99 Comments Post a Comment
  1. F4L
    • 9 Years
    2 months, 27 days ago

    too easy for Madrid

    1. x.jim.x
      • 9 Years
      2 months, 27 days ago

      They've been getting absolutely battered

      1. F4L
        • 9 Years
        2 months, 27 days ago

        doesn't matter if you defend like that

        lose today and tie over you'd think

        1. x.jim.x
          • 9 Years
          2 months, 27 days ago

          Right but withstanding 25 mins of Bayern barrage is hardly “easy.”

          Dunno, Madrid shipped 3 to City at home so wouldn’t write Bayern off completely.

  2. The Mandalorian
    • 11 Years
    2 months, 27 days ago

    Can anyone explain how that's not a penalty? Left my glasses at the brothel.


    1. Ginkapo FPL
      • 13 Years
      2 months, 27 days ago

      The foul was after he lost control of the ball

      1. St Pauli Walnuts
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 5 Years
        2 months, 26 days ago

        Not sure if you're joking, but hope so.

    2. Not again Shirley
      • 7 Years
      2 months, 27 days ago

      Because the world is full of idiots!

    3. x.jim.x
      • 9 Years
      2 months, 27 days ago

      Incompetence - looks like you’re not the only one who needs specs either…

    4. St Pauli Walnuts
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      2 months, 26 days ago

      Absolute madness.

      I can pick your bins up by the way.