
Sky Sports Focus – Captaincy Analysis

In our next article on the Sky Sports Fantasy game, we assess our captaincy options. This includes the various ways you can change your captain and also incorporates our preferred strategy up until the end of September. The aim, of course, is to try and exploit this feature to our benefit and increase our points potential.

As in most Fantasy games with a captaincy option, the player with the armband earns you double points, be it positive or negative. For a look at all the rules in the Sky Sports game, click here.

Swapping the armband

Fantasy managers are handed ONE swap per Gameweek and a Gameweek runs from Friday at 00.01am until 00:00 the following Thursday. This is different from last season, to take into account Friday matches, which occurs in Gameweek 2 when Villa host United. The trick here, of course, is to have your captained player featuring early in the Gameweek and then use your one swap to a player who takes to the field later in the week, therefore getting two captains out of your one change. In order to repeat this process, though, the player you selected as your captain for the Sunday/Monday should ideally play next week on the Saturday.


On occasion you may wish to ‘bank’ your captain swap – for example your captain plays on the Saturday but none of the matches over the Sunday and/or Monday look appealing. Instead of letting it go to waste, it’s a good idea to use your swap after the fixtures but before the current Gameweek has finished (best to wait up until Thursday evening in case of injuries etc) to set yourself up for the incoming rounds of fixtures choosing a player who features early of course.

Transferring Skippers

If you transfer your current captain out of your team and acquire a replacement, the incoming player will take over the armband and this will not use your one allocated swap. This tactic can work in two ways – you can make the trade and still have a captain switch to follow or, if you’ve already changed your captains, the transfer gives you another armband option for the Gameweek. You can also transfer your captain out multiple times if it’s a week with fixtures also on the Tuesday and Wednesday, for example, and have multiple captains in a given round of matches.

Playing the Blanks

When the Premier League takes a break for international or FA Cup matches, the blank week still has relevance when it comes to captain swaps, as it still counts as a Gameweek. This means you can use your one captain swap during this week and so be more adventurous with your armband choices the weekend beforehand.

Risk/Reward Tactics

Over the course of the season all these scenarios will feature in our strategies. As we assess each Gameweek, the risk/reward of using player transfers will have to be balanced, as quite often I found that quality out performed quantity and so having Sergio Aguero as my one skipper for the week could outperform using transfers to have Sadio Mane twice, for example – again, it’s a judgement call and can go either way. Planning your captaincies well in advance has its advantages as it means you can determine which route to navigate through the fixtures and not end up stuck with an unwanted armband choice and forced into a transfer. As always, though, injuries and form come into the equation and it’s important to remain flexible and re-write your plan regularly to stay on top of the game.

Our captain plan

In truth, this season is a bit of a nightmare when it comes to captain strategy – with the way that fixtures have fallen, we’re rarely afforded a strong Saturday/Sunday rotation. Here we bring you the most cautious approach we could find that still uses premium options from the top teams; this is without using any transfers, so misses out on quite a few opportunities for additional captains. Nonetheless, we think it’s a good blue print to use as a starting point, allowing you to add in extra captains at your discretion.

GameweekDate of fixture(s)Captain option (team)Notes
1August 8Chelsea/Any
August 9Arsenal
August 10
2August 14
August 15
August 16ArsenalBank your swap
3August 22Man United
August 23Man City/Chelsea
August 24
4August 29Man City/Chelsea
August 30Man United/Southampton
5Blank week
6September 12Man City/Arsenal
September 13
September 14
7 September 19Man City
September 20Liverpool/Man United
8 September 26Liverpool/Man United
September 27
September 28

Following this means that as long as you have a player from Arsenal, Man United and Man City, you should have no issues navigating the first eight Gameweeks. As already mentioned, there are several blank fixtures, whereby using a transfer or targeting a player from a “lesser team” that has good Saturday to Sunday to Saturday rotation will result in more captains but with a possible loss in quality. This is probably the hardest part of the Sky game to get right – whether to take the plunge and spend transfers for extra captains or hide behind the sofa and hope playing safe works out. In the end it comes down to a judgement call and a little luck.

If you have followed our articles up until now and you add this plan to your repertoire you should be armed with all you need for a successful season.


We’ve already set up the official Scout League with a top prize of £1000 on offer to the winner once again. If you’ve tinkered with your Sky team and are looking to get involved, our league name is FFScout and the code is 8009000.

Finally, we’ve set up a community article to exclusively deal with Sky Sports Fantasy teams. Those looking to get involved with the discussion should click this link.

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4,851 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Dhody
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Considering the first 5 pictures only. Any and all advice welcome:

    (A) (Ruddy + Rudd) + Clyne + Bassong
    (B) (Ruddy + Rudd) + Cresswell + Huth
    (C) (Sketelenburg + 4.0) + Jenkinson + Huth

    Please rank in order e.g. I feel like its C, B, A

    1. Dhody
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      * I meant fixtures not pictures

      FPL is scrambling the brain cells :'(

    2. bar low tell me
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      1 2 3

    3. The Train Driver
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      A B C

      1. The Train Driver
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        It's easy as, 1 2 3

        1. The Train Driver
          • 9 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          As simple as, do re mi

          1. The Train Driver
            • 9 Years
            8 years, 10 months ago

            A B C, 1 2 3

            1. The Train Driver
              • 9 Years
              8 years, 10 months ago

              Baby, you and me girl

              1. Dhody
                • 9 Years
                8 years, 10 months ago


  2. The Train Driver
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Pool to pay back for last years humiliation?

    Stoke to repeat it?

    Boring game?

  3. GalacticosFC
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    I think i've finally decided on my team, I just need to sort out my 3 subs with 14.0 left, i'll probably use Sakho and Mahrez in rotation with the other subs, thoughts:

    Pantillimon (Hennessey)

    Koscielny - Ivanovic - Cedric - 4.5 - 4.5

    Hazard - Mane - Walcott - Mahrez - 5.0

    Rooney - Pelle - Sakho

  4. Ruth_NZ
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Yesterday someone was lamenting the lack of variation in RMTs, saying that "we are picking from a pool of 30 or 40 players" and that "FPL really should do something to bring more options into play".

    I think this is a very mistaken view. The reason for the "pool of 30 or 40 players" (if that's what it is) appearing in RMTs is more because of herd behaviour than anything else. 🙁 It doesn't mean there aren't other good options, far from it.

    Take GKs as an example. Mostly you will see combinations of Ruddy/Butland/Schmeichel plus (sometimes) Hennessey as a 4.0 in RMTs because it's fashionable. But there are other very good possibilities.

    Fabianski/Schmeichel is a good (perfect) rotation pair. So is Stekelenburg/Ruddy, another perfect pair. Cech/Hennessey is a good shout. All of those are 9.5 rather than 9.0 but stand a good chance of delivering the extra 0.5 in value.

    At 9.0, Myhill can be coupled happily with Schmeichel or Ruddy for very feasible rotations featuring a reliable clean sheet team. Marshall may arrive but that would bring Myhill/Marshall on to the table. In addition, other 4.5 GKs (like Krul) will come on the scene after Newcastle's fixtures ease and could be selected from the start if you don't want to use FTs on GKs. I saw someone get laughed out of court for a RMT with Krul/Elliot at 8.5 the other day but is that really such a bad idea for someone planning to save their wildcard till the Xmas period?

    There are probably at least 12 good GK picks. The fact that RMTs on here predominately feature 4 of them is a combination of fashionability and people constantly telling each other to spend less on their GKs. Less experienced (or more insecure) managers read this incessant advice and many will think "I must be doing something wrong then".

    In other areas there are also some very live picks with little favour on here. In defence, Martin and Olsson of Norwich, Lescott and Chester of WBA, Williams and Fernandez of Swansea, Tomkins and Jenkinson of West Ham, Soares of Southampton, Coates of Sunderland, Bacuna of Villa. In the midfield, Eriksen of Spurs, Sinclair of Villa, Lens of Sunderland, Sigurdsson, Ki and Ayew of Swansea, Coutinho of Liverpool, Puncheon of Palace, Willian of Chelsea, Albrighton of Leicester, Cabella and Wijnaldum of Newcastle, Atsu of Bournemouth, Redmond and Brady of Norwich and Van Ginkel of Stoke to name just a few. And upfront Gomis (Swansea), Bamford (Palace), Mitrovic (Newcastle), Vardy (Leicester), Diouf (Stoke), Gestede (Villa) and Lukaku (Everton) are all worth considering.

    I think, for example, that Eriksen stands a very decent chance of ending the season as the highest-scoring 8.5 midfielder in the game. But I have barely seen him mentioned at all. Lukaku scored 20 goals last season but fashionable opinion on here is skewed because only 10 were scored in the PL and he's a "donkey" and a "troll".

    That's 40 or so non-template selections I have named just off the top of my head, enough to double the size of the so-called pool. There may be a few of those that aren't ideal for GW1 (depending on when you plan to wildcard) because of early fixtures or injuries but all of them look capable of delivering good value for their price tags over a period of 10 or 12 games and some of them may well be "fashionable" in 3 or 4 weeks' time.

    The fault is not at FPL, they have evidently compressed pricing this season in an effort to bring more variation into play and at the same time have priced the top premium options protectively. If there is a fault it is that few people on here want to have a team much different to anyone else and having a "template" selection is seen by many as a badge of honour or security. The efforts some posters make to get this or that player accepted by others are laughable sometimes, it's as if they don't feel comfortable selecting them unless they are "approved". Strange really, if you have a good player that others have missed and that does well it helps you doesn't it?

    In summary, while most "casuals" (a term I dislike) pick players they like or think will do well, it seems that the FFS "template" comes from managers picking players that other people like or think will do well. It's a shame really.

    Innsie posted his "guidelines for RMTs" recently and very good they were. Here are my rules for how the practise actually works:

    1. Everyone must have the same team (more or less);
    2. Everyone must congratulate one another on having the same team (more or less);
    3. RMTs will be used to facilitate this process and recruit new herd members;
    4. Passing negative comment on a "template" RMT will be classed as a sign of arrogance or stupidity (or both at the same time);
    5. Players considered "essential" must not be questioned - and if they fail they must just be quietly forgotten;
    6. All opinions are equal, whether informed or not;
    7. Above all, do NOT think for yourself. That is the cardinal sin. 😕

    1. n-doggg
      • 11 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago


    2. The Guillotine
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago


  5. RafaelVDV11
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Please Rate my Team, struggling to get a team im confident with
    Courtouis (Hennessy)
    Jones, Jags, Mertesacker (Ogbonna, Elphick)
    Silva(C), Fab, Cazorla, Lens, Walters
    Benteke, Rooney(VC). (Deeney)
    Any advice really appreciated

    1. Jabba12
      • 11 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      I quite like it.

      Defence needs a look at - don't fancy utd to keep clean sheets, courtois is waste of money and chelsea space, jags - everton have awful fixtures, probably downgrade walters and courtois to afford hazard

      1. RafaelVDV11
        • 10 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Cheers, ill see what i can do

  6. Super Silva Haze
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Ok here it comes ... Can't seem to do any better than this atm.

    Mertesacker Azpli Cedric
    Hazard Sterling Walcott Henderson
    Benteke Rooney Sakho

    Schwarzer Matthews Wanyama Saylor.


  7. The Fat Cat
    • 12 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    With Sky being Friday the gameweek starts it's going to be a lot of hassle Disable, your chosen captain might not play & Friday is not ideal for picking captain. People will miss out on the Saturday morning injury announcement to change the captain in time.

  8. Mr.What?
    • 12 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Double up Arsenal Mid?

    what do you think?

    I got Walcott+Ozil

  9. hewittj1
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Hey everyone,

    Do you think Bournemouth's purchase of Gradel will impact the game time of Wilson??

    I have him in my team currently and now i'm worried he will get limited game time.

    Thanks JH

  10. Cookie Monster
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Hey guys im new to this site and have seen lots of people rating other teams, so i wondered if you guys could do the same for my team and give me some tips maybe?

    GK- Schmeichel (Myhill)
    DEF- Azpili, Merte, Coates, Cedric (Huth)
    MID- Hazard, Wallcot, Mahrez, Mane (Sinclair)
    ATT- Rooney, Kane (Sakho)

  11. FPL Time!
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    So here's my idea of GW1. What you think?

    Parti, (hennessay)
    Azpi, huth, clyne, (alderweireld, Targett)
    Hazard(C), Sinclair, Özil, milner, sterling
    Rooney(VC), Pelle, (sakho)

    Also, is it worth it to go alderweireld > OShea and Özil > Walcott? A bit unsure with walcott...

  12. FPL Time!
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    So... O'Shea, Coates, Kaboul. Who is most likely a starter?

  13. SuperStig
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Pros and cons about this team?

    Schmeichel (Hennesey)
    Azpi - Mertesacher - O'Shea - Darmian (Francis)
    Haz - Wanyama - Walcott - Mane - Sigurdsson
    Pelle - Rooney - Berahino

    Alternatives to Wanyama or Sigurdsson?
    Must probably find a way to get Kun and/or Sanchez info the team eventually..

  14. Dazza66
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    RMT please, think I am going mad, lol

    Have decided to take Costa out waiting to see any news on Friday
    I have enough money to bring in Agüero with one transfer
    I understand Gomez will be a starter and thats all I want and he will help my rotation with Southampton GK
    Ibe I believe will be a good this year after watching a number of his games and for the price he is worth the chance, I also thin Yay is a great price as well and will perform this year
    I am not sure about Hazard to much expectation, and I know everyone else in the EPL is but I think Fabregas will have a great 2nd season

    Azpilicueta, Schlupp, Mertesacker
    Yaya Touré, Fàbregas, Cazorla, Ibe
    Benteke, Pellè, Rooney

    Stekelenburg, Wanyama, Gomez, Baker

  15. solvibjoss
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    can someone help me out here :DD
    Schemishel Guzan
    ( Merte- Cedric- morgan)- Wisdom- baker
    (hazard- hendo- ozil -mane) barry
    (Rooney- Pelle- Giroud)

    plz rate it

  16. El-Kloppico
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Am I the only one who have not understand the article here?
    For example is ManU is playing friday in GW2, and I select Rooney as C, he'll stay captain until thursday next.
    What the heck am I not understanding? What is this captain swap?