Community Submissions

Does Overall Rank Really Matter?

The one measurement we have in Fantasy Football as to how good we are is our overall rank, but does it really matter? If we’re not playing for a high rank then what else are we really playing for? I want to start off by saying I’d love to win a competition like the Fantasy Premier League (FPL), as we all would but it’s unlikely to happen, which leaves me with competing in mini-leagues that offer prizes. It’s almost the sole reason I actually play Fantasy Football in the first place, to take money from my friends.

This is why I believe rank doesn’t really matter. For most of us we will never experience the joy of winning one of the main competitions over the course of an entire season and instead we have to set our sights on monthly prizes or mini-leagues.

Mini-League Glory

One argument that could be put forth here is that mini-league glory and a high rank go hand in hand. I certainly can’t argue against the fact that if you have a high rank you’re probably also doing well in your mini-leagues. In some situations, however, we will make decisions based on our mini-leagues without taking rank into effect. For example I will sometimes a look at my mini-league rival and see that they’ve taken a point hit, making me much more tempted to take a hit myself without any thought of how it might be affecting my rank in the short or long term.

Another tactic is “blocking” which a lot of people will use, getting in a player their rival has to make sure they can’t be used to close the points gap. That player might not help you get up the overall ranks but might help you win your mini-leagues.

Additionally, if you’re anything like me, once your mini-leagues are won you like to start having a bit more fun. In my first season of playing FPL (five years ago now) I had a 100-point lead for a large chunk of the season and going into the final weeks I took lots of hits to change my team and make the Gameweeks more fun for me. This killed my rank and I quickly went from just outside the top 10,000 places to finishing 20,698th. I could have played safe and avoided the point hits as they weren’t needed but I decided it was more fun to keep changing my team.

There’s also the head-to-head aspect, where you might be basing your decisions solely on your opponent for that week and nothing else. I’m sure in these cases rank goes out of the window as a consideration.

Can people with higher ranks help us?

It’s great to see people on Fantasy Football Scout doing well and nice to see how the site is helping people achieve higher ranks. We spend a lot of time asking and answering questions but when taking advice from others do you ever take into account what their current or previous rank is? After all, if rank matters to us that much surely we should only take advice from those that have previously or are currently at a high rank?

Whenever I ask a question I always take the answers at face value. I’ve never checked what someone’s rank is before taking the advice. I think someone at a low rank can give just as good advice as someone with a high rank, after all it’s only you that makes the decision in the end so weighing up lots of different options is always handy and good advice is good advice regardless of the person’s rank.

Where’s the fun?

For a lot of people the fun in Fantasy Football is achieving a high rank and to do that you quite often have to go with the crowd and get a player because everyone else has him. For others they like to go for the differential from the off, playing 4-4-2 instead of the classic 3-4-3 or getting in that player no one else has.

This is often done at the expense of rank. A lot of the time a player is a differential for a reason (they might not be scoring as well as others but have decent fixtures) and often won’t remain a differential for long. At that point they continue their quest to change to the next differential.


Rank is important, it’s ultimately what sets us apart from the next player and competitiveness is fun! However, I think for a lot of the time mini-leagues are more important and don’t always go hand-in-hand with rank. For me my rank doesn’t really matter. I’ll still check it and want to be higher but finishing outside of the top 100,000 last year didn’t make me want to achieve a higher rank this year any more. What is driving me on this year are my mini-leagues. Whatever your aim in Fantasy Football you need to have fun so I’m not sure rank matters all that much.

What do you think? Does your rank and other people’s ranks matter to you? What is your aim for a Fantasy Football Season? Are mini-leagues more important than rank or do they just simply go hand-in-hand?

83 Comments Post a Comment
  1. J0E
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • Has Moderation Rights
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    To me it definitely does, as my aim each season is always do better than the previous one, something I've managed so far.

    Although that goes out the window in the final gameweek if there's a chance of losing or winning a mini-league.

    1. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      So it does matter....but maybe not that much if a mini-league is on the line 🙂

    2. FPL Daniel
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      that is hardly possible if you have one stellar season like me in example (26th OR) and simply can't be beaten so nothing is good enough 😉 😛 🙁

      1. Woeisme
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Why? Could you not finish 25th? Not exactly like you won it! ( then "it simply couldn't be beaten")

      2. J0E
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 14 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        I would definitely want to go for 25th or above if I finished 26th.

  2. fusen
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    It's about priorities for most people, if you're in a mini-league with friends or could win money from it then people will try and be top of that first. If you're near the top of the mini -league then it will most of the time go hand in hand with getting green arrows and going up overall.

    Realistically, if you aren't in the top 5k or 10k by about week 20, you aren't going to be having ANY chance of winning the entire thing.

  3. Wings Fan
    • 10 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    It matters to me for my own personal satisfaction and competitive nature.

    Which is why I'm livid that I've gradually dropped from 200th to almost 3k in the last two months 🙁

    1. Doolittle
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      In that time I've gone from 600 to 11k!

  4. Doolittle
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    It does matter to me, the only ML I've been in this season has been my work one and the standard is terrible, so OR is all I'm really playing for. And I want to make up for that bloody dead team OR from last season, which blemished my last few seasons.

  5. Business Dog
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I worry about overall rank because I worry about winning the mini league.

    1. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Something I addressed in the article. I do agree with that but often I will make decisions based only on my mini league which may affect my rank negatively.

  6. fusen
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Regarding this paragraph -

    "Whenever I ask a question I always take the answers at face value. I’ve never checked what someone’s rank is before taking the advice. I think someone at a low rank can give just as good advice as someone with a high rank, after all it’s only you that makes the decision in the end so weighing up lots of different options is always handy and good advice is good advice regardless of the person’s rank."

    This website is VERY cliquey, I think a lot of people ignore good advice just because it's not from a username they recognise, ignoring their FPL rank.

    1. Saint Steve-O (@EliteFPL)
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I kind of agree on that, however, what I would say is people with a high rank clearly are giving better advice than a lowly ranked team...

      Cap choice... High ranked team would recommend go with the safe option... Lowly ranked would say "go with the maverick"

      Yes it may come off, but that's the risk, but most of time it doesn't....

      The lowly ranked team is there because throughoit season making maverick decisions that don't pay off... Whereas the higher ranked team (safety as it is) will give you the popular pick & would usually cone through

    2. Holmes
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      This is true

    3. Qubit
      • 15 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Indeed it is. Ive always found that some people's advice is valued quite highly despite having rather poor FPL track records. And vice versa.

    4. Qubit
      • 15 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I must be honest though and say I very rarely if ever take any advice, i go my own way because experience has shown that i do better when i do.

    5. A.T
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Just to say, I don't think this site is cliquey at all. It's natural to interact more with users that you recognise and maybe take advice from people that you've found to be good for it in the past. I like to ask advice. I don't take a blind bit of notice to the answers mind. 😀

      1. Fitzy.
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 12 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        As a whole, I agree the site isn't cliquey, but there are definately some cliquey factions on here at times. Impossible not to I guess with the amount of people here though.

        1. A.T
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          I used to think it was cliquey when I first came here but I'm sure it's mostly in the mind. I certainly wouldn't want to be part of any clique. In fact, I've actively fought against the private email brigade that was here a few seasons ago. Nice to see them doing kak now btw 😀

  7. Saint Steve-O (@EliteFPL)
    • 10 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Great read.

    Every season is simple for me... Do as well as I can in my ML. We have various cash prizes & I'm always wanting to win something....

    I genuinely couldn't care less about OR, it's ML & the various cash prizes up for grabs that matter....

    You can relate it with just playing in general.

    People bang on about owning X high ownership player doing nothing, yet Y player is scoring the points, but because of being 'unpopular' people stay clear...

  8. Evans
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I agree with the other posters in that it's all about priorities I.e mini league

    I also try and better my OR each year to show an improvement

    Good article though

    Some people take this game too seriously

  9. Get up ya bum
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    it's all that matters for me 🙂

  10. Qubit
    • 15 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    For me overall rank and winning the mini league I care about most are synonymous, do well in one and the other will follow. For me the fun is in doing well, or more accurately I view it as a challenge and I like challenges!

    However, I would like a version of FPL just for head to heads as that would result in more diverse teams and week to week tactics. Unfortunately doing well in FPL really precludes doing well in head to heads.

  11. Holmes
    • 10 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Only "arrows" matter to me, as far its green, great. I dont have any friends who like to play this game, so creating ML is not an option.
    For fun, I like to defy odds/go against crowd/do what I want to/make my own picks, thats it.

    Being my 1st season, I got influenced few times on FFS and picked players that I dont want to. They blank and being not comfortable, I take them out just after 1-2 weeks. Thats why I prefer to pick players I want. Can keep Oscar/Ozil/Coutinho for whole season but not someone like Kane/Sanchez. But for any move I make, cant blame anyone because in the end, its me who confirms the team. 😛

  12. Beavis
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, very much so for me. It's the best way to benchmark your progress and it usually comes part and parcel with winning MLs anyway.

  13. Le Limpar
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I think clearly it matters more the higher up you are - and less the further out of touch you fall.

    I think a lot of people near the top right now (say top 1k) are up there off the back of some bumper gameweeks early on, and lots of solidly high-scoring in between where they hold steady. That's pretty much what's happened to me. So you get people making decision based on what they think will help them tread water - and sometimes making a dash at moving up. That makes it pretty hard to break into, and people further down the chain might have outscored me by a few points every week since Christmas for example, but they they won't have worried people who made the real ground earlier on. So the only way of really rising up high is for their to be big 'swing' gameweeks and for you to score huge in those.

    Basically it matters less and less the longer the season goes on because you'll never catch people who did great early on, and keep on building on that. It's impossible - they already left you behind. The best you can do is catch the people who did great early on and then do as bad or worse as you did early on!

  14. SuperDunny - Used to be goo…
    • 14 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Yes.... yes it does

    1. Christina.
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


    2. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Only if you're lucky enough to get a high rank every year 😉

  15. Dr Dream
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Depends on the type of mini league...In H2H leagues (always like those) a good tactic on a thin week, where maybe a couple of players are doubtful. or a week where you don't look strong for a variety of reasons, then a -8 or a -12 is fine if you want to write the week the end of the day you lose three pts whether by a lot or a little.

    Alternatively tactical picks for blocking etc are always a good tactic in that format.

    H2H's always work best in relatively smaller leagues where tactical picks can become quite a bone of contention between fact the major part of the game.

    No good for your OR though....better off just forgetting about it.

  16. Cocky Spaniel Alves
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I've basically won my ML already, as I'm leading by about 200 points.

    Overall rank is my highest ever (inside top-100) but there's next to no chance of winning the whole thing.

    So where do I find the incentive to finish let's say in the top 30 or whatever? There's no prize to anything other than top 1 after all.

    1. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      That's where you have to set your own preferences I guess.

      For me I would probably go for the differentials for a bit of fun. With a 200 point lead you've already won!

  17. Dangerous Donkeys
    • 10 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Overall rank matters to me.
    I wish it didn't and I just had fun.
    Last season was my first playing and I just missed out on a top 100 place and felt miffed by that, even though I'd climbed from 2.3 million going into GW6
    I absolutely hammered my mini league by over 140 pts, which has some good players, but I wasn't too bothered about the bragging rights or especially the cash. Just annoyed that I made one more mistake and missed a top 100 place, rather than celbrate an excellent 1st season.
    This season I've been mainly top 3k, stayed in the top 10k from GW2, flirted with high ranks; am I happy - no.
    If I'd stayed in my mini league I'd have been top every wk from GW1 and pocketed the cash every month.
    Wouldn't have made me happy though; there's always higher targets to set ourselves and if we do hit the no.1 spot, well there's getting back up there next time.
    Ask former no.1's just outside top 1k or dropping from a top 100 spot and out of top 10k.

    We're rarely happy chasing overall rank, but that doesn't stop us.
    Like Everest, it's just there.

  18. Jaffalicious! #SomosCubanos
    • 10 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Great article Andy!

    For me, I try to beat my ranks from the previous seasons and try and set objectives such as top 10k/1k etc. When asking/giving advice, I ignore rank and prefer many people to be involved in the discussions as it generates a lot of thoughts and ideas.

  19. Margarido
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I' m like JonTy, trying to improve every year.
    Done it for the past 3.
    But since my best finish was 329 last season, it is looking extremely difficult (around 69k now)

    ML and OR go together.
    Impossible not to think on both.

    1. FantaCity
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Are you my Sister?

    2. The Non Flying Dutchman
      • 9 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I play to achieve a highest rank and also win mini league BUT at some stage towards the end the mini league takes priority i.e I will either take more or less risk depending on whether I am top or in the chasing pack within the mini league.

      Also one of my mates is to far behind and is now going for the manager of the month cash prize so he will wildcard in the 1st GW of every month.

      The guy who is top in one cash league has a 50 point lead over me and also has a wildcard. Mission impossible it maybe but I haven't given up yet.

  20. John t penguin
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    What you have to consider is advice if often influenced by that persons situation.
    More so this year people have started adding to advice points such as
    " for top 10k or top 1 k"
    " if you are chasing an opponent "
    I think this is something that should be done more often, but then again people should also perhaps say in their posts what the relevance of advice they seek

    1. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Yeah, context is always required with questions.

      With the speed pages move close to deadlines people should really provide as much context as possible such as other players in the team, other players in mini league, are you chasing or defending etc etc.

    2. Woy of the Wovers
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Well said. The mix of ownership varies at different ranks largely because the lack of a certain player leaves non-owners highly exposed to rank loss. In fact, the higher you are the more risk averse you're likely to be which means that the % ownership of popular players usually rises as the rank increases.

  21. The Hound
    • 12 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I cared less about rank during first couple of seasons but it's been all about rank for a while now.

  22. A-VB
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Great article!

    This is my debut season in FPL! Hence, I don't think I'm in any position to make a comment here.
    In fact, I didn't even knew that there are things like cash leagues in here, I thought there is only one prize, until even 4 months ago, so looking forward to compete in them from next season.

    However, as for now, my 20K rank has turned out to be more than sufficient to be at the top of my college league by a 115 points atm, and it is real fun, even more so, because the lad at the 2nd place is basically one of seniors and that's just plain cool!

    But, atm what I am aiming for is a top 10K finish and making my tactics accordingly, though I know a top 10K finish in debut season is probably a very tall order! But I've you guys with me, so confidence is high . 🙂

    1. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      You're in as good a position as any.

      I know for me from day one the aim was always winning my mini leagues.

      Good luck with your top 10k finish!

      1. A-VB
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Thanks a lot Andy! 🙂

  23. A.T
    • 13 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I used to think rank was everything. Then I started getting a lot of red arrows and dropping down the ranks. Even Torres Magic is ahead of me now ffs! 🙁
    I think it's time I pulled out the old "busy due to work commitments" excuse. I did actually build a wardrobe yesterday so it is half true. I'm sure I wouldn't have taken that 8 point hit if the instructions were a bit easier to understand!

    1. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      My 100k+ rank last year was certainly an anomaly. I reckon the cause was working nights - didn't pay as much attention because of this!

      1. A.T
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Yep. That'll be it. 😀

    2. Costa in Wengerland
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago


      1. 11 Angry Men
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Great post. Prompted my first ever reply!

        I am new the FPL this year and have made loads of mistakes. I am 2nd in my mini league though which keeps me competitive and I hope to go back to top this week.

        Overall though I am not doing very well due to a poor start (as you might expect) but have the goal to get in top 1000 next season.

        So I guess my point is that you are right and that whilst OR is important, mini leagues keep you going week to week, and add that extra edge.

        At least for me.

        One unexpected benefit though is ready this site RELIGIOUSLY and realising just how much I DON'T know about the game.

  24. Woy of the Wovers
    • 13 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    Hugely important. Not only that but I am now of the opinion that the game is mainly about skill - previously there was quite a bit of luck involved but not so much now.

    Being serious though, the rank thing says a fair bit about how good you are as a fantasy player. Those who make Top 10k regular might be regarded as "strong" where those who regularly finish top 1k are "top" players. You might even choose to create an elite group if you like such distinctions.

    One word of warning though is that the measure is not based on a single season. A decent player can easily make top 1k by being lucky. As of now the difference between 1,000th and 100th is around 35pts and I can count that amount left on my bench from GW18-21 so some of the rank may come down to some fairly fine errors of judgement.

    On the relative importance of winning ML, you have to be up there to win them so still have to be good enough to be involved in the run-in.

  25. Rhinos
    • 10 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    great post Andy

    For me it comes down to risk management.

    The ultimate goal for any player* has to be to finish as high as possible or else what's the point.
    The difference in strategies of how to acheive this is then shaped by your own character and personality. Are you prepared to take risks to improve your rank and yet be at peace with those decisions if and when they fail?

    eg this week captaining Kane is beyond obvious but im happy to gamble Eriksen beats him in a bid to move up, aware that a Kane cricket score could kill my rank.

    It's basically the old dullard v maverick debate and whichever category you fall into will help define your season.

    *unless you only care bout head to head matches or nailing a particular gameweek for whatever reason

    ps anyone who judges a players advice based solely on their rank is a moron, simple as 🙂

  26. FPL P0ker PlAyer
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    As a matter of interest, how do you "sometimes [take] a look at my mini-league rival and see that they’ve taken a point hit" before basing decisions accordingly? I was under the impression that you remained in the dark until after the deadline passed? I'd certainly like to be privvy to that sort of information!

    1. Rhinos
      • 10 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      on the right hasnd side of their fpl team page is says how many transfers theyve done this week and what funds they have so you can usually make an educated guess as to what theyve done

      1. FPL P0ker PlAyer
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Thanks for the pointers. I never knew. Doh! Ah well, there's always next season.. 😉

  27. wedgec
    • 11 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I have a good rank this year but I wouldn't want anyone to give more merit to my opinion than someone else's. I often find better opinions then my own on here anyway, leading me to wiser choices.

    1. Old Schoolᴼˢ “disa…
      • 12 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Ok... Ignores wedgec

  28. Ruth_NZ
    • 9 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    In my opinion the article above has very little merit whatsoever. With one exception (which I will come to later) it is simply an aplogia for mediocrity.

    I have seen "casuals" repetitively derided on here. Even the term is semi-derogatory. Yet what are these "casuals"? They are people who play for fun, or because they got invited to join a league (which is how I started this season), or because they just like playing around with teamsheets.

    These people don't need any extenuating commentary. For most of them, FPL is a very insignificant activity in the scheme of things (which is, in fact, the truth). And most of them won't be using a site like this.

    The people that use this site take it more seriously. When I first started to post on here I was told "most of us only want to win our mini-leagues". But that's a cover story. Overall ranking is repetetively referred to, much more than anything else. The vast majority of posters on here want to do well in OR. But they'd also like a smokescreen to cover them in case they don't.

    One good example is what you have called "blocking" - bringing in high ownership players so they can't "hurt" you. Now actually this is another mediocrity-based approach but that's not the point right now. The point is that the vast majority on here do it, whether they are 200k or 2k in the overall rankings, whether they are +100 or -100 in their mini-leagues. In fact it is so much a given to do so that when you question the conventional wisdom about a high-ownership player you will often get a good amount of derision and scorn in return as I have found myself on more than one occasion.

    "Blocking" is a nonsense tactic for anyone trying to be the best. You should use your judgement. When the majority is making a sub-optimum decision that's a good opportunity to gain ground on them (or increase your lead). Following the herd will only get you a herd result. Sometimes you will think the herd is right, in which case do the same. Sometimes you will think it is wrong, in which case you should do what you think is better. And sometimes you will be unsure, in which case you need to do some more research. 😉

    The only exception I would allow to all this is money leagues. I have never played in one so I don't know from personal experience, but if you are playing for significant amounts of money I guess the tactical approach might be somewhat different. You might take a different calibration about risk and reward. But in the end the same applies - you can only win if your judgement (and to some degree, luck) is better than your opponents.

    Blocking might be valid with 3 or 4 games to play. It is far less valid as a tactic for the whole season, especially in the instances when you believe the majority has got it wrong.

    Personally, if I am going to play FPL in the long term my aim is to win it. Nothing else. Unless I decide to enter a money league in which case I'll probably enter 2 teams - one for the money league and one for me. Which I'm sure is what many players do (although it's not the done thing to say so on here).

    1. Dr Dream
      • 11 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      Nonsense...Every pre season I post asking if people want to do H2H's with novelty teams or otherwise...or mini leagues taking a hit a week..all sorts of stuff...

      Playing for 3pts per GW is not the same as playing for OR rank.

      May as well get it in early

      Anybody fancy doing a H2H next season instead of OR...London and the South clubs versus Northern clubs...take your pick.

      1. Ruth_NZ
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        OK, having only been coming on here since around GW 4 or 5 this season I have never seen that. But I have seen people with 2 teams being accused of cheating. 😉

        1. Dr Dream
          • 11 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Aye..One year I had all the Belgians in the prem as my team...and last season a hit a week...The season before that players from London and Welsh clubs only...I've played this game long enough to know that when OR is the only consideration it starts driving you nuts when it goes wrong...Which is why so many were talking about packing up a couple of weeks ago. I avoid OR like the plague.

        2. Rhinos
          • 10 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          your post is equating rank with ability though and that is wrong, Of course the vast majoriuty of us want to win but mini league victories are much more acheivable. so therefore the priority

          1. Dr Dream
            • 11 Years
            9 years, 3 months ago

            My son is about 90 pts ahead in his school league...and not doing too bad at OR (hovering around 2-4 k) mainly...I doubt he even knows where he is in OR, highly doubt it. All he's bothered about is beating his PE teachers.

            1. Dr Dream
              • 11 Years
              9 years, 3 months ago

              Oh hell.....speaking of which I've forgotten to pick him up from school...I'm off...

    2. andy85wsm
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 13 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      First thing I did with this post was Google - "aplogia" 😉

      I also dislike the term casual - it's always used an excuse for someone doing well who you haven't expected to do well or by making a decision you didn't think of.

      I genuinely don't have too much care for what my overall rank is. Unless I'm number 1 in the world which is a little different. Would I have a different view if number 1 was in site? Maybe. But I don't think I'd ever have the patience to get to number one. I'm too impulsive and love jumping on bandwagons / double game weeks etc. It's not a smokescreen at all, mini leagues offer prizes, not finishing number 1 in the world doesn't.

      You may think that blocking is nonsense but it's used a lot. How many times have you seen someone post this week that they're captaining Kane out of fear for what he could do? Captaining someone because you know others will and are afraid of the consequences is a blocking tactic. It may be nonsense but it happens a lot.

      I would agree that blocking isn't something you'd do for the whole season but it is something that can affect your rank.

      Personally I only have one team, always have, always will. Only reason I'd ever want a second team is to try for the single best points on a given game week.

      1. andy85wsm
        • Has Moderation Rights
        • 13 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        My first priority after a game week is finished is to check the scores of the 4-5 people directly below or above me in mini leagues. Checking overall rank always comes second.

        1. Rhinos
          • 10 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          thats coz OR takes longer to udpdate 🙂

      2. Ruth_NZ
        • 9 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        A typo. It was meant to be "apologia" - a defense especially of one's opinions, position, or actions [Merriam-Webster].

        1. andy85wsm
          • Has Moderation Rights
          • 13 Years
          9 years, 3 months ago

          Aye, Google told me that. Wasn't having a go at the spelling - had never heard of either word so needed to check definition/meaning.

    3. J0E
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • Has Moderation Rights
      • 14 Years
      9 years, 3 months ago

      I remember one season we had a pairs league where we teamed up...that started really late in the season and had nothing to do with overall rank. That is another example where non OR rank based Fantasy Football was encouraged. It was really fun.

      And of course there's the FFS UEFA team competitions that take place - once again nothing to do with rank and all to do with tournament glory.

      1. Dr Dream
        • 11 Years
        9 years, 3 months ago

        Good stuff those Jonty, really good...the site should do more. ...

  29. TheDazzler
    • 13 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I care about OR primarily.
    Mini leagues will follow if my OR is high enough. I play a number of cash leagues every year so I can't really engage in blocking, even if I wanted to.
    As regards taking advice from other players, I will certainly take a note of a players history. If I ask a question on doing a transfer and 20 people tell me to buy player A and then just Ville Ronka tells me player B, I'm going player B.
    And even if mini leagues are already won, there is always some other goal. Win your countrys league, win your fans league, finish top 1000, top 100, top 50, top 10.

  30. Bolivian Seaman
    • 13 Years
    9 years, 3 months ago

    I was 300k last season, and a few friends said they felt sorry for me haha. I was never bothered by that, I was having fun.