506 Comments Post a Comment
  1. DaisyDaisyDaisyDaisy
    • 10 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Shaw out for months get them Easter eggs in…

    • 7 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Kaminski was the keeper to get

    1. Twisted Saltergater
      • 15 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      About the only thing I did right this week

  3. DaisyDaisyDaisyDaisy
    • 10 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Ross B yellow about to go into meltdown

    • 7 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    15 points BB, what a joke

      • 9 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Punchline is?

    2. jacob1989
      • 2 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      That isnt terrible

      1. Baps hunter
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Only poor, not terrible.

        1. Baps hunter
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 6 Years
          5 months, 6 days ago

          20 is successful, I believe. Does anyone know the stats?

      2. KAPO KANE
        • 7 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        It is when your bench usually scores 20+ 😆

    3. Baps hunter
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      I benched 5 pts

    4. Crunchie
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      It better gain than the TC everyone else did, and no more planning for it.

      I'd say it is a gain.

      1. KAPO KANE
        • 7 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago


    5. Dammit_182
      • 3 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      I got 17. But, it means I can get a strong 11 know when I wild card in 30. 15 is fine in a week the TC got 10

  5. Goat
    • 7 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    I am enjoying not owning Doughty.

    1. Baps hunter
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      One more goal for Liverpool, I hope. I warned here that he might get even negative pts, but link not worth searching for.

      1. Jebiga
        • 12 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        So you think you are smart?

      2. Old Man
        • 13 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        The theat of further pain is over - he's off.

    2. KAPO KANE
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Tbf for his price can’t complain

  6. Kodap
    • 7 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    been some very questionable decisions from the ref tonight

  7. DaisyDaisyDaisyDaisy
    • 10 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Cmon Virge get in the bonus man

  8. JBG
    • 6 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Doughty... you waste of space

    1. JBG
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Vam Hecke 3rd on my bench outscored a DGW and Trippier who played H to Bournemouth, this game.

      1. JBG
        • 6 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago


  9. noissimbus
    • 2 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Gomez YC icing on the cake.

  10. Jebiga
    • 12 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    How bad is draughty injury?

    1. Feanor
      • 15 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Walked off, but that doesn't guarantee its minor

  11. Zalk
    • 13 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    C'mon Virgil, I need one more point to reach 100.

  12. Hazz
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 7 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Just got back from dinner - Doughty WTF.

    At least I don't need him till 28, if he's even about by then.

    1. KAPO KANE
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Did you expect much more? I know I didn’t lol

    2. Freshy
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Hes one to have vs lesser competition

      1. Ask Yourself
        • 8 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        As someone who has also had him against lesser opposition, I disagree

  13. HelmutCool
    • 2 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Btw. If you freehit and have an transfer, does it remain? Oe do you neee to use them before freehitting?

    1. FFS ManU
      • 1 Year
      5 months, 6 days ago

      You lose any saved FTs when you use either your FH or WC chip.

  14. BobbyDoesNotLook
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 6 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Ake over Doughty paying dividents.

    1. BobbyDoesNotLook
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago


  15. TheBiffas
    • 3 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Ake, Darwin, Haaland TC, no Saka. Disasterclass

  16. 1justlookin
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Hwang seems to be a popukar pick. Not sure I get this, if you're not planning on playing your FH in GW29.

    Surely Bowen is a better pick, at least WHM have a fixture in GW29.

    1. Free Hat
      • 5 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Have you seen whu play lately...

      1. 1justlookin
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Yeah but they have decent fixtures coming up and Paqueta should be back.

    • 7 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Barkley desperately trying to get me that goal bless him

  18. fedolefan
    • 10 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Lascelles -> Doughty last week has really paid off.

  19. Sun Jihai
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    5 months, 6 days ago

    Lucky Doughty owners

    1. Botman and Robben
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago


    2. brianutd-why always we? 20
      • 12 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Lucky as a smack in the face

  20. The Night Trunker.
      5 months, 6 days ago

      E.T. assist?

    • BobbyDoesNotLook
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Lucky Doughty.

      1. brianutd-why always we? 20
        • 12 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Get a grip

    • Jensen Luiz Coleman
      • 15 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      A game of two halves

      1. el polako
        • 7 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Did Germans win?

    • Jensen Luiz Coleman
      • 15 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Baby please don't go, Jurgen please don't go

    • Botman and Robben
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      8 goals for LIV this DGW, Jota and Darwin would have feasted if fit.

      1. Free Hat
        • 5 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Yeah unlucky for owners tbf.
        Were the best picks imo.

      2. Sun Jihai
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Can’t believe Fabio Borges got away with it!

        1. Jensen Luiz Coleman
          • 15 Years
          5 months, 6 days ago

          No Pool at all

        2. DaisyDaisyDaisyDaisy
          • 10 Years
          5 months, 6 days ago

          Probably has some past-posting system for FPL team

    • FFS ManU
      • 1 Year
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Dropped 14.5k places so far tonight due to having the wrong Liverpool players. Need the game to end before they can score another. 🙂

    • Jensen Luiz Coleman
      • 15 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Townsend was the future once

    • Manani
      • 12 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Who is your Jota replacement?

      1. The Knights Template
        • 10 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Ross the Boss

      2. KAPO KANE
        • 7 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        I’m going Bowen, Luiz and Watkins in this week

        1. KAPO KANE
          • 7 Years
          5 months, 6 days ago

          So avoid those 3

      • 7 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Thank goodness Doughty was subbed before 4th goal 😎

    • The FPL Units
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Very happy with 107 (-4) points this week with a nice green arrow.

      1. Silecro
        • 6 Years
        5 months, 6 days ago

        Congrats man. 109 (-4) here, literally everyone returned big except Liverpool fellas...and the guy I triple captained

    • 1justlookin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      5 months, 6 days ago

      Money no object, who do you prefer -

      Bowen or Luiz?