
Fantasy Chili Bowl – Round Three

The Chili Bowl regular season has reached its third week and some teams are well on course for a place in the knockout stages. Sadly though, others have not been so lucky so far.

Fortunately, there is still plenty of time to turn it around. Let’s take a look at the key events from round two and where that leaves those teams taking part.

Conference A

After last week’s slightly sluggish start the teams in Conference A managed a more respectable combined tally of 1833 points. The New Orleans Contes crushed the San Antonio Ravers in the opening fixture, with Trigg amassing a superb 77 points crucial for the victors.

Zasa and Jossy also chipped in with impressive scores as the Contes won in convincing fashion. However, the margin of victory could have been less significant as AZ benched former FPL winner Tom Fenley, who managed the highest score of the entire round with a whopping 88 points.

The Los Angeles Vipers ground out a narrow win over the Boston Hawks. It proved to be a low scoring affair with Sid07 producing the standout performance with 66 points. The Washington Presidents continued their march to the play-offs with a blowout victory over the Miami Magicians. Balders was the highest scorer with 74 points, which secured him a place in the team of the week.

It should be an intriguing clash between the Boston Hawks and the Miami Magicians next week as both sides desperately need a victory to keep their hopes of qualification alive.

Conference B

The Philadelphia Sentrymen dominated the Mississippi Hillbillies with Teddy and The Pep Revolution starring with 74 and 72 points respectively. The slack jawed yokels even managed to bench their highest scoring player in another humiliating defeat.

The Cleveland Steamers secured a narrow victory over Phoenix Philistines. Zan Keroski played a pivotal role with 66 points. Elsewhere in Conference B, Austin Powers got the better of the Chicago Bull Sitters by 14 points, with Hooky earning a place in the team of the week with a colossal 77 points.

The Hillbillies and the Philistines face each other next in a make or break game with both sides needing a win in order to have any hope of making the knockouts.

Conference C

The Seattle Salad Dodgers recorded a comfortable 30 point victory over the San Diego Casuals. The nonchalant Californians put in a solid performance, however, the green leaf haters’ experience told as their veteran players Demi, Evs and Athletic Timbo ensured victory with three impressive tallies.

A heroic effort from SidL carried the New York Tommy Guns to a narrow victory over the Las Vegas Lemmings. He was the highest scoring active player and made the team of the week with 82 points.  KoL put in a captain’s performance with 72 points for the Lemmings, but it was ultimately in vain.

Finally, a charging Rhino led the San Francisco Bulls Deep to an impressive 51 point win over Spectrum’s San Jose Holebas with 69 points. Rhino is also leading the MVP race for the whole competition.

The Las Vegas Lemmings prop up the table with zero wins so far. They desperately need victory against the San Diego Casuals next week in order to stay in contention.

Conference D

The Jacksonville Jamaicans eased to a 36 point victory over the Utah Polygamists. Tommy Tour’s 68 points helped the Caribbean outfit to victory and was unlucky not to make the team of the week.

Morph’s 68 points contributed to the Indianapolis House of Pancakes’ 26 point victory over the Waikiki Beach Raiders. Wolves_simmo will clearly be disappointed after scoring 68 points and still ending up on the losing side.

Denver Does Dallas recorded a 40 point victory over Albuquerque Shaolin. Tony Hibbert and Nidge’s colourful antics clearly affected their performances in opposing ways as Hibbert led the team to victory with 66 points, while Nidge perhaps should have been left on the bench in hindsight with a meagre 22 points to show for his efforts.

The winless Utah Polygamists are currently bottom of Conference D and will need to whisk, toss and flatten the Indianapolis House of Pancakes next week in order to have a chance to make the knockouts.


Sidl (NY) 82

Hooky (CHI) 77

Teddy (PHI) 76

Balders (WAS) 74

Trigg (NOC) 73

The PEP Revolution (PHI) 72


Tom Fenley (SA) 88

Park the Bus (SD) 66

The presser award for last week goes to JonnyLeeds from Austin Powers for his left-field series of innuendo-filled ramblings.

A full run down of the All Star Points and captains award positions can be found here along with the rules.

The Manager of the week award goes to Laterriser12 from the Jacksonville Jamaicans, who was the only captain who managed to bench the two lowest scoring players this week.


Please see this spreadsheet  for details of all the squads (with links to each players FPL history) and fixtures.

The FCB Differentials Spreadsheet  allows teams to identify which players will be key in this week’s scoring. The instructions for using it are:

1. First, make a personal copy using the ‘File’ menu options (this will enable you to edit the cells)

2. Enter the GW no. in the blue-coloured cell on top.

3. Enter the FPL IDs of your six team members and the six IDs of the opponents’.

4. The sheet picks up the live FPL points of the players on each refresh, and the total for the team is displayed in green.

The FCB Next GW Scouting Spreadsheet will allow teams to pull in the previous week’s FPL teams for all eight of the opposing teams players to allow scouting of the squads. The instructions for using this spreadsheet are as above except the fpl points are no longer valid.


Further previews and nuggets of information will be posted within the comments throughout the week, but the important things to know are as follows:

·         Captains must email the FCB mailbox ( with their decision on which two players they are benching this week before the deadline of 11:59pm UK time on Friday night.  11:59pm UK time on the night before the FPL deadline will be the deadline each week.

·         Remember this is a FFS community competition and we expect all teams to have some presence within the comments on these articles.  If we see some teams not participating on this front, we will start enforcing rules to ensure this does happen.

  • The full rules can be found here - this includes details of the all-star game, other awards, and the latest all-star and captain’s award standings.

If you have any further queries, feel free to ask below in the comments or email us at:

As a final request, please do try and keep the FCB chat to the comment sections of our articles.

On behalf of the FCB committee (Jarvish, BabyB, Ziro, Adam West and Cheese)

365 Comments Post a Comment
  1. J0E
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 14 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the update. The Austin Powers march on...groovy baby, yeah, yeah....etc. 🙂

    1. Hooky
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Well done. I was let down by my teammates this week 😉

  2. KingNidge
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Shout out to my Denver team mates who carried me through to a massive victory and three points against Albuquerque.. would like to assure all those involved that i will be doing everything possible to return to top form and take this Denver team all the way..

    Onwards and upwards..

    1. Hibbo
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      It's a team game Nidge we win and lose together.

      Big game this weekend coming.

      Looking forward to the match up to be honest vs very good opponent's.

      1. Shipstontrev
        • 14 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Well said Tony!

        1. Lateriser 12
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 12 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Good luck ladies.

  3. Az
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 14 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    However, the margin of victory could have been less significant as AZ benched former FPL winner Tom Fenley, who managed the highest score of the entire round with a whopping 88 points"


    1. Jazz!
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago


  4. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
    • 12 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    San Jose Holebas where put to the sword by our San Francisco neighbours. It was a bad day at the office they even outnumbered the Holebas on erm Holebas, not that it did them any good. Holebas managed to let down San Fran and San Jose as well as Watford quite an achievement. We dust ourselves down and go again.

    Week 3 sees the Holebas square up to New York Tommy Guns a team that likes to promote firearms but will inevitably fire blanks when it comes to facing us.

    The late great Frank Sinatra was famous for singing New York, New York, well we have some news for the Tommy Guns, start spreading the news, your getting beat today by the end of this game you might want to pack your bags and jump in one of your big yellow taxis.

    1. Gothenburgsaints
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      We scored low like Holebas and are somewhat brused like Holebas but we will rise again like Holebas and destroy those New Yorkers.

      1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
        • 12 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Couldn't have put it better myself

  5. teddy.
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago


    Chicago Sitting Ducks as our next assignment.

  6. Narcos-Philadelphia
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Sentrymen are ready to face Chicago BS. Should be an enticing match up.

  7. Lord.
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago


    It was quiet in Philadelphia, too quiet, so Mr CALM tasked his top operative, Ron Scout, to find out who the Sentrymen are, why they cavort in leotards and lurid capes, and what happened to their banter. Now read on ...

    'Its a sad story Boss' said Ron, putting down his well thumbed copy of Jonty's greatest hits. 'They've got this superhero thing going on, but their budget won't stretch to proper A-listers like Superman or Captain America. All they can afford is Sentryman, who used to have a history with the Coalition of Evil, but was reborn in 2000 as a security guard called Dave.'

    Mr CALM wanted to know more: 'What's his superpower then?'

    'Well its quite handy for the FCB' said Ron 'He's unbreakable. No matter what scrapes he gets into, he never gets injured, and he never gets ill. 16 years in the FPL without a flag - not even Mark can get near him.

    'And there's more' said Ron, giving him more: 'He can also tell, with a single touch, whether players have goals in them; which would have launched his solo FPL career but for the fact that he kept getting arrested. Oh, and like all superheroes he does have one weakness - he loses all superhero powers in the shower.'

    Mr CALM was sceptical 'Why have we not heard of this guy before?'

    'He did make a splash in 2013' said Ron 'but he went to far with that Lukaku hat-trick in GW38, creating a crack in the Space-time continuum that rocked the Premier League, and changed the course of FPL history. After that his wife banned him from taking any more hits.'

    'So what brought him out of retirement?' asked Mr CALM 'FCB glory?'

    'It was his nemesis' said Ron 'a half-cripple super-villain with a rare bone weakness and a fetish for comics. Dave calls him Mr Glass but in the FPL he is better known as Daniel Sturridge. And it seems that his affliction is now spreading to the rest of the Liverpool squad.'

    Mr CALM had heard enough. ' So let's get this straight - Philly's secret weapon is a bloke in a poncho who's scared of his wife, and picks on cripples, but he's defenceless if you give him a bath! No wonder they're keeping a low profile.'

    'But Boss they started with two straight wins.'

    'You're right Ron' Mr CALM concluded 'Tell the boys to pack their snorkels. We're playing our next match in the Lido.'

    1. Hooky
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Probably should have mentioned that I'm a gremlin. Things could multiply quickly in the lido.

  8. JohnnyRev7
    • 13 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago


    I thought we'd won! And it was all over. Then I thought we'd lost. And it was all over. But it wasn't.

    Never get out of the boat.

    I'm learning.


  9. Sauzée
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Good luck to San Antonio. The Presidents look forward to pillaging your oil, reputable health services and women.

  10. Bazzalona
    • 12 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    The Cleveland Steam-rolling goes in our path are Austin.
    Another solid team performance from us plus a star role for Zankeroski and its 2 out of 2.
    Lets make it 3 out of 3 lads

    1. Licious Lizard
      • 11 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I still can't believe you are allowed to be called the Cleveland Steamers haha...

      Will be an interesting GW for sure!

      1. Bazzalona
        • 12 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        I can honestly say I'd never heard the phrase.
        You should see our original badge !!

        1. Licious Lizard
          • 11 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Haha I think it is only the most depraved of us that are familiar with that term. Would have loved to see it, although I doubt it would have been approved 😉

          1. Bazzalona
            • 12 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            I like to think of myself as fairly sick and depraved but obviously not!
            We were going with plain old Browns or Show but someone suggested Steamers and it snowballed from there!
            Yeah we have some belting badges/motifs but as you say they'd never be passed.
            No idea why haha

            1. Licious Lizard
              • 11 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              Haha great stuff. Actually laughed out loud when I say your team name. Not sure if the organizers are looking past it on purpose or if they don't know the meaning...

              Hopefully we won't be left all dirty and sad after a few Cleaveland Steamers grinded us next GW.

          2. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
            • 12 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            I presume it was similar to the Chicago BS logo 😉

            1. BabyB
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 10 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              Impressively awful. I believe a few guys in the team were asked to change there grav at the threat of a ban 😯 😆

    2. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
      • 12 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      The Cleveland Steamers are rubbing their opponents nose in it

  11. Lateriser 12
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    2 straight awards in 2 weeks.

    Looking forward to next weeks trophy. I'll be bringing a bucket to collect Nidge and Hibbo's tears.

    1. Christina.
      • 14 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      "'The Manager of the week award goes to Laterriser12 from the Jacksonville Jamaicans, who was the only captain who managed to bench the two lowest scoring players this week"'

      I will take some credit.


      1. Lateriser 12
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Acqua and you both.

        Well done them boys.

        Facing some old legs this week.

    • 10 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    I would like to big up my main man Rhinos!! SFBD star man so far! Keep it up the good work bud 🙂

    Let's go again! bring on Seattle Salad Dodgers!!

    1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
      • 12 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Will be cheering you guys on, we don't mind sneaking in through the back door for the knockouts

    2. Rhinos
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Cheers for the update Adam.
      *blushes, it's a bit early to be talking bout star men, it's a star burst tops, mmmmmmmm strawberry

  13. Diva
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    The story continues...

    First, when there's nothing, but a slow glowing dream that your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind.

    All alone Slamdog cried, silent tears full of pride in a world made of steel, made of stone.

    President Harry Slamdog Truman had been stuck in this box with President Barack O'Badger for what like seemed like days. He had tried everything to get out but the metal and granite shell had kept them firmly inside. Just then he thought he heard some music playing.

    "Well," he muttered to himself. "I hear the music, close my eyes, feel the rhythm, Wrap around, take a hold of my heart. What a feeling. Bein's believin'. I can have it all, now I'm dancing for my life."

    The box made a strange sound and shook. "I don't know what you're doing, but it's working," said Badger to the dancing figure of Slamdog.

    "Take your passion and make it happen. Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life."

    And with that the stone box cracked like an egg and fell apart, leaving the two presidents standing on a stage in the glare of a giant spotlight.

    "I did it!" exclaimed President Harry Slamdog Truman. "I danced us out of the box!"


    The manic laugh came from a strange figure stepping forward, silhouetted against the bright light.

    As it approached, it's form became clearer and the two presidents realised it's egg shape could only belong to one man.

    Another light flared into life above and President Abraham Cheeseoid stepped forward, bouncing a large sledgehammer in his hands.

    "Sorry Slam, I know a bit about cracking things open and I used this to open the box."

    "But the music?"

    "That, my friend, you'll want to see. Gentlemen, take a seat over here with the other presidents."

    They sat down in the front row as the auditorium dimmed and they realised the bright light that had been shining on them was a giant projector.

    "President Donald Balders, restart the highlight reel," shouted President Cheeseoid.

    The room went dark, there was a brief commercial, then the music started.

    On the screen, slow motion clips showed the dramatic moments as the Washington DC Presidents clinically took the Miami Magicians apart:
    President Cheeseoid scoring 58,
    President George W. Oghash tallying 62,
    President John F. Keninnsie hitting 52, and
    the rookie President Bernie Sauzee knocking up a respectable 42.

    Then the coup de gras:
    President Franklin Diva Roosevelt steaming in with 71, and
    President Donald Balders smashing the Magicians out of the park with a 74.

    The Magicians had put up a fight but departed with their top hats dented, wands broken and capes shredded, the scoreboard showing the Presidents had pulverised them 359 - 278.

    As the music ended and the film reel spun out, the Presidents cheered!

    1. Sauzée
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Great work Diva. Roll on the Ravers!

    2. Slam
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Massive win, glad I could find a way out of that dreaded box! 🙂
      Great work once again Diva

    3. Cheeseoid
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Boom! The presidents are just starting to hit their stride.

      Watch out group A!

      1. Cheeseoid
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 11 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        I think this was the day the magic died.

  14. Delhidynamo
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    My dearest friends,

    I’m becoming accustomed to the ways of living with the natives of Hawaii. It is a place of wonder. The people here are peaceful and joyous and seem to care little about the rush and worry of the world outside of FPL. Their diet is mostly an odd mixture of coconut milk, pineapple juice and vodka, which they call the ‘chichi’.

    This past week we were forced to visit the land of tasteless generic flaps of cooked dough known as ‘pancakes’. Being forced to wait for 45 minutes for the same, my teammates got really riled up and told me to wait with the dog. They never did come back to pick us up from the bench…

    It was an intriguing tie which came down to my teammates putting their trust in a man with a tiny hairy phallus emerging from the top of his head against a man whose work rate inspires the likes of German stoners to put in a light jog or two. My teammates learnt why the value of a man called by a drunk Jim Carrey as a ‘frecking bulldog on the pitch’ is 11.3M.

    The next few days after our defeat have led to some feisty altercations at the Honolulu lawn bowls club. Grammar wars, beard offs,flea infestations, our captain’s face, have been going down.

    All is well now, the vodka has been restocked at the club.

    Yours humbly,

    1. John t penguin
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I am lost for words

    2. John t penguin
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      three hours of reading and I still have no clue what paragraph 3 is about
      by the way shivam has volunteered to be benched this week

      1. AA33
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 7 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        It's about Firmino vs Sanchez

      2. aaaaaa
        • 7 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        On the way back to New York as I was sitting in the Phoenix airport, they announced that the flight to Vegas was full. The airline was looking for volunteers to give up their seats.
        In exchange, they'd give you a $100 voucher for your next flight and a first class seat in the plane leaving an hour later. About eight people ran up to the counter to take advantage of the offer.
        About 15 seconds later all eight of those people sat down grumpily as the lady behind the ticket counter said,
        "If there is anyone else OTHER than the flight crew who'd like to volunteer, please step forward..."

        I think the beard guys should volunteer

    3. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      You were the home team. Maybe you should put less vodka in your chichi if they are making Hawaii look like Indianapolis.

      Alexis was the difference this week. Though Walcott nearly pulled it back for you.

      Good game Beach Raiders.

      1. Delhidynamo
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        you guys are listed as home

        good game guys,

        and please work on the waiting time at IHOP..

        1. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
          • 7 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Indianapolis @ Waikiki - it's the American Football format with the home team last.

          Also, there was a mildly funny presser about it which was surely a close second to the Austin Powers one this week.

  15. AA33
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Good game Waiiki! Good luck in your next match.

    1. AA33
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago


  16. AA33
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    IHOP are looking for a hattrick of wins and also help the Utah Polygamists in completing their hattrick of losses. 😉

      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      An upset would be nice to keep things interesting.

  17. O.Berardi
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    guys who the better captain option this week Negredo or Austin!!

    1. Slam
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Once again, depends which team you're on 🙂

      1. tets mcgee (Bachmann an Rob…
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        once again hes not ours so trip cap negredo.

  18. djenzio
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Rumours flying around of local San Frans encouraging Coutinho to play a friendly game of five a side on the hilly streets prior to the Sunderland game. One of the San Fransisco Bulls Deep's players accidentally leaked the pictures on twitter, with confusion as to how the privacy settings actually work.

    The hills no doubt aggravated Coutinho's ankle, which led to the eventual injury, leading to a victory for Bulls Deep.

    Other news from Instagram, one of the Bulls spiking Alexis Sanchez morning refreshment with steroids, ensuring his eventual brace.

    Well, what can we do but dust ourselves off and try again.

    Hopefully the Tommy Guns will play by the rules and won't take out any hits on our team...

    1. Rhinos
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Those steroids were a waste of time, I could have have scored both his goals 😆 heads up for jarvish though we will be claiming them back on expenses, also a box of hemorrhoid cream may or may not have snuck into the basket

      1. djenzio
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago


  19. SidL
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Phew.. That was close. Not happy with our overall performance but would gladly take this win. New York Tommy Guns can understand the pain of Las Vegas Lemmings, tough luck. Hopefully this 1-point victory kickstarts our campaign.

    As for the highest scorers list, last week it was my friend Vinay Ashwin and this week it's me. Indians are making their presence felt in Chili Bowl.


    *New York is always a Good Idea*

    1. aaaaaa
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Great to see the Indians doing great!!

    2. AA33
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Even last week's manager of the week Ronhaar and this week's manager of the week Lateriser12 are Indians.

      1. aaaaaa
        • 7 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Yaaaaaaay!! Hope it's my captain who is an Indian, next week to grab the manager of the week

        1. Now I'm Panicking
          • 9 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          If it isn't an Indian, there's plenty of Cowboys who could win it too 😉

          1. John t penguin
            • 9 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            Oh little bit of 1970s racism. Say no more say no more

            1. Now I'm Panicking
              • 9 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago


              (Do you see what I did there?)

              1. John t penguin
                • 9 Years
                7 years, 6 months ago


    3. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
      • 12 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I wouldn't exactly say your making your presence felt, your team is mainly made up of lurkers and some of them don't even have a ff scout account as per the rules of the tournament which you clearly failed to adhere to. A victory for us would be a victory for every team in the tournament that has followed the rules set out for the game. A team of lurkers winning the tournament would be a slap in the face for the organisers. Nothing against you SIDL just hope you respect the rules in future tournaments and recruit from the community as opposed to friends in your league who have no intention of getting involved and participating in the tournament or on the boards

      1. Now I'm Panicking
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        The article each week states what is expected in terms of contribution on the boards and the consequences of not complying with this, and we will definitely look at what can be improved in future tournaments in terms of selection rules, enforcement etc after the tournament.
        In the meantime though, let's try and all get along 🙂

        1. Gothenburgsaints
          • 8 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Get along??? Is this a tournament or an Arsenal forum for people being happy about continously being mediocre and qualifying for CL?

          1. Now I'm Panicking
            • 9 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            ok then - "avoid murdering" rather than "get along" 😉

            1. Gloria Kanchelskis
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 10 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago


      2. SidL
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        A case of someone who knew half and spoke double? Maybe, just maybe, you would have read of The Fantastic Mr. Fox on this very site. Sure, the others are a bit silent. If this is a strategy to wind up your opposition before a game, sure, you win, but you can't expect me to silently let this pass when clearly you're trying to attack my teammates. Not following the tournament rules my a**. And not even have FFS accounts? You remind me of a local politician we have here in India who just throws around allegations without backing them up with evidence. But that's for another day.

        If commenting and being loud-mouth means making your presence felt, Joey Barton would have had a better presence in World Football than say, Andres Iniesta. Two Indians made their presence felt on the tournament by top-scoring in consecutive weeks, how tough was that to understand?

        1. Gothenburgsaints
          • 8 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Is Trump running for local office in India?

        2. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
          • 12 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          How tough was it for you to follow the rules of the competition. Can you provide for me links to your team to show they were members before the tournament started no you can't because a few signed up after it started with a couple of pathetic posts like
          Nytg, Nytg and thanks for having me on the team. Believe me I know and if I'm not correct provide a link then for TG08 and Tom9697 that has not been created after I post this. You did the same as Israel last tournament. Your obviously a captain who doesn't believe in following simple rules that are set out for a competition

          Account set up after the tournament started

          Account set up after tournament started

          Account set up after tournament started

          You have no defence whatsoever hardly my fault you can't follow rules. Your team can't even read who they are playing on the fixture list correctly. I hope you get docked points and thrown out the competition for breaking the rules.

          As I was saying if indeed it is my a** provide me with links to TG1608 and Tom9697 that were created before the tournament started. You won't be able to you have been exposed as the cheating manager you are.

          1. SidL
            • 8 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            I guess the confusion arose because seperate names were used for Username and FFS Display name. tg1608 (Display Name as Champs) and tom9697 were part of Israel last year. Now, if only posting comments is a measure of how "deserving" a player is, then yes, my players are guilty as charged. And I'm not going to deny the fact that I raised that query you mentioned. Few of my teammates were in fact not part of FFS community earlier. But didn't all of the them become FFS community members before the date of squad submission? If anything, a few new members were added to the community. Don't know why that spooked you like it did.
            And don't try to mislead others to suit your purpose by saying they were not part of FFS commuity when the Tournament started. Does the announcement of the Tournament count as Start of the Tournament? The links you posted just showed when they commented, not when they signed up on FFS. haricet, yasar2108 created their accounts after the announcement but before the squad submission deadline.
            Just take care of your team man and stop with the name-calling. Its not my fault that the supposedly more deserving members missed out. We are here to have some fun, participating with some of the best FPL players from around the world, not to get dragged into an argument with you or anyone.
            Peace !

            1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
              • 12 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              All of them became ff scout members? You have players on your team who are not registered in your team. I have nothing more to say on the point SIDL the cold hard fact are you cheated and if anyone is trying to mislead anyone its you trying to mislead the organisers.

      3. The Fantastic Mr Fox
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Ooh, looks like we have a fight brewing here with San Jose. Tasty.

        No need to get irate Spectrum. We're well aware that you are FFS tournament royalty after having won the FA Cup some time ago. A few of my mates are reticent when it comes to chatting on here, but rest assured the remainder will make up for it. There are some personal issues which have come in the way, but that'll be done in a week or 2 and then New York will be a lot more chirpy.


        1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
          • 12 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          No issues with you Fantastic Mr Fox or SIDL when it comes to posting I just don't like the fact that friends have been picked who don't even have a ff scout account when there were people who have missed out on the tournament who are active posters and may well have made a valid contribution to the articles

          1. djenzio
            • 9 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            I completely agree. It's not a few FFS members and then make up the rest of the team with lurkers. Plenty of people wanted to be part of a team who couldn't get into one so it's very unfair on those people and also taking the p*** out of the tournament

            1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
              • 12 Years
              7 years, 6 months ago

              Apparently I'm talking out my ass so I wait to be corrected we know the outcome already, Not only do i follow the rules I also scout the opponents team. All captains were made aware of the rules and SIDL also posed that very question on here. And yes I can also prove that as well

              1. Spectrum-FFS Doubles Champ
                • 12 Years
                7 years, 6 months ago

                Did you not post the following

                We can recruit players that are not part of FFS, right?

                Wait no need to answer it's right here.


                You was also told by Diva the rules underneath, that you responded to. Still think I'm throwing allegations around? I can post the rest of your teams links if you like apart from those with no account of course

        2. John t penguin
          • 9 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Hang on a minute real life team mates and now a personal life, why you are almost like those normal people

          1. djenzio
            • 9 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            You need to spike their lunch with juju juicr

  20. aaaaaa
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Shivam isn't getting Benched guys!!


    1. John t penguin
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      shivam you need to get benched, you have that beard trimmer advert to film during the games.

    2. tets mcgee (Bachmann an Rob…
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      don't air your dirty laundry here is my thoughts.

    3. Gloria Kanchelskis
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I thought he'd asked to be benched. We need more clarity

  21. John t penguin
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    @ jarvish
    Out of interest ,where on article does it state what is expected?
    I can only see this
    Remember this is a FFS community competition and we expect all teams to have some presence within the comments on these articles.  If we see some teams not participating on this front, we will start enforcing rules to ensure this does happen.

    The full rules can be found here - this includes details of the all-star game, other awards, and the latest all-star and captain’s award standings.
    It doesn't mention any rules about not participating in the rules as far as I can see. I was curious to see what rule that exists that can 'ensure' teams participate.
    Not having a dig just wondering.
    Though I think you should deduct points from alberquerque this week

    1. BabyB
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Will be this he is referring to and point 5

      1. John t penguin
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        5.6? Is all I can associated with the point , but even that is a bit vague.
        Still not sure how that ensures they participate.
        So the point about alberquerque ?

        1. John t penguin
          • 9 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          And do these comments count as participating ? 😉

    2. Now I'm Panicking
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      "we expect all teams to have some presence within the comments on these articles.  If we see some teams not participating on this front, we will start enforcing rules to ensure this does happen."

      So, where there are currently no official "quotas" for posts or anything like that, if it is felt a team(s) are not participating, we could then start applying rules/quotas/whatever to those team(s), and then make the consequences of not meeting these quotas clear to them, which could include being excluded from the play-offs as the most serious punishment.

      We will be looking and assessing the participation levels on the articles of all teams over the next few days. Any further discussions around possible punishments will be kept private between the FCB committee and the respective captains - we would prefer these boards to be kept friendly 🙂

      Hope this clarifies.

      1. Hooky
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Points deduction or relegation to the MLS? 😉

  22. Ayew Serious
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Something looks so wrong when you see Adam West's gravatar in the community articles page 😛

    1. Sauzée
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago


    2. George Sillett
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Is he lost ?

  23. Skipdipper
    • 12 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    And now, the end is near
    And so we face the final curtain...

    1. Hurricane Gilbert
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      It has been a long and dark night for the Philistines, full of terror. Now sunrise awaits with Gandalf at the front, raiding the Hillbillies at Helms deep.

      1. Skipdipper
        • 12 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Thou shalt not pass.... anyway making an assist

        1. Hurricane Gilbert
          • 8 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          "Thou" - Gandalf vs Balrog Shakespeare edition 😉

  24. Hurricane Gilbert
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    A story about Lord of the Chilli Bowl.

    Phoenix Philistines have being held back in the dark caves of Helms Deep for long. Our first defeat came against Chicago Bull Sitters. Our men were being shot to pieces with excrement by the loonatic Diego Costa, special agent for Chicago Bull Sitters.
    The dark night was far from over when Cleveland Steamers showed up. They released BabyB through the tunnel with dynamite in his hands. Everyone was watching with excitment as Archer Meghan hit BabyB several times, trying to prevent him from blowing up our fortress. BabyB was armored with Mc Auley and just managed to deliver the dynamite. The Steamers stormed our fortress and the Philistines were forced to retreat, while the Steamers were flagging our fortfess full with Hazard flags.

    But then came the sunrise...
    Captain King Özil said to himself: "Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end, as to be worthy of remembrance." As the sun was rising King Özil and his men rode out to battle Mississippi Hillbillies. The enemies were already celebrating as they were drinking hillbilly champagne (moonshine). But they did not expect this: The King did not stand alone.

    The white bearded old man Skipdipper held his promise and together with Hurricane Gilbert he led his forces to ambush the Hillbillies.
    "Victory!" Cried King Özil, as Adam West took his fake teeth and escaped the battlefield. The fortunes had changed, and the Philistines had finally defeated the darkness at Helms Deep. The war was far from over, but the Philistines were now facing the rest of the war with sun in their eyes.

    And so the story of the Lord of the Chilli bowl continues...

    1. Lord.
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Stirring stuff. It's as if my name is already on the trophy!

      1. Hurricane Gilbert
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago


    2. Shipstontrev
      • 14 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      You need to be careful these pressers, they could be hobbit forming.

      1. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
        • 7 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        ... and giving up is no small feat.

      2. Hurricane Gilbert
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        No worries, I bet they can't read over there in Mississippi!

    3. ZombieEaten
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      We are with you fellow brother of the Philistines!

  25. Pirlø's Pen
    • 8 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Arguably round of the match in Conf D.

    Polygamists v Pancakes.

    Potential qualification/knock out situation.

    1. AA33
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Yeah! We are ready and raring to go!

    2. The Tinkerman
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago


      1. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
        • 7 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Nice Indianapolis scarf at the start.

        We'll leave them feeling like all their Mothers-in-law are visiting at once.

  26. jonnyleeds
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    As the Austin Powers groovy tour bus enters Cleveland, the snow is heavy and a carpet of white has spread across the City. Inside the bus a different kind of white carpet covers the floor.

    Leo the driver parks up in to the nearest layby realising this tangerine dream machine is going no further. "Hey will have to walk from here"

    There are plenty of murmurs and coughs as the 8 squad members stir from their crazy dreams.

    "Ronhaar.." says Jonty sleepily. "Did you say Alotta Fagina was meeting us in the hotel"?

    "Yes...I asked her to google information about Cleveland Steamers". replied the captain Ronhaar.

    "Groovy..." smiled Jonty as he fell back asleep.

    "Wait...did you say you asked Alotta to google information about Cleveland Steamers? " said Licious Lizard eyebrows raised.

    Ronhaars' mobile phone pings with the unmistakable tone of an incoming text.

    "Yes I did....she said she will text me with some background info on them" replied Ronhaar pulling his phone from his pocket.

    Ronhaars' face becomes confused and a little embarrassed.." Alotta has just quit and said I am sick and I need help"

    Licious Lizard stands up "I think it's time to make a move" as he hastily grabs his kit bag.

    The doors on the bus open. The ground is covered in thick snow..not a sign of a footprint.

    Shyam (AKA 42 towels) is first out of the door and jumps into the snow.

    "If Alotta has quit who is waiting for us in Room 513 now then?" asks Jonty looking at his captain.

    "Fook Mi !" shouts Shyam as his lower half of his body is submerged in snow.

    "Yes she is there. How did you know?" says Ronhaar looking at Shyam who is struggling to move.

    Jonnyleeds gives Sjaugen a nudge and he falls face first into the thick carpet of snow.

    "She has a sister...." continues Ronhaar

    "Fook Yu ! " shouts Sjaugen wiping snow from his face.

    "Yes...that's her. How do you guys know these girls?" said a confused looking Ronhaar.

    The 8 squad members of Austin Powers are seen trudging through the thick snow, heads shaking, shoulders hunched as they make their way to the Cleveland Grand Hotel and Room 513 still wondering who is to meet them.

    to be continued....

    1. Licious Lizard
      • 11 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Already heading for another presser award!

      1. djenzio
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Only one upvote! I don't think so

  27. Morph - Unbelievable Geoff
    • 7 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    At Utah State Penitentiary, a newly convicted polygamist meets his cell-mate.

    Cell-mate: Howdy, what you in for?

    Polygamist: Judge says I has too many wives.

    Cell-mate: I think we'll get on jus' fine, guards say the same thing about me.

    (an old one but I couldn't resist)

  28. The Fantastic Mr Fox
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Looks like the Lemmings jumped off the cliff last week. San Francisco is up next. Good luck but get ready for your first loss.

    New York is gunning for ya

    1. Gothenburgsaints
      • 8 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      I knew we would be walking all over you but not that is was a walk-over in that you chickened out and decided to play San Fran instead of us (San Diego).

      Oh well not much difference anyway as I get a MCI vs Newcastle vibe looking at our respective teams.

      1. Gothenburgsaints
        • 8 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Ha ha. Love iPhone. San JOSE

        1. Gothenburgsaints
          • 8 Years
          7 years, 6 months ago

          Offically resigns from team and writes letters of appologies to C and poor re-named Diego Holebas

          1. djenzio
            • 9 Years
            7 years, 6 months ago

            You're resignation has been declined so you're stuck with San Jose I'm afraid

      2. The Fantastic Mr Fox
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        Bit awkward when ur pointing my error in typing the team name, while you end up getting your own team-name wrong 😀

        San Jose it is. ta

    2. djenzio
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Did Mrs Fox loose your reading glasses again?

      • 10 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Point your Guns somewhere else.
      Your not ready to take on San Fran Bulls Deep

      See you in GW17 🙂

    1. The Fantastic Mr Fox
      • 9 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      this is what we got last week

      Sadly the mute button was on throughout >_

      1. djenzio
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        You mean happily

  29. djenzio
    • 9 Years
    7 years, 6 months ago

    Has someone been mixing acid into the FFS community? So many crazy nonsensical posts!

    Why can't you all be normal

    1. WDT
      • 12 Years
      7 years, 6 months ago

      Because some of us have ultra lightweight gilets to be purchasing. Hurry on now.

      1. jonnyleeds
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        7 years, 6 months ago

        That has made me laugh ... a confused laugh but still.