591 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Steamboat Willy Boly
    • 7 Years
    4 months, 24 days ago

    Saka desperate to score

  2. PartyTime
    • 3 Years
    4 months, 24 days ago

    Chris Wilder getting spanked every week

    • 9 Years
    4 months, 24 days ago

    A full strength arsenal versus blades with no cutting edge.
    Worst Top Trump: Weapons round ever.

  4. Viper
    • 14 Years
    4 months, 24 days ago

    A. Haaland (liv, ARS) + 4 points. Son (c) in Gw30

    B. Morris (cpl, bou, NFO). Kudus -> Salah (c) in Gw 30