163 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Deulofail
    • 8 Years
    11 months, 15 days ago

    Scoring could be different for *Defenders* and *Attackers* (2 outfield categories instead of three: def, mid, for). Defenders get more clean sheet points and fewer points for goals. Attackers get fewer clean sheet points and more points for goals.

    Then, I propose that it is up to the FPL manager whether they play someone as an attacker or a defender each week, so long as you have at least 4 defenders and 4 attackers (ie either: 6-4, 5-5 or 4-6).

    This somewhat reflects football tactics with teams often seen as split into the attacking and defensive units, such as in the WM or MW "formation", while optionally adding players to make an attacking 6 or defending 6.

    1. Deulofail
      • 8 Years
      11 months, 15 days ago

      Let's make this page better than the previous! Though you'll all have to compensate for this poor start.

      1. Andy_Social
        • 11 Years
        11 months, 15 days ago

        Or you could just split the MIDS into Defensive Midfielders and Attacking Midfielders and give them the points as a def or fwd.

        1. Deulofail
          • 8 Years
          11 months, 15 days ago

          Right, I think that's just what I said, but without the middle paragraph. There will always be an issue of where FPL draws the line though. I like the idea of letting the FPL manager draw the line for themselves each week, playing Rice as an attacker in some games and defender in others, and playing a striker as a defender when you expect them to park the bus and do even more defensive duties.

          1. Andy_Social
            • 11 Years
            11 months, 15 days ago

            I like that, but I think it crosses that line others mention where it gets too complicated for the caz.

            1. Deulofail
              • 8 Years
              11 months, 15 days ago

              It's so simple though 😀

    2. x.jim.x
      • 9 Years
      11 months, 15 days ago

      Mate, half the people on here couldn’t be arsed to do this every week (myself included) never mind the massive chunk of casuals who struggle to understand auto-subs, for example.

      1. Deulofail
        • 8 Years
        11 months, 14 days ago

        Well you pick your team every week anyway, so it's just a case of putting them in the top half of the team or the bottom half. If you can't be arsed to change the XI, they stay as they are, just as it already is.

        1. x.jim.x
          • 9 Years
          11 months, 14 days ago

          Picking your team is making one change for the majority of the time, you’re proposing up to 20 just on “tactical” changes.

          So alongside worrying about Pep roulette, now we’d have to decide whether we want to play Foden as an attacker or defender? 80% of the player base would sack the game off at the first international break.

          1. Deulofail
            • 8 Years
            11 months, 14 days ago

            Depends on the scoring system, but I'm imagining that the decisions will be relatively easy for most players. E.g. Foden will score significantly more points as an attacker over the season, so it's fine to just stick him there and forget. You will need a rough balance of defensive and attacking players anyway (to fulfil the requirement), so the decisions wouldn't be that many or that difficult.

            But if you need to slot another player into attack, you could consider playing them in defence for half the attacking points, but with some defensive possibilities to counteract it. Naturally, though, there will be borderline players who may benefit from some chopping and changing.

            The added complexity of choosing player positions is somewhat counterbalanced by the reduction of complexity in picking players from 4 different positions (GK, def, mid, for) to 2 (GK, outfield), and the different scoring tariffs from 4 to 3 (GK, def, att). You could reduce it further by removing some chips, as you have added flexibility to deal with blanks and doubles. Maybe add an auto-fill, so you don't have to think too hard if you don't want to. I don't see what's so complex from a user perspective.

            I think you're really underestimating FPL managers btw.

            1. x.jim.x
              • 9 Years
              11 months, 14 days ago

              I think you’re holding them to a ridiculously high level. The Second Chance league exists because half the players give up by Xmas, this is just overcomplication for the sake of it - same as trying to force DMs as options, just why?

  2. incapete
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 4 Years
    11 months, 15 days ago

    An interesting article but it's only for the purists. There's a danger we over-complicate the game for the majority of the 12 million players.
    I suspect the average FFL manager picks forwards who'll score goals, midfielders who create goals and score some as well, and defenders who'll keep a clean sheet, create some chancesand score the odd goal. Bonus points are exactly what they say they are - a bonus - and I very much doubt they'll come into the reckoning when picking a squad.
    Let's keep it simple - it's already too easy to get bamboozled by statistics !

    1. Deulofail
      • 8 Years
      11 months, 15 days ago

      How is it complicating things to reduce the BPS?

    2. Dunster
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 2 Years
      11 months, 15 days ago

      They have to come into thought. Without bonus no way you pay 12-14m for a striker who needs to score a hattrick to get 14 points (13 after the inevitable booking when the third goal goes in).

      1. incapete
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 4 Years
        11 months, 14 days ago

        Yes, but their calculation is already so complicated, I doubt most ordinary players don't even think about taking them into account when picking their squad but accept them for what they are - a bonus. So leave things as they are and avoid the temptation to make them more complicated. Your expensive striker getting a hat-trick would most probably get 3 bonus points anyway.

  3. Earn your Spurs
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    11 months, 15 days ago

    The biggest irritation for me is when a goalkeeper gets a penalty save, often due to a bad penalty, and then gets penalty save points plus bonus points and possibly clean sheet points. It's way too generous for me

    1. Deulofail
      • 8 Years
      11 months, 15 days ago

      I agree, it feels like a way of adding variance to your mini-leagues, like an additional tombola once a week to give a manager a random boost of points.

      1. Andy_Social
        • 11 Years
        11 months, 15 days ago

        Absolutely. There should be a simple rule that you don't get (or lose) baps for stuff you get (or lose) regular points for.

    2. theplayer
      • 10 Years
      11 months, 14 days ago

      It works both ways though. Kind of annoys me when a player does nothing but score a pen and gets the bonus 3 because he happens to be the pen taker. I'd like to see less bps for penalties scored than the usual goal from open play bps.

  4. I Member
    • 8 Years
    11 months, 15 days ago

    Preseason will give us a better idea but who do we see stepping into Gundogan's role for Man City? Could Foden finally become a reliable starter? Alvarez? Bernardo? Kovacic?

    1. x.jim.x
      • 9 Years
      11 months, 15 days ago


    2. Andy_Social
      • 11 Years
      11 months, 15 days ago

      It's what Kovacic was bought for, although he lacks Gundogan's shooting. I think they'll get one more midfielder - possibly Rice, but they'll need to do their business soon so that Pep has time in pre-season to tweak the tactics to account for the skills of the incomers.
      It could be Bilva and/or Mahrez leave, so Foden might hold down the right flank.

      1. I Member
        • 8 Years
        11 months, 14 days ago

        You don't think Foden can play that position? Came on for KDB in the CL final and unlike Kovacic he does have the shooting to replace Gundogan's goals.

        1. Andy_Social
          • 11 Years
          11 months, 14 days ago

          Gundog does most of his work in deeper and central midfield. Phil can play left, right or central, but higher up like KDB. He'd be alright if there's a double-pivot behind him - Rodri and Rice, or maybe Stones.

          1. I Member
            • 8 Years
            11 months, 14 days ago

            That's how they played since the World Cup. A double pivot of Rodri and Stones/Lewis.

            1. Andy_Social
              • 11 Years
              11 months, 14 days ago

              I'm hoping the cheaper Alvarez will fill in, but I may well have whichever one is definitely holding that role in my GW1 line-up.

  5. JohnnyRev7
    • 13 Years
    11 months, 14 days ago

    Great convo. I don't think the Caz care about the machinations of how the bonus points are awarded. They just think "Oooh 3 for X, or 1 for Y". Which is a very healthy mindset to have. I do the same. None of us have control over reality, so sometimes just let it flow. It will be what it will be. Within the rules which we all sign up to.

  6. Rasping Drive
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    11 months, 14 days ago

    With such a simple scoring system for goals, assists, cleansheets etc. I don’t see why the bonus points system needs to be so complicated. It’s not the Metro game after all (RIP).

  7. FPL_Guru_OM
    • 13 Years
    11 months, 14 days ago

    Thats fair enough rhen.. You dont have to go for Haaland or salah.. all defending midfield positions now makes sense to add to your squad.. Also, alternative bsp needs some adjustments as well.