
The ScoutCast – Episode 172 – Fuzzy

We take Fantasy Football seriously. So much so, myself, Granville and Jonty find time each week to join up online and natter semi-aimlessly about it. Some of you even go so far to watch and listen. We all take Fantasy Football that seriously.

That’s why we dedicate this episode of the ScoutCast to Fuzzy Warbles, whose passion for Fantasy Football drove him to scribe a long letter to the Premier League. In doing so, he raised his head above the parapet to gain the attention from the mainstream press and various Twitterati.

Predictably, that attention was somewhat confused as to why someone would care so much about a few points to muster an 800-word email.

We know why.

The three of us are more than happy to waste more words discussing “CedricGate”, the catalyst for Fuzzy’s irritation.

Before that, we analyse Gameweek 9, discuss the contrasting fortunes of Jamie Vardy, Anthony Martial and Eden Hazard, plus assess the Gameweek 11 fixture swing. We may have a few chuckles along the way, but we’re taking it very seriously.

This episode of the ScoutCast was first broadcast live on our YouTube channel on Tuesday night. You can view the full version on the larger movie player below.

For the edited audio version, you’ll need this link or the smaller player below.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get news of every live ScoutCast episode.

Mark Mark created the beast. He's now looking to tame it.

3,354 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Felix_Da_House_Cat
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 7 months ago

    Before the season started, what kind of rank would you have considered to be a good season?

    and what do you think now? Given your current rank.


    1. Camp No No
      • 10 Years
      8 years, 7 months ago

      My rank isn't anywhere near where I think I'd finish in a good season, but the season isn't over yet and my rank is decent for this part of the season. Well positioned to finish high, still reasonable chances to win it.