
How can FPL adapt its points system to increasing popularity?

We’ve heard the line many times: Fantasy Premier League (FPL) is getting harder and harder. With nearly 11.5 million players last season and with the proliferation of FPL content everywhere you look, the game is far more difficult these days. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. After all, most of us like a challenge, and, if we do obtain a good rank in such challenging conditions, it is much more of an achievement.

So what’s the problem? Well, the main one is already doing significant damage to the game, in my opinion. It’s the points system. The rules surrounding scoring points in FPL simply weren’t designed to cope with so many global managers. FPL has become a victim of its own success.

Let’s start with a really simple example to illustrate this. You pick a differential forward who is only 10% owned and he scores a goal to get you four points that 90% of the game won’t get. In the 2022/23 season, 10% of the game is 1.5 million managers. In 2017/18, this 10% was 0.52 million managers. Therefore, your differential points are being severely diluted, shared with nearly three times as many FPL managers as before. 

The problem boils down to supply and demand. There has been a massive amount of demand in terms of participants playing the game but the supply of points has stayed exactly the same – six when a defender scores, five for a midfielder goal, four for forwards, four when there’s a clean sheet and three for an assist.

We’re talking about minuscule, single-digit numbers being asked to separate 11,447,257 people. Like a tin of sardines, we’re getting compressed tightly alongside millions of others and the only thing that can move us in either direction is a weak drip of points from a knackered, old faucet.

The game could react to its own popularity by increasing the numbers. In other words, additional routes to points and awarding more of them for existing ones, such as doubling the points currently given for goals and clean sheets.

Perhaps they can start being given for things like key contributions, partial clean sheets or even an extra point when a player scores multiple times. So if Erling Haaland gets a hat-trick, his first goal brings four points, his second brings five points and the third is worth six.

New chips could be added such as ‘Park the Bus’, whereby your two goalkeepers and five defenders get the chance to double their clean sheet points in a Gameweek. 

There are lots of other ideas like this, aiding a game that – in my opinion – needs a huge injection of points. In recent seasons, about 31,000 have been scored across all Premier League players and that simply isn’t enough for a game with over 11 million managers.

It becomes even more problematic when we think back to 2022/23 and how quickly the template formed. This is not about making FPL easier; it’s simply about acknowledging the gargantuan size of the game and reacting accordingly. When dealing with such vast numbers, four points for a forward’s goal just isn’t going to cut it anymore.

Goals, assists, bonus points, clean sheets, save points and penalty saves. There are currently just six routes where a team can move up through millions of other teams, so a revamp of the FPL points scoring system for 2023/24 could reinvigorate the game.

As more and more people around the world sign up for FPL, it’s only going to get harder. We’re all scrambling for a small, static pool of points that refuses to grow in tandem with the game. Unless something is done for next season, we’re going to quickly find ourselves wedged in and stuck amongst inescapable rank tiers.

50 Comments Post a Comment
  1. FPLMarc
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    1 year, 17 days ago

    Interesting thought, for sure. Evolving the game is important and a lot of managers probably ended 22/23 on equal points.

    1. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 16 days ago

      Thank you for publishing this, Marc. I honestly think this is a serious problem. With over 11 million players, the game is struggling to function properly with the current points scoring system.

  2. Gandalf
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    1 year, 16 days ago

    I think it's completely fine as is

    1. skipnicklee
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 11 days ago


  3. FlamingMoe
    • 2 Years
    1 year, 16 days ago

    I don't think it's all bad, the compression and reduced variance. In a way it means one or two bad weeks won't kill off your chances to come back and compete, which ultimately keeps people more interested. That said I agree there could be some tweaks to improve things.

    I love the balls recoveries mechanic in the champions league fantasy game. This brings defensive midfielders into the game, and allows CB's to be considered more as opposed to just grabbing the most attacking fullbacks. It may even sway formations, as a consistent ball recovery CB may still score 4 or 5 points when the team concedes. Also, they have the option of switching captain mid gameweek. With the champions league schedule this is allowed twice but would be much more difficult with the erratic nature of EPL games. However, an option to switch once per GW as long as the new captain has not started his match could work. This would encourage people to take more risks with the captain choice. Given the significant impact a cap has on your team, most people end up being very conservative and there end up being very little variance. Having a potential safety net option of switching once could relax this a bit.

    Change is always hard, but taking small steps with things that have already been tried and worked elsewhere can be beneficial without risking the entire system falling apart

  4. diesel001
    • 7 Years
    1 year, 16 days ago

    The issue with FPL is that after about 5/6 GWs, the player pool is narrowed as it becomes obvious who will play and who will not. The key is therefore to try to limit this narrowing. There are two ways to do this, IMO:

    1) Price changes - Limit price drops on highly owned players, and increase price drops on lowly owned players. This would start to make lowly owned players potentially more attractive as their price drops
    2) Award points for different aspects of the game, not currently rewarded by the scoring system. For example create two categories of midfielder (defensive and attacking) and award them different points.

    1. Eze Really?
      • 10 Years
      1 year, 16 days ago

      A good post. I think we sometimes do not appreciate the FPL Towers "modus operandi".
      We are stuck with keeping the game simple so having another mid category will never happen IMO. Ball recoveries should be easy enough to implement. Captaincy is here to stay and it is something I cannot stand. The rewards and pains are too great in terms of the game.
      Price changes should be more transparent. Anything to do with EO should be removed from the game the best we can. Transfers in and out should be removed from the site. Closing the gameweek could be affected 24 hours before kick off; this would be fairer for a worldwide audience.
      Pricing in general, should be increased considerably. I understand Brighton pricing but there was no excuse for Arsenal. FPL Towers are not soothsayers but it should be impossible to have more than 2 premiums out of 6 and they should all be at least 2.5 mil more expensive.
      The above is not rocket science and it will require some thought so when content creators and algorithms are at our disposal, we have to accept the game will never be the same.

  5. ritzyd
    • 6 Years
    1 year, 16 days ago

    I don't think a mass revamp is needed but there's two simple changes that could help.

    1) Pricing needs to be much better, higher prices for the good players/teams and lower prices from bottom half with more aggressive price moves in both directions. Including in relation to ownership/performance generally as well as just transfers in/out.

    2) More ways for CB's and defensive Mids to earn points, much like they can in champions league game to widen player pool.

  6. Athletic Nasherbo
    • 7 Years
    1 year, 16 days ago

    A thoughtful post, that I want to respond to.

    I think the post is actually wrong, by and large. By increasing points rewarded you’re not tackling the crux of the issue you’ve stated: saturation. If anything, players are just going to get more and more points like everybody else.

    Instead, you need to differentiate points, by increasing avenues to those very points.

    Noted, I’ve read some of the comments above, and I apologise if there is overlap.

    1. Increasing the pool of FPL players
    I’ve argued this for a good few years now, but I think adding interceptions/tackles to the game is required. FPL Towers would need to sift through lots of data to score this appropriately, but let’s say the average is 4 per game, 2 interceptions/tackles = 1 point.

    The aim here would be to give 4.5m-5.5m midfielders (and even defenders) extra points.

    However, I am aware they are currently included in the BPS

    Essentially, we are looking for a metric/feature that is exclusive to the cheap midfielders.

    It would really diversify the game. New strategies would be implemented allowing for greater variety.

    2. More chips

    Controversial yes, but it’s controversial because it increases variance.

    By having a set of chips (Wildcard, Bench Boost, Free Hit, TC), in the first half of the season, and then the second, more players will be inclined to task risks.

    This would be especially the case given (providing all goes well and the King stays healthy) there will be no doubles or blanks in that opening half of the season.

    3. Penalty-takers winning pens

    Yes, this is far less important but I have never understood why penalty-takers do not get the assist if they’re the one to score the pen!

    4. The FPL-community contradiction

    Simply, the more the FPL community grows, the less variation there will be.

    Whether it wants to acknowledge it or not (and often I actually think people don’t realise how engrained they are into the community and it’s echo chambers), the FPL community contributes significantly to templates and meta-narratives.

    I would love the day when/if content creators never revealed their teams during the summer, and the same for wildcards. That is difficult to regulate, of course.

    5. Prices!

    Whilst I think kinder prices increases the player pool, at the same time it reduces the pool of players.

    With current pricing structures players from the bottom half of the table are almost off the table from the start, and only come into play in the second with blanks and doubles or surprise form.

    Yes, by making these players more attractive to buy, we might unintentionally solidify the template, but it is not often a promoted player does exceptionally well in the opening 6 gameweeks.

    Essentially I think we need to give FPL managers important decisions: go for cheaper promoted and bottom-half table or spend more money on the big boys. Yes, this exists but the gap between the two needs to widen to make the decision more difficult.

    The fact Martinelli was 6.0m last year is the most obvious here, but there are so many examples.

    Hence, the whole pricing structure needs a shift up.

    6. By increasing prices you reduce the ability to get big-hitters.

    No FpL player should be able to afford the likely 4 big hitters that we all want next season.

    TAA, Salah, Kane, Haaland. With current price structures it would be possible, with some concession. But, we almost need to make it extremely challenging to get 3. People then are forced to chose more because the prices are higher and the concessions are more severe.


    1. Silver_and_Gold
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 3 Years
      1 year, 16 days ago

      Good post! I think the prices related thought is the most important. By limiting us to max 2 big hitters will bring two differentiation avenues:
      - big hitter vs big hitter (which is the right one)
      - more less obvious players, cheaper, with potentially more variance in points scoring

      #Haaland15 :))

    2. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 14 days ago

      Sensational stuff. What an epic reply. This, too, could have been an article in itself!

      1. Athletic Nasherbo
        • 7 Years
        1 year, 14 days ago

        Thank you!

        Naturally, I would love to write for FFS one day. (In truth articles more generally)

        I certainly think there is room for a “gut feeling strategy” as opposed to the increasing data-led approaches I have increasingly seen in the FPL eco-system. Such adaptions to the cultural and mentality of FPL managers is one way we might challenge “the template” of FPL.

        Certainly, through living in a neoliberal world of football with the popularisation of terms and metrics such as XG that has for a while permeated into the FPL world - where statistics are increasing attainable to the average person and viewed as extremely convincing as justifications for FPL player habits, chiefly selections or transfers - “the template” has only been reinforced. Hence, this is my idea that we must encourage gut-feeling playing styles and strategies more. Essentially, the rise of analytics and data - I would strongly argue, cultivated by a neoliberal worldview including within our education system - has meant the habits of FPL managers are similar and overlap as they are often underpinned by this very information (the data). After all, the rise of content creation and their analytical focus and style is viewed as almost gospel because it is convincing!

        I think neoliberalism has also increased the FPL player-base more broadly, by becoming an increasingly exciting game in the eyes of many. (Of course, only one part of the rise). It is no coincide that many of the FPL players engaged in the community have background in data, analytics, statistics etc.

        Anyway, just my ramblings and musings.

        I still maintain better pricing structures solves the problem more efficiently and easily. But, I think we all underappreciate (Atleast I do) the importance and likelihood for a system/philosophy of pricing that can be readily applied to all players, otherwise we allow subjectively into the game. But, equally I’d argue pricing needs this exact subjectivity. The Top-7 should all have 0.5m added to their standard calculate price on the basis they were most likely to continue to perform well and therefore reliable.

        God, want a long pointless post!

        1. FPL Virgin
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 7 Years
          1 year, 14 days ago

          Not at all. This is what the community articles used to do back in the day. Stir up debate! FPL Fecal has said that there are changes coming to FPL next season. I wonder if it could be this?

  7. Andy_Social
    • 11 Years
    1 year, 16 days ago

    What's 'partial clean sheet'? Is it like a 'partial virgin'?

    There are many good suggestions for improving the game, as a number of posters have made time and again. I don't think adding more points is one of them. It's like saying 'the relegation battle was a bit tight, so let's award 30 points for a win and ten for a draw.'

    1. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 15 days ago

      2 points for a 30 minute clean sheet. Telegraph fantasy use them.

  8. IFK
    • 8 Years
    1 year, 15 days ago

    I think the real problem is "template", not necessarily point system. I suggest these changes to reduce templates:
    * New chips:
    ** All out defence: Score double def points in a single game week
    ** All out midfield: Score double mid points in a single game week
    ** All out forward: Score double fwd points in a single game week
    * Get completely rid of wild card chips
    * Transfers should be changed so that you have 37 free transfers for all season and after that they would cost you -4 points per transfer. This would possible lead to many different strategies: Do I spare transfers to double gameweeks or do I use many free transfers right away to try to go 'template' right away?
    * Game week deadlines should be around midnight before actual games to avoid need for team leaks to succeed in this game.
    * Player value changes should be more dramatical (and maybe less rewarding/punishing?). Haaland's price increased only 0.9M all season and as he was so cheap everybody had him every week. But if the price would have grown to 14-15M I guess at least some of us would have sold him to invest money to other premium players (well if you only would have needed money this year!!). Also Son's price fell only 0.5M all season. As the price was so high all season he wasn't selected to our teams but what if his price would have plummered to 8-9M?
    * Premium players prices need to be much higher at the start of the game. You shouldn't be able to buy ~8 best players and few 'differentials' at the start of the game. If premium player prices are higher and value changes more dramatical 'template' team would change much more and managers should make much more hard decisions.
    * Your captain choice could only be max 10M player which would lead to many more captain choices and it might be a good alternative strategy to have 3-4 10M players instead of two 13-14M captain material players (~Salah and Haaland) and thus also lead to differentiate teams.

    1. Andy_Social
      • 11 Years
      1 year, 15 days ago

      "I think the real problem is "template", not necessarily point system."

      This is the key problem. One reason is beyond FPLTowers' powers to fix - it's people copying influencers' teams. But another reason is the pricing system allows us to have too many 'top' players. I think pricing should be far more 'volatile', with price changes every hour rather than once a day, and a possible change of 1.0M in a week rather than a max of 0.3.

      • 9 Years
      1 year, 15 days ago

      Some good suggestions here apart from the last one re captain. Id just remove the use it or lose it 2 tf maximum. If youve developed a settled squad, you should be able to accrue the benefit.

      I sat on my BB until GW38 simply because I couldnt get 15 players out every week without 3 or 4 hits.

      1. BUZZBOMB
        • 9 Years
        1 year, 15 days ago

        After burning tfs earlier in the season

    3. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 15 days ago

      Wow what a response! This should have been an article in itself!

      1. Spike ⚽️
        • 12 Years
        1 year, 14 days ago

        2 replies? 3 if I was generous. Some response that is for sure!

        1. FPL Virgin
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 7 Years
          1 year, 14 days ago

          Replies is not the barometer to use.

          I was talking more about its length (TWSS).

    4. Tarby
      • 4 Years
      1 year, 12 days ago

      I'd like the idea of no WC, and also a volume of transfers to make over the season. This would also benefit those who miss deadlines as they'd have the ability to make more changes p/GW then so a bit more chance to catch up. 37 seems very low though, maybe 50 over the season?

      I think pricing if fine myself. The most expensive players tend to be bad value for money anyway, they need to be captained to make them worthwhile. For example Solanke was better value for money than Kane or Haaland.
      Perhaps pricing could change more though, but I also find it frustrating when they change so early in the GW!

      What I think would help managers move off the template more would be benefitting from all price rises. For those of us who had Trippier and Martinelli from the start we were kind of stuck with them after a while as selling would have likely meant being unable to afford to get them back. Having had Trippier at 5.0 and being able to sell him for 6.1 and not 5.5 would probably have meant more moving off him to rise funds earlier.

  9. Micksmaster
    • 2 Years
    1 year, 15 days ago

    I don't mind the UCL system of say 3 or 4 ball recoveries leading to a point, for all players. Key passes that lead to goal scoring opportunities and not just assists need to be rewarded. I am also against defenders receiving 4 points for a clean sheet if they get subbed off after 60 minutes but before a goal is scored. Should be halved in my opinion. The tech heads at FPL are surely clever enough to incorporate any expansion of ways to collect points into their scoring system.

  10. Fintroy
    • 4 Years
    1 year, 15 days ago

    The points system is fine as it is....apart from the bonus points system - how a player (Hall, Chelsea vs man u) can get 3bps, with no goals, no assists and on a team who loses 4-1 is beyond me!

    1. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 15 days ago

      It's clearly explained in the rules on the FPL page how that happened.

    2. Tarby
      • 4 Years
      1 year, 12 days ago

      I agree, and to the replies already I know and I'm sure Fintroy also understand 'how' it happened, but the point is it should NOT happen and the system needs to be improved.

      With all the metrics available now they could make it far more sophisticated. Rather than simple pass % it could be progressive pass distance, shots on target and off target could use xG and PSxG etc.

      Mo got all 3 assists in a game, he got no BPs, another bad example of it not working well.

      I'd like to just see a MOTM as well who gets 1 point, not the 3 currently done.

      1. Fintroy
        • 4 Years
        1 year, 12 days ago

        Thanks Tarby, agree - motm with 1 point would be better...or perhaps two points

  11. loges787
    • 2 Years
    1 year, 14 days ago

    Great post

    One thing I've noticed a lot over the last few seasons is less variation in captain picks and this could be an area that could be improved with weighting

    Lower ownership, lower xG (for example) could increase the points multiplier. So instead of the static 2x there could be higher multiples for bigger risks

    In my ML this year it was just Haaland every week for most folks (excluding blanks etc)

    Just a thought!

    1. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 14 days ago

      That's a really interesting idea. It's a tough ask. They have to keep the game simple to attract the masses, but the huge popularity of the game is causing it not to function properly. We need a common sense way of injecting more points/more routes to points into the game.

      An FPL point is like an old penny sweet! It has lost almost all of its value due to inflation (i.e. inflation being the surging number of FPL managers) and can't even buy you a cola bottle anymore!

    2. Tarby
      • 4 Years
      1 year, 12 days ago

      I think a simple rule like you can't captain a player 2 GWs running would be a good one, would force some variation

  12. DGW blindness is for Kinnea…
    • 11 Years
    1 year, 13 days ago

    Pertinent article. FPL need to consider all that's been mentioned above and somehow tackle the "influencer" template.
    Most active teams are over 50% identical and only a pool of 25 players to choose from. Gains are only made by picking Wilson over Isak

    1. Andy_Social
      • 11 Years
      1 year, 13 days ago

      Yes. I suggested hyper-volatile price changes, such as 4 or 5 times per day. That way by the time the most hyped-by-influencers (on YouTube) show their wares, many copyists will be unable to make the purchases. And by allowing price changes to alter by maybe 1.0M in a gameweek rather than the current 0.3m, you'd have a major decision to make whether to go early or be patient and get priced out.

      1. DGW blindness is for Kinnea…
        • 11 Years
        1 year, 13 days ago

        Wouldn't that put off the casual user base who can't keep up. There will be a huge TV difference between teams.
        The casual might have a TV of 102m whilst more committed players have a TV of 109m

    2. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 13 days ago

      I think we all agree that something needs to be done. The sparsity of available points and a rigid template means we all get stuck and tread water for dozens of gameweeks.

  13. Etihader
    • 10 Years
    1 year, 13 days ago

    I don’t understand the reasoning. Ok more managers but %wise it is the same story.

    I think FPL has two problems which it needs to solve: the template and not rewarding risk takers.

    For template you can just lower max players from 1 team to 2. People will then be forced to have not only players from top teams.

    As for the risk taking, it is more complex. People were suggesting doubling points for low ownership but I don’t think it flies. Still, a goal from a low owned player should give you like 8-10 point to be worth going against the template.

    1. Andy_Social
      • 11 Years
      1 year, 13 days ago

      I also identified 2 problems earlier. The too-strong template is one, and I suggested a way of dealing with it a few posts above.
      But for 'risk-taking', I see another aspect of that as being the biggest danger to spoiling the game. A far too-high a percentage of players (I guess mainly new entrants, but maybe older players too) are simply copying the teams and transfers the influencers on YouTube and Twitter make. My solution would deal with both that and your take on risk-taking.
      'Kinnear' above asks if that wouldn't put off casuals. Yeah, maybe. They could still play and compete in mini-leagues against similarly-committed sorts, but if it means a first-time casual has less chance of winning the competition than a gnarly decade-old dedicated player, I'd have no issue with that, especially if they owe their success to piggy-backing on the latter.

      1. FPL Virgin
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 7 Years
        1 year, 13 days ago

        This is a great point. It is far too easy to mimic an FPL content creator and do well in FPL.

  14. Tarby
    • 4 Years
    1 year, 12 days ago

    Interesting idea, which seems sensible.
    An area I've always felt could be improved is keepers and defenders.

    The first goal they concede is a -4 really when you consider a clean sheet is 4 points but conceding none is 0 points.
    So this is how it works vs how it perhaps could be, so every goal conceded has an impact:
    Current vs Suggestion
    0: 4 points vs 4 points
    1: 0 points vs 1 point
    2: -1 point vs 0 points
    3: -1 points vs -1 point
    4: -2 points vs -2 points
    5: -2 points vs -3 points

    So conceding 0, 3 or 4 would remain the same (about 40% of matches last season), with 1 or 2 being more points (55% of games last season) and 5 or more being less.

    A benefit of this could be more willingness to captain defenders, therefore causing more variety amongst players

    1. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 11 days ago

      I'm struggling to understand how this would work. I don't think FPL will adopt a new rule unless it is simple. Doubling the clean sheet points would make people consider captaining more defenders. Also should their assists not be worth more like with their goals? Or why not give them an extra point for every 3 blocked shots ... Like with goalkeepers?

      1. Tarby
        • 4 Years
        1 year, 11 days ago

        I must have explained it poorly then unfortunately. It'd be a very simple change, easier than adjusting assist scores for separate positions I think.
        This season an example would be Marc Guehi, who would have scored 23 more points so 118 rather than only 95. It would bring defenders more in line with the other positions in terms of points.
        Adding more points for defenders who get assists would just pad more points to the likes of Trent and Trippier and make them even more important to own, it would make more captain options though as you say so that would be a good thing.
        I do like your suggestions of points for something like keepers getting save points, looking at FBRef tackles + interceptions is comparable, a lot average more than 3 p90 so could be a good one.

  15. COYS Down Under
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    1 year, 11 days ago

    More opportunities for scoring via chips, changing in scoring etc would make little difference though. It equally affects all players.

    To 'combat' having such a large player base the game needs to:
    1. Reward activity vs inactivity (maybe a newly transferred in player gets extra points for a CS or goal in their first game for you)
    2. Reward picking low ownership players (earn an extra point for each CS, assist or goal if the player is

    1. Dthinger
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 11 days ago

      to combat such a large player base they should deactivate teams that enter after week 2 and then don't log in for more than two game weeks

  16. Jambot
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    1 year, 11 days ago

    As much as I’d like to see more routes to points, it will make dgw even more valuable and bgw even more punishing. The template for the doubles will be even stronger and everyone will be getting the same ‘more points’

  17. corbea
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    1 year, 10 days ago

    Anyone here play the Bundesliga fantasy? Very different but some nice features. I prefer the system of choosing a star player in each position. But on the flip side the single Captain in FPL could go if you ask me, it would make the game more interesting, especially if it’s a Haaland permacaptain all season.

  18. circusmonkey
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    1 year, 8 days ago

    I don't think fpl towers want a complex points system. With goals, assists, clean sheets, you know what you have got, it's instant.

    Widening the player pool to DMs could be done but if you go more complex than just Clean sheet points, you're confusing more casual players.

    1. x.jim.x
      • 9 Years
      1 year, 8 days ago

      This is what people don’t get - the game is designed to drive as much engagement as possible to keep sponsors happy.

      Half the playerbase give up by Xmas, which is why they added Second Chance. Why would they try to make it more complicated because a bunch of nerds, who actually pay for help, can’t get ahead as easily anymore?

    2. FPL Virgin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      1 year, 8 days ago

      Keep things simple and just double what existing points are worth then. 8 points for a clean sheet for example. I'm not fussed on how it's done but the paucity of available points must be addressed due to the game's burgeoning popularity.