
FFS Head to Head Leagues 2019/2020 are now live

Following the previous updates last month, I am now pleased to announce that the FFS Head to Head Leagues for 2019/2020 are now live and showing on the website. The link below will take you to the FFS H2H section of the website where everything is explained and shown.

Head-to-Head Leagues

As mentioned previously, this tournament was far more popular than I imagined, hence the delays in getting the data on to the website. When I pitched the original idea to Geoff the number of teams that I hoped would sign up was less than one thousand.

A lot of hard work has gone into this behind the scenes and again I wish to thank Geoff, Mat, Chris and Will for their hard work. Without their input this project would never have got off the ground. Work was undertaken 24/7 including late evenings, weekends and in Mat’s case even whilst he was on holiday. There are still a few items to iron out, but this will be completed over the coming weeks and months.

I’ve been contacted by many managers who unfortunately missed the entry league deadline and are therefore not included in the H2H Leagues. This gives me confidence that those who missed out will sign up for the 2020/2021 season and that the H2H leagues will continue to grow year on year.

I will be writing regular updates on the leagues and can advise that Owen Walker (Zan K) currently leads League 1 with four wins from four games, meanwhile David Bowman and Bruce Savage are currently top of the two Divisions within league 2. Don’t worry I won’t just be focusing on the top leagues and will aim to discuss standout performances from all the Divisions, including any relegation dog fights as the season unfolds.

At some point we hope to add everyone’s FFS username as this will help identify who’s who within the community and therefore help pinpoint standout match ups.

If you have any questions or spot any errors, please feel free to contact myself or Geoff via the comments section below or via twitter – @sparkymir

For now, I’m off to have a word with myself following 4 straights defeats which leaves me 19th in League 3, Division 1. Jon Keates I’m playing you in GW5 so prepare for zero points!



94 Comments Post a Comment
  1. The Overthinker
    • 7 Years
    4 years, 9 months ago

    Some problem with GW5 fixtures.?

    1. Eleven Hag
      • 6 Years
      4 years, 9 months ago

      Why do u ask

  2. The Overthinker
    • 7 Years
    4 years, 9 months ago

    I can't check my gw6 opponents team. His team link looks to be broken