220 Comments Post a Comment
    • 4 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    One of the most informative articles! So glad I do not own any players close to suspension.

    1. Andy_Social
      • 11 Years
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      Amazing what you can do every time you take a 28-point hit, isn't it?

      1. Geriatric Unathletic
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        8 months, 7 hours ago


  2. mcsteely
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    73 points on wildcard after taking out Haaland and captaining Salah.

    No Haaland could still backfire, but happy for the time being. Should I panic and bring him back?

      • 4 Years
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      Don't panic yet. If you have set your team up properly, like owning the likes of Trippier, Saka and Son for instance, push it and see where it goes.

      I took a -28 hit, no Haaland, got rid of the crap on my bench, recovered my rank and probably would have been worse of if I did not take the -28.

      No pain, no gain.

      1. Botman and Robben
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 10 hours ago

        Biggest hit I have ever seen, worked out.

        1. Andy_Social
          • 11 Years
          8 months, 10 hours ago

          Selling Haaland for hits? Too soon to say if it's worked out.

        2. Sure You Did
          • 1 Year
          8 months, 10 hours ago

          He took a -28, dropped at least 500k places as per his previous comments and you have no idea what he changed. He keeps repeating this comment to convince himself it worked it as deep down he knows it is hilarious.

          1. Sure You Did
            • 1 Year
            8 months, 10 hours ago

            Has the cheek to give advice and make himself look like he knows what he is talking about as well. Thankfully I am going to have 2 weeks peace from reading his utter drivel.

          2. Botman and Robben
            • 7 Years
            8 months, 10 hours ago

            Have not seen his previous comments, I am assuming he captained Mo, to take some scrub off that gigantic hit.

            1. Andy_Social
              • 11 Years
              8 months, 10 hours ago

              Not seen? Man, I wish I had your powers of selective memory.

              1. Botman and Robben
                • 7 Years
                8 months, 10 hours ago

                I have read them now...

            2. Sure You Did
              • 1 Year
              8 months, 10 hours ago

              You are a very lucky person not seeing his previous posts. Surprised, he posted 5000 in 4 weeks once.

          3. Andy_Social
            • 11 Years
            8 months, 10 hours ago

            I predict out of the 5000 posts he makes between now and next GW, 4500 of them will be expounding on how genius he was to take those hits and lose Haaland. Only to pretend it never happened when Haaland smashes Brighton.

            1. Sure You Did
              • 1 Year
              8 months, 10 hours ago

              I am going to try and not come on for 2 weeks, he drains the life out of this site, and me.

              1. Andy_Social
                • 11 Years
                8 months, 10 hours ago

                Same. 95% of this site over the next fortnight will be gambling articles and FF sputum.

                1. Cruyff's Eleven
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 5 Years
                  8 months, 9 hours ago

                  Hahaha.... "sputum".

                  Incredibly funny, thank you for your humour Sir.

            2. Botman and Robben
              • 7 Years
              8 months, 10 hours ago

              I am captaining Haaland next GW, even if I have Salah, that Brighton D is like a sieve.

              1. Andy_Social
                • 11 Years
                8 months, 10 hours ago

                Yup, same here.

      2. Geriatric Unathletic
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        8 months, 7 hours ago

        Foo, why not link your Team?????

      • 4 Years
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      Always the same whingers and trolls just because the game is not being played the way they want it.

      Pathetic trolls.

      1. Andy_Social
        • 11 Years
        8 months, 10 hours ago

        Huh? You think we're incapable of taking 28-point hits too?

        1. FOO FIGHTER
          • 4 Years
          8 months, 10 hours ago

          I do not give a damn what you do 🙂

      2. Botman and Robben
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 10 hours ago

        I am an advocate of play your own game, kind enough to share your FPL ID?

        1. FOO FIGHTER
          • 4 Years
          8 months, 10 hours ago

          My ranks are poo. I have never finished one season but this season I will finish to see how 'capable' I am in this game.

          Link to my team is somewhere in my comments.

          If I post it again, the children will troll again.

          So tell you what, will share the link again the very last day of the season 😉

          1. Botman and Robben
            • 7 Years
            8 months, 10 hours ago

            I wish you luck, but would have been conforting to learn about how to run a marathon race from someone that has actually completed one.

            1. FOO FIGHTER
              • 4 Years
              8 months, 10 hours ago

              If this game was a matter of life an death, then I would be trolling you.

    3. G-Whizz
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      If you're asking this now, it makes me think that you really haven't thought your strategy through...

  3. Dunster
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 2 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    Helpful. Thank you.

  4. The Mighty Whites
    • 9 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    2FT, £0.0 ITB, thoughts?

    Areola - Turner
    Trppier - Cash - Botman - Udogie - Kabore
    Salah - Son - Maddison - Diaby - JWP
    Haaland - Alvarez - Archer

    1. Wobbles
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      Not much to do here.
      Kabore to Taylor maybe and free up 0.1 in funds? Roll the second transfer.

      1. PascalCygan
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 6 Years
        8 months, 8 hours ago


    2. aapoman
      • 10 Years
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      Team looks great. I would move Kabore to some other 4.0 defender that actually plays. Maybe a Burnley defender since their fixtures are now looking good

  5. Saka Rice
    • 9 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    Is jumping ahead of the curve and playing a WC on GW7 because you realised you could only fit in Salah Son Haaland Watkins Maddison and others that week due to price rises and going from 1.3m to 300k in 2 weeks good?

    1. Sure You Did
      • 1 Year
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      You really need to work on your sentence structure.

      1. Saka Rice
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 10 hours ago

        do you what mean?

        1. Sure You Did
          • 1 Year
          8 months, 10 hours ago

          Exactly, improvement. 🙂

        2. Now I'm Panicking
          • 9 Years
          8 months, 10 hours ago


  6. aapoman
    • 10 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    Super early tinkering. Save the ft or move Mbeumo or Alvarez? 1ft and 0.3itb. If all my players get injured I still have the wildcard in the back pocket.

    Schär Udogie Pau
    Salah Son Maddison Diaby Mbeumo
    Haaland Alvarez

    Johnstone; Saliba*, Kabore, Mubama

  7. ameisin
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 7 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    Feels great to activate WC and sort team out with 2 weeks to assess. Obviously can't fit all the desired targets in, so interested in people's opinions on why the would/wouldn't drop one of the following:

    Saka - main point of ARS attack, bar Newcastle away good fixtures / carrying injury, overplayed
    Son - haul potential, OOP / not lasting 90, seems to be underperforming against tight defences
    Tripper - baps magnet, consistent, fixtures / UCL rotation? price hike over other defenders
    Watkins - fixtures, consistent returns / can be wasteful
    Álvarez - Rodri is back, pretty nailed, FKs / starting to be subbed off earlier, MCI form

    My gut instinct is to sacrifice Son, to go 3-4-3 with midfield of Salah/Madds/Saka/

    1. Wobbles
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Yep, your instinct matches mine.
      Looking to change Son for Saka in GW10.........probably.
      Played my WC last week.

      1. ameisin
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Cheers. I might leave Son in for Fulham with view to moving him onto Saka for GW10 like you - will monitor what his injury situation is like.

        1. Wobbles
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          Son value may also rise while Saka may fall. Could increase your team value also by waiting.

          1. ameisin
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 7 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Yeh another good point. I actually have both in my pre-WC team so will keep an eye on the prices for now.

      2. Geriatric Unathletic
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        8 months, 7 hours ago

        Agreed, Son to Saka for most in GW 10 I suspect :).

  8. nolard
    • 9 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    Trippier/Bowen and Isak have to go to bring in Salah.

    Or just get Darwin in for Isak?

    1. aapoman
      • 10 Years
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      Salah can't be replaced.

    2. Botman and Robben
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 10 hours ago

      If you are going to get a LIV attacker, just get Mo and rest easy. No need to keep worrying if Darwin will start or get enough mins.

      1. nolard
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Yes, this is a fair call. Darwin, while exciting, is not nailed.

    3. nolard
      • 9 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      So, Tripps and Isak out is worth it then?

      The defender will be some random 4.4 max.

    4. Eze Really?
      • 10 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      I would rather have Salah than Haaland ATM. I don't remember a chance created for him yesterday and Saliba had him in his pocket

  9. The Senate
    • 5 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    Yay, international break

    Two whole weeks to agonise over Salah v Haaland captaincy and inevitably still get it wrong

    1. Botman and Robben
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Psss, just looked at my crystal ball, go with Haaland. Thank me later.

    2. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Gotta keep the early KO curse in mind

    3. Sheffield Wednesday
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      McTominay© (she)

  10. cigan
    • 5 Years
    8 months, 10 hours ago

    obv waiting for possible injuries but

    a) Foden > Bowen/Ward Prowse/Diaby
    b) Kabore > Taylor
    c) Flekken > Areola/Johnstone
    d) save
    e) sth else?

    Porro Cash Schar
    Salah Maddison Saka Foden Neto
    Haaland Alvarez
    (Flekken Saliba Kabore 4.5)

    1. Wobbles
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Have you just 1 transfer?
      If so I'd be inclined to roll and reassess next week.
      GTG for this week.

  11. Nate(U)dog(ie)
    • 3 Years
    8 months, 9 hours ago

    Were there any comments from Arteta about Saka? If his injury was hamstring related them surely there's a good chance he's out for GW9?

    1. TheTinman
      • 8 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      On Thur or Fri he said it's touch and go. He also got called up for England. I'm assuming he will be fine for 9

      1. Andy_Social
        • 11 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Latest is Arteta says he's not fit for England.

    2. Eze Really?
      • 10 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Believe what you want to believe.

  12. Eze Really?
    • 10 Years
    8 months, 9 hours ago

    For all those who never got to watch football or missed games over the weekend.
    A weekend of keeper mistakes, dodgy refereeing and injury limitations had material effect on outcomes.

    Luton 0 Spurs 1: Hard to cover 10 vs 11 and Luton toothless. Shining lights Maddison Van Der Ven and Porro (better attacking than Udogie). Bissouma could be a miss after red card. Doughty could be a good choice as the only real Luton quality IMO.

    Burnley 1 Chelsea 4: Chelsea good/Burnley bad? Sterling and Palmer standout players. Palmer came off with an injury. Palmer looking special at 4.9. Expect rotation all round from Chelsea but Burnley good fixture may not help their cause.

    Everton 3 Bournemouth 0: Everton could field a stronger side than in the past. Bournemouth offered little. Hard to take what Everton will end up at this point but Harrison and Garner make a difference in their right positions. Pickford got his long-awaited clean sheet but don’t expect too many in the foreseeable future.

    Fulham 3 Shef Utd 1: Fulham got away with their own defensive issues and wasted opportunities due to opposition. Willian will get you points if he plays. I would not consider anyone else from these 2 sides unless you are looking for an enabler. Hamer a good player in a poor side. Iwobi will make a difference. A shout out for Basham.

    Man Utd 2 Brentford 1: A poor game in general with many of our picks should be moved on. ManU as bad as they are is compounded by a toothless Brentford performance. No service; no goals!

    Palace 0 Forest 0: Palace toothless but great defence and Keeper. Wait until the big boys are back before investing IMO for Palace. Forest with Awoniyi on the sidelines is also an issue. Gibbs White is obvious class but I was impressed with Murillo, who was the standout newie for the weekend.

    Brighton 2 Pool 2: Rushing to get TAA I am not sure would be wise. 2 big mistakes by both keepers evened things out. Clear cut chances at both ends not converted and as good as both attacks are, I only see Salah and Mitoma worth investing in. Fergusen and Darwin not that great with the Pool player may not return for Everton game. Good match to watch all the same.

    West Ham 2 Newcastle 2: With Antonio back Bowen was mostly anonymous in terms of getting points. Kudus will end up a mainstay. Starting to think Trippier is worth the money. Soucek is getting forward. And Emerson/Coufal could end up a worthwhile punt. Bruno should have been sent off for 2 yellows. Newcastle got tired and Hammers did improve. Fair result in a fairly lacklustre performance by both sides.

    Wolves 1 Villa 1: We are missing the bloody obvious with Neto and Chan. I think they will keep this up. Wolves deserved a point and Villa played a typical away game. Bore draw IMO.

    Arsenal 1 Citeh 0: Citeh need Rodri back, Rice imperious, Martinelli made the difference coming on. Amazing Kovacic was still on the pitch at half time. It was a game of taking breathers on both sides. Saliba had Haaland in his pocket again! White expensive bit would me my first choice as an Arsenal defender. Everyone forgot their shooting boots and 0 0 probably a fair result. Now Stones is back he could change the shape of Citeh soon. Doku a great dribbler but he will end up beating himself.

      • 4 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      City players need to start finding Haaland as he has not been seeing the ball for at least 3 weeks now.

      Can't remember which user posted comments from Haaland saying that he needs to deal with making space for others even if it means he does not get goals. I was looking for the post, can't remember if I replied to it.

      There is absolutely nothing wrong with keeping Haaland but not only me, others as well are being trolled for wanting to play their own games.

      This is a form where people are allowed to make their viewpoints yet only a couple insecent trolls or could even be classified as stalkers keep on hounding.

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        The only person one can blame for not playing their own game is themselves. There are shepherds and there are sheep in all wakls of life.

      2. Cruyff's Eleven
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 5 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        I'd move on FF - a lot of what people post on here is self-serving i.e. people will talk down to any suggestions outside of the template / box to justify their own choices.

    2. Cojones of Destiny
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Imformative read thx mate

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        My opinion only but tried to stick to facts

    3. mad_beer ✅
      • 9 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Thanks. Great write up!

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Thank You

    4. Sheffield Wednesday
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Was going to write the exact same thing so you've saved me the trouble 😉

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Cheers bud

        1. Sheffield Wednesday
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          Actually I'm feeding off highlights only this season so much appreciated.

    5. Thomas Jerome Newton
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Thanks for that.

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago


      • 4 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      I can't remember the exact quote from Haaland, believe me I did try and find the post.

      Perhaps the OP of that post can help out if he reads this and reposts 🙂

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Totally lost

    7. Cruyff's Eleven
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Why do you say "Darwin not that great with the Pool player may not return for Everton game"?

      Your opinion or based on something you have heard/read?

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        He plays 3am Wednesday morning in South America. Lunchtime kick off and no time to prepare. My opinion Darwin forgot his shooting boots again.

        1. Cruyff's Eleven
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          Ah, yes. Very good point. Thank you.

          First on my bench 🙂

      2. Sheffield Wednesday
        • 3 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Klopp was pre-complaining about the early kickoff scheduled after this IB weeks ago. It's a thing for the South American players.

        1. Cruyff's Eleven
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          Yeah, Klopp is right. FPL (and the FA) favours the English players. It's been known for years now...


          1. Eze Really?
            • 10 Years
            8 months, 9 hours ago

            I think it is more about TV revenue.

            1. Cruyff's Eleven
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              8 months, 9 hours ago

              I think it's about time difference 😉

              1. Eze Really?
                • 10 Years
                8 months, 9 hours ago

                Let us settle on both (smile)

                1. Cruyff's Eleven
                  • Fantasy Football Scout Member
                  • 5 Years
                  8 months, 9 hours ago

                  Done. *shakes hand*

        2. x.jim.x
          • 9 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          Liverpool famously the only club in the league with South American players

          1. Sheffield Wednesday
            • 3 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            ...facing the early kickoff.

            1. x.jim.x
              • 9 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              Blame the Merseyside Police

          2. Eze Really?
            • 10 Years
            8 months, 6 hours ago

            There is a caveat to the South American playing time. The game is at home at least.

    8. Thomas Jerome Newton
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Livescore said City only with 3 shots and only 1 on target.

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        This is true. Eye test sometimes important though.

    9. Josh.E
      • 2 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      I still think Gabriel is the best Arsenal defender in FPL

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        I have him so I cannot disagree. White has impressed me though.

        1. Josh.E
          • 2 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          fair enough, maybe it's his price that's putting me off haha

    10. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 8 hours ago

      Cheers for the write-up, Luton v Spurs is the only game I caught in a busy weekend so this is helpful, will catch up on MOTD over the next few days

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 7 hours ago

        You chose the 1 game it would be hard to evaluate due to the sending off.

    11. Dammit_182
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 7 hours ago

      Very helpful summary - thank you!

      I do have one eye on Estupinan to TAA and was listening to audio rather than watching the pool game. How come your not so hot on bringing him in? (It’s a lot of money so very interested in your thoughts).

      1. Eze Really?
        • 10 Years
        8 months, 7 hours ago

        Don't get me wrong. I don't think TAA is rubbish but his contribution does not compare to an 8 mil mid and Pool still having shaky moments at the back.

        1. Dammit_182
          • 3 Years
          8 months, 6 hours ago

          Cheers. Having ditched Haaland I now have 4.4M in the bank and was eying TAA up but will give ut some thought.

          1. Eze Really?
            • 10 Years
            8 months, 6 hours ago

            An important point to consider he is 1.2 mil more expensive than any other defender. I he fails it will add a further 4 points on a transfer if you want to make use of funds.

            1. Dammit_182
              • 3 Years
              8 months, 6 hours ago

              Yea, I’ve done some planning on FPL.team and he can be retained until the city blank without issue. Getting him in alongside Trippier is definitely not as clear cut as in previous years. Appreciate it!

  13. corderz
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 9 Years
    8 months, 9 hours ago

    Johnstone Turner
    Trippier Cash Estupinan Udogie Beyer
    Rashford Son Bruno Maddison Mitoma
    Haaland Alvarez Archer

    Can i get away with not using my wildcard yet or has the time come?

    1. Andy_Social
      • 11 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      decent goalkeepers? check
      can put out 3 good defenders every week? check
      two great strikers? check
      midfield can be managed with transfers? check

      1. corderz
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 8 hours ago

        Need to decide if I roll a transfer this week and see if I can navigate GW10 without wildcarding or take a 1 week punt on someone and wildcard next week

    2. Wobbles
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      You can probably last another week unless you are concerned about team value.
      Those UTD players need to go, good fixtures or no good fixtures.

      1. corderz
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        8 months, 6 hours ago

        You'd get rid before Sheffield?

  14. Cojones of Destiny
    • 6 Years
    8 months, 9 hours ago

    which combo lads
    a. JWP + Diaby
    b. Tripps + Neto

    1. Wobbles
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago


    2. Traction Engine Foot
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      I went with B

    3. Il Capitano
      • 3 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago


    4. FourLokoLeipzig
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago


    5. 1912 F.A Cup Winners
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      I’m on B with Gordon instead of Neto

      1. Cojones of Destiny
        • 6 Years
        8 months, 8 hours ago

        yeah gordon also an option cheaper better fixtures ahead what’s ur argument vs neto ?

        1. 1912 F.A Cup Winners
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 6 Years
          8 months, 7 hours ago

          Gordon fixtures up until Xmas better, Newcastle will score goals, although I am worried I have made the wrong decision and should have gone for Neto Hahaa I’m trying to convince myself I’ve made the right decision

          1. Cojones of Destiny
            • 6 Years
            8 months, 7 hours ago

            only thought against neto is i feel he’s overachieving his stats whereas gordon yet to score his goals/assists gl in any case

            1. 1912 F.A Cup Winners
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 6 Years
              8 months, 7 hours ago

              Yeah hopefully you’re right mate!! Cheers buddy!! Best of luck to you too!!

  15. GW9 Fixture and clean sheet odds
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 6 Years
    8 months, 9 hours ago

    GW9 fixture odds can be found here:
    (Provided by William Hill.com)

    GW8 clean sheet results:
    FUL: 44% ❌
    TOT: 42% ✅
    CRY: 39% ✅
    CHE: 38% ❌
    MNU: 37% ❌
    EVE: 36% ✅
    AST: 31% ❌
    MNC: 27% ❌
    NEW: 27% ❌
    NFO: 24% ✅
    ARS: 23% ✅
    BOU: 21% ❌
    WHU: 21% ❌
    WOL: 21% ❌
    BUR: 19% ❌
    LIV: 19% ❌
    SHU: 18% ❌
    BHA: 17% ❌
    BRE: 15% ❌
    LUT: 13% ❌

    Highest clean sheet % odds success rate so far this season: 30% (down from 33.33% from last week)

    GW9 clean sheet odds:
    NEW: 47%
    NFO: 44%
    MNU: 42%
    BRE: 40%
    LIV: 40%
    TOT: 38%
    MNC: 35%
    ARS: 29%
    AST: 29%
    BOU: 28%
    WOL: 25%
    CHE: 24%
    LUT: 19%
    BUR: 18%
    WHU: 17%
    CRY: 14%
    SHU: 13%
    FUL: 12%
    EVE: 9%
    BHA: 8%
    (Provided by FantasyFootballPundit.com)

    Clean sheet totals:
    Arsenal:4 (+1)
    Crystal Palace: 4 (+1)
    Chelsea: 3
    Fulham: 3
    Manchester City: 3
    Newcastle: 3
    Tottenham: 3 (+1)
    Aston Villa: 2
    Man Utd: 2
    Nottingham Forest: 2 (+1)
    Bournemouth: 1
    Brentford: 1
    Everton: 1 (+1)
    Liverpool: 1
    West Ham: 1
    Wolves: 1
    Brighton: 0
    Burnley: 0
    Luton: 0
    Sheffield Utd: 0

    *(+1) denotes team kept a clean sheet in the past GW.

    Who you thinking of giving the armband to this week?


    1. notlob legin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago

      Thanks G-Whizz

      Currently on Haaland captain Son vice, but might change that round nearer deadline.

      1. notlob legin
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 7 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Also bringing in Trippier this week with my free transfer and am surprised he's not mentioned yet as a captaincy option for week 9

        1. G-Whizz
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 6 Years
          8 months, 8 hours ago

          Great shout 🙂

      2. G-Whizz
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 6 Years
        8 months, 8 hours ago


        I'm gonna avoid Liverpool v Everton and take Haaland at home v Brighton who have yet to keep a clean sheet this season...

    2. Cruyff's Eleven
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      8 months, 9 hours ago


      FWIW Salah

      1. G-Whizz
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 6 Years
        8 months, 8 hours ago

        Could work, think I'll go back to Haaland for now...

    3. x.jim.x
      • 9 Years
      8 months, 8 hours ago

      Haaland at home, with Rodri and Stones back, versus Brighton with 0 clean sheets seems a no-brainer.

      1. G-Whizz
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 6 Years
        7 months, 29 days ago

        I'm on it!

    4. Manic M
        7 months, 22 days ago

        I don’t mean to be rude but whenever I see this I just think it’s a reminder of what a poor indicator of outcome bookies odds are. You could toss a coin and getter better results than those above and yet you keep doing it every week like it means something.

        1. Zogzeg
          • 11 Years
          7 months, 22 days ago

          Good point. This is exactly why the bookies keep going out of business.

          No, wait ...

          1. G-Whizz
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • Has Moderation Rights
            • 6 Years
            7 months, 22 days ago


          2. Manic M
              7 months, 22 days ago

              Ah I see. So if I bet a very large amount of money on one of the fixtures will that make it more likely to be clean sheet?

          3. G-Whizz
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • Has Moderation Rights
            • 6 Years
            7 months, 22 days ago

            Not rude at all, you're entitled to your opinion 🙂

      • Von Lipwig
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 5 Years
        8 months, 9 hours ago

        Won't do anything for a couple weeks, but how does this look? Jesus looking like a better option than Alvarez imo:

        Mbuemo + Halland > Salah + Jesus

        1. duke313
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            I was gonna go Sterling + Haaland > Salah + Alvarez.

            Feel like if i'm gonna get rid of Haaland, I still need a City asset up front. If Haaland ends up hauling against Brighton, Alvarez should be among the points.

        2. Gazwaz80
          • 4 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          Difficult Captain choice next G/W ( imo) if you’ve got Haaland, Mo and Son and Madds. Who are you all going with and what is your reason? Was going to go with Haaland but not so sure now as the last two weeks he’s been man marked and hasn’t really been effective, has he been found out? 🙂 cheers…

          1. Rohirrims
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 8 Years
            8 months, 9 hours ago

            Haaland at home. The opposition shouldn't matter but Brighton are leaky in any case..

          2. Camzy
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 13 Years
            8 months, 9 hours ago

            I'm going Haaland most likely.

            Haaland at home is inevitable and Rodri will be back as well. I vowed this season to keep it simple and only go against Haaland when he is playing a tough game away and/or if there are clear standout options. So far, I've only had one blank from captaincy and that was last week Haaland at Wolves.

            Don't think Salah is more of a standout in a derby that is usually quite cagey. Dyche teams also get results against Klopp if memory serves. It was Burnley that ended Liverpool's insane home record.

            Don't like Son after IB and I don't like the early subs.

            1. Gazwaz80
              • 4 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              Cheers chaps, my initial thoughts was Haaland and you’ve have confirmed it for me…

        3. The Polymath
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 8 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          I'm starting to think delaying the Wildcard has become some kind of fetish. 😀

          1. Eze Really?
            • 10 Years
            8 months, 9 hours ago

            The comment of delay it because you have to wait too long until the next one. If a WC lasts more than 6 weeks in value it is a lot. Use it when you need it.

        4. Saka Punch
          • 5 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          From gw10 (trying to plan ahead), would you rather have:

          A) Trippier, Saka, Neto

          B) Gabriel, Saka, Bowen/Martinelli


          1. KLOPPS AND ROBBERS... the s…
            • 9 Years
            8 months, 9 hours ago


          2. Sheffield Wednesday
            • 3 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            FPL snobs rubbished the idea of sub 6m mids before the season began but a few have emerged this season so you have backup for Neto making A) viable.

            1. Andy_Social
              • 11 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              A little unfair, I think. The main argument was that 6.5m was the minimum price for a midfielder we could deem reliable. Sure, some would emerge who were cheaper, but before the season began it was really impossible to guess who.
              I mean, after last season's start, no one in their right mind was advocating for Neto this preseason.

              1. Sheffield Wednesday
                • 3 Years
                8 months, 8 hours ago

                Here's the article and the comments section.:

                Best £5.0m-£5.5m FPL midfielders for 2023/24 - Skonto Rigga
                "You’d need the sales techniques of Jordan Belfort to convince Fantasy Premier League (FPL) managers that many of the £5.0m-£5.5m midfielders are worth buying"


                1. Andy_Social
                  • 11 Years
                  8 months, 8 hours ago

                  Yes, that was fair comment before the season started. After a few weeks of data and form emerging, we have a clearer idea who out of the cheap masses is worth buying. I don't see anything controversial in that.

        5. Camzy
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 13 Years
          8 months, 9 hours ago

          I think the WC is overrated in some ways.

          If you're an engaged manager who considers 6 week fixture windows, it should always be evolving and you should never need an enormous WC to get rid of like 12 players in a huge restructure.

          If you change 7+ players on a WC, I think it could be worth it if they are for key spots and/or deal with the biggest fires. I don't understand why some managers hold onto their teams with 4 flagged defenders and United mids... Just hit the button.

          The earlier you WC, the earlier you can start rolling FTs (if you build it well) and then attack in the next WC window while banking the price rises and points from the form options.

          The way I see it, I could have probably put off WC until 10, but why would taking hits in 8 to field XI and then WC in 10 be any better than WC in 8 and then take 2 FTs into 10 which I can then mini WC if need be? Grass is rarely greener on the other side.

          1. Casual Player
            • 3 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            I think I agree.

            There’s the argument to wait a bit for more info, and I think that is true at say GW3 (assuming you haven’t got it completely wrong from the start). but at some point the opportunity cost with price changes and lost points/hits outweighs any further context for decisions.

            I’m usually pulling the trigger to make 6-8 changes only with any WC. I think people get stuck on they were going to WC at point X, so would rather limp to there than go earlier.

          2. PascalCygan
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 6 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            My thinking too. Though I had to pull the trigger for GW7 in my case. Still, plan is to save my FT this week, switch off for a bit and hope I can still hold come the end of the international break

          3. Get up ya bum
            • 14 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago


          4. Nate(U)dog(ie)
            • 3 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            "The earlier you WC, the earlier you can start rolling FTs (if you build it well) and then attack in the next WC window while banking the price rises and points from the form options."

            This applies to pretty much any time you WC and not just doing it earlier though surely? Similarly just saying "if you build it well" you'll be sorted for the next window well completely ignores issues some have had that anyone can have around the time of using WC, including injuries, suspensions and bandwagons surfacing after you've used it. Heck we've seen this happen after nearly every week. Mbeumo was a "season keeper" according to basically everyone here not long ago, now people are desperate to get rid. ManUtd attackers were still worth holding for their good fixtures. There wasn't much point in bringing Son in for the tough fixtures v Arsenal and Liverpool, where he bagged 3 goals (and etc.).

            I've seen you mention using WC to get ahead of everyone else for squad value but from what I can see from your team my value is higher, and the most I've done is take one hit so far (and I've rolled an FT the last 2 weeks), and I only made an early transfer once this season as far as I can remember (Alvarez when I was going to be priced out).

            1. Andy_Social
              • 11 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              You can overthink this. I haven't had any brilliant GWs, but I've only had one terrible one, GW4 when I dropped outside 500K. I wildcarded then - many would say too early, but it got me righted, and I've been in cruise control even with all the injuries since. No regrets playing it when I did.

              1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
                • 3 Years
                8 months, 7 hours ago

                I completely get people using it early or when they have a lot of issues, I just don't see a "one size fits all" situation with it. Saying it's best to use it early or in the middle or late isn't really true in my view because it's different for everyone and there are different reasons for using or keeping it that make sense. I also have seen some that seem to nearly want their players to be injured at times to spur them on to use it or to get rid, it's like the purpose of the bench is forgotten. I've been pretty patient with most of my issues that weren't definitively long-term and it has worked out fine, I went into both of the last couple of weeks with 4-6 flags and put out 11 both times and never really felt like I missed out by moving players on.

                1. Nate(U)dog(ie)
                  • 3 Years
                  8 months, 7 hours ago

                  *by not moving players on

          5. KunDogan
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 5 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Good post, totally agree!

        6. Barnaby Wilde
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Toffolo or Branthwaite ?

            1. Casual Player
              • 3 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              Assuming this is the 5th DEF you rarely play, I like Branthwaite. I took the 6 last week and will hopefully leave him at 3rd sub going forward. Also 0.4m cheaper

              If this is draft, go Toffolo

          • Malinwa
            • 7 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Any Advice here?
            Maybe Kabore > Romero/Branthwaite/Andersen? Or better do Mubama > Archer?

            1 FT - 0,5 ITB
            Gabriel - Cash - Colwill
            Mbeumo - Son - Maddison - Salah - Diaby
            Haaland - Alvarez

            Areola - Botman* - Mubama - Kabore

          • Nespinha
            • 8 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Rationally, is there a point of rolling the FT or just press the WC now?

            Cash, Schar, Udogie
            Maddison, Son, Rashford, Bruno, Mbeumo
            Haaland, Alvarez

            Subs Turner, Gvardiol, Archer, Botman

            1. Botman and Robben
              • 7 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              Onana, Rashy, Mbuemo, Gvardiol....this could wait.

          • The Polymath
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 8 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Did an early WC for value and now have a squad value of 102.2, only need Saka and MItoma in GW 10 to have the same team as the GW 10 Wild carders me thinks.

            1. Get up ya bum
              • 14 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              Why you want the same team as other wildcarders?

          • PascalCygan
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 6 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Been a topsy-turvy season for me so far, as it's been for many others. Going to take another break from FPL during the international period, keep myself busy with other stuff and hopefully come back refreshed for GW9.

            Captaincy killed me this week. Delighted my Doucoure punt came off (he can go back to the bench now) but my 50-50 call of captaining Son (I hate early kick-offs but Luton was just too tempting) over Salah really ruined the gameweek for me.

            Anyway, all being well, I'll be rolling my FT with these lads (and nothing in the bank):

            Schar Cash Udogie
            Salah Son Maddison Gordon
            Haaland Alvarez Darwin

            Areola Burn Doucoure Kabore

            Hope you all have a nice couple of weeks. Happy tinkering to those on wildcard! Had to use mine for GW7.

            Cheers everyone

          • Stimps
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 10 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Play 2

            A) Schar (Palace home)
            B) Burn (Palace home)
            C) Cash (West Ham home)

            Currently benching Cash and doubling up on Newcastle defence

            1. Oasthouse FC
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 8 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              yep, id go double NEW defence

            2. PascalCygan
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 6 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              I have the same three and wondering the same. Have Cash for attacking potential at the moment but not ruling out doubling up on Newcastle

            3. FourLokoLeipzig
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 6 Years
              8 months, 7 hours ago

              Tricky. If you opt for Cash, I’d play Burn over Schar to join him

          • FOO FIGHTER
            • 4 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            For anyone considering going Zero-Haaland, I found an article which contains the quote about Haaland's current situation and not receiving the ball much recently.

            This was posted by someone just after I pulled the plug on Haaland.

            Of course things could change in the coming weeks, who knows what may happen...

            Haaland has also noticed a difference in how opponents set up against him. "I feel they are doing more things to stop me – putting more players on me," he told The Telegraph. "But this is okay, I don’t mind. It’s a bigger challenge and if they want to put more players on me it means there is space elsewhere [for other team-mates]. As simple as that. I just try and do my job and keep on doing the same as I did last season."


            Hope all find it useful.

            1. GreennRed
              • 12 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              City results are more important than Haaland goals. If he can create space for teammates to exploit it's a great option and more for opponents to think about. His tally might improve when De Bruyne returns.

            2. x.jim.x
              • 9 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              He's still averaging the same amount of touches per game, his finishing just hasn't been as insane as last year.

            3. Nate(U)dog(ie)
              • 3 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              I remember him speaking to Henry after winning the CL final and asking him for any advice or suggestion he had for him to improve (shows his mentality, he's just won the treble and he's hardly even thinking about it). Henry said to him the one thing he needs to work on is playing (and shooting) on his right side, because for as good as he is, he could double the chances or goals he gets if he's able to apply that to his game rather than always leaning on the left. I think it is something some sides have noticed and have worked on, he doesn't seem to want to run into the right channel very much at all when running at his man. I mean he's still a monster for his pace and physicality so even if it's known, a lot of defenders still can't deal with it, but I do think there's a bit of predictability there with his runs after one full season so he might need to take this advice on soon. If there's anyone you'd want to take advice on about becoming a well-rounded striker it's Henry, the guy could do anything

              1. FOO FIGHTER
                • 4 Years
                8 months, 7 hours ago

                Haaland has also failed to score in his last 5 CL apps. Whether the teams from Europe have latched onto him and the PL teams have know started figuring out how to slowly cancel him out now is something to keep an eye on.

                Obviously there will be games where he destroys you but don't think it will be as consistent as last season.

                Anyway, I swallowed the pill so will see where it takes me going without.

          • Sho-kun
            • 6 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            I wanted to WC in GW9 but I think Estu > 5.1 def will do it for now, right? Or should I still push the WC button?

            Onana Turner
            Trippier Cash Estu* Beyer* Baldock*
            Son Maddy Sterling Salah Anderson
            Haaland Alvarez McAtee*

            1. Get up ya bum
              • 14 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              Why wait a week?

              1. GreennRed
                • 12 Years
                8 months, 8 hours ago

                Could be a few players injured, late back from internationals, rested after the international break.

            2. Cojones of Destiny
              • 6 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              team is in good shape yes i’d just switch estu

            3. Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 3 Years
              8 months, 8 hours ago

              Yeah I have a similar team and I would wait until GW10.
              Just Estu to change and then it's a fairly optimal one week team with Sterling as your differential.
              Even got keeper coverage if Turner gets shunted for Luton.

          • Lukakus talking
            • 4 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Team value isn't great, how's this for a wildcard team (0.1m left):

            Johnstone (Turner)

            Trippier - Cash - Udogie (Branthwaite - Taylor)

            Salah - Son - Mitoma - Ward-Prowse - Diaby

            Haaland - Alvarez (Archer)

            Thanks in advance

            1. Get up ya bum
              • 14 Years
              8 months, 7 hours ago

              Look at Luke foster for an excellent enabler. I've been saying all season and still believe it to be true, choose one of Salah or Haaland. Consider Raya in goals.

            2. Sandy Ravage
              • 8 Years
              8 months, 7 hours ago

              I'd pick Watkins over Diaby

          • x.jim.x
            • 9 Years
            8 months, 8 hours ago

            Klopp has never gone more than 8 games into the year without scoring 4 goals...

            1. Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 3 Years
              8 months, 7 hours ago

              Not bad for a 56-year old.

              1. x.jim.x
                • 9 Years
                8 months, 7 hours ago

                Better than Nunez

            2. Sheffield Wednesday
              • 3 Years
              8 months, 7 hours ago

              Yeah but he's a YC magnet.