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Arsenal Reviewed

Arsenal finished third in the Premier League this season and thereby completed a decade long track record of finishing third or fourth.  In maintaining their customary charge into the Champions League placings they scored  71 goals and conceded 36 against, a statistical repeat of their 2012/13 season.  This season also saw them retain the FA Cup as well as reach the last 16 of the Champions League, where they exited the competition, as they have done for the last five seasons. Same old, same old, right?

A 2014/15 Overview

Well, Arsenal fans are pretty evenly divided about that, as anyone that has watched ArsenalFanTV and its viral Claude & Ty disputes will know.  There always seems to be high potential for the Gunners in the summer, but then the same pattern of being the bridesmaid but never the bride in Europe and the Premier League continues.  So let’s have a look in a bit more depth at the current Arsenal squad.

First, the good signs…

  • Arsene Wenger has bought top players for big money in the last two summer windows – Mesut Ozil in 2013 and Alexis Sanchez in 2014.  That’s a relatively new trend that Arsenal fans had been crying out for.  Both have done well as well, Sanchez especially so.  Maybe there will be another big signing this summer?
  • The Arsenal manager has also, maybe for the first time, been willing to adapt tactics against big opponents rather than stubbornly insisting on the one way of playing.  This worked well in the 2-0 win at the Etihad against City and in the pragmatic 0-0 against Chelsea and 1-1 at Old Trafford but not so well in the CL 1-3 home defeat against Monaco.
  • Arsenal also have some good young players coming through – Hector Bellerin and Francis Coquelin have had breakout seasons and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Jack Wilshere and others are still at an age where they should be improving.

However, whilst Wenger has been willing to spend big money on attacking midfielders he has seemed reluctant to address other positions. Arsenal badly needed a top quality centreback, but instead he bought Gabriel Paulista, who has failed to impress so far. They badly needed a defensively minded midfielder, and although he brought Coquelin back from loan  is he enough?  And they badly needed a top quality striker  but instead he bought Danny Welbeck, apparently under sufferance having said he’d have preferred to loan him.

There seems to be no doubt in most pundits’ minds that Arsenal are not far away from a serious Premier League challenge.  But a lot depends on what happens this summer.  They have been linked with a number of top defensively astute midfielders – Artuto Vidal and Morgan Schneiderlin among them – and that would perhaps be a good start. Theo Walcott’s potential switch to striker may take away the lack of options up top and reminds us of what Wenger did with winger turned striker Thierry Henry.  The centre back area still looks a weak area and further investment is needed there. But whatever happens, Arsenal are a very good team and one of the most important for FPL managers, especially in terms of their attacking talent.


This season’s 36 goals conceded and 13 clean sheets is a par return for a top four team and just about justifies premium Fantasy Premier League (FPL) prices for Arsenal defenders. The good news here is that there was an improvement after goalkeeper David Ospina came into the side and helped accrue eight clean sheets in the last 18 games.  Ospina will probably be priced higher next season – maybe 5.5m – but could well justify that kind of valuation if he keeps his place.

The big-hitter defenders – Laurent Koscielny and Per Mertesacker – suffered by comparison with their Chelsea counterparts who scored around 50% more FPL points at only slightly higher starting prices.  Koscielny, however, missed quite a few games through injury and is something of a bonus point magnet. Given an injury free run he could be a very realistic option at a probable 6.0.

The fullbacks are also interesting – Bellerin and Nacho Monreal appeared to have nailed first choice status during the season; neither seems likely to be priced above 5.5 and 5.0 might even be possible.  They could be interesting options at that price level although their first team places could be threatened by Mathieu Debuchy and Keiran Gibbs waiting in the wings.

Having Arsenal defenders in a FPL squad is therefore a somewhat awkward call.  A good defensively minded midfielder joining during the summer might aid a defence, which improved anyway once Ospina came in.  The fullbacks could offer good value but it’s hard to know if their gametime is secure.  Koscielny is a very important player for Arsenal but has never produced a really outstanding FPL season. Maybe 2015/16 will be the one?


The Arsenal midfield has probably been analysed on this site more than any other team’s midfield over the last season and in a way I’m not sure what I can add to it.  So I’ll take another tack and offer some opinions, controversial as they may possibly be.

For a start, I think there are a number of Arsenal midfielders that can be discounted for FPL purposes right now – Coquelin, Oxlade-Champberlin, Tomas Rosicky, Wilshere.  None of these five can count on being Gametime secure if Arsenal sign a centre midfielder/defensive midfielder as expected. Wilshere might have a chance of nailing a regular first team spot, but  he has yet to show any kind of consistent FPL point-scoring potential and is injured far too often.

Theo Walcott

Walcott needs dealing with on his own really.  It seems unlikely that he will be re-classified as a striker because he has played there so little.  But Wenger is talking as if he may see him in that position next season and his stats for shots in the box, accuracy and goals were already outstanding when played wide. If he plays as a striker (which seems quite likely),  if he supplants Giroud as first choice (which is less certain) and if he comes in categorised as a midfielder at around 9.0 (unlikely to be higher) then he’d be as near essential as I can imagine. But that’s three big “ifs”.  Whether we will know all the answers before the season begins remains to be seen.

Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil, Santi Cazorla and Aaron Ramsey

Viewing the season as a whole, Ozil led the others by quite a way on key passes and chances created per 90 minutes, but not on assists.  Probably he was unlucky in this regard because his FPL returns didn’t quite match how well he was considered to be playing.  The other three were much of a muchness for creativity.

On shots in the box and total shots, Sanchez led the pack by some way with Ramsey and Cazorla fairly level and Ozil trailing behind.  No surprise there either.  However Sanchez’ numbers were influenced by a long period (October to mid-January) when he was often in a more central role and produced stellar FPL returns.  After the return of Giroud, Ozil and Ramsey from injury, Sanchez mainly played wide left and his stats (and FPL returns) reduced.

In addition to this it has to be considered that Cazorla has penalties and shares freekicks and corners with Ozil and Sanchez in the main.

So which is the one to have, given that Sanchez will probably be priced around 11.5 and the others around 9.0?  Well, to be honest I haven’t a clue.  But what I do have a clue about is that I don’t expect to have any of them in my FPL team if all are fit.  I am not convinced that Sanchez will be good value, or captaincy material, when played wide left, though I know others think differently.  And I think the attempt to pick one of the others is comparable to playing a lottery, although if I had to buy a ticket it would probably be Ozil.

So, unless there are injuries or changes in tactics which clearly favour one of these four, the only Arsenal midfielder I am likely to consider for GW1 is Walcott.  And that only if he looks like nailing the striker spot on a 1st choice basis.


Walcott has already been dealt with.  He could be re-classified as a striker but that seems unlikely as he only started a handful of games in that position in recent years.  Welbeck disappointed from a FPL perspective and doesn’t seem to have the finishing sharpness that would make him a realistic option, in addition to which he is as likely to be played in midfield as in a striker role. That leaves Olivier Giroud.

Giroud is one who divides opinions.  His 120 FPL points was not a bad return for 8.5m considering he missed around a third of the season.  Basically he was scoring at a similar rate to when he managed 187 points in a full season of play in 2013/14.  He seems to score his goals in bunches and can be frustrating when he’s not running hot.  But it’s hard to see him getting a starting value above 9.0 (maybe 8.5 as he was last time).  At that price he could offer value if starting regularly.  Which brings us back to Walcott, who while a risk remains Arsenal’s most exciting prospect for Fantasy managers.

39 Comments Post a Comment
  1. J0E
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 16 days ago

    Thanks for submitting. All roads lead to Walcott currently it seems.

    1. Pasqualinho
      • 15 Years
      9 years, 16 days ago

      I'm anti-Walcott at the moment. I hate losing funds early on and hate having to make a 'defensive' early transfer to avoid price drops. Walcott looks like an FFS bandwagon which makes him high risk for a price drop so I try to avoid these where possible.

      1. J0E
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 16 days ago

        He's actually a perfect FPL player. He scores well when fit. He gets injured a lot. Like RVP in his pomp and Aguero he's ideal for a price rise and fall system. Get him the price go up...sell when injured (which will happen based on previous seasons). When fit, get him back for less money. Ideal.

        1. Pasqualinho
          • 15 Years
          9 years, 16 days ago

          I'm sure I'll get him in - I normally do - but maybe not for GW1. It also depends a lot on the early fixtures.

          A case in point for me was Sanchez/Mata last year - fantastic players, great opening fixture, not so good next few. So high early ownership, especially on here. But then GW1 came and they weren't quite as lucrative points-wise as expected. Cue early sales and price drops. So instead of being able to get on the progressive bandwagons and solidifying your squad, you're restricted to a defensive transfer to get them out quick or lose cash. Now one of these players you can cope with, as there will likely be an opposite bandwagon that people are selling these players for (Siggy in last season's case). But more than one and you're already in points hit territory.

          So, Walcott for me is a wait and see. 40% ownership and he rides the pine for the first week, and you've got a fire-sale on your hands - which no-one wants after their carefully prepared GW1 squads. If he looks like being a nailed-on starter and has decent follow up fixtures then you bring him in for free. You've lost his potential GW1 haul, sure - but after 1 gameweek you've plenty of opportunity to get that back.

          1. Camp No No
            • 10 Years
            9 years, 16 days ago

            You're making a good point here. I think few risks are affordable in initial team, but maybe not very expensive ones. Sanchez, for example, was a very expensive risk.

          2. Ryan
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • Has Moderation Rights
            • 12 Years
            9 years, 16 days ago

            Its a great point you make. Having high ownership players in GW1 is asking for trouble, particularly high ownership FFS wagons. If they don't live up to the hype serious and debilitating price drops should be expected.

  2. JÆKS ⭐
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 16 days ago

    Great article!

    Walcott and Bellerin (if both nailed on) will probably be in my starting team next season!

    1. KujaliaFC
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 16 days ago

      None of the fullbacks can be considered nailed on. Bellerin nailed down the position last season (and was great) but Debuchy's unavailability played into that.

  3. KujaliaFC
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 16 days ago

    If Wilshere gets game time, he'll be in my squad.

    He'll be super cheap and has attacking potential.

  4. DGW blindness is for Kinnea…
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 16 days ago

    Great stuff yet again. But still not good enough to get signed up by Mark 😉

  5. Saniul
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 16 days ago

    When did Gabriel Paulista not prove himself? Played very few games, solid in all of them.

    1. Camp No No
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 16 days ago

      In addition, defenders tend to always have it tough when they first come to a new team, let alone new league and new country. Gabriel Paulista was pretty much sure value already before he joined Arsenal.

    2. Camp No No
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 16 days ago

      But yeah, in any case, he hardly was even tried and never disappointed when he was.

    3. Ruth_NZ
      • 9 Years
      9 years, 16 days ago

      If he played very few games how could he impress? Surely that says that Wenger sees him as one for the future rather than an immediate improvement?

      1. Camp No No
        • 10 Years
        9 years, 16 days ago

        Let's put it this way. Your statement is very negative:

        "Arsenal badly needed a top quality centreback, but instead he [Wenger] bought Gabriel Paulista, who has failed to impress so far."

        So, you're saying that Wenger didn't buy a top quality CB, but what Gabriel has played, he has been quality, even top quality although it is hard to say before he gets to play longer time and bigger matches. You could have said that it is not sure whether he'll be that CB, but there so far no sign that he wouldn't be a top quality CB.

        Same here:

        "They badly needed a defensively minded midfielder, and although he brought Coquelin back from loan is he enough?"

        You first state that what was needed was a DM. Okay, then Coquelin, you saying he hasn't been one heck of a top class DM this season? Reality disagrees. If it is enough to get just one defensively minded midfielder is another question, but it is not the one you are initially asking.

        You should perhaps just word this differently, very differently.

        1. DGW blindness is for Kinnea…
          • 11 Years
          9 years, 16 days ago

          This is why Mark hasn't signed you up 😆

          See above

        2. Ruth_NZ
          • 9 Years
          9 years, 16 days ago

          Jonty edited my comments on Coquelin so you can speak with him about that.

          Apart from that, if you don't like my writing style don't read my articles. I'm not going to take lessons on language composition from you, thanks. 🙂

          1. Camp No No
            • 10 Years
            9 years, 16 days ago

            Hey, no offence, just discussing your points here. If you choose to present your opinions in public, then expect them to be criticised. And it's not simply a style issue, you point Paulista and Coquelin out negatively, when there's very little you can actually hold against them. Coquelin, in particular, should have been on the side of good examples.

            1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 16 days ago


              You are not alllowed to critisise.... It is discourteous...

              Completely agree begrudgingly on coq, if you look how well the arse did when he came in he is definitely a positive

              1. Camp No No
                • 10 Years
                9 years, 16 days ago

                Exactly. Paulista is a bit of a question mark as he played so little, but meanwhile, did he do something wrong? Imo, he seemed very good and is probably going to be a great signing, I'd even expect him to replace Per next season. :ozil:

                1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                  • 12 Years
                  9 years, 16 days ago

                  Not so sure about that but I do get where you are coming from

                  1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                    • 12 Years
                    9 years, 16 days ago

                    *brushes dirt off from the hole I have been in*

                  2. Camp No No
                    • 10 Years
                    9 years, 16 days ago

                    Well, not sure either, of course. Maybe "I'd expect" was too much said, but what I mean is that Per is not going to continue as a starter for too long anymore, and then it is likely that either Paulista or Chambers will be at least tried for somewhere as the new starting CB with Kos.

                    1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
                      • 12 Years
                      9 years, 16 days ago

                      Mertasloth is a bit of a liability imo so I agree there is a chance and as you say paulista has done nothing to discredit himself

            2. Ruth_NZ
              • 9 Years
              9 years, 16 days ago

              "Arsenal badly needed a top quality centreback, but instead he bought Gabriel Paulista, who has failed to impress so far. They badly needed a defensively minded midfielder, and although he brought Coquelin back from loan is he enough?"

              There is no big negative about either player. The negative element is aimed towards Wenger's historic reluctance to sign proven players in certain positions, which is what that paragraph is about.

              Arsenal needed a "ready to go" CB when they sold Vermaelen in the summer but they only signed Chambers (whose limited PL experience was mainly at RB). They then brought Gabriel in January and played him very little. They have needed a top CM/DM for years according to most Arsenal fans. Wenger bought no-one for that position in the summer and in fact loaned Coquelin out to Charlton before having to recall him because of an injury crisis.

              Both are young players and neither have done anything wrong, Coquelin was quite impressive in fact, as I referred to later. Wenger's transfer policy is a different matter, however, and many an Arsenal fan would agree with what I said about it.

              1. Ryan
                • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                • Has Moderation Rights
                • 12 Years
                9 years, 16 days ago

                I can't agree and I'll back Wenger on this one. Arsenal have a pretty solid defence in general that will only get better. I'd expect Coquelin and Pualista to continue to improve and become regular first choice starters for Arsenal in the near future. Its a good policy to develop players and it works at Arsenal.

                1. Ruth_NZ
                  • 9 Years
                  9 years, 16 days ago

                  Yes, but they started the season with 2 senior centre halves, Ryan. That's inadequate. And with only Flamini for the DM role. That was inadequate too.

                  1. Ryan
                    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                    • Has Moderation Rights
                    • 12 Years
                    9 years, 16 days ago

                    Sure but that was at the start of the season. Now they have Paulista and Coquelin so its not as necessary to have a new CB at least. A box to box midfielder who can also play as a DM might be necessary so that Cazorla doesn't have to play in the pivot but otherwise I don't see any major issues at the back for Arsenal

        3. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
          • 12 Years
          9 years, 16 days ago

          Give him a chance CM, he is only a beginner

          1. Camp No No
            • 10 Years
            9 years, 16 days ago

            I give him a chance to improve himself. 😉

            1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
              • 12 Years
              9 years, 16 days ago

              Be careful, you will,be reported... Like the way you have been constructive

  6. Ziro Becomes One
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 16 days ago

    Maybe each of these articles should be written by a fan of that club. That way there can be some inside knowledge as well as in the article.

    Only care would have to be not to get carried away optimistically.

    For one person to write such an exhaustive analysis of each club is too big a task and the writing style, views etc. gets repetitive and makes for slightly boring reading. imho.

    1. John t penguin
      • 9 Years
      9 years, 16 days ago

      What you want a fan to write these rather than the premier leagues most knowledgable supporter.
      Seems bit silly

      1. Ruth_NZ
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 16 days ago

        Blimey. Team Scotland still sore is it?

        I put up each draft article asking for feedback from fans and those that know the club well before revising it. Then it goes in as an article.

        If a fan from each club would want to write each one no-one would be happier than me as long as we could devise a format that made sense across the piece. But I don't see anyone offering.

        This is research I would be doing anyway and my thinking is to give something back to the site (and also get some input from fans of the clubs) by writing them up. To complain about it seems churlish to me. But each to their own I guess. 😕

        1. John t penguin
          • 9 Years
          9 years, 16 days ago

          Stopped reading at Ruth

  7. In Like Flynn.
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 13 Years
    9 years, 16 days ago

    If only Walcott could stay fit.
    I really hope the games don't try to second guess Wenger to make him a striker in the lists for next season.
    As players we need the odd crumb of comfort from the increasingly tight budgets and a midfielder who actually plays up front would be one such crumb.

    Roll on the fixture lists.

    1. Ryan
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 16 days ago

      He'll stay as a midfielder. RPL rarely changes people's positions and would only do so if there is insurmountable evidence.

      1. Ryan
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 16 days ago


  8. Jigger & Pony
    • 10 Years
    9 years, 15 days ago

    Great article. Completely nailed on. Thanks for sharing your research and opinions with us. Much appreciated...