
The Pre-Match Preamble – Gameweek 34

The double Gameweek is a testing time – a period that puts Fantasy managers through a whole gamut of emotions, with joy and regret dished out in equal measure.

As I continued to mull over my own options this morning, it struck me that the double Gameweek experience is deserving of some thorough analysis – a breakdown of the stages with an explanation of the likely emotions involved. Fantasy managers need to prepare themselves for what lies ahead and, in some small way, we should all be here to help and offer support.

The Expectancy
It’s fair to say that this, for some, will be the most exiting and, sadly, fulfilling stage of the double Gameweek process. For those fresh to the experience, the excitement can hardly be contained. Meanwhile, those who have experienced the pains and rigours of previous double Gameweeks will somehow have mysteriously forgotten the agonies involved and often dive headlong into this latest possibility with familiar enthusiasm.

Thoughts can often turn to imagining scenarios, with players coasting to double-figure returns and transfer points hits evaporated away by a tidal wave of goals, assists and clean sheets. Such imaginings are perfectly natural and understandable going into the double Gameweek scenario, although you should attempt to stay grounded and hold back the temptation to spend frivolously in order to chase the potentially unobtainable.

The Delivery
Double Gameweeks are notoriously hard to gauge early on. After all, their success depends not on a first week’s fixtures but on the whole nine or ten-day period. Frustrations at early setbacks and disappointments can often be quelled by the hope that things will improve but, already at this point, an element of anti-climax and “what might have been” can creep in.

It’s very tempting to start re-assessing your situation had you made different decisions and not rushed into the double Gameweek with such enthusiasm. Indulging in this process is understandable but rarely helpful – it can often lead to the regret piling up and the futile desire to turn back time. There’s nothing you can do about Adam Lallana’s points tally, now. You sold him. Let it go.

The Post-Double Gameweek Period
This could be a period of utter elation: the feeling that the planning and execution of the double Gameweek has gone perfectly, delivering a result beyond even your wildest imaginations.

Alternatively, and more commonly, the emotion at this point is one of disappointment and an overwhelming determination that you will avoid this painful process again. That particular feeling will soon pass – as mentioned previously, you will typically forget all about this when the next exciting double Gameweek opportunity comes around.

At this stage it’s easy to start comparing. To begin purring over totals gathered by mini-league rivals and, worse still, the scores earned by some of the top Fantasy managers. Be warned – rarely is this anything other than destructive.

It’s often better to try to find some joy in the outcome, however disappointing it may seem. Convince yourself that your actions had a motive beyond the present day and that you are now well placed for the future. This will often be far from the truth but it will make the abject failure of the experience and the current pangs of regret far more palatable.

On the other side of the fence, those lucky enough to be experiencing complete fulfilment and satisfaction at this point are advised to bottle such feelings. Preserve this and do not be tempted to share your emotions openly with others who may not quite have reached such levels of elation. Give others time to find their own happiness and, for now, live with your own quiet contentment.

Replacing your Facebook profile picture with one of your double Gameweek tally is a complete no-no.

Mark Mark created the beast. He's now looking to tame it.

2,477 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Jairzinho
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    10 years, 2 months ago



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  2. Wavey Wambz
    • 11 Years
    10 years, 2 months ago

    I thought Tottenham looked good for 4 minutes. Game over.

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  3. Jairzinho
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    10 years, 2 months ago

    Ahh there's a new topic

    Thought this place had died

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  4. Godfather Bandit 42
    • 11 Years
    10 years, 2 months ago

    Me : Eriksen & Mirallas

    Him: Gerrard & Puncheon.

    Where's the Rizla?!!

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  5. Wilshere Knowledge
    • 10 Years
    10 years, 2 months ago

    Wheres poseidon? 😀

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  6. Ricky - it doesn\'t ta…
    • 12 Years
    10 years, 2 months ago

    i hope them sunderland fans who was shouting during the minutes silencing get an hiding after the match. scum

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  7. mgilbert86
    • 11 Years
    10 years, 2 months ago

    Lukaku captain fail again, never captain lukaku

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