
Fantasy Chili Bowl – Round Three

The Chili Bowl regular season has reached its third week and some teams are well on course for a place in the knockout stages. Sadly though, others have not been so lucky so far.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time to turn it around. Let’s take a look at the key events from round two and where that leaves those teams taking part.

Conference A

After last week’s slightly sluggish start the teams in Conference A managed a more respectable combined tally of 1833 points. The New Orleans Contes crushed the San Antonio Ravers in the opening fixture, with Trigg amassing a superb 77 points crucial for the victors.

Zasa and Jossy also chipped in with impressive scores as the Contes won in convincing fashion. However, the margin of victory could have been less significant as AZ benched former FPL winner Tom Fenley, who managed the highest score of the entire round with a whopping 88 points.

The Los Angeles Vipers ground out a narrow win over the Boston Hawks. It proved to be a low scoring affair with Sid07 producing the standout performance with 66 points. The Washington Presidents continued their march to the play-offs with a blowout victory over the Miami Magicians. Balders was the highest scorer with 74 points, which secured him a place in the team of the week.

It should be an intriguing clash between the Boston Hawks and the Miami Magicians next week as both sides desperately need a victory to keep their hopes of qualification alive.

Conference B

The Philadelphia Sentrymen dominated the Mississippi Hillbillies with Teddy and The Pep Revolution starring with 74 and 72 points respectively. The slack jawed yokels even managed to bench their highest scoring player in another humiliating defeat.

The Cleveland Steamers secured a narrow victory over Phoenix Philistines. Zan Keroski played a pivotal role with 66 points. Elsewhere in Conference B, Austin Powers got the better of the Chicago Bull Sitters by 14 points, with Hooky earning a place in the team of the week with a colossal 77 points.

The Hillbillies and the Philistines face each other next in a make or break game with both sides needing a win in order to have any hope of making the knockouts.

Conference C

The Seattle Salad Dodgers recorded a comfortable 30 point victory over the San Diego Casuals. The nonchalant Californians put in a solid performance, however, the green leaf haters’ experience told as their veteran players Demi, Evs and Athletic Timbo ensured victory with three impressive tallies.

A heroic effort from SidL carried the New York Tommy Guns to a narrow victory over the Las Vegas Lemmings. He was the highest scoring active player and made the team of the week with 82 points.  KoL put in a captain’s performance with 72 points for the Lemmings, but it was ultimately in vain.

Finally, a charging Rhino led the San Francisco Bulls Deep to an impressive 51 point win over Spectrum’s San Jose Holebas with 69 points. Rhino is also leading the MVP race for the whole competition.

The Las Vegas Lemmings prop up the table with zero wins so far. They desperately need victory against the San Diego Casuals next week in order to stay in contention.

Conference D

The Jacksonville Jamaicans eased to a 36 point victory over the Utah Polygamists. Tommy Tour’s 68 points helped the Caribbean outfit to victory and was unlucky not to make the team of the week.

Morph’s 68 points contributed to the Indianapolis House of Pancakes’ 26 point victory over the Waikiki Beach Raiders. Wolves_simmo will clearly be disappointed after scoring 68 points and still ending up on the losing side.

Denver Does Dallas recorded a 40 point victory over Albuquerque Shaolin. Tony Hibbert and Nidge’s colourful antics clearly affected their performances in opposing ways as Hibbert led the team to victory with 66 points, while Nidge perhaps should have been left on the bench in hindsight with a meagre 22 points to show for his efforts.

The winless Utah Polygamists are currently bottom of Conference D and will need to whisk, toss and flatten the Indianapolis House of Pancakes next week in order to have a chance to make the knockouts.


Sidl (NY) 82

Hooky (CHI) 77

Teddy (PHI) 76

Balders (WAS) 74

Trigg (NOC) 73

The PEP Revolution (PHI) 72


Tom Fenley (SA) 88

Park the Bus (SD) 66

The presser award for last week goes to JonnyLeeds from Austin Powers for his left-field series of innuendo-filled ramblings.

A full run down of the All Star Points and captains award positions can be found here along with the rules.

The Manager of the week award goes to Laterriser12 from the Jacksonville Jamaicans, who was the only captain who managed to bench the two lowest scoring players this week.


Please see this spreadsheet  for details of all the squads (with links to each players FPL history) and fixtures.

The FCB Differentials Spreadsheet  allows teams to identify which players will be key in this week’s scoring. The instructions for using it are:

1. First, make a personal copy using the ‘File’ menu options (this will enable you to edit the cells)

2. Enter the GW no. in the blue-coloured cell on top.

3. Enter the FPL IDs of your six team members and the six IDs of the opponents’.

4. The sheet picks up the live FPL points of the players on each refresh, and the total for the team is displayed in green.

The FCB Next GW Scouting Spreadsheet will allow teams to pull in the previous week’s FPL teams for all eight of the opposing teams players to allow scouting of the squads. The instructions for using this spreadsheet are as above except the fpl points are no longer valid.


Further previews and nuggets of information will be posted within the comments throughout the week, but the important things to know are as follows:

·         Captains must email the FCB mailbox ( with their decision on which two players they are benching this week before the deadline of 11:59pm UK time on Friday night.  11:59pm UK time on the night before the FPL deadline will be the deadline each week.

·         Remember this is a FFS community competition and we expect all teams to have some presence within the comments on these articles.  If we see some teams not participating on this front, we will start enforcing rules to ensure this does happen.

  • The full rules can be found here - this includes details of the all-star game, other awards, and the latest all-star and captain’s award standings.

If you have any further queries, feel free to ask below in the comments or email us at:

As a final request, please do try and keep the FCB chat to the comment sections of our articles.

On behalf of the FCB committee (Jarvish, BabyB, Ziro, Adam West and Cheese)

365 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Lord.
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago


    After a week of exotic fugue states, dodgy calisthenic mayhem, and a fog of confusion leading to the wrong Austin being man-marked, the Bull Sitters needed to regroup for their first road trip.

    With the Club Lear Jet was now a distant memory, courtesy of the owner's over-investment in Liverpool futures, the Bull Sitters were set for a long trek in a battered Greyhound, with one chemical loo to serve a squad-full of hyperactive plumbing. Mr CALM knew it was time for another inspirational team-talk.

    'Right you bunch of bloated overpaid prima donnas' said Mr CALM, showing his sensitive side 'its time to get serious.'

    'first its high time we returned Dixie Normous - even Jonnyleeds must have missed her by now - so we need a stopover in Cleveland. We can also do a spot of advance scouting, so give Trap 1 at the back of the bus a wide berth, and save your deposits for the Steam Room in Steamer Stadium.'

    'There's also been a clamp-down on security. Spectrum will be on the gate in Philly checking credentials, so have you Passport, Visa, Birth Certificate and inside leg measurements ready for inspection; and watch out for girlfights. Apparently the FCB organisers also expect presents. I don't know if this on top of the usual kick-back, but we can't afford any more deductions, so be ready to divvy up.'

    'Now I know we are playing in the city of Liberty and brotherly love, but its time to give Dave and the other Sentrymen the real BS treatment. Keep an eye out for Rocky, and remember: quitters don't win and winners don't quit; so let's get an early lead and quit while we're ahead.'

    Cheese-steaks for eveyone!

    1. djenzio
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      You def took the acid

    2. Hurricane Gilbert
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I must say I have a little bit of a man-crush on you, Lord of the Chilli Bowl.

      1. djenzio
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        You flatter me loyal subject

        1. Hurricane Gilbert
          • 8 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Reply fail lol, was aimed at the Chicago loo-natic.

          But: Since Holebas and the ancient Greeks actually encourage man-love, I can feel a certain bond with you too. 😉

          1. djenzio
            • 9 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            yeah I know but I was just being cheeky!

    3. jonnyleeds
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Good stuff... I accept your non sensical challenge 🙂

    4. Hooky
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      What about if you quit smoking? Is that not a win? 😉

  2. WDT
    • 12 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    this is a short post to cool down your eyes after that ^

    1. WDT
      • 12 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Also Wolves have a player called Nouha Dicko.

  3. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Welcome to the suburb of Speedway, on the outskirts of Indianapolis, for matchday three of the Chilli Bowl sponsored by Fantasy Football Scout.

    Indianapolis House of Pancakes must be the most widely travelled team in the tournament, having clocked-up over 10,000 miles in the last two weeks.

    They have been all the way up the Rocky Mountains to bring down Denver Does Dallas, and then crossed the Pacific Ocean to repel the Waikiki Beach Raiders.

    This week they are hosting the Utah Polygamists, for the first game in their new stadium, a move which has not been without controversy.

    The Mayor of Indianapolis has been criticised for allegedly using public money to subsidise the club’s rent for the brand-new stadium, which would be in contradiction of FCB franchise regulations.

    Some concerns have been raised amongst supports’ groups about the pitch being in the middle of an IndyCar circuit but the club say that they are confident that this will not affect the atmosphere at the ground.

    However, it will be a race against time to complete an extension to the visitor's executive box as the current 50 capacity was not sufficient to accommodate Utah’s WAGs

    The Pancakes are determined to keep their place at the top of Conference D but are not taking the victory over the winless Utah for granted: “After all you would expect Polygamists to score a lot” said one source.

    We will have the more team news for you ahead of Saturday’s kick-off.

    1. Haggis
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      The salty lakes shall again be filled with the tears of a thousand mourning (second) wives!

      1. Get up ya bum
        • 14 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        a thousand second wives shall be filled salty morning tears

  4. John t penguin
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Benched two weeks n a row 🙁

    1. BabyB
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      explains why your team are near the top of the group 🙂

      1. John t penguin
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Huh yeah right we'll show you when we are bottom of the group
        Who will be laughing then

  5. JohnnyRev7
    • 13 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Ok, I confess. Maybe I should be paying more attention. Taking it a little bit more seriously. I even read the eleven – yes eleven! - team messages on WhatsApp since last GW. Five were about red wine vintages, three about Donald Trump, two about vaginas ceti and one about the GW.

    San Diego Casuals will always be casual. I made a transfer tonight. Took out someone and put someone else in and gave him my Alice band. I've forgotten who it was already.

    We have a team spreadsheet where we can all post our proposed line-ups for the forthcoming GW. I just liked messing around with the pretty colours, and now it's totally unreadable.

    But it looks like the best acid trip of your life.

    I'm writing this on my tablet as the SDC team bus approachs the city limits of Las Vegas. We can see the illumination from the Strip lighting up the sky. A beacon in the darkness of the Nevada desert, and buried bodies.

    But we couldn't help noticing the construction of a man-made cliff? What is that all about?

    Anyway, all the best Las Vegas!

    I'll set an alarm for Tuesday to check the score. If I remember.

    1. tets mcgee (Bachmann an Rob…
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      its so true... we have to get better organised. i ended up drinking a very sub par chateauneuf du pape wednesday night.

    2. JohnnyRev7
      • 13 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Because you ignored my 1986 Chateau Margaux comments.

      Anyway, why are we in Las Vegas? I've forgot.

      1. Hurricane Gilbert
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, that's all you need to know as a casual

  6. jonnyleeds
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    The door of room 513 opens and standing there is the older of the 2 Chinese sisters.

    " You are late Austin Powers" she says angrily

    "Fook Yu.... we had to walk 3 miles through that snow ' replied Ronhaar ( captain of Austin Powers) . "Thanks for checking in and the research on the Cleveland Steamers"

    "Well we have to leave now to catch Baby B's press conference" replied Fook Yu

    " Fook Mi... " said Shyam still frozen from the snow.

    "Yes " replied the younger of the sisters.

    "Are you going to the press to conference" asked Shyam

    " We all need to go now!!" Snapped the older sister.

    "Fook Yu... we are ready to follow so let's go" said Ronhaar.

    As the 8 incredibly dressed squad members plus the 2 sisters push the doors open into Conference Room 1 Baby B is finishing his speech.

    "These groovers, dressed as if they are from a 60s Hippie tribute act think they can come to our town .." shouted Baby B (captain of the Cleveland Steamers.

    " Fook Mi... can you hear him" asked Jonnyleeds to the younger sister.

    "Not really... you will need to shout to my sister who is left of the stage"

    Baby B continues... "and make everyone fall for their stupid act then you shouldn't be a Cleveland Steamer!"

    "Fook Yu" shouted Ronhaar

    The members of the press turn to face the Austin Powers captain astounded that this groovy dude has just owned Baby B in his own town.

    Baby B stands... drops his microphone Obama style and storms off stage.

    "..what did he say?" Shouts Ronhaar to the older sister.

    Fook Yu shrugs her shoulders... Ronhaar smiles to himself , he knows the Cleveland Steamers have lost the first round.

    1. BabyB
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Think you will find we comfortably won the first round against the hillbillies. Not sure Austin managed the same... 😉

    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    I see Darlow is producing some heroics like GW 36 last season

  8. Hurricane Gilbert
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Time to go hillbilly hunting. Rise like a phoenix, mighty philistines!

    Good luck all!

    1. Woy of the Wovers
      • 13 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I'm not sure that your average philistine would know what to do were he to be told to rise like a phoenix.

      1. Shipstontrev
        • 14 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Very good!

  9. VS10_
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Do or Die for Miami and Boston.

    1. ONSIDE 9
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Bye bye Boston 🙂

      1. Jonjo Shall_We? (Flowers - …
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Bye bye Miami
        Do come to see us play in the knockouts

      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Two bottom teams. A draw would be nice 🙂

  10. A.T
    • 13 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Salad Dodgers team v San Francisco

    Athletico Timbo

    Let's have it 😀

    1. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I'm not benched? Feeling the pressure already

      1. A.T
        • 13 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Not with a Kane (c). No chance 🙂

    2. Diva
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Imaginative presser there Timbo. 🙂

      1. A.T
        • 13 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        I aim to please 😉

    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    The eventful week for the Cøntes comes to an end, as we now prepare for our match-up against the Vipers.

    The trip from New Orleans has been quite an adventure - only today did the TheFantasyFreak give signs of life after seemingly getting lost near the Great Canyon 5 days ago. The Team Value guru Jossy bossed the Las Vegas casinos, while the omnipresence of the Mickey Mouse in Disneyland in the outskirts of LA has inspired one of the Cøntes to purchase a certain United midfielder...

    We are now looking forward to face the lowest-scoring team in Conference A and keep the momentum going. Come on you Cøntes!

    1. Jazz!
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago


  11. Diva
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    The Bakelite phone in the Tex-File's office trilled to warn Special Agent Diva Cooper of a new round of impending doom... or that the pizza he had ordered had arrived and was waiting in reception.

    Sadly for his growling stomach it was a new lead in the case of the missing FPL managers. The mysterious female voice on the phone told him there had been strange things happening down in San Antonio. A look through the archives further raised his suspicions: there was nothing there. Literally nothing. Even the map of the area where the voice had reported strange things was blank like someone had taken a large, hard eraser to it and removed the top layer of paper as well as the drawing.

    The Bakelite phone trilled again. The pizza had arrived. "Put it in the situation room," Special Agent Cooper told the receptionist. "I'm about to call the Presidents together for a meeting."

    An hour later, their bellies full of pizza, the presidents headed out to their motorcade. They were going to San Antonio.

    They took a southern route and were passing through Mississippi when they stopped for gas in a remote rural village. The motorcade pulled into Sporting’s Gas Bar and they were greeted by a dapper fellow who looked like a ‘60s matinee idol. The matinee idol confirmed he was the owner of the establishment and started pumping gas into the first of the cars.

    While they waited, President George W. Oghash pulled his guitar out of the trunk and leaned against the hood plucking a couple of notes. His guitar twangs met with a response from a young lad who was rocking lazily on the porch of Sporting’s Gas Bar with banjo across his lap.

    President Bernie Sauzee, who had been on his phone trying to find some reception so he could remove Coutinho from his FPL team, switched to camera mode and captured what happened next.

    “Who is that lad?” President Barack O’Badger asked a gas station attendant.

    The attendant, who had the word Moin embroidered above his chest pocket, was swaying to the music.

    “That’s Eden,” he said, as his swaying turned into a jig.

    Just as the song duelling between the guitarist and banjo player was reaching its peak, Oggy screamed

    “Argh! My string snapped.”

    But the string had done more than snap, it had whip sawed across his hand.
    “Gundogan!” he exclaimed, “That hurt.”

    It looked bad. The Presidents paid Sporting, remounted their iron steeds and resumed their journey. In the back of one of the limos President Donald Balders tried to bandage President Oghash’s hand.

    “It doesn’t look good Oggy,” he said. “You might have to stay on the bench for this mission.”

    “Zaha-ah!” Oggy cried out. He felt the pain of both his hand and having to sit out this Presidential adventure.

    At that moment, there was a screeching of brakes and the windshield of their limo was enveloped in a cloud of dust.

    As the cloud dispersed, Presidents Balders, Sauzee, O’Badger and Oghash scrambled out of the rear doors of their limos and discovered the front ends of the vehicles were teetered over the edge of the ravine. They had been lucky, for way down below two up-turned limos were drifting down the gorge.

    Four figures pulled themselves out of the limos and took refuge on top. Presidents Abraham Cheeseoid and President Franklin Diva Roosevelt were on one car, while President John F. Keninnsie and President Harry Slamdog Truman were riding the crashing waters on the other.

    “Oh, Lukaku!” shouted President Truman is as he spotted some treacherous rapids ahead. “Hold on everyone.”

    The two cars and four presidents were tossed this way and that as they tumbled through the rapids. The limo on which Presidents Roosevelt and Cheesoid were travelling smacked into a large boulder and everything went black.

    President Roosevelt came to with water lapping around his throbbing head.
    “Wow, that was tough,” he said, slowly picking himself up. He saw the prone figure of President Cheeseoid further down the bank. “Hey, Cheese…”

    Everything went black again.

    President Roosevelt woke to find he could no longer move. Looking down he could see ropes binding him to a tree and there was a cloth over his mouth that stopped him from shouting. Looking further ahead he saw President Cheeseoid struggling to get to his feet. Between them, he saw the backs of two men who were advancing on the ovoid shape of President Cheeseoid. One of them was carrying what looked like an oversized, comedy frying pan. The a second lump on his head told President Roosevelt that pan was very real and very much made of iron.

    “I dunno about you, YMA, but I liked my eggs scrambled,” said one of the men.

    “Hehe, I like them fried Adam,” snickered the other man, before adding: “Giggity.”

    A look of pure terror flashed across President Cheeseoid’s face as the one called Adam raised the frying pan above his head, shouting: “Crack like an egg, boy!”

    “Giggity,” said YMA as the pan crashed into the prone president.

    Adam pulled the frying pan away and President Roosevelt could see a hairline fracture on President Cheeseoid’s cracked shell.

    Adam raised the pan above his head again and repeated his phrase: “Crack like an egg, boy!”


    With an almighty crash a silver coach with a giant soccer boot on top came careening into view and smacked into the two hillbillies, sending them flying through the air to land in the river with a splash.

    The bus door opened and down stepped President Keninnsie, followed by Presidents Truman, Balders, Sauzee and O’Badger.

    “What the heck?” said President Cheeseoid as he was helped to his feet by Presidents Balders and O’Badger, a small trickle of egg white flowing from the crack in his shell.

    “This,” said President Keninnsie slapping the coach as Presidents Truman and Sauzee untied President Roosevelt. “is Harold.”


    “Yep. Get yourselves aboard. Cheese, you’d better join Oggy at the back on the injury bench.”

    “Harold?” asked President Cheeseoid again, befuddled.

    “Yes, we bought him off three Swedish tourists and we’re going to ride this bus all way the way to San Antonio.”

    1. Cheeseoid
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      You are a lunatic. One good way of course.

  12. Narcos-Philadelphia
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Coutinho count was same for Sentrymen and BS.
    The replacements could be the differentials in the match up.

    All the best Chicago BS.

    1. Lord.
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Well, if we're playing under water, subs will a key factor! Happy snorkling!

      1. Narcos-Philadelphia
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        So its Kane game.

        1. Hooky
          • 9 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          All in. Balls deep!

          1. Narcos-Philadelphia
            • 8 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            Well played this one Chicago.
            It will be remarkable if we can comeback from here now.

            1. Mr (C)ALM
              • 14 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              The Kane Train has left the station and the Chicago Bull Sitters had pre booked 6 business class tickets.

              1. Narcos-Philadelphia
                • 8 Years
                7 years, 6 months ago

                Good plan

    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago


    New Orelans Contes:

    Pickford Foster2
    Shawcross Lovren Koscielny Pieters4 Evans Mustafi
    Pedro Walcott3 Firmino5 Mkhitaryan2 Mane
    Austin Costa Defoe Anichebe

    LA Vipers:

    Heaton2 Grant
    McAuley Brunt2 Walker Gibson Alonso2 Fuchs Morgan Clyne
    Capoue Siggy Allen3 KDB Gundogan
    Aguero Kane4 Rondon2 Lukaku

      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      The Vipers also have a -4 hit.

      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      As it stands (assuming Brunt gets 3 bonus, Evans 1, Kane 2):

      Contes: Lovren Mustafi Koscielny Walcott3 Firmino5 Mkhitaryan2 Mane

      Vapers: 53 pts + Lukaku Clyne Gibson.

      Comeback is on.

  13. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
    • 12 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Kane goal x12 beautiful

  14. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    With triple Eriksen for Indianapolis. Please keep those points.

    1. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      As it stands...

      Indianapolis: 63 points + Koscielny, Lovren, Mané, Snodgrass, Bolasie

      Utah: 2 x Ibrahimovic, + 1 x Karius, Mustafi, Clyne, Firmino

    2. Pirlø's Pen
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      We're unstoppable!

  15. John t penguin
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    One of our team has 120 from 10 on his own

    1. Gloria Kanchelskis
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      He's doing well to carry the likes of you and me through this game week. Well played Delhi

  16. Hooky
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Can anyone do some score updates? Spreadsheets are not very mobile friendly!

    1. Lord.
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      The word on the Kane train is that the score is 433-403 to Chicago with two differential stops left (Firmino and Can) compared to four for the Sentrymen (Ibrah, Lukaku, Mata and Snodgrass). A quiet afternoon at Goodison would be nice.

      1. Hooky
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Top man thanks. 0-0 would do nicely in that game 🙂

        1. Lord.
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 9 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Still can't add up. I now make it Chicago 432 Philly 419 after subs, but Philly also have Smith as an extra differential, so definitely squeaky bum time.

          I'm now off to do Jose's tax return.

          1. Narcos-Philadelphia
            • 8 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            Scores after autosubs is 454-441. You guys should win this. Anyways it was close even after the Kane goals.
            We came back really strong. Just didn't have our Fraser playing today.

            Congrats. Good luck. All the best.

            1. Lord.
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 9 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              Nevertheless, we will be triple man-marking Snodgrass just in case.

              Hopefully we'll meet again in the play-offs, although I'll be dropped or in jail for misappropriating FCB pts by then.

    • 10 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    San Fran Bulls Deep 435pts
    Valdés x 1
    Clyne x 1
    Mane x 1
    Jakupovic x 1 (Pickford 3pts)

    Seattle SD 419pts
    Firmino x 2
    Lukaku x 1
    Friend x 1 (1pt benched)

    It's going to be close 16pts in it currently.

    San Fran benched BB-8s 92pts Firmino to play.. oops!!

      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Correction SSD
      Firmino x 3 🙁

      1. A.T
        • 13 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Thanks for that. All on Firmino then.

        1. LE GOD(C)-AMERICAN DYCHO-(1…
          • 10 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          All good Timbo.. good luck! Anyone's game, Firmino will be key though.

        2. LE GOD(C)-AMERICAN DYCHO-(1…
          • 10 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Firmino fail and Mane points locks in 1pts for San Fran Bulls Deep!! 🙂

          Unbeaten run continues 3/3

          Great game Seattle SD. Good luck with your remaining games in group C

          1. A.T
            • 13 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            I tip my hat to your unbeaten run. Well played. 🙂

  18. BabyB
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 10 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Cleveland v Austin update. If my calcs are correct, Austin have a big lead with their mass Kane and extra Hazards but Cleveland hanging on thanks to Sanchez.

    I think the differentials are:



    1. Amateur Pundit Zan
      • 11 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Wow 12 differentials to 1 tomorrow. Down to Liverpool to do the business.

    2. Sjaugen
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Looks like;
      AP: 10 points
      CS: Chambers Barregan

      If Hull doesn't score, we're +2 on clean sheet points. Did this manually off your summary, so not double checked by any means

  19. JohnnyRev7
    • 13 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    I accidentally bookmarked this site last night, so I'm back. I even read the first page of the thread about 'non participation' and saw hand-bags at dawn.

    And got scared...

    I'm back! Look Mods! I'm contributing!

    Oh, I think I said I took out one player and put in another player with the Alice band? But couldn't remember who?

    After three attempts at resetting my FPL password I could see my team. Took out someone called Agüero and brought in someone called Kane. Why does Kane have a © next to his name? Is this a copyright issue? I don't want to get the forum in trouble.

    Anyway, transferred Agüero back in tonight. He was highlighted in red so I took that as a positive. I'm starting to understand this game. I dunno why you guys make it look so difficult.

    You need to get casual.

    1. Ziro
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I love the casual approach! 😉

  20. Ziro
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago


    Saturday matches updated in the FCB ScoreSheet linked in the article.

    # Indianapolis on a mammoth score of 450 already.
    # Each team has already scored more than 300.

    1. AA33
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Go Indianapolis! 😎

  21. Jonjo Shall_We? (Flowers - …
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Bottom of the group fight that no one is interested in
    Boston 352
    2 mane
    1 Lovern
    1 Smith
    Miami 324
    1 DDG
    1 Janmaat sub
    1 williams
    1 Snodgrass
    1 Wilson

    Given our habit to squander our lead on the last day we aren't too excited

    1. Jazz!
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Last sentence 😆 🙂

      1. Jonjo Shall_We? (Flowers - …
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Your team exploited this tendency

  22. Rhinos
    • 10 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    I thought we were playing New York. Now that's casual

    1. tets mcgee (Bachmann an Rob…
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      we will show u casual... just wait til next week.

  23. SidL
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Guess New York has already won with a game to spare. Sweet !!

    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    The New Orelans Contes suffer their first defeat of the tournament - LA Vipers lead by 21pts with Gibson to go.

  24. KingNidge
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Moving on from my post on the last page i can confirm that i am indeed back..

    My 85 pointer wasn't even needed to see off Lateriser and his men and the rest of team Denver have put them to the sword with ease..

    Two wins on the bounce after a narrow first game defeat puts us right in the hunt for qualification for the knockout stages

    Denver have arrived

    Well done lads

    1. Shipstontrev
      • 14 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Cheers for the support Nidge, hope the trip to Spearmint Rhino I arranged for you has helped you be up for it next week.

      1. KingNidge
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        No worries gaffer great scoring yourself this week... we all deserve a good session after this one 🙂

        1. Shipstontrev
          • 14 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Just as well the wife isn't reading this! 😉

          1. Colonel Shoe 肝池
            • 12 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            ppl have wives...!!

            i thought we were all dateless wonders 😉

            1. KingNidge
              • 8 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              We're fighting them off over in Team Denver

              This huge victory will only intensify matters further 🙂

            2. Shipstontrev
              • 14 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              Wives, WAGS, groupies, all the same really!

  25. Rhinos
    • 10 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Dont be putting any money on a Middlesborough clean sheet, Valdes won't have any motivation now that his bulls have already won.
    Good game Seattle, being on the wrong Liverpool horse has cost our opponents once again.

      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago


  26. Shipstontrev
    • 14 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    To paraphrase a certain Norwegian commentator:
    "Usain Bolt, Lenny Henry, Trevor McDonald, Bob Marley, Jacob Marley, Marley And Me, Michael Manley, Mr Bacardi, Mr Ginger Cake, your guys took a hell of a beating" 😉

    1. KingNidge
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Trevor McDonald


  27. Ziro
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    UPDATED to Sunday matches:

    LA Vipers trumping Indianapolis in the week's scoring charts.

    1. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      It's Indianapolis then San Francisco. Currently we are also the only two teams that are on for 3 wins from 3.

      LA Vipers are only on 388. (I assume you've misread it as 488)

        • 10 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        We could of been top scorers if we didn't bench BB-8s 94pts. (Captain fail)
        Still a big win for us v Seattle

        1. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
          • 7 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          That's unlucky, well played.

          Anyone left to play? We've got Snodgrass + Alonso, 2 x Pickford and Robinson to come on as subs.