What happens in FPL during the World Cup?

During the World Cup, Fantasy Premier League (FPL) will be taking a six-week break.

We’ve known since the July relaunch that managers will receive an unlimited number of free transfers during this period – essentially a third Wildcard, without the name – and FPL’s official site has now answered more questions on the specifics of this.

Will player prices rise and fall during the World Cup?

No, they will not. Following last night’s final round of rises and falls, player prices will be frozen between Sunday 13 November and Monday 26 December.

Will transfers made during the World Cup cost me any points?

No, all transfers made between the Gameweek 16 and 17 deadlines will be considered ‘free’ ones.

I rolled a free transfer in Gameweek 16. Will it disappear?

Yes, the free transfer can be carried beyond the World Cup – but with a few caveats. For managers that rolled a Gameweek 16 transfer, it all depends on how you then proceed during the period of unlimited transfers:

  • Make lots of free transfers before Gameweek 17? You will revert to having just one of them for Gameweek 18.
  • Make no moves at all before Gameweek 17? You will have two free transfers for Gameweek 18.

Will the number of transfers made between Gameweeks 16 and 17 be added to our number of ‘total transfers’?

Yes, it will and this is important in the event of a tie-breaker. At the end of the season, if you’re level with another manager in a classic scoring league, the team with the fewest transfers made will succeed.

This doesn’t impact head-to-head leagues or Cups.

Can I play any chips in Gameweek 17?

You are allowed to play an available Bench Boost, Free Hit or Triple Captain chip but cannot activate your Wildcard.

Does the 50% sell-on still exist? If I sell a player and buy him back, will I have to pay the difference?

It’s the same rule as usual. The price shown on your transfers page is the player’s selling price.

For example, if you owned Joao Cancelo (now £7.4m) at his £7.0m starting price but suddenly want to sell, you’ll receive 50% of this profit and collect £7.2m. However, if you change your mind during the World Cup and decide to bring him back, he’d cost you the full £7.4m.

FPL 2023/24 pre-season page now live

This offer will soon cease, so sign up while you can!

FPLMarc Newcastle fan that spends far too much time thinking about FPL.

71 Comments Post a Comment
  1. FPL Virgin
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 8 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Can't even think about playing world cup fantasy right now!

  2. FPL Virgin
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 8 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    What a great article, well done. I'm fully briefed now.

    1. GK
      • 2 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Agreed. It’s answered all the questions I had, and more!

  3. Sheffield Wednesday
    • 4 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    I'm surprised it took this long for FPL to let us know the answers to these FAQ leaving us to guess. Better late than never I suppose.

  4. banskt
    • 10 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    This is one of the most helpful articles. Thank you.

  5. Malaikat Jihad
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the clarity on this issue.

  6. Saviour22
    • 2 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Free hit team

    Akanji white gabreil Guehi
    Salah kdb eze martinelli
    Haaland Kane

    Suggestions welcome

    1. Float
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Why are you free hitting?

      1. Saviour22
        • 2 Years
        1 year, 8 months ago

        Because I dint had Haaland i wanted to do -8 to get him

        1. Eh, just one more thing ...
          • 12 Years
          1 year, 8 months ago

          Not worth the FH and Haaland isn’t worth a -8 imo

    2. Eh, just one more thing ...
      • 12 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Why FH?

  7. Saviour22
    • 2 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Points were 60 very less in gw 15

  8. Nate(U)dog(ie)
    • 3 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Early days but much like at the beginning of the season I'm not seeing an obvious keeler choice for after the break. Pickford looks to have the best immediate fixtures (if you have cover for City after the first week), although perhaps Sa under Lopetegui will be better long-term. Kepa's immediate good fixtures are followed by really tough ones, and seems hard to back him or Sanchez currently. DDG might be an option but still never sure of backing ManUtd defence.

    1. Arteta
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Ward/Iversen is still an absolute bargain in my eyes.

    2. The Mentaculus
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 3 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Same. Kepa/Ward rotation looks pretty good. Despite the massive uptick for Leicester I still feel like the CS have come in games where it could have been predicted & they will probably regress a bit. Still good value though so I don't mind just Ward/Iversen

  9. Arteta
    • 8 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Seeing my club at the of the league in August, September, October, November and most likely December... I can't even express how happy I am after years and years of disappointments.

    Fans, players, manager, staff and board united. Spectacular 3-year difference, however you look at it.

      • 11 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      How have you been able to gauge the together-ness levels of the rank and file staff? Does winning away at wolves bring 2 ladies at the ticket office closer together having previously not seen eye to eye?

    2. Arteta
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      You can create an opinion by watching All or Nothing documentary. Obviously I meant mostly coaching and backroom team, but everybody plays their part in some way I guess. The atmosphere hasn't been this good in a decade.

    3. GreennRed
      • 12 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Have Ederson and Ward since GW1. Never played Ward. Got an assist from Ederson! Boring pick but fairly reliable. Might swap him out now but probably being smarter on rotation is the way to go.

    4. MrZ
      • 9 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Don't think gunnersaurus feel the same way

  10. camarozz
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    It's a pretty bad season when u didnt realise you have gone frm 4.6m to 2.3m in two wks lol.

    Usually I do well up to Xmas then it all goes bad, hoping for the reverse this yr. Over 100 behind in mls.

    1. GreennRed
      • 12 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Improving 2.3 m is mighty though. Keep her lit.

    2. Zimo
      • 5 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      I usually start bad and pick up the pace around the middle. It's going real well for me this year. Good scores started a few weeks ago.

  11. Kodap
    • 7 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    What would you change here with 2.6m in the bank?

    Saliba - Trippier - Castagne
    Foden - Almiron - Maddison - Martinelli
    Kane - Darwin - Haaland

    Ward - White - Andreas - Patterson

    1. Magic Zico
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      MCI MUN defence worth a look at. Foden is too much drama for my liking.

      1. Kodap
        • 7 Years
        1 year, 8 months ago

        who would you look at replacing foden with? I could get Cancelo back in/Akanji, and then someone in replacement for Foden.

        1. Magic Zico
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          1 year, 8 months ago

          That spot is flexible isn't it, Saka Kulusevski Diaz and other 8-ish usual suspects. May look at their form and fixtures at the time. Foden is one of them but Pep's roulette is really horrible.

          1. NATSTER
            • 13 Years
            1 year, 8 months ago

            That's pretty interesting way to play this 8.x spot.

            Man Ctiy have lee and EVE after WC and Foden still look like a good option.

            1. Magic Zico
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              1 year, 8 months ago

              Agree he's a good option, as long as he plays. Got enough with Pep.

    • 7 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    To all the people who are looking at points/ ranks in their respective MLs and feeling it's tough to catch up - I was 68 behind my league leader at the end of GW10. I am just 16 behind now. Steady progress is good.

    • 4 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    49 points all out and green arrows. I have jumped 3 million places since GW11 with 5 consecutive green arrow weeks. Obviously later things may change but I don't expect much to change with my rank.

    My plan at the moment is to go 352 with Nunez and Haaland up top when FPL resumes without the likes of Cancelo, Trent or Robbo in defence. It is becoming clear that investing too much in defence is not feasible so I will also be sticking with Gabriel, Saliba and Trippier as my back three. Midfield is tricky but can't see myself letting go of Mo and KDB.

    I reckon we will see another twist in the template but it will as usual be the content creators which follow each other and in return get the masses to follow them.

    1. Arteta
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Amazing progress to be fair. In the meantime I doubled my OR in the last 7 gameweeks and fell from 720k to 1,4m. I sold players like De Bruyne, Saka, Maddison, Zaha, Trossard for different reaslns just before they hauled. Planning for GW12 cost me a lot and then making a couple of good decisions (on paper) just didn't pay off. Timing is everything in this game, and luck of course.

    2. Magic Zico
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Nice update 😛 I am in a yoyo between 250K and 1.5M during the time. Some bad picks and luck on captaincy throughout ... think I'm at 400-450K going to the break. Nothing exciting tbh.

  14. Athletic Nasherbo
    • 7 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    2m ITB - pretty happy with this.

    Trippier Saliba Dalot
    Salah KdB Rashford Bailey
    Haaland Toney Adams

    Ward Summerville Mee Digne

    1. Arteta
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Very good team and a little bit different.

      1. Athletic Nasherbo
        • 7 Years
        1 year, 8 months ago

        Cheers. Just done Summerville > Rodrigo, benched Bailey

    2. Firminooooo
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Toney Adams is a defender.

      1. Athletic Nasherbo
        • 7 Years
        1 year, 8 months ago


  15. Tcheco
    • 7 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    A. Foden Darwin Cancelo

    B. KDB Toney Botman

    1. NATSTER
      • 13 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      I somehow like B.

  16. Our Tiny Windows
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 8 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    What do you think of this triple elite?

    Trippier Saliba Dalot
    Salah Maddison Martinelli Almiron
    Haaland Kane Jesus

    3.8 | Tavernier Botman Amartey

    1. Salarrivederci
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      I’m on this currently:

      Cancelo - Robbo - Trippier
      Salah - Saka - JWP
      Haaland - Kane - Wilson

      And then fielding one of: Bueno, Patterson, Summerville & Andreas

      Rest on the bench with Iversen

    • 4 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Who would you rather have, Kane or KDB?

    1. Salarrivederci
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Kane + Spare cash + Summerville/Andreas/Bailey on bench should outdo KDB - more cash invested - Greenwood imo

    2. Tcheco
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Kane. But going for both.

    3. Arteta
      • 8 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Kane and cash.

    4. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      KDB. Kane is fatigued now and will play basically every minute for England at the WC and I think certainly with players like him it'll be a factor for at least a while when domestic leagues return. Villa followed by Palace away and Arsenal won't be easy games and he has the threat of suspension after his next yellow card (if it comes within the first few weeks) looming over his head.

      1. FOO FIGHTER
        • 4 Years
        1 year, 8 months ago

        Yes, agree about the Kane yellow card situation.

    5. diesel001
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Haaland, Kane, Nunez front three.

  18. threeputt
    • 14 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    so I effectively have a wc this comig gw ? bugger, wish I'd paid better attention as I carried my FT and might have gone DCL to Tomey had I been aware. Amateurish !

      • 4 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Were you expecting Toney to score vs City or even Brentford to beat the at the emptyhad?

      Nobody saw that coming.

  19. Stimps
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 11 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Morning all,

    Who would you rather?

    A) KDB, Darwin, Dalot (+0.4m)
    B) Salah, Toney, Robertson

  20. Paqueta Rice
    • 3 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Thought I was having a decent week with 46 points and Estupinan and Martial to go.

    My cup opponent has 8.2m rank, 3 red flags in Walker, James and Luis Dias in their team, yet is on 72 points with Sancho to go. I can’t catch a beak this season.

    1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      I've been so bad in the past few weeks that I didn't even know the cup was going on as I didn't qualify for it 😀

    2. Fitzy.
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Try targeting a pelican

    3. Ruinenlust
      • 6 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Why would 46 be a decent score?

      1. Paqueta Rice
        • 3 Years
        1 year, 8 months ago

        After scoring below the overall average score by around 8 points the past 3 gw’s, scoring above it by 8 points with 2 to go is decent for me right now!

  21. tbos83
    • 3 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Current squad - tempted to move out Zaha but have 0.3 tied up in him


    1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      No need to decide now. There is a theory that Zaha plays his best football when the transfer window is open/close to opening that I can't say I think is completely unreasonable to believe. If I had Zaha I think I'd just move on, Palace are too unpredictable and I think there are a lot of good options that I'd much rather go for long term than him

    • 4 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Odegaard seems to be a pretty good FPL asset now. Any reason not to consider him instead of keeping Martinelli?

    1. Zimo
      • 5 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      50/50 toss up for me. I'm sticking with Martinelli personally

    2. Tinfoil Deathstar
      • 3 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      I think most will keep Martinelli because of value tied up in him. A double-up with Odegaard not a bad idea though as he’s representing better value than Saka so far.

      1. AARON-1
        • 2 Years
        1 year, 8 months ago

        Yes, I'm thinking of losing Saka. Kulusevski definitely on the radar post world cup

    3. Magic Zico
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Haven't compared the stats between the two Marti/Ode. Would be interesting to see. Ode's got goals in him but so's Marti.

    4. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Contemplating it, don't really have much value in Martinelli, not sure if Saka is worth it and I'm worried about fatigue with him after the WC

  23. AARON-1
    • 2 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    What are your plans regarding underperforming Jesus in the unlimited transfers stage?
    I think there are better options. I binned him on gw9 wildcard.

    A keeping
    B selling
    C buying

      • 4 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Not buying

    • 4 Years
    1 year, 8 months ago

    These are the two teams I am looking at the moment. Which one would you pick?

    Team A (343)
    Allison Ward
    Trippier Gabriel Saliba Henry Bueno
    Salah Trossard Odegaard Almiron Andreas
    Haaland Kane Nunez

    Team B (352)
    Henderson Ward
    Trippier Gabriel Saliba Mee Patterson
    Salah KDB Trossard Martinelli Almiron
    Haaland Nunez Greenwood

    0 ITB with both teams

    1. Magic Zico
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      1 year, 8 months ago

      Difficult to say without mapping 3-4 games from GW17. Salah is questionable re value. I plan to go without him as Diaz may come back as cheaper alternative.

      My vote is A with Alisson > Ederson, Ode > Marti, Andreas > Tavernier. Not sure it's viable, if not downgrade Ederson.

  25. Dilkhus.com
    • 1 Year
    1 year, 8 months ago

    Point is less I think