195 Comments Post a Comment
  1. dimitros
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 7 Years
    9 months, 10 days ago

    Sterling to Bowen?

    1. dshv
      • 7 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago


    2. Fulchester's New Centr…
      • 7 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago

      You had me at Sterling to...

    3. Hotdogs for Tea
      • 8 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago

      Thinking of Sterling to Bruno as a one week punt myself, mainly due to the fixture ... but Bowen works too

  2. dshv
    • 7 Years
    9 months, 10 days ago


    1. Jwp Mitoma Archer
    2. Bowen anderson Eduard/Joao pedro
    3. Son jwp to Saka Bowen

    1. Fulchester's New Centr…
      • 7 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago


  3. Miniboss
    • 5 Years
    9 months, 10 days ago

    JWP -> Diaby for free?

    I have exact cash, and it seemed obvious on paper considering Villa's good fixtures. However I started having second thoughts after looking at the stats: JWP is on set pieces and he's actually performing according to what his stats suggest, while Diaby has been a tad lucky with his assists (thanks to clinical Watkins).

    This week they play against each other, so best to save an FT and assess? I won't be able to make a move if there's any price changes tonight though.

    Rest of the team looks like this

    0.4itb, 1ft

    Trippier Cash Udogie
    Son Maddison Salah JWP Neto
    Haaland Alvarez

    Areaola Botman Kabore Archer

    1. Fulchester's New Centr…
      • 7 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago

      I'd save - JWP is a keeper.

      I'd rather Watkins than Diaby if you can somehow wangle it.

      1. Mirror Man
          9 months, 10 days ago

          A keeper? Is that why he isn't scoring goals? ffs FPL fudged this one badly. They told me was a midfielder. Unbelievable.

          1. Miniboss
            • 5 Years
            9 months, 10 days ago

            all joking dads are proud of that one 🙂

          2. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            9 months, 10 days ago

            Have an uptick

      2. The Mentaculus
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 3 Years
        9 months, 10 days ago

        I can sort of see how you've arrived at this narrative by looking at the stats, but I dont think its a very fair reflection of how Villa have been playing. For a start, Diaby has only assisted Watkins once I think, a delicious through ball for the 2nd goal v BHA. If anything, he's been unlucky not to register more attacking returns - numerous marginal offside calls, the through ball for Watkins' goal against Chelsea which didn't qualify for an assist since Watkins needed two shots to finish the move, etc. And in general Watkins hasn't really been all that clinical - yes, he overperformed his xG in a slightly fortunate manner v BHA, but before that game he had 5 big chances & 15 shots in the box for just one goal. Not to bash either of them though- I think they're both strong picks & I own both myself. Anyway, I would go for the move; think Diaby is a nice upgrade

    2. FCSB
      • 8 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago

      Porro Burn Cash
      Salah Son Maddison Bowen Diaby
      Haaland Alvarez

      Areola Archer Taylor Lamptey

      1FT, 0.0 itb

      Any transfers needed here, or save FT?


      1. Fulchester's New Centr…
        • 7 Years
        9 months, 10 days ago

        Save, save, save what you want
        But don't play games your selection
        Take, take, take what you need
        But don't ask me for direction

      2. Big Mike
        • 1 Year
        9 months, 10 days ago

        Roll the transfer.

    3. Faz4853
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago

      Gordon or Alvarez?

      1. Fulchester's New Centr…
        • 7 Years
        9 months, 10 days ago

        Alvarez - City are playing BHA

      2. Big Mike
        • 1 Year
        9 months, 10 days ago

        I'd go Gordon - Palace aren't as strong as Brighton plus Alvarez may not get many minutes due to international involvement.

    4. Gazwaz80
      • 4 Years
      9 months, 10 days ago

      Doesn’t look like Botman is going to drop…

      1. Fulchester's New Centr…
        • 7 Years
        9 months, 10 days ago

        It is just the spanx

      2. Mirror Man
          9 months, 10 days ago

          That'll be the anti-price-drop spray on his utility belt.

          1. Gazwaz80
            • 4 Years
            9 months, 10 days ago

            Very good you two 😀

        • PartyTime
          • 3 Years
          9 months, 10 days ago

          I wouldn’t expect him to

          1. PartyTime
            • 3 Years
            9 months, 10 days ago

            *hopefully he gets the drop tomorrow

      3. Mirror Man
          9 months, 10 days ago


          Stick or twist?

          Asking for a friend.

          1. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            9 months, 10 days ago

            Bit sensual for this time of day.

            1. Mirror Man
                9 months, 10 days ago

                Exactly 😉

            2. FOO FIGHTER
              • 4 Years
              9 months, 10 days ago


            3. Mama Murphy's chair
              • 7 Years
              9 months, 10 days ago

              Twisting Areola could hurt.

              1. Mirror Man
                  9 months, 10 days ago

                  Don't knock it until you try it!

                  1. FOO FIGHTER
                    • 4 Years
                    9 months, 10 days ago

                    What cheese is on the menu today?

              2. Big Mike
                • 1 Year
                9 months, 10 days ago

                How good is this friend?

            4. Stranger Mings
              • 3 Years
              9 months, 10 days ago

              If beyer out assume impacts on Burnley cleansheet prospects? Worth getting kabore over Taylor ?

              1. Jars458
                • 10 Years
                9 months, 10 days ago

                Burnley have clean sheet prospects?

                1. Stranger Mings
                  • 3 Years
                  9 months, 10 days ago

                  18-20%!!! But I have branthwaite who is 10% so I need to get a better 4m defender !!

                  1. G-Whizz
                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                    • Has Moderation Rights
                    • 7 Years
                    9 months, 10 days ago

                    Can you stretch to £4.4m?

                    1. Stranger Mings
                      • 3 Years
                      9 months, 10 days ago

                      Unfortunately not

              2. Big Mike
                • 1 Year
                9 months, 10 days ago

                I wouldn't use a transfer to bring in either Kabore oir Taylor. Neco Williams from Forest may be worth a punt with Aurier an injury doubt.

                1. Stranger Mings
                  • 3 Years
                  9 months, 10 days ago

                  Thanks but only got 4m so May go lascalles

            5. Saka Punch
              • 5 Years
              9 months, 10 days ago

              Hey guys, from GW10 onwards which do you prefer:

              A) Trippier & Gordon
              B) Gabriel & Mitoma/Bowen

              1. G-Whizz
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • Has Moderation Rights
                • 7 Years
                9 months, 10 days ago


              2. Big Mike
                • 1 Year
                9 months, 10 days ago


            6. New article...
            7. Trequartista10
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 1 Year
              9 months, 10 days ago

              Bench Cash or JWP? Have Archer, Mitchell and Gabriel on my bench so not ideal for this week.

              1. Big Mike
                • 1 Year
                9 months, 10 days ago

                Play Gabriel if you can, but bench JWP. I'd play Cash too.

            8. Big Mike
              • 1 Year
              9 months, 10 days ago

              Hwang Hee chan, anyone?

            9. Stranger Mings
              • 3 Years
              9 months, 10 days ago

              Hi has anyone got a link to Newcastle training photos or video as trying to work out if botman trained?

            10. C'mon the Fylde
              • 9 Years
              9 months, 8 days ago

              What is the weakest link in this wildcard team?

              Coufal Cash Trippier
              Saka Gordon Salah Diaby Bowen
              Haaland Watkins

              Turner Lascelles Archer Taylor

              0.2m itb