is no other player who screems "Get me in!". And the matches are so low scoring ...

        11. Speédy
          • 8 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Thoughts on Lauritsen as third striker? Is he nailed on after Borven left?

          1. Eytexi
            • 6 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Not necessarily nailed but I really liked the look of him vs. Viking. If I was playing 3 strikers, he'd be my 3rd.

        12. ReindeerHotdog
          • 4 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          I have said I was going to write an article about Odd/something for this week but unfortunately I will not be able to do produce it for this week.

          Apologies - I do want to maintain a steady flow of content for us all to pick apart and discuss, but I have been wrestling pretty violent insomnia the last week and it's made it rather difficult to produce any coherent material!

          I will take a few days to rest and recuperate and hopefully be back in action towards the weekend.

          I feel a feature piece on Odd and some players is in the works - I just need my brain working in order to make it worth everyone's while. Sorry guys.

          Update for team:

          Kristiansen to Hedenstad
          Berisha to Lauritsen

          Looks like Lauritsen has been eased into his starting position over the weeks before Borven left. He's a big lad - they'll be making sure he's their target man up top. (Again, I'd be going into this into so much more detail in an actual article - Odd are deceptively one of the best passing teams in the league as well as being an incredibly combative, industrious teams).

          Hedenstad faces rotation risk from Reitan. I'd agree with that to a certain extent but not yet. He's just back from injury and Hedenstad is playing well. No need to change too much just yet.

          Fridjonsson - if he nails that starting spot for AAFK he could be a real
          Any of the three Stabaek boys: Vetlesen, Edvardsen and Norman Hansen. All cheap. All attacking. All decent footballers.
          Zachariassen is back. Expect points.
          Rashani is no longer injured - this could be a turning point for Odd.

          Desler, despite being in a leaky Haugesund defence, looks one of the best attacking defensive options right now.
          As a few have stated, Hansen is out so Lund offers a cheap route into the RBK defence until around September.

          Molde are operating on fumes in defence: Kitolano looks to have left back as his spot to lose right now - looks a great option.
          Genuinely think Hussain is a decent Fantasy option. I know he's more a CM for Molde, but they all get forward and get involved. He may be 0.5m too expensive, but he might be an option if you're avoiding Eikrem.

          Koomson is fantastic, Sarpsborg are winning games(!) and if you don't have Junker, Hauge and Zinckernagel by now I would like to know why.

          Sorry for the long, fragmented comment. I may not be too active over the coming days - I just wanted to get all my thoughts out ahead of time!
          Good luck with Runde 8 guys. I will hopefully be in a position to throw something at the guys in charge before the weekend - I'd just rather I didn't submit a below-par article just for the sake of it.

        13. Hotdogs for Tea
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          What do you think, no Eikrem ? 0.7 in the bank

          Borchgrevink, Bjørnbak, Hanche-Olsen
          Koomson, Pellegrino, Hussain, Hauge, Zinckernagel
          Junker, Børven

          Myhra, Lauritsen, Vogt, Daland

          1. Onz
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Is this a WC or a GTG squad?
            Lund is a great pick and a cheap way into RBK clean sheets.
            I went Bringaker over Lauritsen only as he is 0.3 less and has a double GW so saves me a FT for GW12. Both have similar points potential but Odd may improve so I could live to regret that. Pellegrino is another you have that I regret not being able to afford. Due to his ownership he will hurt when he hauls, he will haul imo but not for me at his price.
            Borchgrevink at 5.0 and 4% ownership is interesting but a small investment gets an RBK defender and Valsvik at 6.0 is not far off your budget.
            Bjornbak in place of Gregerson is good but again I went cheap with Kitolano.
            Nice picks and at least not template bar the big hitters, good luck 🙂

            1. Hotdogs for Tea
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              cheers - WC

              1. Onz
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Good luck. I blew mine last week and regret it already 😆

                1. Hotdogs for Tea
                  • 9 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  I think the 5 early fixtures with the early team news helps a bit with a WC to see who starts this week.

                  I had Berg Hauge & Junker but no Zinckernagel, Gregersen injury covered by 2 dodgy cheap defenders and a couple of rotating keepers that I had to deal with

                  I quite like it but will look at Bringaker, however I am likely to rotate my 5th mid and third striker if the 5th mid has a tough game or gets injured/rested

                  Lund & Zinckernagel basically nudged me to play the WC.

        14. Eytexi
          • 6 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          1FT: Klaesson to Deumeland. OR: 815.

          GK transfer made a week before I had planned, but Deumeland sits out for me regardless. Early team news will determine the final spot in my defense - not convinced any defender is worth a hit this week so I shalln't gamble the -4. Good luck!

          Solheim, Gregersen (Foss/Daland), Nakkim; 
          Edvardsen, Eikrem, Pelle, Hauge, Zinck (K); 
          Børven, Junker.

          1. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Not favouring Jun(k)er? Beast at home

            1. Eytexi
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              I've trusted Zinck with all my B/G captaincies this season & don't really see a reason to change. He looks the best pick to me based on both statistics & the eye test. Minutes, corners & penalties only extend his appeal further.

              That said, I wouldn't suggest anyone move captaincy off Junker as picking a B/G captain comes down largely to personal preference & opinion it seems. Am guessing it's Junker (K) for you?

              1. Team Cruel
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Yeah fair, it's definitely down to preference. For me it boils down to the CF in free flowing teams, especially in home games. At home you're expected to dominate, opponent will sit back and you can regularly pin the ball towards the CF in the box. As a CF, other attackers are creating chances for you. And you'll get scrappy goals just by being in the right place at the right time.

                In away games you can to a bigger extent play on the counter. The CF works more as a target man, draws the CBs towards him which creates room and chances for other attackers.

                I'm treating Zink and Junker as Bruno and Martial. Armband on the playmaker/penalty taker away from home. Armband on the CF at home. Bruno counter goal at Brighton, he doesn't score that at home because Brighton won't be committing that many men forward at Old Trafford. Martial's home goals, he doesn't score them away from home because he isn't spending anywhere near as much time in advanced areas as he is in home games. I feel like I'm seeing similar patterns with Zink and Junker.

        15. Team Cruel
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Hauge not starting according to him

          1. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Word on the street is he misses out through illness

          2. kamdaraji
            • 15 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Hauge (who)?

            1. Team Cruel
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Second highest scorer in the game so far

          3. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            OMG that tweet 🙂

          4. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            is that Vogt out too ?

            1. Team Cruel
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Seems like it but he was always meant to rotate with Jonassen for the LB spot

              What are you doing with Hauge on WC?

              1. Hotdogs for Tea
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Saltnes, can get Hauge back but will lose .2

                1. Team Cruel
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 9 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Nice move. Might be something more than just illness anyway (Belgium calling?)

                  1. Hotdogs for Tea
                    • 9 Years
                    4 years, 2 months ago

                    Having 3 BG starting is a plus at least.

                    1. Team Cruel
                      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                      • 9 Years
                      4 years, 2 months ago

                      Yeah I'm envious, not looking forward to getting the customary 1 pointer from Foss

                      1. Hotdogs for Tea
                        • 9 Years
                        4 years, 2 months ago


          5. FPL Bielsa
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 7 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Thanks for the tip, moved Saltnes in with my free transfer just before deadline as don't want to be without 3 BG attackers.

        16. Eytexi
          • 6 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Tounekti 4.4m starts in Hauge's place..

        17. Hotdogs for Tea
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago


          1. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            They're getting slower, used to take 20 seconds back in the days

        18. Eytexi
          • 6 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Ended up starting with a 4-4-2 for the first time this season but happy having 11 starters (without a hit) regardless. Hustad my only sub. Good luck all.

        19. Gav's Gunners
          • 8 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Forgot to change my lineup. Not used to remembering a fantasy league deadline at 4pm on a Wednesday

        20. Team Cruel
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          James G, Knudtzon A

          Hussain G, Eikrem A

        21. Team Cruel
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 9 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Pellegrino G

          Foss G

          Dreamland 😀

        22. TAT
          • 6 Years
          4 years, 2 months ago

          Still don't own Pellegrino…

          1. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            tut tut Tat 🙂

            1. TAT
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              My original plan was to get him for this GW, but with Hauge out, I needed to strengthen my defence instead, bringing in Betten Hansen. Must get him next GW though.

              1. Ramboros
                • 13 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Funnily enough I also brought in Betten Hansen this GW and will use the funds for Sandberg to Pellegrino for next GW.

                1. TAT
                  • 6 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  I already had the exact funds for Pellegrino, but taking out Bojang allows me to get Pellegrino even with a price rise.

          2. Ramboros
            • 13 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            I sold Pedersen for a 4.0 so I can afford Eikrem, Koomson, Pellegrino, Zinckernagel, Hauge, Junker and Børven from next round. Rocking that 3x4.0 defence with Bojang and Ulvestad now.

            1. TAT
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              That's a great group of players to bring in/own! Really tempted by Koomson, but have no way of bringing him in right now.

            2. MTPockets
                4 years, 2 months ago

                That's basically my team - with Thomassen, Aasbak, Makani

          3. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Scary not having Eikrem 🙁

            1. Sebinhooooo
              • 7 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              You think that’s bad imagine having to watch Zinck for 90 and hopes he blanks while he takes every set piece

              1. Hotdogs for Tea
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                i only bought Zinc this week and have broken him already 😉

                1. Sebinhooooo
                  • 7 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Lol, I think he’s coming in for me, especially if Hauge is back

          4. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Berg G

            Sellers punished

            1. Hotdogs for Tea
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              me 🙂

          5. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Eikrem & Berg sellers .... o/

          6. Team Cruel
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            NAKKIM PEN GOAL

            1. El Puqi
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Some real jammy points for Makani & Nakkim owners... 😉

              1. Team Cruel
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 9 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Nothing jammy about picking penalty takers 😉

                1. El Puqi
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 5 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Brochmann wasn’t on the pitch but fair play 🙂

            2. Hotdogs for Tea
              • 9 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              casuals win again 🙂

          7. Hotdogs for Tea
            • 9 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            I have had 2 points from my Kaptain in the last 3 game weeks 🙁

          8. Paul Psychic Octopus
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            4 years, 2 months ago

            Missed the deadline and line-ups of course, and team reorganisation to shift Hove and Hopmark out of the starting XI. And as to who is on my bench...?

            That would be Berg, Nakkim among others of course! Bringing my FPL bench jinx to ESF.

            1. El Puqi
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              That’s tough...

              So many people getting Nakkim, Foss & Berg off the bench it’s ridicilous! Unfortunately you aren’t one of them.

              I guess you have benched Egan in recent weeks?

              1. Paul Psychic Octopus
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • 13 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                I probably sold Egan for someone like Holgate, so it's worse. Have left huge hauls from Greenwood and Saint Maximin on my bench recently.

                Not had that same level of disaster in ESF yet. There are plenty of goals in Eliteserien, but don't think many bench fodderatti in this League are capable of double-digit hauls.

            2. MTPockets
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Ditto on missing lineups but started Foss so can't complain

              • Onz
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Also missed the deadline and missed watching any matches as I forgot.
                Pellegrino to Koomson went well. Will try and catch up on the highlights.

            3. FPL Pillars
              • 8 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Jens Hauge, is he leaving the club?

              Can someone confirm if so when. Thanks!

              1. Onz
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                Just a touch of the sniffles atm but keep an eye out in the press as he could be signed up any time.

                1. FPL Pillars
                  • 8 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Ok thanks I got the impression he was already signed by someone previously. Can’t really keep an eye out until the game tells me lol as I’m not Norwegian

                  1. Eytexi
                    • 6 Years
                    4 years, 2 months ago

                    At one point he was scheduled to be leaving before GW9, but has since delayed/called off that move. I wouldn't be surprised to see him leave fairly soon, but there's nothing set in stone regarding when and where to.

            4. Eytexi
              • 6 Years
              4 years, 2 months ago

              Interested to hear your SGW chip successes & failures so far. I currently have all my chips still intact, intending to use double captain in DGW12 & Spissrush soon after in a SGW (just to have it out the picture more than anything). I'll save RU for a potential DGW. How are the rest of you handling the chips?

              1. Alberto Tomba
                • 11 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                You've only two weeks to use all your chips - choose wisely and good luck my friend!

                1. Sebinhooooo
                  • 7 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Why only 2 weeks?

                2. Eytexi
                  • 6 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Check the thread mate, haha. Plenty of time left here.

                  1. Alberto Tomba
                    • 11 Years
                    4 years, 2 months ago

                    Ah! Gotcha 🙂 I was worried for you there. No need

              2. Sebinhooooo
                • 7 Years
                4 years, 2 months ago

                GW3 - Rich Uncle (91 Points)
                GWR 760
                Not really a success as my normal team would’ve scored more

                GW7 - DC on Hauge and Eikrem 51 points combined so a success

                1. Eytexi
                  • 6 Years
                  4 years, 2 months ago

                  Sounds like some well played chips have really helped put you up the top although RU could come back to bite you. Gives me some hope that I could achieve an OR in the top 100 with all chips remaining.