
Navigating The Opening Gameweeks

A Fantasy Premier League (FPL) season is a series of small games masquerading as one big one. The difference between a successful, mediocre or downright dismal campaign often hinges on our teams’ performances during just a handful of crucial moments or phases throughout the 38 Gameweeks. Some of these arrive unannounced and surprise everyone but others can be anticipated and planned for. The start of the season is without doubt the first of those “planned” phases and should be approached with caution.

Notoriously unpredictable save, perhaps, for their promise to frustrate, the first few weeks of the season will see many of our most carefully laid plans torn up as we discover that our expensive left-back really is a rotation-risk, while the “pre-season hero” proves himself to be, well, exactly that.

Nobody gets their initial squad selection completely right but, as much as it might feel like a lottery, there are some areas Fantasy managers can focus on to help shift the odds in their favour and set themselves up for a successful campaign. Here are some ideas on how best to approach the season start…

Plan for a manageable period

Pre-season can pull Fantasy managers in many different directions. Yes, it’s a once-a-year opportunity to lay the foundation for success but, ultimately, Gameweek 1 is no different to any other – we all want a good score. No one enjoys going into the first weekend with a team featuring players with poor fixtures, so, consequently, we’re driven to try and build for both the very long-term and the very short-term simultaneously. Often the result is a squad that serves neither purpose very well.

There are two things that can be helpful to keep in mind here. Firstly, despite all the anticipation, Gameweek 1 really is just one Gameweek. Nothing can be won or lost on the first day. Secondly, it is impossible to plan effectively for a whole year based on pre-season alone. It is much more realistic and, arguably, more effective, to pick a manageable number of Gameweeks and let this select period be the key influence to your initial squad selection decisions.

What kind of period is “manageable”? This can vary depending on personnel and fixtures but it should be a spell that offers the opportunity for a degree of planning without any single Gameweek being the dominant factor – it’s a delicate balance and, as a guide, I’d suggest around five to six Gameweeks.

Planning with the emphasis on shorter periods not only gives you more certainty, it opens up new opportunities. There will be rotations that might not work for the whole season but work very well for the first few weeks, and cheap players who you might otherwise ignore that have a run of fixtures which puts their point-scoring potential on a par with the more expensive options.

If you’re concerned about what happens when your chosen period ends, it’s worth remembering that, just using free transfers, it would be possible for you to change up to a third of your squad in a six-week period. That should be enough to fix any holes while maintaining positive momentum ahead of the next phase.

Prioritise Flexibility

The next factor in helping your squad selection process is the ability to react quickly and effectively to unexpected events, as and when they occur.

In the opening Gameweeks, Fantasy managers have to contend with a particularly large number of variables including line-up changes, injuries, suspensions and form, whether good or bad. There are also extraneous issues such as the influence of rule changes: the adjustments to the FPL bonus points and to the speed at which players rise and fall in price have been key in recent seasons. It pays to remain flexible so you can react.

Flexibility in this context can be determined by the speed or ease with which you can adjust your team to factors such as those mentioned, without the need to take points hits or use your Wildcard. Despite being one of the less visible qualities of a squad, flexibility can translate into Fantasy returns surprisingly quickly as rivals spend points in an attempt to transfer their way out of a corner or find themselves unable to move as quickly as you can to bring in form players.

A highly flexible team will be one with plenty of viable alternatives to the initial selection.

One simple way to help ensure this in your initial squad set-up is to choose players from a range of prices throughout your defence, midfield and forward lines. This practice will allow you options should injury, suspension or rotation strike and it should also put you in a position to move quickly on any emerging star performers. Selecting players with an eye on the alternatives and an idea of who you could sacrifice to free up funds if needed will help make your squad harder to derail and quicker to adapt.

It can also pay to be wary of other restrictive practices early on, such as maximising your allocation of players from a single team or using a cheap, non-playing “enabler” to free up funds. All these things limit your options and can reduce the pace at which you can adjust when needed.

Prioritising flexibility is a trade-off which may mean sacrificing some “big hitters” and their short-term points potential. However, creating an initial structure in your team that can easily absorb and adapt to whatever FPL may throw at you is likely to pay off in far greater sums as the season develops.

Actively Reduce Risk

Time is a dangerous thing for a Fantasy manager; believe it or not, too much time can be damaging. It can blind us to the obvious and convince us that that little-known eastern European playmaker who tore up the Veikkausliiga last season is, in fact, “essential”. Before we know it, our squads are filled with risky picks and we are effectively going “all-in” from Gameweek 1. It’s fun while it lasts but that usually isn’t very long. In periods of high uncertainty, such as the opening of the season, it pays to reduce risk where you can.

Despite the lingering memories of debut blitzes from the likes of Michu and Fabrizio Ravanelli, it’s generally rare for players new to the Premier League to start scoring heavily straight away. The same is often true even for players moving between Premier League teams. Even when they do hit the ground running, the significance of having that player for Gameweek 1 is usually smaller than we may think. We fall into the trap of inviting risk into our initial squad selection without a sizeable enough reward to really justify it.

It is potentially advantageous and often necessary due to budgetary constraints to take a few informed risks with your initial selection but these are safest and, arguably, most effective when offset by a greater proportion of more reliable, proven picks.

By selecting in this way, you are allowing yourself the opportunity to gain advantage from your differentials without being wholly reliant on them. There is, of course, no “golden ratio” here but I’d suggest that if you feel you’re taking a “punt” on more than a 25% of your initial squad, it may well be worth you reviewing it.

One common tactic, which can also mitigate the risks associated with FPL-unproven players, is the use of effective rotation. Confidence in such a player should increase with the knowledge that they will at least only be playing in favourable fixtures. In particular, having a strong rotation between two midfielders, or your fifth midfielder and your third forward, can be a very effective tactic early on.

When looking to reduce risk, it is also worth paying attention to the “teams selected by” percentage statistics in FPL. This is not because these stats are always accurately instructive of who is best to pick (they’re often misleading when viewed without additional context) but because they help you to assess the risk of not having a player.

In the same way that a selection mistake is less damaging to you if more managers also make it, a missed opportunity is more harmful if many managers have seized it. Paying attention to highly-owned players and allowing ownership percentage to help inform your selection can be an effective method of managing risk early in the season.

Finally, it’s not just the players we invest in that we need to be wary of at the season start but also the teams we select them from. It’s fairly intuitive to assume that picking lots of players from newly promoted or previously struggling sides is a risky tactic, but so can be investing heavily in any single team.

Even title-challenging outfits often start the campaign poorly. Selecting your squad from a range of teams and being wary of doubling/tripling up will help spread the risk and reduce the chances that you become a victim of the unpredictable form that so often characterises the opening weeks.


The Fantasy Premier League cannot be won or lost in the first few Gameweeks but this is where the foundations for winning or losing will be laid. Focusing on a manageable number of Gameweeks makes squad selection simpler and more certain. Keeping flexibility in your squad will allow you to react quicker to the things you can’t predict and actively minimising risk will help you reduce the damage these events might inflict when they occur.

If that all sounds a bit safe and conservative then don’t worry – as most of us have already learned, this game has a funny way of being entertaining, however it’s played.

2,166 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Daveyo123
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Yaya is a bargain, definitely yaya

  2. U n I t e d
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Hi All
    Been playing FPL for about 7/8 seasons now but only been looking at this site this last week.
    I like to think I know my stuff but have realised there's much to learn on here so have just this minute taken the plunge and become a member as I've not won my mini league the last 2 years ( came 6th twice now out of 20/30 runners:(
    Anyway, as have most, I've been messing around with my team and am well over a 100 drafts I think, and was just wandering what you guys think about playing the all out attack gw1?
    My latest draft has
    Ivan Francis
    Haz depay Walcott Ibe mahrez
    Costa benteke giroud

    Subs Hennessy Bennett targett turner

    Obviously the bench is dire so no need to advise me that needs beefing up and I'm aware that Ibe might not start and I have an open mind on wether to use him or another 4.5/5 mid

    1. Fit of Pique
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      That's a fearsome attack, but it means you've had to really sacrifice some quality elsewhere.
      As you said the bench needs strengthening but I imagine there's not enough budget left for that.

      I considered the all out attack in the 1st week too, but I think it's best saved for a week when more than half your defence faces tough fixtures and you want / have to use transfers elsewhere. I guess this applies to the squad you have here but what about the next gameweek? Might be a short-term fix.

      I think you might be considering this move to make up for the deficiencies elsewhere in the squad. You might have to lose one of those forwards I'm afraid.

      1. U n I t e d
        • 8 Years
        8 years, 11 months ago

        Hi thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
        I agree it is very 1st week orientated but I'm struggling to find defensive picks that I want to spend on for the first week which led me to consider the all out attack chip.
        I'm also aware the 1st week wc seems to be frowned upon on here but it's so much easier to pick up cheap bargains after week one and it dies your team value a world of good to get on the early price risers. My team values, if not my points are often higher than most and there's not been a year when anyone in my mini lg has a higher one than me which has it's advantages later in the season. The other bonus is that I can pick my team for gws 2 onwards from there.
        I've done a wc in wk 2 for as long as I can remember.
        As for the use of the chip later, my worry about that is I tend to like to have a real cheap 5th midfielder asap in my squad to free up cash and on that basis the all out attack chip could be pretty useless at any point other than the 1st week.
        I think I might just hold tight as long as possible to the opening day eve and see if any 4.0s pop up that I can use or a cheaper midfielder to use opposed to mahrez Ibe.....the latter will need more minutes like he has had today to stay in.

    2. Manamongst
      • 13 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      You´ll find that 3 chelsea is overkill...

      Half of one of those guys will buy you some legitimacy on the bench front. Sacrifice Ivanovic or Costa...There will be lots of scorers from striker.

      1. U n I t e d
        • 8 Years
        8 years, 11 months ago

        Yeah, I think it might be Ivan that gets the bullet, regretted not having him the last couple of years though, hence trying to squeeze him in! 🙁

    3. Joga Bonito®
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      As good as Ibe is I don't think he'll play week in week out. He'll be used for impact late in games this season I think because we also have Firmino, Coutinho and Lallana all vying for the same positions out wide if we play the 433 that is.

  3. eivtho
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Please rate my team!!

    Scheichel - Hamer

    Mertesacker- Azpilicueta- Francis- Cedric- Oshea

    Hazard- Walcott- Henderson- Ritchie- Wanyama

    Rooney- Costa- Sakho

    Go for this???

    1. Ebby17
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      Really liken this can't mention a fault mate midfielders I would take a look at

    2. U n I t e d
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      Looks like one of the better teams I've seen on here

    3. william prunier
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 11 months ago

      Walcot not nailed

  4. Ebby17
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Please can you rate my team(out of 10): Also comment on who I can chop and change in the team

    Formation: 3-4-3

    Goalkeeper: Cecj
    Defenders: Clyne, ivanovich, Oshea
    mids: depay, fabregas, Milner Ritchie
    forwards: Rooney, Costa, Pelle

    Subs: Boruc, Morgan, wanyama, Barker

    Also comment on who I can chop and change in the team. THANK YOU!!

    1. Manamongst
      • 13 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      you can do much better than Oshea and Ritchie...and probably an Improvement on Milner...I see a Mahrez outscoring him.

    2. U n I t e d
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      Looks good to me!

    • 9 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Still tinkering, but advice welcome. What do you think?

    Ivanovic, Mertesacker, Azpilicueta
    Andreu, Cazorla, Hazard, Silva, Schweinsteiger
    Benteke, Vardy

    Subs: Mignolet, Fonte, Cresswell, Ighalo

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Chicken-Mandy
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      needs a lot of work upfront!

      1. SPARKYTUS
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 11 months ago

        Any suggestions? Like I say, still tinkering. Aguero might not play to start, Costa hasn't shone in the pre-season matches yet, Pelle's a potential. Benteke showed great form towards the end of last season, and sounds positive about the move to Liverpool.

    2. U n I t e d
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      All solid defenders, but personally I'm not convinced that che or ars will keep cs 1st game and you have an awful lot of cash in that def inc your subs.
      Andreu big start risk and schweinstieger I have personally not even considered. Milner Hendo seem better FPL players imo
      And as mentioned your forwards are very weak

      1. SPARKYTUS
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 11 months ago

        You have to take risks sometimes to get the points. It's all in the long haul; Ivanovic, Fonte, and Azpilicueta were solid points scorers over the long term last season. Vardy was in the top 13 forwards last season, Ighalo has been banging them in pre-season, and you have Benteke in your team.(I am considering Ibe, though, I think he's a good shout).

        1. U n I t e d
          • 8 Years
          8 years, 11 months ago

          True, azpi fonte and Ivan did score well last season, as did cresswell.....but you have 2 of those on your bench.
          And yes, benteke is in my team atm but probably won't be unless he gets plenty of game time in the next week or so, and tbf I have costa and giroud atm next to him, Brady May have been 13th best striker last season but that wouldn't be enough for me.
          Who knows though, this is the thing!

          1. U n I t e d
            • 8 Years
            8 years, 11 months ago


            1. SPARKYTUS
              • 9 Years
              8 years, 10 months ago

              You're right, sometimes it's not about form or stats but just plain luck! Still, you're getting me thinking, and that's what I was after. Ta.

    3. Kane Toads
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      you could easily drop Azpi to Cedric and save 1m to spend up front. Silva to Hendo/Milner and save another 3m and then have 4m to spend up front/mid.

      1. SPARKYTUS
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 11 months ago

        Worth considering. Had Henderson for a lot of last season, but maybe wait to see how Milner transfers. Back to the tinkering!

        1. Kane Toads
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 11 Years
          8 years, 11 months ago

          yep - I'm starting with Milner at the moment. Tinkering? Everytime I think I've got it right I start again! This is my team as of 8.55am AWST!

          Butland | Ruddy

          Azpi | Cedric | Huth | Baker | O’Shea

          Haz | Ozil | Mane | Milner/Hendo | Wanyama

          Costa | Rooney | Deeney

          Costa > Aguero and Mane > Ritchie when Aguero fit

          1. SPARKYTUS
            • 9 Years
            8 years, 11 months ago

            I don't think you ever get it right, but having a good start is the key! I like your team, very strong mid/for. I'm definitely doing this tool late if I'm creeping into AWST!

    4. Manamongst
      • 13 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      Bench...or get rid of Schweiny...and start Ighalo...hell Jurado when he´s added would play circles around steiger...besides, any Spaniard that played in the Russian league will be fantasy gold.

      1. SPARKYTUS
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Yeah, you're right there. Schweinsteiger has got to go, particularly as he's injured already!

  6. st4rt__
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Ruddy (Hen)
    Francis | Huth | Azpil (OShea, Taylor)
    Haz | Ozil | Mata | Chadli (Fletch)
    Pelle | Costa | Sakho.

    Beautiful IMO. £2.5m ITB. Your thoughts?

  7. Rhysbuddy
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Im struggling! Already worried about team and season not started yet.
    Please RMT


    Jagielka ivanovic koscielny (Morgan francis)

    Hazard Walcott mane Henderson (Ritchie)

    Rooney Wilson (deeney)

    Too many Bournemouth players? Rooney? Formation??

  8. Rake
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    A) Sterling and Benteke
    B) Rooney and Hendo/Chadli

    1. Rhysbuddy
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago


    2. william prunier
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 11 months ago


  9. SpaceCadet
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Is cabaye a decent 4th mid pick?

    1. U n I t e d
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      Imo no, I think he will play quite deep. Rather pay the extra for Milner/Hendo or even risk a cheaper potentially better point scorer

    2. Get up ya bum
      • 14 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      Dem fixtures...

  10. vassiriki
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    anyone has seen ritchie? i just picked him because he appealed to me as the
    most nailed 6m mid. other than that opinions are appreciated!!!!

    azpi-williams-oshea-francis-ryan bennett

  11. RangerMouse
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Butland - Schmeichel
    Clyne - Azpi - Cedric - Morgan - M.Richards
    Hazard - Silva - Walcott - Ritchie - Johnson(Norwich)
    Kane - Benteke - Deeney


  12. dashdriver
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    A) Fabregas/Silva/Schneiderlin


    B) Hazard/Sterling/Wanyama

    Tough one in my opinion...

  13. Galácticos
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    RMT guys (out of 10), suggestions welcome: 🙂

    Schmeichel // Butland

    Ivanovic // Francis // Williams // Targett // O'Shea

    Fabregas // Mane // Walcott // Cazorla // Anya

    Kane // Rooney // Wilson

    1. Rhysbuddy
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 11 months ago

      No hazard, no hope

  14. emcg
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago


    Courtois (Hamer)
    Azpil,Mertesacker,Ward (Targett) (Turner)
    Hazard,Cazorla,Sterling,Anya (Wanyama)

    Any suggestions appreciated!

  15. Bubz
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 11 months ago

    Are Barca going to be without Messi, Neymar, Suarez vs Man Utd?

  16. Gandalf
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Ok v1 of probably 10 now drafted out! Any suggestion for improvement?
    Not happy with 2 weakest midfields and defenders at the moment...

    Schmeichel - Fabianski

    Ivanovic - Mertesacker - Fonte - O'Shea - Baker

    Hazard - Ramsey - Henderson - Ki Sung-yeung - Wanyama

    Costa - Rooney - Deeney

  17. gummiheidar
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Can you give me your opinion on me curremt team?

    GK Speroni - Guzan

    DEF Francis - Rose - Amavi - Dann - Coates

    MID Fábregas - Sterling - Mané - Depay - Ayew

    ATT Kane - Giroud - Mitrovic

    1. Trollpop
      • 12 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      First post by a new member.

      Appreciate your comments on my Drafted FPL Team. Just finished our draft where I picked 8th out of an 8 team league. Included (Round-Pick) in parenthesis

      GK: Fabianski (7-8) - Lloris (12-1)

      DEF: Jagielka (5-8) - Morgan (6-1) - Mertesacker (8-1) - Francis (13-8) - O'Shea (14-1)

      MID: Silva (1-8) - Firmino (3-8) - Depay (4-1) - Tadic (9-8) - Young (11-8)

      FWD: Kane (2-1) - Ulloa (10-1) - Vardy (15-8)

      Have 4.0 M In the Bank for post-draft, pre-season free squad adjustments. Will swoop for new transfers or for cast-offs from managers swooping for new transfers.