Community Submissions

The Bench Boost Double Gameweek Combination Is a Fallacy

Just like in the classic arcade game Street Fighter, Fantasy football managers are always looking for a 1-2 combo that will knock out their opponents. This season the 1-2 punch combo being discussed is playing the Bench Boost Chip in a double Gameweek by Wildcarding in 15 players with two games a week before.

Amongst some Fantasy managers there is optimistic talk that such a combo will net 30-50 points. I disagree and see this option as a practical impossibility.

Having 15 double Gameweek players means you are tripling up on five teams at a minimum. In 2014/15 there was only one week when six teams had two games (but the previous week had blanks). Tripling up means shared bonus points and your players cancelling each other out (i.e. score a goal, lose a clean sheet).

Let’s take Manchester City v Watford, which is not part of a double Gameweek but a useful example of a tasty fixture to look out for when two games in a week comes around. Are you really willing to triple up on Watford players away at the Etihad just for the Bench Boost?

Another issue is that Wildcard must be used to get 15 double Gameweek players. Because a Chip and a Wildcard cannot be used in the same week, the Wildcard must be played the previous week. Even on the rare occasion when there are no blanks the previous week for any of the 15 players, your score that week would be a joke with five triple-ups without any regard for fixtures. Furthermore, after the Double Gameweek you are left with the same joke of a team with one free transfer and no Wildcard to remedy until the end of the season.

What is the real benefit in terms of points? The back-up keeper plus three outfield players on the bench are your lowest scoring players to be on the bench in the first place. Even if all four are starters and one flukes a goal or clean sheet, that is likely to be only 24 points at its most optimistic.

Except on the one-off occasion of Gameweek 31 in 2013/14 when there were 12 double Gameweek teams and no blanks in the previous week, I humbly submit that the Bench Boost plus double Gameweek combination is a mirage in the desert.

79 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Fiona B
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    "mirage in the desert" - deep.

    Very good points. When do you recommend using it?

  2. J0E
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 14 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    If I use it around a double gameweek it will be to ensure that good single gameweek options that may be benched can still play, as well as double gameweek players in the team. I think that could be where its real value lies. I certainly agree tht maxing out on DGWK looks foolish considering the headache and risks involved.

    1. Ludo
      • 10 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      This. I agree that aiming for XV DGW players, for the reasons you mention in the article, is a silly idea. The appeal to me is not having to sell the existing big hitters in my team to cram in DGW-ers. Of course, you'll still want to have the outstanding DGW captaincy option, and as many more DGW big hitters as you can afford.

      However, the bench boost allows you to also keep your single gameweek heavyweights, and at the same time load up on cheap punts from DGW teams, taking up no more of your budget than your regular bench, which means they can remain there without messing up your team for the rest of the season.

      1. FPLJess
        • 8 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Best thought I've heard yet on this chip! Great comment, great article. Thanks!

        1. Reedy
          • 13 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          Agree on both counts

          1. Pooodle
            • 15 Years
            8 years, 10 months ago

            Completely agree here. It means you can bring in a cheap 5m midfielder from a double gameweek team and not worry that you will then have to bench Sanchez or Hazard or something. I see it as a way of getting say 8 double gameweekers and then making sure you keep the points from the rest of your squad too, rather than having to swap out or bench your good players just because they only play once

            1. Jerryblock
              • 11 Years
              8 years, 9 months ago

              The thing is that your theory implies that there will be at least two double GWs this season as you'll probably use the captaincy chip for the first DGW. But that's not guaranteed. Also, if there were to be a second DGW, given it will be much later in the season, there is a significant risk that you will have several injuries in your team. So my view is that the bench boast chip is to be used now, i.e. early in the season when you are sure that your 15 players are all fit and will play 70+ minutes. Personally I used my wildcard last week so couldn't activate the bench boost chip but given none of my players got injured I am using it this weekend.

    2. The Sarjeant
      • 10 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      This entirely! I would never have 15 DGW players anyway. DGW's do bring in the points, but you still have the rest of the season to play for.

      1. Now I'm Panicking
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        The thing is, DGWs usually happen in the later weeks of the season, so unless you are tight at the top in ML or summat, you might as well make a big gamble in getting a load of DGW'ers in for the hope of getting lucky and getting a bonanza, and for some it will inevitably work. Just makes the whole game more like bingo than FPL for me.

  3. andy85wsm
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 13 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    When should we be using it?

    1. J0E
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 14 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      For me see above. Around a double gameweek when the bench will be at its strongest. That is the kind of week where the cheap fifth mid with a double can too the better mid with a single gameweek who would be benched.

      1. andy85wsm
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 13 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Yeah that makes sense.

        While it might not be the chip we think it could be it's probably still worth holding onto just in case, until we have more information.

      2. Jøssy ⭐
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Just stumbled across this article late, but I've been making a similar point.

        My thoughts are that rather than wait for a higher TV, and hope for a set of fixtures that suit my team, I've found a GW in the not too distant future where all of my rotation defenders and my 5th midfielder have home fixtures against teams likely to be in the relegation battle come season end.

        While this guarantees nothing, because they could all win but not keep their cleansheets or deliver any attacking points, but I feel like I'm increasing my chances.

        Do you think I'm being too premature to us it in this way, or do you agree the theory has merit?

        1. Jerryblock
          • 11 Years
          8 years, 9 months ago

          I think that's sensible. Planning on using it today as my XV are fit and very likely to play 70+ mins

          1. Jøssy ⭐
            • 9 Years
            8 years, 9 months ago

            I've actually changed my mind since I posted this. I'm relying heavily on some clean sheets from my benched defenders and goalie for it to be a success, and considering the number of clean sheets we've seen (or lack of) and the tendency for the home teams to have not dominated as much as you'd expect, I'm not convinced it's a good gamble anymore.

  4. Gussy
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    I have watched Walcott's NTIs over the last 6 hours and it has been at a steady -150 NTIs per hour.
    One would assume this rate will increase as Walcott comes closer to dropping. Wonder if he will drop before the next gameweek, it will be close!

    1. Gussy
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      Oops I posted this on the wrong page. Multiple tabs strikes again!

  5. _Freddo
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Poor article, in the last double week it was the Hull players (who could be sat on your bench) and Leicester players that scored the bulk of the points.

    You wouldn't have to have 15 DGW players to feel the benefit, it just means you can keep your core players like Costa, Aguero and Hazard than load up with double players and reel the rewards without ripping up your team, not much thought went into this one boys.

    1. Random Name
      • 8 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago


    2. Gussy
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      I wouldn't say poor article as it does have its merit and in some people's minds they had believed they would have an all 15 DGW lineup.
      What you suggested was my first thought too and how I plan to use it.

      1. _Freddo
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Ok, poor is a little harsh, naive and short sighted then.

    3. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      Yeah the Hull DGW last year is what came to mind, I know a lot of people wildcarded to get 11 players easily and left good players on the bench.

      1. _Freddo
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Bingo, the worse thing about this chip in a DGW would be to take out all your big hitters with money tied up to get some inferior ones because they play twice, this chip allows you to keep your big boys and fill up the rest without crippling yourself the following week because your bench come into play for random double players and you keep your shape.

        1. Now I'm Panicking
          • 9 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          Not if your big hitters are playing for teams who have a DGW - teams with DGWs are teams that do well in cups, which logically are more likely to be the bigger teams?

          1. _Freddo
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 14 Years
            8 years, 10 months ago

            Well if your big players have double weeks than its win win and makes this article even more suspect.

          2. RedLightning
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • Has Moderation Rights
            • 13 Years
            8 years, 10 months ago

            Some of the teams with DGWs have done well in a cup.

            Others are the ones they would have played in the League matches which clashed with the cup game.

            But yes, there are likely to be a number of top teams with DGWs.

            DGWs can also be caused by bad weather - one season Blackpool had about 3 matches postponed within a short period of time because they lacked good under-soil heating - which made Charlie Adam almost essential at the time.

      2. dmhomag
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        I think Chill Pill's scenario only works if you don't wild card. The wild card needs to be played a week earlier, i.e. getting Hull and Leicester players in for a rough week.

        If you are only using 2 FT for 2 DGW Hull players you can fit everyone in your first 11 surely but if a heavy hitter has to be benched by all means use the chip!

          • 10 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          You keep making this assumption that dgw teams have poor schedules before or after the dgw. We simply cannot know until the dgw matches are announced. Its really not worth discussing further at this stage beyond "hold it until the final 3rd of the season".

        1. _Freddo
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 14 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          No mate, my scenario is based around a WC, it means you could play Hazard, Costa, Koscienly, Silva and Aguero (if they have a single) meaning you don't have to sell them and can maximise your WC with the chip by bringing in 10 players on a double with 4 of them sat on your bench for the following week meaning you are not wrecking your shape.

          It's the perfect time to use it.

          1. dmhomag
            • 9 Years
            8 years, 10 months ago

            Bearing in mind that you have to play 7 of these DGW players the week before (plus your 4 essentials) and after the DGW you have 1 FT to get rid of 10 DGW players.

            Simply too damaging to bring your wildcard play two week ahead of the actual games just for the chip. Meanwhile injuries and suspensions are likely during these intervening weeks.

            1. Dino
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 15 Years
              8 years, 10 months ago

              He has 5 essentials so you are only playing 6 (of your 10) players who have a double gw in the week prior to the double. It should be easy enough to pick up 6 from 10 that have a good/decent gw prior to the double gw?

              After the double you use a ft and you are down to having to play 5 of the players you played in the double or maybe take a -4 and bring it down to 4 but this happens every double gw anyway? The problem in the past has been that people loaded up on dbl gw players say 9/10 players and had to bench 2 or 3 good players or transfer them out for the dbl gw.

              1. dribbler
                • 15 Years
                8 years, 10 months ago

                as well as this the players you want in your team often change late in the season because the teams threatened with relegation can be good if relegation threatened teams are involved in the DGW, previously unwanted players can be useful late-season punts as you only have them for a few weeks while they and their team mates are trying hard

    4. J0E
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 14 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      N'Doye remember that week well. Not all Hull assets were poor that double Gameweek.

    5. Reedy
      • 13 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      It's a good article as it feeds into the debate. I think discrediting the extreme scenario of a DGW XV is a good starting point, and Jonty's and Ludo's thoughts above have followed on from this.

      1. _Freddo
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 14 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Don't agree, it's misleading and plenty hang on every word here.

        1. Jonny JAB
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 9 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          Point noted! No need to slaughter it to the death

          1. Rhinos
            • 10 Years
            8 years, 10 months ago

            Well submit an article yourself then chill pill. Different opinions are what makes sites interesting

  6. Random Name
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    What? Not everyone on the team has to be playing 2 games.

    I'll won't mind if 5 or 6 players don't have a Dgw.

  7. Now I'm Panicking
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    There will be more DGW fixtures this season than 2014/15 as there is a full PL schedule on FA Cup quarter final weekend, and the midweek immediately after the FACQF is a European midweek, so potentially up to 8 more DGW fixtures. With the limited number of weeks midweek PL matches can be played, is likely to be many GW fixtures for team that do not have blanks the week immediately before

  8. Essan
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Sometimes with a DGW you have, for example, a keeper with one good and one poor fixture, plus another keeper with just the one good fixture - who to play? Probably you go for the keeper with the double fixture, and then maybe see your bench keeper keep a clean sheet ..... So the Bench Boost could be useful in a DGW. But I agree, it would be foolish to try and build a 15 man squad of DGW players just to utilise it.

  9. dmhomag
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Good to play in a DGW when a first 11 player is benched for a DGW player (assuming AOA and 3xC are already used).

    To simplify just play it anytime you think you have a reasonable chance of 10 points on the bench, say when you have rotating keepers and 2-3 likely starters on the bench.

    I already played mine for 17 points, thanks to Gomez and Westwood. I viewed GW1 as effectively a wild card and made sure I had 15 nailed on starters. I can get in my 4.0 Def and bench fodder when I next wild card in GW4.

    As the season progresses, with injuries and suspensions you will have lower likelihood of a good bench. So GW1 was my play.

    1. Dino
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 15 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      As the season progresses and we know where the bargains are and our squad value increases there is more likelyhood of us having more points on the bench. I fear you have wasted a valuable resource here.

  10. Hyperion
    • 12 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    So what is the best chip of the three to play in a DGW? Do you guys plan to hold as long as possible in the hope we get three separate DGWs in the season?

    1. dmhomag
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      Triple Captain. Means 3x2games worth of points.
      AOA for your benched 5th mid heavy hitter with a single game week.

        • 10 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        "AOA for your benched 5th mid heavy hitter with a single game week."

        Why not Bench boost for all your benched players?

        1. dmhomag
          • 9 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          Sure depending on which is available. if you are benching a heavy defender then bench boost works!

          To me AOA is best for GW38.

  11. money face bandwagon
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    not sure whether the big DGW will come..but one thing for sure is that in order to max out the use of the bench boost we will need a higher TV..which always come at the 2nd half of the season. so i will be more than willing to wait until then before making a decision.

  12. Butthead
    • 10 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Can you use a 'Bench Boost' once the GW has started or do you have to use it in advance with no idea if your bench will score well? Surely that's the best use of it? 'So and so has scored so many points and is on my bench, time to click 'bench boost''.

      • 10 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      has to be played before like a wildcard does.

      1. Butthead
        • 10 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Cheers. That's pretty naff then.

  13. invertebrate
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Completely agree and I tried arguing as such with a few people pre-season (with no joy I might add!). The biggest thing for me is that you have to either systematically dismantle your team for the DGW before fixing it with a wildcard or using your wildcard prior to the DGW and being left with an utter shambles afterwards. The bench boost simply shouldn't be used in a double gameweek. The triple captain on the other hand...

      • 10 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      When are you using bench boost then?

      1. invertebrate
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Probably after my second wildcard when (hopefully) my TV will be high enough to have a strong bench. I'll base the exact week on the best fixtures for my entire squad.

        I came across as a bit final in my above post. I may well play it in a DGW if that's the best one for my squad but my DGW priority chip will be the triple captain. You only get a an advantage from using the bench boost in a DGW specifically if you have more than 11 DGWers in your team and I believe to do so critically unbalances your squad. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that a DGW won't be the best time to use it.

        A shorter answer would be "I'll pay it by ear."

  14. the cromulent one
    • 11 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Loading up on double game week players is like buying more lottery tickets. There is no guarantee that you'll win, but the odds of winning are higher.
    The bench boost for a double-game-week week is an opportunity to buy even more tickets. Again, no guarantee it will net an additional 30-50pts, but I like those odds a lot better.

    1. La Roja
      • 12 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      Moral of the story :

      Buy a lottery ticket

    2. Jøssy ⭐
      • 9 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      Just stumbled across this article late, but I've been making a similar point as the author this week.

      My thoughts are that rather than wait for a higher TV, and hope for a set of fixtures that suit my team, I've found a GW in the not too distant future where all of my rotation defenders and my 5th midfielder have home fixtures against teams likely to be in the relegation battle come season end.

      While this guarantees nothing, because they could all win but not keep their clean sheets or deliver any attacking points, but I feel like I'm increasing my chances (using your lottery ticket analogy)

      Do you think I'm being too premature to us it in this way, or do you agree the theory has merit?

  15. OShaughnessy
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 11 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    1.Haven't heard anyone realistically advocating for somehow managing 15 DGW players

    2. Rather *share* the points earned over 540 mins played vs.getting 270mins of *unshared* points
    (And, the heck is *sharing pts anyway?)

    3. The hypothetical example of tripling up on Watford away to City; I don't understand why we ever target players in a fixture like this? DGW, Chip, or otherwise

    4. Why WC beforehand? Prep for the DGW with FT's (& / or Hits) ahead of time & WC afterward

    5. 24 points in a 'best case' DGW scenario, trumps 12 points in a best case SGW

  16. jdowling007
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 8 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    I agree in principle, particularly because of the need for using the WC the week before, and the problem the week after with being stuck with so many overlapping assets.
    However, I think there is some merit to consider the bench boost with a double GW. One might peg a reasonable player to the bench in lieu of someone playing twice. Therefore, ones bench might be relatively stronger than usual. Also, using your Watford example, some cheap Watford bench might be worth a flier if they are playing x 2. Increasing the odds that something good will happen.
    I guess the question is when is the bench boost better suited. Right after using a WC?

    1. RedLightning
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      8 years, 10 months ago

      That's really the only disadvantage of using a chip in a DGW - that it prevents us from playing a wildcard that week. This can be inconvenient if the DGW teams have a blank GW the week before.

      Before the chips existed, some would load up with 11 DGWers (which is usually too many unless they are players we need for other GWs anyway), and put 4 of their best SGW players on the bench.

      This often resulted in the biggest bench score of the season, making a DGW that does not immediately follow a blank GW the ideal time to play our Bench Boost chip.

      1. dmhomag
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Exactly this.

        The scenario of 11 DGW and biggest bench score is now much more difficult because you have to bring that team in on a wild card that must be played almost two weeks before the actual DGW matches.

        You'll effectively be hiding behind the sofa for two weeks praying for no injuries or suspensions until the DGW. Very high chance of that later in the season.

        For 24 points at its most optimistic the points lost from an unbalanced team in the pre DGW week and after DGW seems to mitigate this benefit significantly.

        1. RedLightning
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 13 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          Before the advent of the chips, we were still likely to have a big bench score in the DGW, but we didn't benefit from it.

          There is nothing to stop us playing our wildcard in the DGW as we used to - we just can't play our chip that week as well.

          If the blank GW is two weeks before the DGW, then we can prepare for the blank GW using normal transfers in the preceding weeks, play our wildcard in the intervening GW to both recover from the blank GW and prepare for the DGW, and then play our chip in the DGW.

          The big problem arises when the DGW immediately follows the Blank GW.

          And the other problem is that if we have too many DGWers then we may suffer in subsequent GWs unless the members of our DGW squad also have decent fixtures afterwards. But that is true whether or not we have a chip to play.

          Whenever we play our wildcard, there is always a danger that some of our players may get injured that week and be unavailable for the following GW. It's a risk/reward thing really - either we play our wildcard in the DGW and miss our best chance of making best use of our chip, or else we play it the previous GW and take the risk of an injury or three.

        2. Jøssy ⭐
          • 9 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          Just stumbled across this article late, but I've been making a similar point as the author this week.

          My thoughts are that rather than wait for a higher TV, and hope for a set of fixtures that suit my team, I've found a GW in the not too distant future where all of my rotation defenders and my 5th midfielder have home fixtures against teams likely to be in the relegation battle come season end.

          While this guarantees nothing, because they could all win but not keep their clean sheets or deliver any attacking points, but I feel like I'm increasing my chance.

          Do you think I'm being too premature to us it in this way, or do you agree the theory has merit?

  17. OLE BOLEH!
    • 13 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    Did someone say street fighter?

  18. Dougal McGuire
    • 12 Years
    8 years, 10 months ago

    I think that the right time will become clear. The Triple captain would be fine for a Man City DGW with only one other team an Kun unhurt, while Bench boost might work best with a lot of teams doubled up and cheap options. Some week you will have only two defenders fit, and then guess what?

    I'd worry more about paying attention to developments then to planning out ahead of time.

  19. Sir David White
      8 years, 10 months ago

      I totally agree. The amount of hassle involved in setting it up with no guarantees it will add much to your score anyway- just not worth it.

      I'm very happy with my strategy. Played the bench boost GW1, picked 15 midpricers, scored 59 points and now wildcarding.

        • 10 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        hats off to you for pulling that off

      1. buffrey
        • 11 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        That's a poor return really. It's a great game week score but if you think about it, you gained 15 points and scored 59 points total.

        Could be better used elsewhere.

        No guarantees anyone will get better than that but there will definitely be better "expected" value to be had from it later in the season.

        Each to their own of course.

        1. Sir David White
            8 years, 10 months ago

            Well it's close to double the average for the GW so not really a poor score.

            And no, I don't think it has better expected value later in the season. It might give you a good score in one week but overall I think it has high reverse implied odds (if we're using poker terms) given the amount of butchering that will have to take place to implement it. Very happy to have it out the way.

            1. Jøssy ⭐
              • 9 Years
              8 years, 10 months ago

              Think he's talking not bout your total score. That's not as relevant to the value of you having played the chip. What is important is what you earned from the bench, because that was the added value you got on the GW1 score you'd have got anyway.

              15's not bad.

          • Jøssy ⭐
            • 9 Years
            8 years, 10 months ago

            Oh... that was a misleading comment!

        2. Jøssy ⭐
          • 9 Years
          8 years, 10 months ago

          Wow!! That's impressive!

      2. george jp
        • 8 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        best midfield possible? using wildcard btw....,;

      3. dmhomag
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Absolutely. Play in in a good week = 10-12 points. Best case in DGW = 20-24 points.

        For all the butchering and compromises, an extra 10-12 isn't necessarily worth it.

      4. vacantnoir
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 10 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Great article, anyone know when the next double game week is?

      5. Danno - Emre Canada
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Great post, I mentioned a few of these points pre-season and got laughed off for a DGW. Personal I think planning for a bench boost in a DGW is asking for a world of trouble and much tinkering Weill be required after.also,as many of us has said you need a DGW where 15 of them play but it also gets rid of a DGW card I.e all out attack or triple captain. I played my bench boost in the first week, for one to get points on the board and secondly as not sure about line ups/form etc so some surprises may spring up. Now mine did not completely work out mainly due to Bellerins late injury and Gomez came off the bench anyway to give me 10 points but the extra points were well received but if I Had played it this GW I would have had Mahrez and Kolorov although Mahrez came on anyway but the others doubled my previous weeks tally. I think this chip will be a bit of a lottery and some will rake it in while others will be bitterly disappointed if planning for it and counter productive measures happen or then future weeks are troubled by BB planning. But it's a fun addition to have and I will guess that many best gameweek scores will come from this chip and also reward people with decent squads.

      6. Alan-M
        • 9 Years
        8 years, 10 months ago

        Chip usage may be different for H2H leagues...
        I came 3rd in a H2H league last year...3 of us were vying to win in GW38. Tense stuff... Me subbing out Hazard as he was on yellow lost me the title... 🙁
        However...back to my original point...I could imagine the AOA or BB chips could have clinched me the win...
        Agree with others that the TC chip looks best on a DGW

        1. fourfourtwo
          • 13 Years
          8 years, 9 months ago

          Aguero(c) -Gomis

          Bench: McCarthy-Sakho-Wanyama-Whittaker

          1 Free Transfer

          Save the transfer?

      7. Nisheda
        • 8 Years
        8 years, 9 months ago

        This game week , I would play sakho and rest Richards, I don't think he will have a good time against Leicester.

        1. jacqueseleven
          • 10 Years
          8 years, 5 months ago

          Bench Boost Usage

          Scenario 1

          Wild card a week before the double game week
          Double Game Week + Bench Boost
          15 players x 2 all playing twice = 30

          Scenario 2

          Wildcard a week before the double game week
          Double game week players (with no bench boost)
          11 players x 2 all playing twice = 22

          I strongly feel not using the bench boost during the double game week. Double gameweek chips strongest option is the triple captaincy followed by all out attack .. . someone please enlighten me if my logic is flawed