170 Comments Post a Comment
  1. sankalparora07
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Haaland TC or Porro Gabriel Areola and Solanke BB?

    1. GreennRed
      • 12 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


      1. Flynny
        • 9 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago


    2. Evil Greg
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Id be tempted to BB, I think you could hit the 20 points.

    3. goriuanx
      • 13 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      I think BB, just

    4. Atimis
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


    5. Cornholi0
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


  2. fish&chips
    • 13 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Really hoping Gabriel stays quiet and doesn't punish my decision to enjoy family time on Saturday evening rather than fanatically refreshing twitter.

    1. Evil Greg
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Enjoy your time mate, I wouldn't be expecting anything too ridiculous anyway.

  3. Flynny
    • 9 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    What is better for next week?

    A....palmer to kdb - 4 (bench gordon v Bournemouth)

    B...no hit formkdb. Play gordon

    B leaves just darwin, haaland and foden (and injured trent) from city and pool


    1. GreennRed
      • 12 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


    2. Evil Greg
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      maybe Trent to Regulion if you are not free hitting 26 or 29? Depends on your strategy. I'd be happy to play Gordon.

      1. Flynny
        • 9 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago

        I'm planning trent to regs. Trent not going to play both.

        But then need to decide if I upgrade palmer to kdb. Or go in a little undercooked for dgw25

    3. Atimis
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Would be tempted to play Gordon but getting rid of Plamer is also good for the team shape considering his fixtures and blanks

  4. Atimis
    • 7 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Mostly between these options (all -4), wanted to sell Porro but reckon TAA has to go now as probably not playing both games and then blanking, thoughts?

    1) TAA Palmer to Lamptey KDB
    2) TAA Palmer to Ake/Tripp Jota (can be easily Diaz ofc)

    1. Atimis
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Have Haaland Foden Darwin Jota, also rather keep Watkins Saka Richa with good GW25 fixtures, and Bailey as he’s playing in GW26

      • 7 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


    3. Evil Greg
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Kind of like 2 with Trip Diaz

    4. Atimis
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      I’m on 2 right now yeah

    5. AC/DC AFC
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Just hold your horses on Trent until later this week.

      He could still be good for the dgw.

    • 7 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Which option:

    A) VVD + Gross
    B) Jota + Maguire -4

    1. goriuanx
      • 13 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      I think B, but wary Salah + Gakpo will eat into mins this GW

        • 7 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago

        My thought too. VVD just might be the most nailed on in that 11 for the double.

        1. goriuanx
          • 13 Years
          5 months, 16 days ago

          Definitely nailed and I think 1 CS

          Jota start vs Luton (or even 30 mins) = haul imo

    2. Evil Greg
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


    3. Atimis
      • 7 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Damn tough one, for sure Jota sounds exciting but A also looks like steady delivery of points so considering the hit it can be quite even

        • 7 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago

        My thinking too.

  6. goriuanx
    • 13 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Neto could've had 2 goals and an assist yesterday (going off highlights)

    1. GreennRed
      • 12 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Darwin could be on 30 goals

      1. goriuanx
        • 13 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago

        Ha, yesterday was one of his quiet games and he was still involved

        1. GreennRed
          • 12 Years
          5 months, 16 days ago

          He's always involved. Would be great to be in a team with him, he'll never quit. But his concentration isn't great. One touch, waiting for cross, great header, boom. But two touches or more, seems nearly to think about the next move before he finishes first. Great first touch but head gets scrambled and next touch is off. Ability and workrate not in doubt. Hopefully someone helps with his concentration and maybe some anxiety.

          1. goriuanx
            • 13 Years
            5 months, 16 days ago

            Summed up pretty accurately

    2. Evil Greg
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      No Cunha really affected Wolves. Could be a rare Porro cleanie next week if he's out. Depends if Hwang smashes back.

      1. goriuanx
        • 13 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago

        How comes there was no Hwang yesterday?

        1. Haa-lala-land
          • 3 Years
          5 months, 16 days ago

          Pulled his calf or something, in the warm up, they said.

        2. g40steve
          • 6 Years
          5 months, 16 days ago


  7. Philosopher's Stones
    • 4 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Which scores more today?

    A: Raya, Dalot, Garnacho
    B: Gabriel, Saka, Palmer, Watkins

    B is me. Trailing Cup opponent by one point.

    1. Evil Greg
      • 14 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      I hope it's A but best of luck to you!

    2. goriuanx
      • 13 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


    3. The Ilfordian
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      I dearly hope it’s you. I have all your players; the only player I have from A is on my bench (Garnacho)

  8. g40steve
    • 6 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Would you BB or TC this team below for 25?

    Bench faces Bou or Sheff

    Will wait but Trent is probably gone 8.6m injury waiting to happen.

    Porro, Saliba, ##Trent
    Saka, Palmer, Jota, KDB,
    Watkins, Darwin, Haaland

    Dubravka, Gordon, Burn, Van Heke

    1. goriuanx
      • 13 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


    2. Sir Matt Bugsby
      • 5 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      It's Haaland vs the bench. If the bench includes Palmer instead of Gordon (which it should), I won't be confident of returns.

  9. The Ilfordian
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 6 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    So, despite the variation in form between Arsenal and West Ham, this is going to be a tightly fought humdinger right?

    1. AC/DC AFC
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 8 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago


      West Ham counter attack.

      If the Hammers win it's the second time in 99 years they've beat Arsenal 3 times in a season.

  10. Corgz Dark side of the Loon
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Saka looks frightened of the atmosphere.....can only see him withdrawing and getting nothing today......seen him do this before

    1. have you seen cyan
      • 4 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      God will show him the way with a goal

      1. Corgz Dark side of the Loon
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago

        Saka will need far more than god................currently the worse player on the pitch !!!!

        1. northstandnoise
          • 6 Years
          5 months, 16 days ago

  11. have you seen cyan
    • 4 Years
    5 months, 16 days ago

    Need some random unowned West Ham player to wipe that arse clean

    1. The Ilfordian
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      Doesn’t rule many out, unless Areola scores, only Bowen has over 10% and only JWP over 5%

      1. have you seen cyan
        • 4 Years
        5 months, 16 days ago

        Oh nice, didn’t realise Bowen was so lowly owned

    2. Royal5
      • 12 Years
      5 months, 16 days ago

      This or Gabirel OG once again