Pro Pundits - Lateriser

Why an FPL manager’s identity is so important

A much-needed international break is a great time to consider that identity is still the most important element of playing Fantasy Premier League.

The game has evolved so much in the last few years. Ever since Mark Sutherns set up Fantasy Football Scout, information around it has grown at an exponential rate. We have so many websites and content creators at the moment (which in my opinion is great for the game) and for someone who is just starting at FPL, it is more about filtering through the gigantic amounts of information and opinions available. 

It was different during my time when I just started discovering the nuances of the game. Fantasy Football Scout was the start and finishing point for FPL information and the boards were where we discussed ideas about how to play this game and took it on as a group study project. These days, the discussions are spread further afield and the number of opinions has skyrocketed.

For me, this is where identity comes into play. At its core, FPL is about watching the football games and highlights and/or going through the statistics after which you pick players that are going to get you points for goals, assists and clean sheets. 

Does early FPL team news really provide an advantage?

Where everyone differs as FPL managers are primarily in three aspects:

  1. The mode of consumption of information. Some managers watch all the games, some watch a few games and the highlights while looking at some statistics and there are some who don’t watch the games at all but spend a lot more time looking at statistics.
  2. The interpretation of information. How every interprets the games and the statistics is different.
  3. The application of information to FPL. Managers differ in their patience levels, risk tolerance levels (temperament is such a huge factor here) and play-style.

When I started out as an FPL manager, it was the risk-takers (Mark included) and their play style that attracted me. In 2012/13, my first full season as an ‘involved’ FPL manager, effective ownership was not a thing, the focus was on picking good players and, at times, looking for good differentials. 

I have generally found a lot of the old-school managers or those who I am still (fondly) in touch with pay a lot less attention to effective ownership compared to the newer breed of FPL managers. Furthermore, a lot of the managers who are not on social media pay even less attention to it.

And they are all good FPL managers with consistent top finishes. There is a current narrative that if you grind your way through the season playing relatively safely, it is the only way to achieve consistent top finishes. I very much disagree with this narrative as I know of lots of top managers who are at the top not because they take risks or because they are risk averse, but because they are good at collecting and interpreting information and applying it to FPL. 

This is where we revisit the matter of filtering FPL information. For people that are just starting out, you first need to rely on objective articles and highlights for the information. That’s the easy part. How you interpret and apply this information is where it gets tricky. 

I have realised that you develop a ‘flexible’ style of FPL over the years and this will not happen overnight. The more you play this game, the more variety of content you consume, you will find yourself relating to some and not relating to others. 

When you’re relating to someone, it essentially means that it is probably your comfort zone in terms of playing the game. You come up with ideas (and sometimes adopt good ones) while talking to others on the forums and social media platforms and consuming content and that builds you as an FPL manager with your own identity. What you then become is an amalgamation of the experiences and interactions you have had as an FPL manager and that is constantly evolving. 

Even your style as a manager is changing, week on week. Psychology and temperament have such a huge effect on you every week and you don’t even know how your subconscious is affecting you each time. A decision you make as an FPL manager this week might change based on the size of the green or the red arrows. 

I have generally found the good managers are the ones that are not affected by the results but focus on the process. Temperament is an incredibly underrated thing in FPL and a lot of the managers who are risk averse grafters have an amazing temperament who remained disciplined for the course of nine months (incredibly difficult to do this which is why it is so commendable). 

I do not have this discipline and temperament and have realised, on many occasions, the risky calls I take when they come through hide a lot of the smaller errors I have made during the course of the season. 

I also know that subconsciously, there is a reason why I am always chasing the ‘ideal’ team on paper week on week and I am very attracted to having the high-reward picks. 

Before 2012/13, you will see seasons in my history where I’ve had 500 and 1200 points. This was a result of having monthly competitions with my closest rival which led to us taking multiple hits at the end of every month in an attempt to win the next ‘month’. I have realised this has affected me subconsciously as an FPL manager which is why I am always chasing high upside hauls in the short term, which I am very comfortable with.

This season, I am sitting outside the top one million ahead of Gameweek 30. This most recent international break helped me understand why I made bad decisions at the start of the season. When we play FPL, you can honestly find any statistics or rationale to back whatever narrative you want to believe. 

I started this campaign at the back of my personal best in 2020/21, where I came 30th in the world and finished top of India for the second time in my career. However, I definitely had a weaker filter than I normally would and my confidence in my own ability and arrogance that whatever idea my brain concocted was correct led to me not questioning my own ‘narratives’ enough due to which I made some bad calls. 

Something similar happened to me in 2016/17 when I finished with an overall rank of 49,211. I went into that season at the back of three years where I finished 189th, 2,212th and 77th. I mentally noted the same tendency in that season as well and I definitely have this as one of the reasons for my poor season. 

Coming back to identity and finding the ‘right’, I strongly believe that there is one fact.

There is no right or optimal way to play FPL.

It completely and fully comes down to identity. By identity, I mean you could be better than someone at interpreting statistics compared to eye-test, you might be better than others at consuming information rather than applying it or you could be really good at dealing with a disastrous Gameweek because you have a strong temperament.

The right way to play FPL is the one that suits your skill-set (you will discover this over time), your ability to adapt and your temperament. I have mentioned so many times there are so many managers with varying play-style that are consistently finishing well. Some are safe. Some take a lot of risks. Some look at only statistics. The season I finished 189th, I looked at zero statistics for the whole year. 

I know for sure I will do a lot poorer as a safe manager because I get no enjoyment from the game having a ‘fully’ template team. I absolutely hated my template Wildcard and was so downbeat about it. I enjoyed the games a lot more when there are one, two or three differentials in my squad. 

Also, I simply lack the discipline to continue ‘grafting’ for a whole FPL season. I would die a slow death playing that way and it would suck the enjoyment out of me. 

Salah benched as Matip returns for Liverpool's Palace visit

I am aware of my identity and even then I am looking to improve every year. FPL Salah on Twitter did an excellent thread about how to avoid a bad start in FPL and I’m contemplating starting next season more safe than usual (I generally always start poorly). 

FPL Salah has a great identity as a grafter. Mark is the perfect example of someone who is placed correctly between both sides of the coin. Simon (analytic_fpl) is a manager who swears by xG and I admire that because he has found his identity as an FPL manager. 

My fellow Pro Pundit Tom Freeman has one of the most astute eye-tests in the game and more often than not looks at things many others don’t while making his decisions. RoysCallerAnne and Epic Fail who are regulars on the Fantasy Football Scout boards have many outstanding finishes and are as maverick as they come. 

Point being, there is no set formula. Do not look down upon people who have carved their own identity as FPL managers if it differs from yours. I personally admire and encourage people who go behind their own philosophies very strongly. And, for what it’s worth, FPL is not just about getting consistent high finishes. Most play this game for fun and what fun are you having if you are not discovering and sticking to your own identity?

361 Comments Post a Comment
  1. Amey
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Nice read LR ...
    This IB has summer break vibe !
    Good to have a breather to enjoy last run of the season.

  2. Cto
    • 4 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    So important... it’s almost unfathomable how important.

    1. No Professionals
      • 6 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago


  3. Lateriser 12
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 12 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Freestyled this one sorta of like a diary entry. Hope you enjoyed.

    1. notlob legin
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Really interesting read - thank you. I play the game to try and win, or at least beat my rivals but I too often try to copy (safety first) rather than go with my instinct. Hopefully next year will be different. Good luck to you for the rest of the season

    2. theDillinger
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Solid post Pranil

    3. SwissWavey
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Really good. Thanks.
      I don't follow the template anything like close enough to do well.
      But I recognize that and still have no desire to change my approach to be more template.
      I do intend to change a little next season but I'll be a little more maverick, not less

  4. Je suis le chat
    • 10 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Great article LR. I tend to start well and fade, with lack of confidence in gut feelings and fear ot the template my achiles heels. I was a better player before spending time on this site. Nonetheless, it's all only a bit of fun so I'm happy in my mediocrity. The utility from having the chat with pals about fpl is an invaluable ice-breaker in these crazy times.

    1. Lateriser 12
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Word. Possibly one of my favorite things about FPL.

  5. GHB
    • 13 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Another article with mentions of EO, playing style etc. Is the IB nearly over

  6. The White Pele
    • 6 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Salah brace!

    1. Qaiss
      • 8 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      I have a feeling that he’s going to punish a lot of sellers this week.

      1. Gazwaz80
        • 4 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        Sold him 9 weeks ago, in 15 prem games he’s scored 4, so if he gets a hat trick I won’t be too gutted...

        1. Qaiss
          • 8 Years
          3 years, 2 months ago

          Yeah, I mean the sellers this week.

          1. Gazwaz80
            • 4 Years
            3 years, 2 months ago

            Sorry, jumped the gun a tad there 😉

  7. Chemical76
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Can you share link to FPL Salah "good start" tweet please?

  8. Jonesfromthere
    • 11 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Realistically Alonso isn’t going to play much is he? Gets benched for the tough games and their run in ain’t great

    1. The 12th Man
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      How many tough games do Chelsea have in the next 5?
      He’s in my side this week. Just have good bench cover.

    2. Nate(U)dog(ie)
      • 3 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      I don't know if anyone else thinks the same as me but I don't actually see it as a "Alonso for easy games, Chilwell for tough games" set-up, I think Tuchel plays Chilwell against teams that are pacier on the wings and more likely to stretch their backline, while Alonso plays against teams that either sit deep or that don't create much or have much speed on the flanks. Examples would be Chilwell playing against Sheffield Utd, Leeds and Wolves (regarded by most as easier games), and Alonso playing against Everton, Spurs and Atletico. I could see Chilwell playing at the weekend personally to deal with the pace of Phillips/ Pereira, although as WBA tend to sit back Alonso probably makes more sense. Palace I'd say Alonso again and then West Ham and Fulham Chilwell but it's still hard to call.

    3. G00LI0
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 6 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      I'd avoid. People offloading city players because of rotation. Why transfer in a comparable rotation risk?

  9. Scholes Out For Summer
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 10 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    GW32 is not going to be a BGW is it? assuming all the games will be rescheduled to the midweek?

  10. bigdip
    • 12 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    No FT with 2.6mn itb (Doing WC in GW 31). G2G?
    Mcarthy (Pope)
    Christensen Rudiger Dallas (Konsa, Lewis)
    Fernandes Gundo Son Bale (Soucek)
    Bamford Kane (c) Antonio

  11. Epic Fail
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 13 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    I think with all the spoon-feeding out there that people are starting to lose their identity and instead are basically having their decisions made for them by other people. There's nothing wrong with that way of playing if that's what people want to do. It's just not for me. I can't think of anything more boring. I live and die by the decisions I make knowing they are all my own.

    Now that's not to say I don't take in information from other people. I most certainly do, whether that consciously or subconsciously, but I gather that information to make informed decisions rather than just making a decision because someone told me to.

    I don't think I ever have, but if I was to come on the boards asking "A or B" questions, I would need to know the reasoning behind the answers. A simple "A" wouldn't do it for me.

    1. Lateriser 12
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Yep. One of my notes this season is spend more time around people like you next season.

      1. Epic Fail
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 13 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        If you want to become evil, vulgar and corrupt then this is certainly the best way to go about it. 😀

        I know what you mean though. I have made decisions after watching The Wire. Just hearing things discussed can spark ideas in my own mind.

    2. AA33
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 7 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago


      1. AA33
        • Fantasy Football Scout Member
        • 7 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        On a serious note, I agree with what you have said

    3. Amey
      • 5 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      I agree with you. Although what I'd say is it's very difficult to not get influenced by some of the eye catching stats we see in some of the posts/Twitter/podcasts.
      It creates new ideas about using FT's in my mind.
      I think people like me who overthink are better off in draft game where you have less number of decisions to make (transfers) so less number of chance to feck it up 😆

  12. MJ6987
    • 13 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Very interesting article LR. I can certainly identify with the “ risk averse grafters” narrative. I only know how to play one way, for better or worse. For example. Earlier this season I was ranked 4m (at a similar point to yourself) and people were saying “you need to take some risks, find some differentials” - that’s just not my style and would probably have resulted in me getting even worse ranked! I just kept playing exactly the same way and just see where I ended up. It won’t be a vintage season for me but ranked 138k now with WC, BB and TC to play, I could salvage a respectable finish but, more importantly, I’ve done it whilst retaining my identity, my own style. Peace out.

    1. Epic Fail
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 13 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Sticking to your guns is something I do 99% of the time. But it has hindered me every now and again.

      Most notably 'the' Leicester season. Leicester were a massive anomaly at the time. And other than Mahrez/Vardy continuing to score haul after haul (I know I know, that's a massive clue to their potential) there was nothing which pointed me towards jumping on board. Even the eye test was telling me they were crap. Vardy would (and still does to a degree) look crap, do nothing all game then suddenly get a brace from his only 2 shots on target.

      1. MJ6987
        • 13 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        I think Mark did a similar thing the season that Ramsey and Yaya both killed it week after week, despite being box-to-box CMs, normally kryptonite to experienced FPL managers and, especially in the case of Yaya, way outperforming his xG (even though xG wasn’t really talked about much back then). Maybe Mark couldn’t break his usual FPL instincts- these players shouldn’t have been scoring that many points, Yaya scored with practically every shot! Anyway, he was too slow onto both and, as I recall, had a mare of a season.

    2. Lateriser 12
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Yep and a little bit of adapting on the way but it's how you find your place and comfort isn't it. Imagine starting off now. I wouldn't know where to begin. We were lucky to have each other at the top.

      1. MJ6987
        • 13 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        Yeah, definitely need to adapt whilst keeping to your overall preferred style. Like, I almost dismissed xG when it first started becoming a popular stat, probably to my detriment, but then realised it’s useful- as long as you know how to use it, context.

        I think FPL is definitely suited to the way my brain works, but it was definitely useful having pointers early on. But, agree with your “identity” thing - if I tried to play the way you do, I’d probably fail spectacularly

  13. DA Minnion (Former great)
    • 11 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    I seldom take hits. They never seem to work for me. Probably a very cautious player. But have never finished outside the top 50 k in ten years and am 3.5 K this year. So I guess caution works and luck.

  14. Bushwhacker
    • 4 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Lovely article that has some salient points and nice insight to the poster; I do think its another article trying to push the “skill” component of FPL though. Fact is if you play the game properly week in/week out and set up a team you’re already likely in the top 15-20% players. People have busy lives, even in quarantine, missing deadlines, headlines, injury reports ... I mean its just basics. The cream that rises does this and more and gets on some bandwagons at the right time and never too late. I mean whoever reaped the Bale rewards a few weeks ago - epic, lucky punt that paid off - the smart ones then jumped off quickly. Likewise not panicking and using WC week 2 or 3 and having patience to see which teams have form is always paid back (fallen for that way too many times). My final finishes are usually near the top of all my MLs, won them all last year because I was paying attention. Year before I was traveling a massive amount and thus missed deadlines and just failed to read the right reports. Actually missed out on the Bamford talk in the BGW this time around, fortunately on my FH I more than made up for it but lost some juicy points just by not paying attention.

    Nail the basics and top 1m is easy, top 250k is very possible, top 100k and up just needs a lot of fortunate differential picks going your way and captain picks and TC picks being super solid.

    Love the game, its fun every year, but its not a stroke of genius to win it its a stroke of luck.

    1. DA Minnion (Former great)
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Agree fully.

    2. Casual Player
      • 3 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago


      That’s why I was a bit miffed at people having a dig at OR1 the other day - lOoK aT hIs HiStOrY

      He said he missed a bunch of deadlines or lost interest in the past. He had a good (lucky?) start and decided to have a real dig

      So now he joins the mix of about 1-2 million managers doing that and his history is actually irrelevant.

      We’re all doing about 80% the same. Some of that remaining 20% is skill, but a lot of it is luck.

  15. diesel001
    • 7 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Nice article about identity. Personally feel if you are fretting or struggling to sleep because of the FPL decisions you are making then you are probably not comfortable with the way you are playing.

  16. ilikewud
    • 3 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Looking to move KDB out after Leeds but would you do KDB to Bruno this week instead?

    KDB is a differential in my ML but everyone owns Bruno and I don't (some likley to captain as well).

    I'm in second only a handful of points behind but the top 5 are within 25 points and all own Bruno.

      • 6 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      don't understand why people play ping pong with key assets

      Bruno is about as essential as it gets. KdB his great to have. They are probably the two top mids to own at the moment.

      post your whole team

      1. ilikewud
        • 3 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        Rudiger, Shaw, Dallas
        KDB, Salah, Gundo, Raphina
        Kane, DCL, Bamford

        Dias, White, Barnes*

  17. bigdip
    • 12 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    0 FT with 2.6mn itb (Doing WC in GW 31). G2G?
    Mcarthy (Pope)
    Christensen Rudiger Dallas (Konsa, Lewis)
    Fernandes Gundo Son Bale (Soucek)
    Bamford Kane (c) Antonio

  18. FPL ElasticO
    • 9 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Which combo a must-have on WC?

    A. Gundo / KDB / Bruno / Neto / Salah (this will give 2 playing forwards & 4.5 non-playing)
    B. Gundo / KDB / Bruno / Neto / Jota (this will give 3 playing forwards)

    1. Flynny
      • 9 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      I'm avoiding kdb on wildcard due to rotation.

      Could easily be rotated gw31 Leeds as its sandwiched tightly between 2 champs league games

      1. The 12th Man
        • 10 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        Your guessing.

      • 6 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      KdB Gundo Bruno Lingard Soucek

    3. The 12th Man
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      A as long as you have decent defenders as cover.

  19. New Viera
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Such a great article

    Last year I read your articles and towards the end you made a sharp turnaround in your season

    I really don't think this one will be any different @Lateriser
    The only way is up.

  20. The 12th Man
    • 10 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    I now have no City on my WC.

    1. Qaiss
      • 8 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Any plan for the game in 31 against Leeds?

      1. The 12th Man
        • 10 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        I’ll be running with this in 31.


        Saving the FT then Lacazette,Bamford > Vardy,Ineacheo in 32.

        1. Qaiss
          • 8 Years
          3 years, 2 months ago

          And how about your captain that week?

          1. The 12th Man
            • 10 Years
            3 years, 2 months ago

            Laca,Salah or Jota

    2. g40steve
      • 6 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Bold, could be genius 🙂

  21. HollywoodXI
    • 9 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    GTG for this week? Antonio or Watkins to start?

    Konsa Dallas Alonso(C)
    KDB(VC) Gundo Bruno Son Raphinha
    Kane Watkins

    Areola Antonio Dawson Dunk

    1. Bushwhacker
      • 4 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Watkins because home probably

  22. Christina.
    • 14 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Scanned the article. No mention of me...

    1. The 12th Man
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Your behind Pep in the pink bib.

    2. Lateriser 12
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 12 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      You know I love you


  23. Ragabolly
    • 14 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    "When we play FPL, you can honestly find any statistics or rationale to back whatever narrative you want to believe."

    Exactly the reason why I never ever even looked at statistics for my 12 years playing FPL. I am not a top-tier manager, but that's my identity as LR defines it. I find the most enjoyment in playing FPL by trusting my own eye-test and not robotically follow numbers.

    Of course that's an extreme identity but with as a person with an intense science background, I know exactly how statistics can be twisted to prove anything you want to prove.

    1. Ragabolly
      • 14 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      ignore the first "with" in the second paragraph 😀

    2. Eat my goal!
      • Fantasy Football Scout Member
      • 5 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      You don’t look at your own stats?

      1. Ragabolly
        • 14 Years
        3 years, 2 months ago

        I look at ownership stats and they are part of the info I consume. I meant the statistics about players' performance, like xg, chances created and such, I completely filter those out and rely on watching the games.

        1. Gazwaz80
          • 4 Years
          3 years, 2 months ago

          Stats are like a drunk man to a lamppost, great to lean on but offer little illumination....

        2. Eat my goal!
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          3 years, 2 months ago

          I’m with you there, the key for me is form into good fixtures and the eye test. Gundo prime example- looked good, was getting in good positions and had the games - no brainer.

          Even many a trap is good for those who jump on early enough and jump off just as quickly

        3. Riverside Red
          • Fantasy Football Scout Member
          • 5 Years
          3 years, 2 months ago

          I think your approach is fine.
          I watched a little of Mark Suthern and Az on the latest Blackbox podcast (boring) and if that's the level of analysis required to be constantly very high ranking, I've got no chance.
          I'm afraid I've got better things to spend my time on..

          1. Lateriser 12
            • Fantasy Football Scout Member
            • 12 Years
            3 years, 2 months ago

            There isn't though.

            1. Riverside Red
              • Fantasy Football Scout Member
              • 5 Years
              3 years, 2 months ago

              Just a brief comment.
              I find your podcast FPL Wire with Zophar and Big Man Bakar much more interesting, as are Big Man's regular GW posts providing advice on selection issues.

        4. Maximus Bonimus Pointimus
          • 14 Years
          3 years, 2 months ago

          Amen to that

  24. Carefree Crew
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Just watched the latest Black Box. Top 3 episode this season IMHO.
    Mark's stats & both their insight was really interesting. Well worth watching if you've not seen it yet.
    Keep up the great work lads.

  25. dshv
    • 6 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Any news on Son or get rid for (-4). BB active( mendy son dallas dunk)

  26. Amey
    • 5 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Lots of 5/6+ year older posters on this page. Good to see that !

  27. Sharky’s Machine
    • 11 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Long time lurker very infrequent poster, enjoyed that read more than most, I tend not to watch much football or digest stats but I guess there’s many ways to play this game, I’m very obsessed with things I love though and competitive to the point I’d not just win against my young kids I’d go all out to win by as much as I could 😉 but I’ve done reasonably well over the last 6 years, I made some horrendous decisions early on not knowing what the hell I was doing sometimes.

  28. LewanGOALski
    • 12 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Which 1 out of those 3:

    A) Havertz
    B) Mount
    C) Jota

    1. Sharky’s Machine
      • 11 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago


    2. The 12th Man
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      I’ve gone Jota but it’s close between all 3.
      I’m tempted by James Rodriguez too but that’s a transfer out waiting to happen given he’s so fragile.

  29. Slitherene
    • 6 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Last hit before WC in 31

    Martinez ¦ Forster
    Reguilon Cancelo* Coufal
    Bale Auba* Bruno Lingard
    Kane Bamford Antonio
    ¦ Saka Veltman Holding

    Cancelo, Auba -> Alonso, KdB (-4)

    Pull the trigger?

    1. JoeSoap
      • 10 Years
      3 years, 2 months ago

      Is Alonso a sure starter. If not, it becomes a risk.

  30. RoysCallerAnne
    • Fantasy Football Scout Member
    • 14 Years
    3 years, 2 months ago

    Great article LR and cheers for the mention.
    I'll always stay true to my FPL 'identity' - a maverick, like Tom Cruise in Top Gun - but better looking.