463 Comments Post a Comment
  1. BeaversWithAttitude
    • 5 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    YES! Woo wee, baby! x

  2. Bushwhacker
    • 5 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Keepers can move off their line in Women’s?

    1. Magic Zico
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Yeah not sure, but it looked one foot intact on the line. Does it count?

      1. Hits from the Bong
        • 5 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Yeah that's okay but not sure it was

      2. BeaversWithAttitude
        • 5 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        It was close. And technically, one foot on the line does count under FA rules.

    2. BeaversWithAttitude
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Yah, I saw that! Hahaha! Whatever. All advantage to the striker. Should be able to score, regardless.

    3. Hits from the Bong
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Nope that did look a little dodgy

  3. Zalk
    • 13 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Classy antics from the England keeper, jeez...

    1. SouthCoastSaint
      • 12 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Martinez all ok with you though I presume

  4. Hutchiniho
    • 5 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    A.Foden and Jackson
    B.Diaby and Alverez

    1. Vazza
      • 4 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago


    2. FPL Blow-In
      • 11 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Could be going with a myself

    3. F4L
      • 9 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      see if Diaby is lively today, with Zaniolo coming in will be interesting to see if he gets to keep his central positioning

      1. OLDHERMAN
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        11 months, 10 days ago

        Zaniolo has played his best at AS Roma starting from the right, in an inverted winger role.

      • 6 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Can see many jumping on Foden this week

    5. Hutchiniho
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Today, definitely an important watch.
      Jackson needs a goal before buying, looked very raw last week.
      AVL bounce back.
      Would quite like to se Eze again too

  5. g40steve
    • 6 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Get Toone off, been terrible

  6. F4L
    • 9 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    what's the point of refs explaining on the pitch their decisions when the explanation is so basic? Handball so pen, yeah everyone knows that, should say there's a clear movement of the hand towards the ball so pen or something

    hope if this does come to the PL they've improved it by then

    • 7 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Can get to this with a -4 and 3 transfers, thoughts?

    Chilwell | Gabriel | Estupinan
    Salah | Saka | Bruno | Mbuemo | Mitoma
    Haaland | Alvarez

    Turner | Baldock | Kabore | Osula



    1. KAPO KANE
      • 7 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Moves are:

      Cash to Chilwell
      Son to Mitoma
      Joao Pedro to Alvarez

      • 6 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Very good indeed

      1. KAPO KANE
        • 7 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago


      2. XX SMICER XX
        • 6 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Only thing to question is will you want Mitoma once the fixtures swing from GW4 + Europe?

        1. KAPO KANE
          • 7 Years
          11 months, 11 days ago

          Diaby and Eze are options at that point

        2. Hutchiniho
          • 5 Years
          11 months, 11 days ago

          Brighton mid still important.
          Match or Mitoma a must

    • 6 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    What to do with this team?

    A. Cash to Chilwell
    B. Mubama to Jackson
    C. Both -4 - but who to bench? Edouard & ????

    Shaw Gabriel Estupinan
    Saka Richarlison Mbuemo Rashford Martinelli
    Haaland Edouard

    Foster Cash Mubama Kabore
    4.5M ITB

    1. KAPO KANE
      • 7 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Probably A, let’s see how Cash does today

  9. GoonerByron
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Thoughts on this move to play bench boost? Rashford Baldock Mubamba -> Mitoma Gusto Alvarez (-4)

    Would give me

    Pickford - Turner
    Gabriel - Estu - Shaw - Chilwell - Gusto
    Foden - Bruno - Saka - Ode - Mitoma
    Haaland - Alvarez - Wissa

    1. KAPO KANE
      • 7 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Considering similar moves above!
      Looks good

    2. Vazza
      • 4 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      No Jackson

      1. Vazza
        • 4 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago


      2. GoonerByron
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Close between Jackson and Alvarez. Prefer Alvarez I think, he’s looked great.

  10. g40steve
    • 6 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Spanish Royals made the effort, Wills thought a TikTok video would do 😀

    1. Shultan
      • 8 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      I know its in Australia but pretty sure if it was England men in final he would've gone

      1. AC/DC AFC
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 8 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        It would have been scheduled for ages.

        No provision made.

        Isn't he president of the FA or something?

    2. Gandalf
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Probably would have been more of an uproar for travelling that far for it

  11. Vazza
    • 4 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    This referee should consider a career in acting

    1. BeaversWithAttitude
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Yah, Carter bum rushed.

    2. Eze Really?
      • 10 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Spain are netter at pressing, passing, second balls, quicker to the ball, tackling, play acting and just about every ball skill there is. and I am English.

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        better sorry

      2. BeaversWithAttitude
        • 5 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        I don't disagree. England giving the Spaniards too much space, for sure.

  12. Wrong Captain Choice - Ag i…
    • 15 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Those commentators on the BBC talk as much sh!te and have the same jingoistic biases as the male counterparts. That is real equality.

    1. Shultan
      • 8 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Spain deserve to win this! Been the better side

    2. BeaversWithAttitude
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      It's the Beeb, first time watching?

    3. Bushwhacker
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Why would you expect English commentators to not be biased … I mean you think Spanish TV is neutral?

      1. Hits from the Bong
        • 5 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Some people are only happy when they have something to moan about

      2. Wrong Captain Choice - Ag i…
        • 15 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        True but the way the BBC approach it is a sort of innate neo colonialism. As if it is expected England will be great. And will show the foreigners why they are their betters.

        1. Hits from the Bong
          • 5 Years
          11 months, 11 days ago

          Utter bollox

          1. Wrong Captain Choice - Ag i…
            • 15 Years
            11 months, 11 days ago

            With respect I think you need to brush up on your history if that is your sole retort. England always has an arrogance sneering at other nations, thinking they are far better than what they are. We see that in the Brexit mentality and the very limited history English people are taught. The mindset of imperial colonialist has now being transplanted to sport for the English. As it is all they have left.

            1. Hits from the Bong
              • 5 Years
              11 months, 10 days ago

              With slightly less respect, I am an Irish republican but that is one of the worst takes I have read on this website.

              1. Wrong Captain Choice - Ag i…
                • 15 Years
                11 months, 10 days ago

                So people aren't entitled to opinions no? I think it is obvious that England - moved from the global empire arrogance to sporting arrogance.

                The English transplanted it to sport - Clough laughing at Polish keeper in 74, the English FA refusal to to send teams to the European Cup in the 50's they blocked Wolves and so on.
                The moral Grandstanding over the Qatar world Cup - (we are better than these foreigners) despite the fact that Britain are geopolitical allies to Qatar. And their financial institutions are tied up in middle eastern money.

                As for Irish Republicanism that is a farce as well to be honest - most have more affinity to England through sport and popular culture via SKY and English light entertainment - saying 'we' for English/British clubs.
                Furthermore most Irish 'Republican's' I have met are really cartoon Republican's more interested in English culture than they care to admit, they would hardly speak much Irish for example. It is just veneer. I see through the guff.
                They just like the idea of Republicanism it gives them an image.

                Plus Sinn Fein have a balancing act to move away from these gombeens with the 1000 yard star and Celtic tattoos to the middle classes.
                However there are really two Sinn Fein's one that panders their NI demographic - nationalist symbolism and flag waving. And the other playing up to those in the ROI who want more housing - while playing down that the nationalist rhetoric to try and get more middle class votes.
                It is all about manipulation of the masses, but overall I would say the BBC just shade Sinn Fein on that score. However they are improving.

                1. Hits from the Bong
                  • 5 Years
                  11 months, 10 days ago

                  Yes, you are entitled to your opinion no matter how bitter, boring and long winded it may be. Have a nice day Mr Wrong.

                  1. Wrong Captain Choice - Ag i…
                    • 15 Years
                    11 months, 10 days ago

                    So every one has to agree with you or else they are wrong. What a wonderful world you must live in. Your fantasy football team must be close to number one in the world now....
                    Your problem is you seem to have an extremely narrow and blinkered way of thinking. Such people never change and only get more entrenched with age.

                    1. Hits from the Bong
                      • 5 Years
                      11 months, 10 days ago

                      Is this satire? You are massively projecting here. Have a nice day

  13. BeaversWithAttitude
    • 5 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Spanish player pushed off the pitch, to 'do her hair' by ref. Lmao.

    1. Vazza
      • 4 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago


  14. Nate(U)dog(ie)
    • 3 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Anyone read about the Pompey game yesterday? An assistant ref picked up a calf injury in the first half, followed by another official picking up an injury in the second half. The fourth official had already taken over from the first injury so there was nobody left to cover, so the game was paused for 20 minutes while a request was made over the tannoy for a qualified referee in the crowd to step forward to take over. There wasn't one, the Cheltenham players went off the pitch and it looked like the game wasn't going to get to finish, until eventually a fan was allowed step up from the crowd to do the job. There was also a kid that ran onto the field during the break in play and did a backflip in front of the Fratton End!

    1. Hits from the Bong
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Saw the Pompey fan taking over on the highlights yesterday, but assumed he must be qualified. Not sure I'd be too happy if I was a Cheltenham fan

      1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
        • 3 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Supposedly they got a kick out of it like the rest of the Portsmouth fans!

        1. Andy_Social
          • 11 Years
          11 months, 11 days ago

          Wow, happens often enough in the amateur game, but at such a high level!

  15. BeaversWithAttitude
    • 5 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Spain second yellow ignored...

    1. F4L
      • 9 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      this is going to happen so many times this season, refs dishing out yellows for fun and then won't do it for the second , completely defeats the purpose

  16. Hazz
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 7 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Alright fair enough, thought the ref would slash that added time. 13 minutes!

  17. panda07
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 11 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago


    1. BeaversWithAttitude
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Haha! A page out of the EPL's book? Too be fair that Greenwood lass was down for a while and the VAR pen review took forever!

    • 7 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    13 mins for Spain to score more

  19. Vandango999
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 2 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    A March or
    B Mitoma

    1. Touré De Force
      • 14 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Prefer Mitoma

  20. Debauchy
    • 11 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Now that was good save , not so much the pen

  21. The Ilfordian
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 6 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    13 minutes stoppage time!! That’s a half of ET

    1. yousunkmybattleship
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Incorrect. ET is 30 mins so a half is 15 mins.

  22. pnitishmk
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 6 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Any suggestion guys with 2FT & 1.5 itb?

    Estu, Gabriel, Chilwell
    Saka, Bruno, Rashford, Martinelli, Foden
    Haaland, Pedro
    (Turner, Tarko, Baldock, Osula)

  23. BeaversWithAttitude
    • 5 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    C'mon ladies, EQUALISE!

    1. The Ilfordian
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      An alternative approach to addressing the issue of gender equality

  24. Vazza
    • 4 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Lucy Bronze has been nothing but a liability in this game.

    1. Dannyb
      • 7 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago


    2. Hazz
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Yeah - she's not had a good game at all.

    3. The Ilfordian
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Agreed. That aimless dribble led to the goal

      1. Hits from the Bong
        • 5 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        She has been very poor, but presumably she is told to constantly go marauding forwards leaving loads of space behind her?

  25. No Professionals
    • 7 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    Chilwell Estupinan Gabriel
    Salah Rashford Saka Mbeumo Mitoma
    Haaland(c) Joao

    Turner Colwill Baldock Mubama
    2ft 0itb

    A) salah and Joao to foden and Jackson
    B) Salah and Joao to Maddison and Alvarez

    Favouring A)

  26. super zlatan
    • 13 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    England women are trash.

    Millie Bright reminds me of Harold Maguire.

    1. Herman Toothrot
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      She's certainly been on the tuna sandwiches

      1. super zlatan
        • 13 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago


    2. Hazz
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Such an awful take.

    3. Bushwhacker
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Trash … in a World Cup Final?

      1. super zlatan
        • 13 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Yeah. Trash.

        1. BeaversWithAttitude
          • 5 Years
          11 months, 11 days ago

          And, you, have no class.

          1. super zlatan
            • 13 Years
            11 months, 11 days ago

            Relax your knickers, Beaver

    4. Sim Simma
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Wow, kick them while they're down. Bad taste

    5. panda07
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Trash like Zlatan was in most big games in his career?!

      1. super zlatan
        • 13 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Silly Panda

        1. panda07
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 11 Years
          11 months, 11 days ago

          Prove me wrong pls! 😆

        2. panda07
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 11 Years
          11 months, 11 days ago

          Couldn't hack it at Barcelona either!

          1. super zlatan
            • 13 Years
            11 months, 11 days ago

            You are one confused panda

            1. panda07
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 11 Years
              11 months, 11 days ago

              Ok so you can't prove me wrong then?! What would Zlatan do in this situation?!

              1. super zlatan
                • 13 Years
                11 months, 11 days ago

                I’m pretty sure he would fly kick you in the head in this situation.

                1. panda07
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 11 Years
                  11 months, 11 days ago

                  He could try but I'm taller, stronger and younger than him so he'd get a beat down! He'd bottle the fight like he bottled big games throughout his career!

  27. g40steve
    • 6 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    My take on this game, Spain look like they've played football before

    Watching our lot is like watching the 50+ year old group of blokes that play walking football play 5 a side

    1. Vazza
      • 4 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago


    2. Vazza
      • 4 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      Too many headless chickens in our side

    3. yousunkmybattleship
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      It’s pretty painful for sure

    4. F4L
      • 9 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      yeah spain players more technically gifted , england can't keep sustained control of the ball

      1. Pariße
        • 9 Years
        11 months, 11 days ago

        Lauren James can, but it’s seemed like the only thing she did in the final. Take on 4 defenders and try to keep the ball.

  28. Vazza
    • 4 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    It’s been ladies v girls

  29. Total Foot 5 - romario 11
    • 10 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    U think russo shoukda been taken off??

  30. g40steve
    • 6 Years
    11 months, 11 days ago

    FFS back heelers when you cannot hold onto the ball!

    1. JT11fc
      • 5 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      We havnt helped ourselves thats for sure, ref needed to be firmer too

    2. Pariße
      • 9 Years
      11 months, 11 days ago

      That was a ridiculous attempt from Bethany. Comes on and the only time on camera, she spent trying that.