482 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Slitherene
    • 6 Years
    8 months, 20 days ago

    With 1 FT, should I replace a keeper?

    Areola ¦ Pickford
    White Cash Guehi
    Salah Son Mitoma Diaby
    Haaland Alvarez Edouard
    ¦ VvD Boly Nakamba

    1.0 ITB

    1. Salahlulijah
      • 5 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      No roll transfer

    2. Botman and Robben
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Roll to have 2FT during int'l break.

    3. Haa-lala-land
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Start Pickford over Areola

  2. Jase3377
    • 5 Years
    8 months, 20 days ago

    Hi guys
    I have 2FT and no idea where to use one. Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Gabriel, Cash, Lascelles
    Salah, Son, Saka, Mitoma, DLuiz
    Haaland, Watkins
    Turner, Guehi, Tsimi, Archer

    Also, do I have bench right? Tough decision with defence this week.


    1. Salahlulijah
      • 5 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      I’d be changing DLuiz to Palmer thinking gwk 16 and beyond and play Tsimi instead this week. At least you won’t waste one of those transfers then

      1. Jase3377
        • 5 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Thanks for the suggestion

    2. Hotdogs for Tea
      • 8 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Maybe sell Turner if you have nothing else to do

      Is Cash fit ?
      Skaka injured ?
      Lascelles, Gebriel & Tsimikas are hardly to most nailed but you would hope all 3 wouldn't be benched in the same gameweek ?

      You could insulate your team by getting a free more nailed players ?

      1. Jase3377
        • 5 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Yeah all good points
        Leaning towards swapping Turner

  3. Athletico Timbo
    • 1 Year
    8 months, 20 days ago

    What an excellent article. Thanks Neale.

    1. :
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Yeah, I was wondering where I was going to get the money I need to do a little bit of surgery in my team and I think I now know where I might get it from...Trippier.

    2. Skonto Rigga
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Thanks very much, Manic!

  4. Salarrivederci
    • 8 Years
    8 months, 20 days ago

    I'm up there in the OR's, but I have a problem when I look at my team for this GW.

    Got 1 FT and 0.9 ITB. Accept that I will take a hit this GW, but what would you do with this?

    Areola - Turner
    TAA - Trippier - Tsimikas - Taylor - Al-Dakhil
    Salah - Son - Maddison - Mbeumo - Palmer
    Haaland - Morris - Archer

    Looking at:

    A: Morris + Maddison -> Eze + Alvarez (-4) with 0.8 ITB to upgrade Al-Dakhil/Tsimikas going forward

    B: Morris + Maddison -> Edouard + Saka (-4) nothing left ITB

    C: Something else?

    1. Fulchester's New Centr…
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      A. Saka being perma-crocked not great even when he plays lots of minutes.

  5. dansmith1985
    • 2 Years
    8 months, 20 days ago

    Son to Bowen for a -4 or do it for free next week?

      • 4 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Which other player can you shift for Bowen?

      1. dansmith1985
        • 2 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        None unfortunately,don’t have the bank

      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Son out for a hit can go horribly wrong

    3. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Madness. Guy had a goal chalked off for a marginal offside and nearly scored from nothing when down to 9 men, Wolves this week and captaincy option next week v Villa

      1. Fulchester's New Centr…
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        But what has he done for me lately?

        1. FPL Insanity
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 2 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah

    • 4 Years
    8 months, 20 days ago

    It is going to be quite funny when many will be jumping on Chelsea double or triple up from GW16 again.

    I will be possibly looking at Colwill and Nkunku but I am avoiding Jackson no matter what form he is in.

    1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      It'll be funny when people get in players from a side that have a good fixture run and some decent and relatively cheap assets?

      1. FOO FIGHTER
        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        My biggest mistake this season was using my WC in GW2 to triple up on CHE for a good fixture run.

        1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          OK but you're comparing a side that had played 1 match to one that will have played 15+, and not taking into account squad changes like Palmer joining and a player (who you have directly mentioned and hasn't even played a minute of competitive football for Chelsea yet) like Nkunku who wasn't available then. Also taking into account other factors like the squad being more settled and it and the manager having a better understanding, having a better idea of which fixtures are actually good or not (v GW2 where there's next to no info to go on), etc.

          1. FOO FIGHTER
            • 4 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Chelsea were always going to need to find their feet considering the major changes their squad went through. They seem to be finding some rhythm now but I will still be avoiding Jackson.

            Nkunku will play either 10 or 9 and hopefully he hits the ground running.

      2. Fulchester's New Centr…
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago


        1. FOO FIGHTER
          • 4 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Double UTD and Arsenal midfield 😆

          1. Fulchester's New Centr…
            • 7 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Who would do such a thing? (Thank you dissociative amnesia).

            1. FOO FIGHTER
              • 4 Years
              8 months, 20 days ago

              Luckily this is just a game filled with many brain fart decisions from most.

              I usually play my WC early though, around GW2 to 4.

        2. Nate(U)dog(ie)
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          You win this round

    2. Rasping Drive
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 14 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Chilwell and Sterling in for a hit were the worst moves I’ve made all season. Not going back there again.

    3. WVA
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Palmer looks great value

  7. Ibralicious
    • 9 Years
    8 months, 20 days ago

    Best move?

    A) Burn —> Gabriel (FT)
    B) Burn + Maddison —> Lascelles + Saka (-4)
    C) Burn + Maddison —> Maguire + Saka (-4)


    1. jthmt
      • 1 Year
      8 months, 20 days ago


    2. Denis Tueart on the wing
      • 14 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Awful idea.
      Saka limited game time or injured
      Solanke will score

    3. Denis Tueart on the wing
      • 14 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Wan-Bissaka clean sheet and assist

  8. jthmt
    • 1 Year
    8 months, 20 days ago

    Diaby to Bowen? or is there a better option? Just enough in the bank for this.

    My mf: Salah, Saka, Mitoma, Diaby, Maddison

    1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Tough call this week, I was thinking of doing Diaby to Gordon, but especially after the Spurs injuries and suspensions I think keeping is probably sensible. Home fixture this week, then a game against Spurs that will have plenty of goals (and Spurs without either of their main CB pairing now) followed by Bournemouth

  9. The Knights Template
    • 10 Years
    8 months, 20 days ago

    With 11 million players now I’m thinking of pitching a new TV Show, it’s called Big Brother - Content Creators! Basically we get 20 or so content creators into a purposefully built house and give them challenges etc. The audience can vote to nominate for eviction, or can join the special Big Brother patreon site and pay for weapons to be dropped for their favourite houseMate!

      • 4 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      I mentioned before, you need to start a YouTube channel re FPL. Will definitely bring something different to the current repeating trend. Like you are watching the same thing over and over again.

    2. The Night Trunker.
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Can't you just chuck 'em all in your dungeon.

      • Sheffield Wednesday
        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        A reality fantasy show.

        1. Sheffield Wednesday
          • 4 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Not a fan of Big Brother type shows - but if each week the house enters full Hunger Games mode for 90 minutes then I'll watch the highlights on YouTube.

      • Nate(U)dog(ie)
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Ultimate challenge: give one of them a secret task to pick a team that's different to the others. The others know that someone has the task but not who. The division between them knowing someone has to make their own decisions and do something different and the person that has to figure out how to make a choice by themselves will inevitably result in a gory fight to the death, last content creator standing

        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Bit like this guy, very different.


      • Philosopher's Stones
        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Need the hunger games filled of content creators

      • Now I'm Panicking
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Some sort of "Beauty and the Geek" dating show where we laugh at them trying to pick up chicks would be funny too.

        1. The Knights Template
          • 10 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Whatever the show the TV execs go for, I am going to be the host!

    3. Ajax Hamsterdam
      • 10 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      help (desperately) needed please 🙂

      vicario (turner)
      cash gabriel tsimikas (colwill bell)
      salah maddison bowen mbeumo (nakamba)
      haaland alvarez watkins

      1 ft 1.4 itb

      a maddison to saka
      b mbeumo to saka for -4 (lost tsimiak to lascelles, viacrio to johnstone or alvarez to nketiah)
      c dont touch mid and lose tsimikas for another defender (palace maybe)
      d do nothing and watch everyone else get more points 🙂

      thank you very much and gl

      ps : estu tempts me as a tsimikas replacement...

      1. Ajax Hamsterdam
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        i could also do nakamba to gordon but this would be a bit of a benching headache....

      2. FOO FIGHTER
        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Your team looks decent but Nakamba and Bell are of no use to you. GL with the decision you make!

        1. Ajax Hamsterdam
          • 10 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Lack of arsenal attack concerns me...what about trippier??? who to prioritise?


          1. FOO FIGHTER
            • 4 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            I would consider downgrading Vicario and get in Trippier, yes.

      3. waltzingmatildas
        • 13 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        I think if Maddison is out, A seems pretty good

    4. WVA
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Who would you start?

      A. Palmer MCI
      B. Archer Bha

      Trippier Cash Gabriel
      Salah Saka Maddison Bowen
      Haaland Watkins
      Turner Taylor

      1. FOO FIGHTER
        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago


        1. WVA
          • 7 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Thank you.

          Udogie my final player

          1. FOO FIGHTER
            • 4 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Palmer is looking really good. If I did not own Gordon, Palmer would be in my team. Both these players are good for bench and as starters.

      2. waltzingmatildas
        • 13 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago


    5. Ranger3
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Is Gabriel safe now ? Need a Arsenal defender

      1. Prinzhorn
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Gabriel is safe when he's tied to a chair with duck tape and rope.

        1. Ranger3
          • 7 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          That helps 🙂

          1. Prinzhorn
            • 3 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            I'm sorry. I own him too. I owned him in GW1 too. He is annoying to own. I want Saliba and consider doing Gabriel-> Saliba.

            If not I would consider Zinchenko but he is not 100% nailed either so not sure about that.

      2. Botman and Robben
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        I went with Saliba

        1. Ranger3
          • 7 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          I don't have the money... Need to move Burn and Lamptey.. Horrible wildcard choices

          1. Sheffield Wednesday
            • 4 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Burn was a sound choice, We all know Lamptey's fitness record made him the puntiest of punts.

    6. Prinzhorn
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Who's the first AVL player to start offloading? Need to dump them from GW15

      A) Cash
      B) Diaby
      C) Watkins

      1. waltzingmatildas
        • 13 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Hmm, I think Cash. I have Luiz instead of Diaby so it's a bit of an easier decision for me!

      2. Ryan
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 12 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Any, it depends who you want to get in. Probably A or B first though

      3. Nate(U)dog(ie)
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        A or B probably, with all 3 I'd say Diaby given Cash has Fulham this week (although knowing Villa they'll find a way to concede)

      4. We Go Again
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        B for Mbuemo in GW14 is what I plan to do

      5. The Mentaculus
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Cash 13, Diaby 15, keep Watkins? I know MCI ARS looks a bit daunting but both at home & its not an entirely clear cut fixture swing with SHU & BUR coming up so soon after. I definitely want Villa attack for those games so I don't think I'm ditching all 3 of them myself

        1. FOO FIGHTER
          • 4 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          The thing about ditching Watkins is that he will play 90 minutes game in and out. That is why I am still 50/50 about shipping Saka. He is not in the best of form but chances are, he will get you points irrespective of his form being bad. Lately his minutes have dropped but Arteta has no choice but to give him as many minutes as possible.

          Will see how GW12 goes.

          1. The Mentaculus
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • Has Moderation Rights
            • 3 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Yeah that is also a factor especially when you look at the alternatives - Wilson? Ferguson? Even ignoring the former's injury doubt, you can't rely on these guys to start every game over the congested December schedule

    7. waltzingmatildas
      • 13 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      What move would you do here?
      A) Flekken to Areola/Pickford
      B) Cash to Gabriel
      C) D.Luiz, Alvarez to Martinelli, Archer (-4)
      D) Flekken, D.Luiz to Johnstone, Rice/Jensen (-4)
      E) Roll

      Flekken Turner
      Trippier Cash Tsimikas Tark Baldock
      Salah Son Mitoma D.Luiz Palmer
      Haaland Alvarez Watkins
      1ft, 0itb

    8. :
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Palmer = Saka but 3.5m cheaper.

      1. The Knights Template
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Oscar Slater, Saka hater!

      2. Arteta
        • 8 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Disgraceful comparison.

    9. Mizzzza
      • 14 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago


      Maddison and Alvarez
      Saka and Nketiah


      1. We Go Again
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Not too convinced by Saka atm but probably solid moves

      2. Atimis
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Nketiah nah, wanted to get him but he didn't train, benched yesterday and Jesus could be back straight after the IB

        1. dennis the menace
          • 12 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Nketiah wasn’t even on the bench vs Sevilla

    10. We Go Again
      • 10 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Defence going into this gw is Gabriel Cash Burn* Taylor Lamptey*

      Plan is to do Burn -> Guehi with one of my FT.

      Have 0.1 itb. Would it be worth it to shift Lamptey to Lascelles before he rises and I can't make the switch anymore, or should I just roll the other FT

      1. Haa-lala-land
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Not very fashionable, but 4.5 Joel Ward would give you the .1 buffer if you bought Burn at 4.6
        That is if you really want a CP defender.
        Going early on Lascelles could backfire before the IB with the Botman status unknown.
        If it were my team I think id skip CP defence and look a little cheaper at Livramento or Maguire

    11. Shark Team
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      I'd love to gamble on Estu vs SHU(H) its a massive opportunity for a haul imo

      1. Powers106
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        I held onto him too, would be a nice reward…really it’s the least he could do lol

      2. ZimZalabim
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        has he been passed fit ? do you think he starts this weekend ?

        1. Haa-lala-land
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          We will see this evening during the Ajax game

        2. FantasyClub
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          It all depends how many minutes he gets in Europe

        3. Shark Team
          • 6 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          De Zerbi implied that he will be benched vs Ajax tonight because there is an "important game vs SHU in the weekend"

      3. Intinny
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Thinking exact same. If he is in the squad v Ajax I'm getting him in. Have 2 transfers so tempted by Ferguson too. A lot will depend on the line up today

        1. _Ninja_
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          De Zerbi already said he's on the bench tonight so hopefully get's some game time.

        2. Shark Team
          • 6 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Idk about Ferguson, just dont prefer him that much because he isn't such a good long term investment with rotation always there for Brighton

    12. Atimis
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Alvarez to Ferguson or keep FT? Other ideas with 1FT and 0.1ITB?



      1. LosBlancos
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Id go for it, or get Nketiah

        1. Atimis
          • 7 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          As above - Nketiah nah, wanted to get him but he didn't train, benched yesterday and Jesus could be back straight after the IB

      2. ZimZalabim
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago


    13. LosBlancos
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Martinez***/ Turner
      Trippier Tsimikas Udogie* / Kabore Taylor
      Salah Son Mitoma Gordon Diaby**
      Haaland Darwin / Archer

      1.5m itb and 2ft

      *Udogie needs to go, looking at Gabriel/Saliba or Estupinan as a replacement.
      **I want Bowen and an Ars mid/ Nketiah but would only be willing to move Diaby on who still has a good fixture and ok form.
      ***I want to get rid of Martinez but every week is a bad GW, at this point may get Johnstone for a hit next week (as I want Palmer and Mbuemo in on gw14 as fts already) or wait out for Che fixtures to turn and get Sanchez

      Any thoughts appreciated.

      1. Atimis
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Udogie out looks like the biggest upside, about the GK would plan for long-term move

    14. ZimZalabim
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Dont want to burn a transfer but not sure where to use it here ?
      2FTS and 0 itb Thoughts ?

      Team is
      Areola (3.9)
      Gabriel Cash Lascelles (Tsmi, Taylor)
      Salah, Son, Saka, Mitoma (Nakamba)
      Haaland, Watkins, Nunez

      Thinking ill ship Cash, would rather hold him but will be selling next week anyway so worth bringing it forward to not burn a transfer

      Would do Cash to Guehi or Mitchell I think

      1. Atimis
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Maybe a bit sideways but could work out

        1. ZimZalabim
          • 7 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Dont know where else to use a FT and not keen on burning it

          1. Atimis
            • 7 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Yeah, the def is only place you can really play with right now

      2. FantasyClub
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Hard one. I wouldn’t get rid of Cash this GW. Doesn’t feel right. He has BOU in a couple weeks also. Could hold him til then

        1. ZimZalabim
          • 7 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          yeah i dont really want to but was thinking i would have to sell next week most likely and would rather not burn a ft

          The issue is with no money itb Im a bit stuck with options as well.

          Cheers tho

    15. FantasyClub
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Guys I’m a bit stuck with what to do with my 2FT (1.1itb)
      Some thoughts would be much appreciated 🙂
      My two mini league leaders removed Haaland after I did. I’m thinking maybe get him back in to differentiate myself or is this the wrong week to do it ?
      Salah ➡️ Gordon (up to 6.8)
      Alvarez ➡️ Haaland

      Estu/Cash/Trippier/Tsimi/ Udogie

      1. FantasyClub
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Alternatively I could just get Johnstone in for Flekken or White in for Udogie and save a FT

        1. FOO FIGHTER
          • 4 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Also nothing wrong with owning bot Haaland or Salah but then you make sacrifices and generally your bench is rubbish which is not great when your starting eleven is loaded with flags.

          1. FOO FIGHTER
            • 4 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            *Both Haaland and Salah

      2. FOO FIGHTER
        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Make a decision on whether you want to own Haaland or Salah. Many have done that. There are some who don't own either Salah or Haaland.

        I will state it again, take away all the player names and you are left with numbers. The way you set up your team either makes you stagnate, climb, or fail.

      3. ZimZalabim
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        could do diaby or jwp to gordon or mbuemo as alternative options or even a move to mitoma for 2 weeks then mbuemo

        I wouldnt focus too much on ur rivals and trying to differentiate this much at the moment its way too early to be thinking like that people have made back a couple 100 points from here to the end of the season and these guys may not even be ur rivals come the tail end of the season.

        So Id say focus on who you want to own and who you think scores highest for now and forget others for the moment.

        1. FantasyClub
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Thanks for that. Got a hundred different moves running through my head. Sound advice cheers

    16. Haa-lala-land
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      If Wolves' Hee Chan was priced in FPL at 8m then he'd be in everyone's team.

      1. Milk, 1 Šuker
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Reckon he might run riot against a weakened Spurs defence

      2. Sheffield Wednesday
        • 4 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        All of my front seven and two of my defenders have scored more this season. So no thanks, especially with Neto out.

      3. Now I'm Panicking
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        No he wouldn't

      4. Ranger3
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        No way

      5. _Ninja_
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        If you look at the ICT index on the FPL page, he's ranked 21st for midfielders. He wouldn't be in any teams at 8m.

      6. Arteta
        • 8 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        I respectfully disagree. We're just spoiled with great and underpriced options this season, but we still can't own everyone we'd like to.

    17. Smudger’s Dirty Dozen
      • 13 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Team for the GW - 2FT

      Pickford (Turner)
      Trippier, Tsimikas Saliba (Cash, Colwill)
      Maddison, Saka, Bowen, Salah (C), Mitoma
      Watkins, Alvarez (Nketiah)

      A Turner out for ?
      B Cash out for ?

    18. boc610
      • 12 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      martinelli best player on the pitch last night, id love to be brave and get him in for burnely

      1. Milk, 1 Šuker
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        I've got him (no Saka). He's in my thoughts for captaincy

        1. La Roja
          • 12 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          I reckon he’ll just stay in your thoughts for captaincy

          1. Milk, 1 Šuker
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 11 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Yep, sometimes it's good to be different and not be a sheep

      2. FantasyClub
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        He always looks good but gets nothing. Rotation risk also

      3. The Mentaculus
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Tempting indeed especially if Nketiah is out

    19. Milk, 1 Šuker
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Wow! For the first time in weeks, I have a clean bill of health in my squad including the seemingly fit again Estupinan. He's first on my bench right now, but will be monitoring his participation tonight v Ajax. Hope he comes through unscathed and that me keeping him is warranted.

    20. Thursday's press conference times
      Skonto Rigga
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Morning, all. I think there's just these two happening today on the press conference front (in GMT):

      1.30pm - Kompany
      1.45pm - Dyche

      1. Milk, 1 Šuker
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Packed schedule tomorrow then Neale!

        1. Skonto Rigga
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 6 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Might book a last-minute holiday and leave Tom to do it 😀

          1. Hairy Potter
            • 9 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            If Wilson is out, do you think Hall and Livra both play, or do you think Miley could come in for Bruno?

      2. Haa-lala-land
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Dyche is touch and go

        1. Skonto Rigga
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 6 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          ...."by the way"

      3. FPL Insanity
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 2 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        There'll be some corkers tomorrow!

        1. Skonto Rigga
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 6 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          And they'll all be telling the truth and giving us unambiguous updates, can't wait!

    21. waltzingmatildas
      • 13 Years
      8 months, 20 days ago

      Would you WC this team?
      Flekken Turner
      Trippier Cash Tsimikas Tark Baldock
      Salah Son Mitoma D.Luiz Palmer
      Haaland Alvarez Watkins

      Johnstone Strakosha
      Trippier Cash Guehi Branthwaite Lascelles
      Salah Son Saka Gordon Palmer
      Haaland Watkins Archer

      It's mainly to get Saka in, as well as sorting keepers out. Is it worth it?

      1. kempc23
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        Certainly not this week. You team looks great for this week. Saka may not even play.

        I dont know the Brentford situation, is Flekken no longer a starter?

      2. Ranger3
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        You are not making enough changes for a wildcard... Mitoma is against Sheffield, so he could haul.. Can't see the upside of your wildcard

      3. OneTeamInBristol
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Could you not do Alavarez to Mubamba to upgrade Luiz to Saka?

          I would try to keep wildcard if I were you.

          1. waltzingmatildas
            • 13 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            No, only 3.8 for a forward if I go for Saka! Could get Martinelli.....

        • waltzingmatildas
          • 13 Years
          8 months, 20 days ago

          Cheers guys. Flekken is a worry, but no money to upgrade. Perhaps I just go to Pickford/Areola?

      4. Pep Roulette
        • 6 Years
        8 months, 20 days ago

        5 straight red arrows in a row! From 6k OR in GW6 to 200k in GW11! Please help here! 1 FT 0.3 ITB

        Areola Turner
        Trippier Cash Tsimikas Udogie Kabore
        Salah Son JWP Mitoma Sarr
        Haaland Alvarez Watkins

        1. OneTeamInBristol
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Udogie to Palace Def (Mitchell or Guehi), or Areola to Johnstone

          • drughi
            • 14 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            jwp>gordon maybe

          • Intinny
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 6 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Maybe move JWP on due to his more defensive position now. Kudus, Gordon or even Trossard (this week) could be worth a gamble

          • 112kane112
            • 5 Years
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Udogie out, Gabriel in.

        2. OneTeamInBristol
            8 months, 20 days ago

            Help please, I desperately need advice!

            2ft. 0.4itb

            Trippier Cash Gabriel
            Salah Son Saka Bowen Mitoma
            Darwin Watkins

            Subs: Strakoscha, Alvarez, Tsimikas, Taylor

            I probably need to make a defensive transfer, but honestly no idea what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!!!

            1. waltzingmatildas
              • 13 Years
              8 months, 20 days ago

              Taylor to Lascelles?

              1. OneTeamInBristol
                  8 months, 20 days ago

                  That did cross my mind, but would I realistically play him as I have Trippier?

                  I am thinking of doing Areola to Johnstone, but not sure as WHU fixtures are v good.