Site Features

The Fantasy Football “ScoutCast”

Not content in ramming my words down your throat via these ‘ere pages, I’ve joined forces with Granville – my great fantasy football rival and attempted to shovel more nonsense your way via your ears and the voodoo of the internet.

I’ve been planning this for several weeks and finally managed to organise the time to try out a pilot episode of a Podcast or the “Scoutcast” as I’m calling it, on Tuesday afternoon.

You can crack right on and stream or download the mp3 direct from here. Use right-click and “Save as” if you want to download for later. Patient or sceptical types meanwhile, can read on for more info on this latest experiment…

I say experiment because it’s very much a pilot episode – you may hate to hear my nasal whine, preaching fantasy football views as I argue the toss with co-host Granville. Then again, you may have been crying out to hear two middle-aged men discuss the fantasy fortunes. Who wouldn’t eh?

We’ve gone for simple format for this pilot episode – previewing the weekend’s forthcoming games, discussing the demise of the mid-price midfielder and the merits of the speeding Anelka bandwagon. Joe Kinnear, Tony Adams and The Two Ronnies make appearances (not in person obviously – RIP Ronnie) and there’s also plenty of banter – the kind you’d expect from a pair of bitter mini-league rivals.

Keep in mind that we recorded this on Tuesday afternoon, before the Drogba suspension broke and tonight’s internationals. Apart from that, have a listen and let us know your thoughts on here or mail me a mark@fantasyfootballscout.co.uk.

If it takes off and we can get around to producing some more, then I’ll eventually set up a subscriber page and upload to iTunes. Let’s not walk before we can run though eh?

Click here to grab this pilot episode.

Many thanks to Podsafeaudio.com for the music included in this episode.

Mark Mark created the beast. He's now looking to tame it.

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