
Sky Sports Fantasy Football Feedback

We have teamed up with the Sky Sports Fantasy Football to help them gather feedback about their Fantasy game.

With our Scout League being the highest placed league at present we know we have some top players amongst the community and want to hear your views on what you like/dislike about the game this season and what you want to see changed or added for next.

Luke Lockwood or Lrdlockwood as has he’s known on these boards joins us form Sky to pick your brains; this is our chance as a community to have an impact on a fantastic fantasy game.

Please you use up vote system if you agree with a users feedback to help Luke along the way.

Weekly Articles and Podcast

Also a reminder to make sure you continue to check out our weekly Sky Sports Fantasy Football articles and the Sky Fantasy Podcast for tips.

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132 Comments Post a Comment
  1. buffrey
    • 11 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    FIrstly, love the game, hence why I regularly podcast about it. And hence there isn’t loads isnt loads i would change.

    For example i would really want the following to stay as they are:-

    Multi captain
    No price movements
    No intra game transfers
    Prem only scoring
    Bonuses I love

    Things I think could improve:-

    Ranking next to each mini league
    Sky history
    MAybe removal of firta overhaul or movement to a little later

    And of course sky sponsorship for the flagship podcast

  2. DJDave1979
    • 9 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    The ability to pre-select captains is vital if you are to have daily captains. Otherwise, the top 1,000 will be mainly a case of people as sad as us who log in every day. It will make the game pointless for anyone who works away or has several kids.

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      This is preferable. There is a decent prize on the line. I'd fancy my chances more if only the sad guys like us have a chance.

  3. Numb
    • 9 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Another would be great to be able to see a breakdown of the Live Scoring - so you click on the number and see what its made up of.

    Sometimes you see a score go up but you're not sure whether they've had an assist or some sort of bonus added, etc

    1. Numb
      • 9 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      I mean the score of each player btw

    2. invertebrate
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Yeah, this. Finding out why each player has scored what they have is a bit of a nightmare.

  4. invertebrate
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    My only significant gripe with the Sky game as it stands is the way you have to log in on them app every time you open it.

  5. Epic Fail
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Make it easier for thick people like me to know when the game has been updated.

    Also let me see my playing history. I appreciate that may not be too easy what with us being allowed to have multiple teams, but still, I'm not the one who has to solve the problem.

  6. Junior ⚽
    • 8 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Hello Luke,
    Appreciate you taking the time to listen to us players.

    Firstly I’ve found your game much more enjoyable than FPL this season.
    The things I find best and what makes it most enjoyable are:
    - Daily captains. It makes those who put time into the game prosper as we can plan ahead.
    - No price changes. We’re able to plan long term without being put off by a change in price. It also allows the odd bargain to pop out.
    - Limited transfers
    - Bonuses and Motm. Unique feature that allows those who don’t score or assist do well too.

    I like the new

    1. Junior ⚽
      • 8 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      .... I like the new overhaul but would rather it to be pushed back a few weeks to possibly the second international break.

      I feel the passing bonus could have a 3rd tier after many are passing the 2nd tier amount, but this is only a minor pointer.
      I would like the 5-4-1 and 5-2-3 formation to be added.
      As many have said I’d also like to have league position showed without having to click the league, this would mean people could have a quick glance and it would be less hassle.
      I’d also love to have past ranks or a history for each person.

      A little problem I find is making transfers. If you’re not careful you can easily make a transfer as it’s place poorly. Maybe a confirmation page would be better?

      The pricing of forwards seem to be a bit too high, that’s why many are going with a 1 or 2 forward formation.

      Defenders have been priced better with the benefit of bonus, but I still feel the premium defenders are slightly overpriced.

      Thank you very much.

  7. Beanfield
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 7 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    I really like the game, well done.

    Last year if I looked at a friends team it would tell me how many points a player had scored for Them in particular over the season rather than overall for everyone thus giving me an indication of their transfers and strategies. I liked that but cant seem to find it anymore.

    Other than that (I've clicked afew up arrows) I'm enjoying it, thanks

  8. jj4eva186
    • 12 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Don't drastically change the game to cater for the opinions of the few! The way the game works is great as it is!

    - move first overhaul to 2nd international break
    - no price changes
    - I preferred the 1 captain switch a week and ability to transfer out captain for another playing captain but the captain for each game is ok too
    - list league position in league menu
    - transfer interface still a bit clunky and stats hard to find. Copying fpl here wouldn't be a bad thing
    - keep the bonus system as it is. Good differential to fpl
    - Don't introduce an any time wild card. Could do away with the overhauls completely to be honest
    - Don't introduce transfers between games on the same day
    - cash league joining date cut off before season kick offs

  9. john mensah
    • 14 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Get rid of the multiple captains. Makes it necessary to do unreasonably extensive planning, and requires you to use limited transfers on bringing in captains on days you have no one playing instead of intuitively building a good squad over time.

    1. d1sable
      • Has Moderation Rights
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Couldn't disagree more.

      Multi captaincy is why many play Sky.

      Each to their own ofc

    2. Will - Fantasy Football Hub
      • 12 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Noooooooo. Don't do this, I'd stop playing the game altogether.

    3. buffrey
      • 11 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Definitely not. That’s for FPL and works in a squad based game but the BEST part of sky is multi captains. Would ruin it for me.

    4. Dog
      • 13 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Get rid of multi captains. No way. It’ll become shit like fpl

    5. Elldubya
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Disagree. This is the best part of sky and differentiates it from the other games

  10. kooni01
    • 14 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Been playing the game for years and it's good. Things I'd like to see next season are:
    * live updates on the progress of players towards bonus points(although I can see this won't be easy to achieve).
    * history of years past weeks and also years.
    * perhaps (money-)prizes for the first 5 or 10, rather than 3? I reckon £50K, £5K, £1K's a bit gap basically.
    *It'd be nice if the points/positions updates were quicker but I'm sure it's for good reason.

    Overall very happy with the game though, as well as the weekly articles....always looking ff to Friday's article. Thank you

  11. shirtless
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Enjoying the game currently at a decent sub 1k rank. Really like the new captaincy system. Had a few issues early season with the app locking up but its been fine recently. Top job!

  12. Big_Andy_GAWA
    • 12 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Kola rested. For goodness sake!!!!

  13. Arctic_Orangutans
    • 8 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    the striker values aren’t great especially when they get less for a goal & for example Martial Is classed as a striker when he has very rarely played there. The cup prize isn’t great to say it would be an amazing achievement to win it!

    Also something I thought about which I’d like is a Solo goal where if a player takes for example 8 touches before a goal they get a Solo goal which would be two more points than a normal goal & also maybe an extra point for a goal outside there area?

    Overall I love sky

  14. Elldubya
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 10 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    -Daily captains
    -No price changes
    -Unlimited leagues

    - mom should be based on stats not opinion
    -You shouldn’t be able to join a paid league after the league has started (or after a few weeks). Joining in March is a total joke. I have no issues with this on the free ones
    - let’s get live player points available in the ap
    - history of team performance (current and previous seasons)
    - 2nd chance league is good but it should be open to those who set up both teams on day 1

    1. Elldubya
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      By live player points I mean the breakdown of their points

    2. Lrdlockwood
      • 6 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Hello and thanks for the feedback, we already changed the cut off date for paid leagues this season and will be continuing with that.
      A third team credit does become available for the 2nd half league - so make sure you utilise that.

  15. Lrdlockwood
    • 6 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Hello all,

    Thanks for your time and feedback. Sorry I haven't had chance to come back to everyone individually but I have been through all the comments and taken everything on board.

    Some very relevant comments and insights and some things we have already been looking at putting into next year's game - obviously we can't achieve everything.


  16. Micks Heroes
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 8 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Luke,

    Firstly, congrats on having the best fantasy football game around.

    I don't think there is a lot that needs changing but you might like to consider the following;

    I find the stats page extremely useful but it would be even more helpful if there were filters to enable us to see performance figures for certain periods, (eg last 4 games, last 8 games etc,) rather than just an overall picture of the entire season to date.

    It might help to share the prizemoney a bit better if players were restricted to entering just one of the Sky cash leagues rather than being able to enter all four. Chances are the winner of the overall competition is likely to have entered all four leagues and will clean up all the prizes. If we were restricted to entering just one league it would give more players a chance of winning a top prize. Being the considerate guy i am, i've only entered three of the leagues!

    I would also endorse the comments made by other players regarding making a 5-4-1 formation available and also putting back the first overhaul to the second international break.

    1. SerenityLater
      • 6 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Limiting each of your teams to one Sky Cash league sounds like a good idea!

  17. Just Give Up
    • 6 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    I would offer buyin emergency transfers. E.g. Any time within the season players can have a option to buy lets say 5 emergency transfers. All proceeds from the transfers can be included in prizes.
    No improvements really need to be made and i'm happy as it is. If it's not broken don't fix it. Unnecessary improvements could backfire. Why take the risk?

    1. Just Give Up
      • 6 Years
      6 years, 6 months ago

      Or maybe dump overhaul and replace with e.g. 5 or so extra free transfers during second half of season. They can be used anytime a player wants in the second half of the season. They need to be used within a game week or you'll lose them, so use wisely. Just an example so obviously can be worked on.

  18. Fulgencio Obelmejias
    • 14 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    I'm a bit late here.
    I've been playing the Sky game since 2010 and love it. This season has the best points balance across positions so far, maybe the second tier strikers are over priced though as previously mentioned.
    I'm not too keen on the overhaul.
    A problem I have is when joining a prize league I don't know if there will be 3 or 300 teams in it and usually the same best players are always there in every league. What I would like is to be able to enter into a limited number of 20 team prize leagues , more average players would have a chance of a few quid.
    And as for joining prize leagues after the season has started, well, you wouldn't be able to join a poker game half way through if you turned up with a royal flush.

  19. lugs
    • 6 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    the Sky game is great the way it is , but i'd like to see a return of the live updates vidiprinter that was there in previous seasons , it was such a great feature

  20. darkish
    • 12 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    I love the sky format. I have picked teams in previous seasons but never got past week 2. The improvements made this season have made me play more and really enjoyed the game. The two main improvements are:
    The over-haul. With the transfer window closing 3 weeks into the season it is great being able to re-pick your team rather than lose loads of transfers. This has been a great addition. Having another one in February after the next window makes it much fairer.

    The other addition is being able to pre-set captains for different days. Knowing I had to log on between days put me off, but this feature made me more interested. I know log on between days anyway.

    I love the game and format (eg constant prices to allow planning, and multiple captains), it is just brilliant.

    A few areas of potential improvement (for me anyway).
    1. Being able to log onto the app when on holiday abroad.
    2. Seeing your league position in mini-leagues.
    3. Seeing the number of transfers teams have got left (I can understand why you can’t see teams).
    4. I would like to be able to change captain during the day if he hasn’t played that day. The 12.30 kick-offs means you can’t react when you find your player rested at 3pm.
    5. General improve being able to find out information from the site about player stats. Maybe have a download in a csv file.
    Brilliant game and my favourite now by miles.

  21. McEwan
    • 14 Years
    6 years, 6 months ago

    Bit late to the thread but will add a few thoughts anyway.

    Love the game, played seriously last season for the first time and found the changes for this season have been for the better.

    Overhauls. Don’t have a problem with the timings. Want them as close to the end of the windows with the greatest amount of tinker time. Get caught on deadline day with 3 players moving can burn a hole in the transfer budget. We are all aware of the placement of them so no advantage gained or lost.

    Multi captains, great, still leaves the hands on managers last minute scope for changes but also missing a deadline in seasons gone past can kill a season.

    Things that are a small issue.

    Someone mentioned above about making transfers and glad I’m not the only one that has that fear of confirming a transfer when exploring options. Hitting review team and Jesus Christ the confirm button is right there. A quick double tap and it’s a disaster.

    Had a discussion previously about the info in the weekly articles on here(one of my favourite reads on here) great information and overview. I do wonder about the average transfers remaining section, is that information available on the app or elsewhere? I consider it quite useful(never seen it once last season) and if that info isn’t available to everyone, should it be out there? Could maybe draw comparisons with fpl price rise sites who give indications of rises and falls, but for people who do not use such sites, can access gw transfers in and out on the fpl transfer page to determine whether the player is being bought or sold and make a decision. We are all on sites like these to gain an edge but with fpl, everything is calculated by info that anyone could possibly figure out. With average transfer remaining/most captained etc that has to come from somewhere that should be made available in the game or not at all imo.