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Mindfulness, mental health and FPL in a season of disruption and variance

Mindfulness coach and Community trial winner Dominic Watts discusses how Fantasy Premier League managers can ensure they enjoy a healthy relationship with their favourite game.

With the United Kingdom subjected to another lockdown at the start of this new year, the human mind is up to all its old tricks with a vengeance. 

Being out and about helps us to use our energy up in all sorts of different ways, and being stuck in does no good for our mental health if we let the mind run riot. 

Those problems affect Fantasy Premier League managers just as much as the rest of the human race so I have put together something for the community during these challenging times as we seek to find balance and perspective in FPL and life in general.

FPL never fails to surprise us. As I signed on to make my transfer back in Gameweek 9, convinced I had to get rid of Son Heung-min (£9.7m) ahead of the Manchester City game, there he was staring at me on the homepage doing that heart celebration. I simply couldn’t press the button. That day, I won as Spurs won 2-0 and Son got 10 points. But it could easily have gone the other way.

For example, as I opened up Notes on my iPad in preparation for writing this article, I stumbled upon an absolutely hilarious ancient relic. It was a watchlist of players I created on September 11 this year, the day before the 2020/21 campaign kicked off. It was something I had completely forgotten about, perhaps on purpose when you consider who I had marked down as hidden gems ahead of the new season:

  • Pulisic
  • Vinagre
  • Alli
  • Brewster

Now this is no offence to these admittedly excellent footballers, but it just shows how fickle the FPL gods can be. Between them, these boys have amassed a grand total of 50 points this season, 28 contributed by Christian Pulisic (£8.2m) who has one goal and one assist so far. 

Either way, this served as a stark reminder that someone hugely in favour one day is a laughable consideration the next, and so the rollercoaster goes on. Sometimes we might wonder why we put ourselves through all this.

Why So Serious?

Well, anyone who has seen the fantastic Leed United documentary Take Us Home will have felt the goosebumps as the players could not resist breaking their quarantine rules to exit the building and be closer to the elated, chanting fans after they secured promotion to the Premier League. 

The emotion was truly incredible to witness and, just like football itself, people who don’t play FPL can be utterly mystified by how much others care about it. My wife hates football so much that she even had the gall to stop picking my captains for me based on random numbers a few years ago (I’ll never forget the day Kevin Nolan got me a hat-trick on her say-so). 

On the face of it, I can understand the view that we should not get ourselves worked up about FPL. After all, you’re picking an imaginary team of real players who get points for you and then getting really annoyed when you don’t pick the right ones. 

But if you want to pick it apart, you can make similar arguments about most things people care about. The thing is that as human beings we create meaning. We give meaning to the things that we care about and so if we decide to care about FPL, it becomes meaningful to us. It may not be easy to understand how someone gets massively into stamp collecting, knitting or beekeeping, but the same principles are at work. 

When we allow something to be meaningful to us, we become vulnerable to its forces. In terms of FPL, this means we are choosing to be at the mercy of its ups and downs, and we can’t have the ups without the downs. 

The challenge is finding balance, so we can enjoy the rollercoaster without it having a negative impact on our lives. To that end, let’s look at a couple of key themes which seem to cause a lot of the trouble. 

What Time’s Kick Off?

Did you know that Stephen Hawking held a party for time travellers and only sent the invites out after it had finished? Surely if they didn’t come there was no point sending the invites out? Well, I guess if he didn’t send them out then he wouldn’t have been able to say that they had turned them down.

Sorry about that. As you can see, time travel is a bit of a mess. But it’s no wonder so many of us are stressed; that’s what you’re doing all the time. Have you ever considered how amazing it is that you are able to access possible pasts and possible futures whilst being in the present? 

Your time travel powers come as both a blessing and a curse. They are the source of both the excited anticipation that comes with waiting for the weekend’s games to start and the empty comedown of having your captain blank for the second week in a row. 

This same time-traveling ability of ours causes so much trouble in every area of life as well as FPL. What this means, though, is that the wisdom which has been passed down through the ages to help people live a balanced life can be really useful for those of us who play this wonderful game as well. 

What you will see throughout the rest of this article is that as the mind twists and turns through imaginary timelines, dragging us along for the ride, the remedies for FPL angst are always simple, always the same and always in the present.  


One of the main culprits which causes us stress and anxiety is uncertainty and living through 2020 has really brought this home. The coronavirus has forced us to face uncertainty about so many things: work, health, socialising, traveling and even Christmas in the end.

The fact of the matter is that life is uncertain but the mind seeks and loves control because when it feels in control it feels safe. If we know exactly what will happen to us in the next week, it can help us to feel secure and comfortable. The dark side of this is that it’s less fun, less realistic and simply not the truth.

We don’t know what will happen to us tomorrow and some of the best things possible happen totally out of the blue. Yes, some of the worst things do too, but that’s the game we’re in. There’s no point pretending otherwise.

Actually, FPL is a great training ground for learning to live with this. After all, uncertainty is the main attraction of sport. As fans we want to see what happens, because we don’t know. It’s the thrill of the unknown which keeps us coming back and makes it so epic when outrageous things happen. 

Mindfulness teaches us that when we start to consciously embrace uncertainty, life can be way more exciting and energising. It can help us to live more fully now instead of always worrying about what is around the corner. Remember that this game wouldn’t be fun at all if we knew exactly what was going to happen all the time!


Uncertainty relates quite nicely to acceptance because it’s hard to accept uncertainty. When we can’t accept something, we fight it, and this uses up a lot of energy.  

Let’s take a real life example which is pretty serious: a break up. So much of the difficulty with a break up comes from non-acceptance of the fact. The mind will pull out all of the stops to convince us that it just can’t be true and we can change the past. 

The problem is that all of this happens subconsciously and so we don’t generally see what’s going on. Thoughts are moving so fast that we believe their stories without question and follow their lead. Yet accepting things as they are is incredibly powerful medicine and, unfortunately, it’s worth practising because it’s not the mind’s natural way. Have a look at what the mind is saying. Is it trying to fight the past?

In FPL, the mind can use up a lot of energy by doing so. It sounds ridiculous to think about logically, but it happens all the time. Ask yourself next time you have a ‘thought storm’ relating to FPL, how much of this is caused by unavoidable uncertainty or not accepting what has happened? 

My brother often says when it comes to transfers that we ‘can’t have them all’. On the face of it, this seems obvious, but it’s a great example of acceptance in action. When you truly accept that you can’t have all the players you’ve had your eye on, you might see that this subconscious desire has been causing some stress. Seeing this can bring relief and a more light-hearted approach to the game. 

What To Do?

So what can we do about all this? What can we do when the mind is going round and round in circles of uncertainty, avoidance and trying to control the future? Well the short answer is look

The longer answer is that we don’t need to ‘do’ anything, in the normal sense of what we mean by that. In fact, anything we ‘do’ is likely to make things worse. We can’t stop thought and we don’t need to. Thinking happens. To all of us. A significant part of the mind’s job is to anticipate and solve problems, so it just loves having something to chew on. When we interfere and try to suppress, control or stop thoughts, we tend to just add fuel to the fire.

What we can learn to do is be curious about what the mind is doing and learn to really look. Look properly, not just at the mind, but at everything else in the present as well. 

Look at where you are, what you are doing, what is happening now. When we connect to the present moment, the dramas and stories of the mind are seen in a different light.This is the golden key and it opens up a choice of how to respond to what is happening now. Try it out and hopefully you’ll see what I mean. 

You may end up laughing at how anxious you were about your transfers, or seeing that you were convinced someone is going to get 100 points this week just because the league leader has them in their team. Ridiculous, right?

Bringing it all together

More home struggles for Vardy as Lookman's FPL form continues

As I write this, my mind reminds me that I thought Jamie Vardy (£10.2m) was DEFINITELY going to get 10+ points against Fulham in Gameweek 10 and that I should have burned the extra four points to bring him in for Timo Werner (£9.2m). We all know that would have turned out.

One thing I know for sure, though, is that I’m not the only person making these decisions. Anyone who has owned Vardy this season has had to make tough calls on him at various points. 

This reminds me that all of the thoughts and emotions we experience in relation to FPL are not ‘my’ thoughts. They are just par for the course; the standard thoughts of everybody playing this game.

Seeing that thoughts are just thoughts, that you don’t own them and you don’t need to control them, is the start of developing a more relaxed relationship with the mind. It allows you to watch its acrobatics without being so attached to what goes on and this detachment brings a more healthy perspective.

Who would have thought that choosing a team of players could bring us face-to-face with some of the most difficult aspects of the incredibly confusing job of being a human?

Lessons learned from FPL Gameweek 17

1,372 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Baps hunter
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 6 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Is it only me, but atm I cannot reply to any reply, they are being grey instead of green 🙁

    1. Baps hunter
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I can reply to that one above^, but not to this exact post.

    2. kennethrhcp
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      if on your phone you've ticked or unticked a box... i did it once. i cant remember where the box is

      1. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Problem solved/disappeared. Clicked and unclicked (or in reverse order) that box. Either bug there or strange touchscreen issue on my phone, no idea.

        1. Scrumper
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 4 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          OMG, I've had that problem for weeks! Can't believe I never saw that box. Thanks

      2. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago


        1. kennethrhcp
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          No bother. Fair annoying when you hit it

    3. _Ninja_
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      for me the reply on the opening comment is green but is grey for all replies to that. I can click any of them though.

      1. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Maybe touch screen issue and I just got confused with the colours. Thx.

  2. Bruce Lee
    • 6 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    QUIZ: Which player in Europe's top 5 leagues has the most nutmegs per 90 minutes?

    1. richarlison2348
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 3 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


      1. Bruce Lee
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Not Anguissa

    2. BeWater
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


      1. Bruce Lee
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Not Podence

    3. richarlison2348
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 3 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      its going to be somebody who played like 5 minutes of one game and got a nutmeg

      1. Bruce Lee
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Minimum of 270 mins played

    4. Duke Silver ☑
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      JJ Okocha?

      1. Bruce Lee
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago


    5. Flair
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


      1. Bruce Lee
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        The main man wins again!

        It is Neymar with 9 nutmegs

        Runners up:
        - Bernard
        - Amin Younes
        - Zielinski
        - Benrahma

    6. _Ninja_
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


  3. The 12th Man
    • 11 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    For 19.
    A) United defender(AWB or Maguire) + Sterling
    B) Cancelo + Rashford

    Other City and United players will be Dias ,KDB and Fernandes

    1. The 12th Man
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      This determines whether I go AWB or Cancelo this week.

    2. Steve The Spud
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Same dilemma myself, I think 3 home games for city is just to much to turn down, huge ceiling for double city attack, could go wrong of course

      1. Steve The Spud
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 4 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        If in Fh, A

        1. The 12th Man
          • 11 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          It would be
          TAA,Salah > AWB/Cancelo + KDB this week
          Grealish,Kane >> Rashford/Sterling + Vardy in 19.

        2. The 12th Man
          • 11 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          Yeh I’d definitely go A on a FH.

    3. Teahupo'o
      • 12 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I'd probably lean B because of Cancelo.

    4. R.C.
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      B - Rashford + Stones

    5. Crunchie
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Maguire has 4 YC

      1. The 12th Man
        • 11 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Would be AWB then .

  4. Teahupo'o
    • 12 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Down to three options for FH18. Best one?

    Cancelo Tierney *STONES
    KDB Bruno Son Saka *RASHFORD
    Laca *KANE

    Cancelo Tierney *AWB
    KDB Bruno Son Saka *STERLING
    Laca *MARTIAL

    Cancelo Tierney *AWB
    KDB Bruno Son Saka *STERLING

    1. dunas_dog
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      A for me. Rashford more nailed than Martial- Cavani might get start

      1. Teahupo'o
        • 12 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Thanks. Fair point on Martial.

    2. Gemma817
      • 3 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      must be mad team value.
      with that being said, A

      1. Teahupo'o
        • 12 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Thanks. Actually, 1m off of the team I wanted and saw posted here a few days ago.

        1. WWW.
          • 11 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          What was that team?

    3. fleagle1888
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I think B because of Sterling.
      I wouldn't go triple Arsenal tho

      1. Teahupo'o
        • 12 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Cheers. Sterling is tempting. Not very bothered with Arsenal triple up for one gw. Lacazette is the only one I might forego.

    4. BooYaKasha
      • 13 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


    5. FourLokoLeipzig
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


  5. Make United Great Again
    • 12 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Son Heung-min's shooting across all competitions this season:

    ◎ 42 shots
    ◎ 26 shots on target
    ◉ 62% shot accuracy
    ◎ 16 goals scored
    ◉ 38% conversion rate

    1. Drogba Legend
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      38% conversion rate is unreal

      1. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Not sustainable, but he can keep it high. And since they are not free scoring team, it looks like that he is getting more chances until someone of them scores.

  6. Shatner's Bassoon
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Any thoughts on this squad?

    Cancelo, Stones, Dier, Ayling
    KDB, Son, Salah, Bruno
    DCL, Bam

    Subs are all injury/start doubts:
    Ryan, Balbuena, Romeo, Welbeck

    0.0 ITB, 1FT, no chip plans

    Some upgrades required, but I can't see anything useful for GW18. Wait it out, field 8 (9 if Welbeck is back) and use 2FTs for GW19? Potential for dramatic price changes has me a little concerned.


    1. Drogba Legend
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Think you probably have the right idea and can hold out on prices unless it'll affect your transfer plans.

      1. Shatner's Bassoon
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        I'm not sold on any plans I come up with atm. Hoping I'll be more inspired in another week, or at least have some different options to work with.

    2. BeWater
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I wouldn't worry too much about price changes. Team looks fine for 18. 2FTs in 19 will give you some options.

      1. Shatner's Bassoon
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago


  7. Drogba Legend
    • 7 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Would appreciate the community's advice:

    Current team (6 playing):

    Robbo* - Chil* - Dallas* - Douglas* - Dias
    KDB - Bruno - Salah * - Soucek * - Stephens*
    Kane - Brewster - Bamford

    A) Free Hit
    B) Salah + Douglas > Sterling + Shaw/Bailly (-4 would give me 8 playing)
    C) Robbo + Douglass > Cancelo + AWB (-4 would give me 8 playing)
    D) Something else for a -4 or -8 to get up to 8/9 players and save my FH chip


    1. BeWater
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I might play through 18 with 7 players. I would probably do just Robbo to Cancelo. Unless you fancy keeping AWB for a while in which case it might be worth a -4.

    • 6 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Sizeable blank for League Cup final

    one of Man U / man C
    plus their opponents of that week

    minimum Son, Kane and at least one of Bruno / KdB out

    1. fedolefan
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Which gameweek is the league cup final?

      1. _Ninja_
        • 14 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        GW33 I think so spurs Fulham blank unless it's moved to midweek.

    2. Rupert The Horse
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I had 3 mates in your movie and I even auditioned.

    3. RamaJama
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      We suspected this could happen even before this match

  9. royals forever
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 15 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Is this team good enough for GW18 or should I FH it


    Stones Keane Semedo

    KDB Son Fernandes Grealish

    Any ideas would be welcomed

    1. _Ninja_
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      8 is enough as you have KDB Bruno, Son and a city def.

    2. Fit_to_drop
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Good enough

  10. Steve The Spud
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 4 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Would you sooner have

    A. souceck for double and play 10 players in 18
    B. Saka for 18 and 19 singles

    Will have either for game week 20 onward as well

    1. Ajax Hamsterdam
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      soucek has very nice fixtures. great value imo.

  11. Kay317
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Who would you rather have for GW18 blank (free hit team)
    A) Rashford
    B) Sterling

    Rashford means slight upgrades in defence but nothing major or Lacazette over Wilson. But think I may be swaying towards Wilson anyway.

  12. Charlie&TheLads
    • 9 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Lets try this again post GW17

    Salah to Saka?

    1. Kay317
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Depends what you're going to do with the money you save I guess.

      1. Charlie&TheLads
        • 9 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Save it for a rainy day.
        There is going to be a recession apparently!

        Or immediately splurge in GW19.

  13. arndff_
    • 12 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Are you doing Salah to KdB tonight having in mind Man C face Man U tmrw?

    1. Ajax Hamsterdam
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      On WC so happy to take the risk

      1. arndff_
        • 12 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Yeah, sure. Actually my question was to those who are planning not to use FH/WC2.

    2. RamaJama
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Same problem, see below, so many doing their FTs already can push us all into misery if Covid hits PL players again...

    3. Kingtekkerz
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      But is fplstatistics accurate now? Isnt FH and WC affecting the numbers which means KDB will not rise tonight?

    4. CBonci
      • 8 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Yeah I did it anyways despite the match tomorrow. I am planning to go without using chips.

  14. RamaJama
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 11 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Too early to pull the trigger Mane to KDB?

    1. The 12th Man
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I’d wait another 10 minutes.

      1. RamaJama
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago


        1. The 12th Man
          • 11 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          If your using your FH and you want KDB in anyway if you decide to back out using FH then I’d make the move.

      2. arndff_
        • 12 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Another 10 minutes or 1 day & 10 minutes? 😀

        1. RamaJama
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 11 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

    2. dunas_dog
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      No- I did last night

  15. Bring the Cavalry
    • 7 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Anyone TC Kdb in the double gameweek? Been setting my team up for weeks for bench boost but CRY/AVL is very tempting.

    1. Kay317
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      It is tempting.

    2. joeydordon
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I'm thinking about bamford TC I deserve punished with the other options but just got a gut feeling

      1. Bring the Cavalry
        • 7 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Not a bad shout at all

  16. Steager
    • 7 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Can you please post your WC Team? Keep changing mine, currently on:


    * Play in blank and double
    CAPS only double

    Not sure about Watkins and Smith-Rowe. Any suggestions?

  17. Stranger Mings
    • 3 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Hi all any essential players to own Gw18 /19 except KDB, stones, son, kane, Bruno or grealish ? Cheers

    1. Lucky Z
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Why Grealish is essential?

  18. AzzaroMax99
    • 7 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    KDB or Sterling? FH active

    1. Gemma817
      • 3 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      how about both? 😉

      1. RamaJama
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Sounds nasty!

      2. AzzaroMax99
        • 7 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Ok, in that case I need to sell 2 players to fit Sterling in?
        Kane, Bruno, Rashford, Grealish, Lacazette, Wilson

    2. AzzaroMax99
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Wilson+Rash to Brewster+Sterling is manageable

  19. Davidwes
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    If i have this team for gw 18 a free hit can be saved right?
    Stones, Cancelo
    Bruno, KDB, Grealish, Son
    Transfers are TAA, Salah to Cancelo and Kdb for a -4

    1. BeWater
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I'm thinking of saving FH by playing Martinez, Lowton, Cancelo, Stones, Son, Bruno and KDB so I think you can definitely save.

    2. _Ninja_
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Yeah save fh

  20. Gemma817
    • 3 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Need some help here
    FH team
    Holding, Dias, Shaw
    KDB, Sterling, Son, Bruno, X
    Wilson, Laca

    Have 6.8m for the last spot in mid? Who to pick? I guess I don't wanna triple up on Arsenal with Saka.

    1. Kay317
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      El Gazi

      1. Gemma817
        • 3 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        was thinking about it ...

    2. Westfield Irons ⭐️
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Siggy is 6.8 and on pens.
      Gives you a player in a fixture that you are not covering.
      He's had 2 x 11 pointers in the last 5.
      Not for me, but neither is Lacazette

      1. Gemma817
        • 3 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        Fair point, so I'm left with two options atm.
        El Gazi and use the remaining funds to do Holding --> Tierney.
        or take a big punt on Siggy. Well it's just for a week anyway.

        1. Westfield Irons ⭐️
          • 14 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          I would get Saka, Dias>Cancelo and use any spare funds to have one decent sub. Siggy is 100% a punt. Whatever you do, don't hit activate now to get Siggy because you can afford him exactly. Wait, you have options and time

        2. Yes Ndidi
          • 5 Years
          3 years, 8 months ago

          To many of these FH teams are identical it might pay to punt on a one or two. Siggy is not a bad shout, although away at Wolves wouldn't be ideal. Neto at 6m is one that interests me.

    3. CBonci
      • 8 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Another option could be Neto. On some set pieces and looking dangerous.

  21. _Ninja_
    • 14 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Spurs could have a DGW35 v leeds and fulham. Tasty for Kane and Sonaldo.

    1. BeWater
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I'm saving my TC with Kane in mind.

  22. Canarinha
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    My WC team

    I had to before Bruno and KDB rise
    (0itb now)

    Cancelo Stones Tierney
    Bruno Son Kdb Grealish
    Wilson Kane Bamford

    Dallas Cresswell

    G2g or change?... would love some advice 🙂

    1. Ajax Hamsterdam
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      v nice !

      grealish on 4 yellows though so one match away from ban

      1. Ajax Hamsterdam
        • 10 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        awb instead of tierney
        i d go rashford instead of son because of fixtures but understand why you want son in your team.

    2. CBonci
      • 8 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      BB in 19?
      But I agree get AWB over Tierney and maybe Saka out for a DGW player?
      You’d have a solid enough lineup still for 18 and be better setup for next GW.

  23. sufcben
    • 10 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Current FH team, who to go with at the back ?

    Tierney - AWB - Davies
    Grealish - KDB - Sterling - Son - Bruno
    Wilson - Cavani

    A) Current defence
    B) Sanchez & Dias & Coady & AWB/Tierney
    C) Other ?

    1. Kay317
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Davies, Cavani, Sanchez all not guaranteed to start

  24. ViperStripes
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 15 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    So what are the BGW Free Hit poll results in 2nd, 3rd, 4th? The results view doesn't show more than the first few letters and they all start the same.

    1. _Ninja_
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Can you click return to poll at the bottom? it should show the full text.

  25. Gemma817
    • 3 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Quick one Cancelo or Dias for FH team? Can't have both.

    1. Gunners in Haaland
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


    2. Lucky Z
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Cancelo for FH, Dias for long term

    3. kennethrhcp
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


    4. FourLokoLeipzig
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


    5. CBonci
      • 8 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Cancelo if for only the one GW

    6. Gemma817
      • 3 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Cheers, people! And yes, just for GW 18. FH.

  26. Lucky Z
    • 7 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Sanchez to whom as FT, for GW18 and onwards:

    A. Martinez
    B. DDG

  27. Fantasydreamer
    • 6 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Which for 18?

    1. Grealish
    2. Saka

    Which combo for GW19 (have Dias)

    A. Kane/Antonio/AWB
    B. Kane/Antonio/cancelo
    C. Sterling/Antonio/AWB
    D. Rashford/Ings/AWB

    1. Westfield Irons ⭐️
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      2 D

    2. Ajax Hamsterdam
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago



      dont trust antonio fitness

  28. All The Aces
    • 11 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    My team value was in excess of 105m. I hit the FH chip and picked my GW18 team. My team value now shows as 103.5m. Will it revert back to 105m (ish) the following GW when my team reverts back to what it was? That's a lot of funds to lose!

    1. Brosstan
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      How could it not return? Where would the value have gone..

    2. Lucky Z
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Sure you will get the value you had prior to GW18

    3. FPL_Motty
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Yes you will go back to 105. Its because for example you bought son for 9.0m, he's now 9.7 so your team value is 0.7m higher. But when you "sell", you only get 9.3m, so your team value in that case is only 0.3m higher. But since you're using free hit your team will revert to your original. However this is when people get confused about team value and bang on about my teams worth 110m, but its not if you don't sell and actually gain value on players, its not a usable 110m

      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      They'll be the same players so of course.

    5. All The Aces
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Cheers guys. So basically, while it may say 105m, my actual value when I want to sell is more like 103.5m. I get it now.

  29. Champions League Varane
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    Why am I getting rid of Heung Min Son in GW19?

    1. Lucky Z
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      fo have more players with 2 games

      1. seanie3
        • 13 Years
        3 years, 8 months ago

        That’s a common trap with dgw’s

    2. FPL_Motty
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I'm not

    3. seanie3
      • 13 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      I wouldn’t

    4. Scots Gooner
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Reckon he has a chance to outscore some of the double weekers. I'm keeping him on BB

    5. Now I'm Panicking
      • 9 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      SGW in 19, Liverpool in 20. Getting rid isn't a terrible call.

  30. Gunners in Haaland
    • 4 Years
    3 years, 8 months ago

    If you made some hits before gw18 but then decide to use a FH, are you losing the transfers made before activating the chip?

    1. Lucky Z
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago


    2. Brosstan
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      yes, and the hits.

    3. Gunners in Haaland
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 8 months ago

      Thanks both