
The Community Round Up

In out latest round up we once again take a look back at the best hot topics of the week and find that clean sheets, rotation and a possible Chelsea double gameweek have pre-occupied the community. We also look at the latest goings on in the community leagues taking place over the summer.

Hottest Topics

Professor Absinthe from the University of the “Deadzone”, which opens between 12am and 8am every day on Fantasy Football Scout, has been busy devising a couple of thesis this week analysing clean sheet data. His first looked at promoted sides defences over the last ten years. His shocking conclusions will give those looking for an uber cheap defence nightmares. His second piece of research looked deeper into clearn sheet statistics to see if it is possible to predict a clean sheet.

A probable Chelsea double gameweek at the start of the season prompted Christina to ask whether it is wise to double up on players in the same position, or to spread the risk across midfield and forward positions.

Looking further ahead Fantasy Football Lout has been analysing post January form to see if we can spot any trends as the season reaches its mid way point.

Meanwhile, Giggs Boson invited the community to gaze into their crystal balls and predict which will be the biggest flops in the up coming season.

Members of the community were also on hand to offer some advice around pre-season friendly analysis. Scroobius Mac and King Nil Miss were among those urging caution should fantasy mangers be tempted to take a punt on the next Danny Graham, who was notorious for failing to live up to his good pre season form last season.

Finally, our resident rotation expert In Tommy We Trust has been taking another look at three way rotation options, but this time shunning the traditional home and away format.

Community Leagues

The FFS UEFA Transfer Window Simulation stage reached the midfielder stage this week and saw Hull City, run by Damo and Kuqi Monster snap up the formidable midfield pairing of Iniesta and Bale. Arsenal, led by Zep, also excelled in the game’s simulated transfer market, with its acquisition of Moutinho and Cazorla. Current leaders are Fulham, under the guidance of PeppieandFelix, who managed to buy Mata and Hazard. Round 4 deadline, in which the teams will be looking to purchase strikers, is 23:59 BST this Saturday. Anyone who would like to join can still sign up here.

Elsewhere Conrad’s Confederation Cup Fantasy Football game came to a dramatic conclusion last weekend, with Conrad himself winning. His captaincy of Fred gave him a commanding score of 246, leaving Patrick Star in second and MB10 in third.

J0E Podcaster and writer. Tweets stats and stuff via @FFScout_Joe Follow them on Twitter

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    1. Fifa las vegas
      • 11 Years
      10 years, 11 months ago


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    2. Mílanista
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      10 years, 11 months ago

      Good start to the page.

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